Magic Performance | Chris Hannibal | TEDxCharlotte

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I need a representative from this corner up here to come down and join me on the stage and someone from up here on this corner I can't really see you but come down the stairs and join me on the stage elect somebody if you have to but get down here as quickly as you can hi I'm Hannibal I have an instrument I have a tool that I am an expert at I have I have a strange engine I have a thing that that can be used to tell fortunes I have a thing that can be used to take fortunes away I know people that have built entire houses using only this instrument this is what I'm best at so have somebody coming excellent welcome welcome welcome coming from this side as well excellent give them a big hand it's not easy join me right here you don't mind right here your name is Nick great to see you and you are Jimmy other side of me Jimmy I remember on this side sit next to the star antastic Joker's more Jokers no no cynics in the star good I'm the star stand next to the star not on the star next to the star this is what I'm best at this this is my passion this is my textbook this is how I worship when I want to talk to God this is what I do I can't dance I can't thing this is how I praise this is what I do between the two of you who is the better shuffler him beautiful show us what you got bro you've been voted give it your best look at the cards and say I love you but I'm not in love with you that'll screw them up table right over there in fact um it's not you it's me say it I've been seeing other cards just probably good enough what your name is James count me out Jimmy count me out 10 nice and loud for everyone to hear help him count 3 team work is great isn't it pass the rest over to Victor mix them up give them the best shuffle you can nobody's judging you with me are you right or left-handed take him in your right hand slip them into any empty pocket Wow and I wasn't gonna judge yes sir hey you know you told me he was the better one you were right I changed my entire life with this act can you believe it oh good 10 count me out and they'll help you count meticulous and somewhat violent that's amazing thank you very much here you take those I'll take those put them away in any empty pocket any empty in inconvenient pocket will do lady right here in the front row Jimmy took out 10 cards you put in his pockets lava rock and you're making me nauseous hands out of your pocket very good this Victor you took out 10 cards and put them in his pocket ten over there sent over there I need for you to take one out out of here babe out of here out of these the face she just made was incredible like she's watching a tennis match which way do I go and then she looked at him I was like it's okay reach up and grab one up just reach on something okay then don't go back to UCB hold on to it got one okay whatever she chose whatever number she picked River and then don't go back to use the uh-hum whatever number she just took I'm going to move that number of cards around it'll be cool what you got she chose a three she could have had an ace and I want to move to one she could add a five and I'd move five of you blessed you took a three thank you very much you could have a seat now because she chose a three I'm going to steal three cards out of your pocket and give them to him no no I'm gonna steal him she chose the three of my take three cards away from him give them to you fair enough you want to see magic of sleight of hand which pocket you put him in perfect don't move this is one do you see the invisible card you do no of course you don't it seemed visible that's to to feel anything this is three that's the sleight of hand part this is the magic part take the three invisible cards put them in with yours dude not only believe it enough to actually do it but he pulled his shirt up so he could get the invisible card safely safely into his pocket so they wouldn't fall on the ground because God knows we'd never find a hare you're amazing unbelievable is that the rest of these now if I did what I said I was going to do Victor would now have thank you math Wayne seven well Jimmy would have thirteen for your entertainment pleasure the same three cards will now travel back not a great trick but it's kind of cool you're not buying this at all you know how many'd you start with count them again I know pockets empty how many to start with count them again so cool take a bow gentlemen take a bow think about Jimmy you were awesome pictures stay with me have a great night man thank you very very much music for a second you familiar with cards you ever play yeah you know 52 you get up by the way you shuffle it wasn't sure I mean you could be really horrible you could be hiding something I don't know this is my paintbrush this is my blank canvas this is my weapon now I can use this to hurt to steal to take things away from people or or I could love I could use it to break into communication I could use it to to meet new people I could use it to expand my world and it has this instrument is taking me around the world simply because I take what's in my heart and I channel it out through my hand and my mouth and I use this to demonstrate what I've got there you're not going to demonstrate that I'm going to give you a unique experience because you this audience is going to tell me exactly how far to go I will stop when you say it's good enough when you have we have reached your level of expectation of meeting that was wrong though that was before I even came out he don't look like much I don't know kind of like a cross between Orson Welles and Jack Black you see it now don't you you