Weird Toy Playsets | Ashens

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hello who remembers those 90s playset toys that were like little dioramas that would open up with tiny figurines in like mighty max and polly pocket and that well i'll bet you don't remember the circus yeah this guy's shoved a giant bratverst where his mouth used to be but hey he's happy about it uh yeah so as you can probably guess all you can tell from this is made in china then that's your lot that is all you are learning from this and it's certainly all i've learned from it other than fear so yeah you've got a slightly worrying clown face on the front but what does it open up to be warning you now i've taken the figurines out we'll look at those in a second it's a circus twice look three times in fact and clown in the background clown i feel like there's a bit missing here i think there should have been like bars or something because then there's some animal figuring someone if they should have gone behind there then under here you've got some bits of grass a bag of um you can't see there's the lights but i can't make out what that is looks like a bag of maybe sweets or something don't know is that for the clowns and on here of course you've got your terrifying completely flat audience of cardboard cutouts of damned souls who've come to watch the circus perform yeah it's not the best as playsets go but who boy just you wait and see what we've got to perform in the circus so let us begin with a lovely animal look everyone it's a dead jelly baby it's a giant orange slug with a terrifying face on it yeah i think it's supposed to be a seal isn't it but gonna be honest i'm not really getting sealed from that particularly not with the face drawn on it it's just kind of a creepy amorphous blob i mean it has a mouth and it can scream um go on you can you can stay in that bit there and then we'll forget you ever existed there that sounds good doesn't it that's going to fall over told you i think we'll just leave that open actually so what other animals could you have in a circus well you've got a seal you've got an elephant of course how about a purple elephant that goes along on its unicycle this isn't too bad actually it's a bit strangely flat on the front like they've just altered a model that was uh designed to be straight down or something but overall that's fine i don't know why it's purple things a bit cruel to be getting it to be riding unicycle as well but hey modern circus in fact tend not to have animals let alone giant orange slugs and purple elephants but fine fine we'll put that here we'll claim it was a sign of the times as a weak excuse and now we get into the clowns oh my god we get into the clowns so this one we shall call nothing because i don't think his name is utterable by a human tongue um yeah thin pink dungarees that appears to be full of i don't know custard or something a face i've actually scared a comment on and he's running around clotheslining children i imagine that's what his arm's doing there uh here's the face in close-up because you really need that in your life yeah i mean he had a face at one point but i think somebody attacked him with an ice cream scoop and caved it all out so that's what we've got left so it's not the center bites from hellraiser or something anyway you go there into the clown containment unit because they get worse how's about this one this is one of those ones a few years ago was probably walking up and down street corners and terrifying people or in this case goose stepping because apparently that's the thing we needed clowns doing i'm not sure we needed clowns like this at all frankly but there we go one's got the classic green hair the classic dead rotting face of a corpse that's come back from the grave in order to exact revenge on those that wronged him and a rough around his neck yeah yeah lovely great i mean i suppose he's supposed to be kicking one of the other clowns up the pants or something but it's not it's not reading like that i'll be honest with you and wait for the king of the clowns with his own umbrella or fire extinguisher i've never worked out oh yeah oh yeah i don't know if you're familiar with um mr biffo's digitizer character venus but uh i think this is what he'd look like if he'd been dead for a while i'd tell you what this really looks like to me actually leatherface from the texas chainsaw massacre it's leatherface who's gone on to be a clown because that's exactly what we need in circuses horror movie villains perfect do you like the purple wig but um yeah they're lovely lovely but we're not at the end yet because there's some sort of trapeze act i don't know where she fits onto it and presumably there's sort of parts missing on the playsets but yeah i i yeah i think she's been unwell for a while which is a way to say that they've just strung up a corpse frankly for a weekend at bernie's style uh circus display yeah um it's just kind of hanging there with with its face rotted out i mean i haven't been to the circus for a while but is is this what they consist of now sort of metaphysical horror is it or or is it still capering i don't know i don't know if only there was a lion to clear things up oh here we go um yeah fairly standard one this actually it looks almost normal um it was just a dull gray grayish brownie lion no hints of aslan or anything interesting just a demonic creature there's probably a familiar for one of the clowns tell you what let me maneuver these around and get you a nice desktop background for yourselves here we are i call this welcome to hell oi face the camera bells above there we are sponsored beats time possibly like me you've got one of these new fangled portable telephones to let you take photographs of your dinner but are you happy with your mobile provider i very much wasn't recently which is why i'm very pleased that this video is sponsored by to the moon mobile now i use a lot of mobile data when i'm traveling but for painfully obvious reasons haven't done much of that this year so this has led to me paying for a giant sack full of data that i didn't use but no more because to the moon mobile lets you select a new bundle as often as you like and you're not tied down by any sort of contract or that kind of gubbins all you have to do is top up and then select which bundle you want via this handy sliding thingy hey look at it there it goes so there are no contracts and no credit checks and all that and you don't have to leave the house to set everything up but they'll send you a sim card and everything is done via the app and yes of course you can keep your existing number because that's important and also importantly it uses the network with the best 4g coverage and fastest 4g data speeds so you'll be able to watch youtube in forests just like robin hood used to or something not sure that's accurate probably need to watch the film again anyway when you sign up you're given a bonus amount in your account a randomly decided amount up to a hundred pounds in fact and i got 100 pounds which i thought was great for the first then i realized well i gotta do the advert and now it looks suspicious because i got the maximum amount and i can't say things like hey maybe you'll get more than me maybe you'll get less because you will get the same or less than me because i got the maximum amount uh the joy of random numbers also to the moon mobile offers a cryptocurrency wallet if you're in need of such a thing it's first ever uk provider to do that in fact supports 18 of the major ones bitcoin ethereum litecoin and other digital currencies that sound like they're from some 90s japanese role playing game or something so if you want to give it a try click on the special link in the description below remember there's a chance to get up to 100 pounds in your account and forget about top up for half a year if you're lucky disclaimers please note to the moon mobile is a uk provider and that the name to the moon is symbolic and you cannot literally make calls to the moon look there's nobody up there anyway stop being weird here's the rest of the video and now something more explicitly and probably more purposefully horror pocket shockers you too can shock your pockets that's not good is it handfuls of horror you bring to life but you probably shouldn't because people don't need handfuls of horror yes it's from vivid imaginations as a toy company i've definitely heard of contains one fear zone which i'm presuming is the rack here one fright card that maybe one shocker that'll be the creature i presume i'm so funny scorpion thing really and one fright file ah this is the freight file so the card is either under there or behind that well that was exciting journalism work so what have we got going on collect if you dare cages of rage oh god this was this really was a thing wasn't it i never came across these but bloody hell yeah you've got your monsters and your funny cages they're in then you've got your fear zones which are these things then you've got fighting arenas which is basically a couple of monsters having a fight on a bit of a background by the looks of it and manic mansion place it that thing is massive look at that and you can even collect the bloody proofs of purchase and send them off and get yourself a headless bloke no it's a shame his bottom jaws dropped off as well maybe you have to send off more for those well it's from the year 1994 so that was kind of uh the peak time for such things well unfortunately as this is a collector's item i shan't be opening this one up oh wait i told lies right let's see what this is like exciting got a bit of cardboard holding that in a bit of plastic for that we'll have a look at that at the end right off you come because that's going to be ah right i think we can see how this works it's got a magnet why is it a rack with a scorpion on it i don't quite see the uh meaning there oh well that's uh that's a thing okay let's move the magnets oh we he moves around and jumps and falls straight off what happens if we hold him still does that do anything i've just realized it's got like a lobster claws as well ah this looks better right so now we've got oh there we are you can use the magnet to make his body tip forward or dance around like an idiot and fall off and this doesn't move at all not massively excited by this i must say as a toy this is a bit plain with some very basic wash on it for paint this is a bit more exciting because it looks like a mash up a chimera if you will of many oh many animals but the actual action feature is a bit naff it must be said you can just make your body rock back and forth or fall over so it's a kind of a drunk simulator rock back and forth or fall over yeah that sounds about right right you go over there and i'm gonna have do you know what actually before we get into this i've got two more of them and i'm going to show you them they are unboxed there is the summoning of the demon everybody wants their kids to have a demon summoning playset and this is one of the most portable so you've got your cat there reading its evil book and here on the pentacle thing is a little itty bitty demon with a trident that moves around and yeah you can move this and he can't leave the circle of protection because he hasn't got his passport or something yeah i don't even see the magnet there what is the bit of metal and the magnets underneath i don't know don't know which ray round it goes do you know what i don't want to know i feel it would spoil the magic so yeah there's a couple of mice here i think the cat is actually stalking the mouse so they haven't painted the mouse he's a bit goofy look in this demon isn't he's also very small if that's a cat but there we are how big do you need your demon to be i feel that's not something the market research agencies are currently looking into but yeah there we are that's again not a whole lot of detail going on a bit of fun in it but the most sort of interesting from a movement point of view is this weird tank of something or other in the mad scientist laboratory look he's got a big old switch that he can't push because he's put his bloody van de graaff things in the way what an idiot you call yourself a mad scientist but what has he got severed foot of frankenstein or something well he's starting somewhere starting at the bottom and working up i suppose um but if you hold it still right you can maneuver this around and you can make the bone appear and pop up or you can sort of make the toes drum move around seconds of enjoyment for anybody who wants to move the toe from a distance very odd toys these very odd so i'm actually very much looking forward to seeing what else was in the range because you know full well there's going to be a little thing in here showing you other ones you could buy [Laughter] that shocker is called sting thing perfect shock factor 7 skill factor 5 danger factor nine so you can play top trumps with your weird things hmm okay then right i just really oh this oh my god this is huge look at this oh brilliant right we can go through and pick our favorites of all the monsters you've got all the pictures which are exactly the same as the pictures on the back not very excited by those whatever but we've got brain bash looks like the lid flips up and the brain comes out a bit that's pretty cool sting thing who is far better painter than the one we've got um