were wondering but now you got it like Kevin Smith and meatloaf had a lovechild I don't know that's right you won't forget me again for you Victor I'm going to give you an ancient magic incantation it's been around for hundreds and hundreds of years it's got power it's got meaning you've got to embrace it and go with it is that cool you ready for this it's pretty heavy alright it often elicits feelings for people of horror so hold on to yourself here comes Victor pick a card wait for it any card reach out and grab one bro I don't care what you got remember what you have show a friend or to show the people in the dude seriously is the boring part reach out and grab one I don't care what you get as long as you're happy you happy good remember what it is show the people out there I will gaze at the floor so great to be here oh good take the entire deck put your card back wherever you want in the deck you have to be careful after the last one you never really know and give him another shuffle anyway you want to let's yes I knew it he was hiding he was totally how to do it again do it again in fact do it while I'm talking to them ladies and gentlemen the finding of lost cards is a boring exercise I'm sorry it really is and I know a lot of magicians but honestly if you've seen other magicians you've got to realize by now how good I am the thing is if I yes throw a few on the floor let's not make it easy for the card monkey I understand hashtag card monkey for taking pictures please tag me in the fighting of lost cards is boring if I were to lose the card in the deck and then find it myself so what right I mean it's like burying money in your backyard go I hope I can find it tomorrow I don't know trying to find it simple so to make it interesting for you I've made it difficult for myself let's trade places over here you Center what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing you're looking at the faces were you doing instructions my friend are they all different that's what you were trying to see anyway right I know I know you still in there though right to make it interesting I've made it difficult the gentleman chose a card you put it back in the deck himself he shuffled himself while I wasn't watching and then he went through the deck and make sure his card was still there very clever very good even though I haven't touched them at all the faith they have in me is so amazing because I rub them the right way the only thing I know for sure it's friction I could use it for anger I could use it for love the only advantage I left myself the only advantage I left myself is I know for a fact he didn't choose this one I kept this one out as I was shaking hands with Jimmy I stole it out of the deck I put it in my pocket and I kept it out so he could not take it Victor I'm going to ask you what your card was and I want you to lie to me put on your best poker face look me in the eyes and if it helps pretend them a girl lie to me I'm not wrong lie to me and make me believe it what was your card Queen space really yeah men will always tell the truth about color doesn't matter what they will always tell the truth about color he tells me it's a black card that means it has to be a black card because they will always tell the truth about color he started and say Queen of Hearts and he couldn't get it out because men don't lie about color so he sells it to black when it's got to be a black one men will always lie about shape always no no do you new outfit makes you look slimmer it really does I'm not wrong they will always lie about shape so he tells me it's a spade his card has to be a club has to be a club he said Queen she that's that's five letters Victor is six that's eleven which is the jack which we subtract Queen from Jack we get eight so eight a pub yes that's the garden and you ran out say first jump into that stick waiting for me okay are there any questions from the audience I know if you'd like to ask questions earlier maybe you've got one for me ask Hannibal anything seriously I can't hear you what a box on a card Oh doesn't matter doesn't matter had I had I messed up I would have shown you the back of it I didn't need the back up so we're cool there right is that good enough now all right had I screwed up I would have shown you that this one is the Queen of Spades because I knew what he was going to say when he lied to me as well okay but I didn't screw up first row second in looking at me like yeah yeah uh-huh yeah Kevin Smith I see it totally do you know what this is yeah it's a card very well actually done which card is it this is a man's lies what it is this is the live Victor told I barely knew in like two minutes and this is the life imagine what he's done to his friends all right Victor hold your hand out like that sir put your other hand on top of the Queen like it's a spade sandwich club sandwich would make more sense but what if I got this is the eight of clubs the card he actually chose if I were to take the eight of clubs and simply change it here into the Queen of Spades well then Victor's holding the eight of clubs in his hands because they switch yeah so down yeah still with me still with me are there any questions at this point what about women I agree what about women who's talking can't see third row yes what is it that's a good that's a great question join me on stage come on give her a hand is that easy phenomenal haha when in doubt you know what I did I had a regular job I had an absolute regular I used to I was an accountant I used to I used to and my job went away and I took a few card tricks that I knew and I went out on the streets of Charlotte and I started performing I literally just started I set up a