i take that back actually looking at the paint job again on this these are all painted you'll notice rather than being molded out of a plastic so i wonder if these are like test shots or something toasting toes oh is it supposed to be like really hot or something so the foot's sleeping about it's a bit weird and it wouldn't earth do you want that for the partial torture simulator devil rebel yep so these the if i was to have the fourth of these playsets it would obviously be brain bash but looks like devil rebel he's a rebel he's a devil he's not very interesting the hooded claw pretty sure that's just some sort of sea creature sunken sailor oh dear yep uh basket case going on dancing dead it doesn't really look like he's dancing just looks like it's falling out of the coffin a bit depressing actually vicious venus yeah penis fly trap thing going on oh collect six shocker stamps stick one 50 pence coin with tape on the space overleaf amazing does it have a date um offer applies to uk island only and ends 30th of june 1996. i'm only 24 years late is that good how many do i need send six shocker stamps uh and send in for exclusive free shocker number 19. head honcho is his name well another game one of those uh flea bite massive swollen flea thing horrible yeti handshake another basket case thing going on foam infied oh nice a dog with rabies beautiful beautiful well done well done frog feast yeah there's a frog eating a dead fly or something okay crazy bones a skull wicked weather a very odd looking spider with half as many eyes that would need vic the vulture these ones don't seem to have much movement to mind you who knows i hadn't seen one in the flesh venomous viper rabid rodents they gave it generic though aren't they night clubber hilarious well it's like a little orc thing with a club fair enough here's the head honcho there he is head honcho the one you have to send off for is number 19. so where do you get doc shock the mad doctor without any trousers that's weird isn't it uh complete with doc shock crazy eccentric resident uh you've got to buy the manic mansion to get dog shock there we are well it's weird i think that somebody somewhere has probably got a complete collection of these hell they might even be on ebay as we speak who knows but it's an interesting bit of history this sort of weird crossover between the playsets and the gross out toys of the 90s um with a satanic twist because uh who doesn't enjoy that when they're buying things to their kids and finally something again i discovered on ebay that i had no knowledge of but i think that could be well put it this way these have the smell of cheap toys that you would find in like i don't know a pharmacy or something to them they are the teeny tiny collection oh is so small except much bigger than everything else we featured so far stackable modular play environments collect them all for ages five and up collect them all easily snaps to collect them all i'm not collecting more leave it leave it quite enjoying this massively 80s background here easily snaps together to make your own weird habitation octagons this is really low down on the scale of items of interest for children to play with surely i mean it's just a picture in an octagon and a fairly large figurine and that's your lot my god do we know when these were made no we don't oh that's a shame might have some numbers on the toys themselves copyright tara toy corps uh hobarge new york 1178 made in china and printed in hong kong helped if i put that in front of the camera actually it's the tire tara toy corp i suppose it's corporations collect all the teeny tiny collections no i'm not we've been over this build your own special collection no no you know design your own play environment you're designing much are you you just sticking them together collect all indoor and outdoor models yep various generic things going on woman goes surfing woman's in the kitchen woman's in a bedroom woman's playing tennis yeah this this is not the most exciting of toys i mean compare this to something like mighty max for crying out loud although to be fair by this background this could be considerably earlier who can say possibly us is there anything inside these no just in there to pad it out that's a bit rubbish in it rubbish i say right what we got going on here great connect your habitation cubes together to make your own living space hive from your things that's a really boring picture of a dining room as well isn't it there's nothing in there just a sort of mirror with a couple of stripes presumably very undetailed thing and a very obviously outdoor style tree over there which is odd and here's a bedroom or a dressing room somebody getting ready at least they've got something on the sticker down there that stick is just pure green you might as well not bloody had it ugh right let's look at the figurines i'm sure they're going to be amazing very little paint and it's all blobbed off in her arm this is not a good toy uh yeah great it's a lady with a purse and a rare skirt i'm getting ready to to go out so i'm presuming that must have gone with this one because i've forgotten where they were in the box gee amazing and this is like a 70s design this one isn't it with the tie and the type of dress and that my goodness um yeah well she apparently is in the dining room because she's about to eat or has eaten and has got a very long very thin nudely arm which is a bit creepy frankly well yeah i'm not particularly impressed with those as a thing i mean you could maybe get some enjoyment out of them by collecting them and the thrill of the chase i suppose but i think as playsets go these are a bit naff it's very much this is a thing that girls may like let us produce cheaply cheaply and then the daleks gave us this that's all i can think of there the only thing i'm impressed with the little mirrors on the packaging that's my goodness and adds a bit of something i suppose ah well there we go i am suspicious that these are like early possibly mid 80s i reckon these might be like 10 years older than the other things we've shown today but i'm not sure all i'll know is i'll go and put them away in my miniaturized area where i keep all these things [Music] [Music] stop like [Music] [Music] stop sliding [Music] so like [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ashens
Views: 263,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Weird, Toys, Retro, Vintage, Playsets, Scary Clowns, Creepy clowns, Circus, Circus playset, Mighty Max, Polly Pocket, Pocket Shockers, Tiny Teeny Collection, ashens, review, funny
Id: HFba_31veCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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