table and I started doing card tricks we were going by and I never found another job 22 years later I have done everything yes yes I agree 22 years later I have done everything from comedy clubs to to head seriously I I put my feet on the path and I kept going on my path and Here I am now back in the day he doing I'm doing really well I got to grab the tickets car up sorry I'm walking off camera but this is the way I started out and want you to get the same feeling are you in you are Alexandra okay reach out and snag one out I don't care what you get as long as you are happy good with that one show the friends I won't look Hannibal's going over sorry okay I'm not even gonna touch the card lie to me what did you take Keynes faint women always lie about color so if you say it's a black one it's got to be a red one spades are pointed on top women don't lie about shape so that makes this now makes it a diamond you said spades with the diamond you said King cuz you're looking at me Hannibal has nine letters your cards a nine event that's what about women right and foremost that would be good enough but he'll you don't care if I go over time do you I didn't charge I'm in charge we're here till midnight um how many times Alexander how many times did you say the deck has been shuffled twice yes in one long continuous cycle twice yes so given all of that given all the shuffles and everything that's happened with this pack so far what are the odds of me finding that ladies card right now good throw back why not she hasn't chosen one yet think of a card for me love just write in your head think of a card don't say anything out loud don't write it down to you good you got one you want to change your mind now what are they uh I'm gonna go for hold up both hands like you're gonna catch water don't move I'll make you a deal I won't look through the deck I won't peek poke prod try move to anything in the deck you tell me the card you're thinking of I will tell you its exact position in the deck seven oh wow seven state personal question Richard personal code you're welcome to live yeah how old are you sir well Wow dude that's good I'm not counting that many if you could be any age you've already been home would you be I think I should count them out loud if I'm actually going to do it 11 what card did you ask for seven of Spades one two three four five six seven eight nine this could be so bad ten eleven right away we think no tepid what was that because it was off by one right off by one and you're saying yourself that's not good enough whose side are you on bro so we could do better don't move my best games in playing this my best games in playing with cards are go fish and blackjack my best game Victor one last time I'm going to turn my head I'm going to close my eyes I want you to cut off a chunk of cards a chunk of cards just cut off a chunk of cards hold them on your back stick them in your pocket hide them from me fair enough I will look tell me when he's got some no no no no less than half of that is weighing out all day ten to five to ten ten to fifteen to be more than plenty right off the top bang got some would you like a little more are you good it's my instrument I put my passion my devotion my love everything I could into this it pays my bills it takes care of my children I know how heavy it should be I know how thick it should be I know things you don't know I know that that red cards are not as heavy as black cards true because black cards are made out of recycled cannonballs while red cards are made out of the do they squeeze out of rose petals pull it up and prove me wrong this this deck that the weight I have in my hand this strange engine right now is is is 11 cards short 11 cards short Victor count them out loud and foremost that would be good enough so I will tell you again that right now in his hand Victor holds more black cards than he does red one true or false true whatever your gift is whatever it is you have in your hands to do whatever it is that pumps your heart and gets you going whatever you discover about yourself you can use it to tear down or you can use it to build up or you can use it to love and you can entertain and you can inspire and it can take you around the world no matter what it is and that's not good enough for me because she's holding out the Hat and he is now going to show you the ten of Spades and drop it in the Hat it should be easy to find it's right on the end tennis of spades you can show them and drop it in the Hat then you're going to show them the you going to show them the three of hearts yeah you're going to show the six of clubs around drop that in followed by the eight of diamonds is he doing it you're doing it the eight of diamonds you get that one yeah good then the ace of clubs get rid of that one okay this is my go fish thing I know it's right it's crazy it's impossible show the nine of Spades throw that into followed by the two of Hearts get rid of that one yeah then the five of clubs get rid of that one king of clubs I don't want that one in there either how many cards you have left Victor to my other game was blackjack what he's holding now is twenty-one jack of spades ace of spades and ladies and gentlemen back king of oh wait wait everybody take the deck take the loose cards put them in the box with the rest of the deck the deck is yours as a gift Viktor ladies and gentlemen I've been handed thank you
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 930,782
Rating: 4.8032789 out of 5
Keywords: TEDxTalks, English, United States, Entertainment, Comedy, Magic
Id: POmqBXCimYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2015
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