Ali Express Random Item Reviews | Ashens

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hello so as promised it's part 2 of our lucky 9 comparison video thing which is a term I just made up so basically last time from which comm 9 random items this time the same keywords are put into Aliexpress to see what I got and yes I know that these search results from these sites are massively skewed by what you've searched for before with them but since we're using random words it's still interesting to see the differences isn't it so if you're not familiar with Aliexpress it is essentially a tat monger much like wish comm except more skewed towards of electronics and technology items so let's begin with our first word which was customer customer Oh what does every customer want these variants apparently I'll tell you what this is guys the greatest thing ever look you can attach it to a table in a restaurant and then if you want the bill you press that button look it's sending out a signal or something and you can call a waiter or waitress or wait hound if we're in one of those new dog restaurants or just cancel it and that friends is how to piss off people who work in a restaurant and yeah the problem is I've literally just got this transmitter and no receiver or anything it's good innit 4 pounds a tea that was so yeah well if you can buy whole sets of them on there obviously and have them set up in your jolly restaurant but all I can do is use this sticky pad to attach it to a table in a restaurant that doesn't have this system and watch some will get really really pissed off as people sit there tapping the buttons and wondering why people are ignoring them yeah yeah now I would have put money on ear being cheap headphones again I mean it was from wish calm and to the more tech minded Aliexpress you think would absolutely do the same it bloody didn't earwax cleaner anyone is it noise no one has ever made when told about an earwax cleaner so yeah this is just what everybody wants for Christmas smart swab I had stupid swab it went up your nose so yeah you attached that on there like that and then you've got a little rubber cork screw and you can screw stick it in your ear and screw around and it will remove all the goo yeah remove smart swap handle preloaded with ear tip from the case there is no case they're in a bag press on both sides of tip and push forward since we're easy 18 rooms him installation left ear cleaning nice gently and inserts him left in do not force twist indirection of valves before use please note the arrows on the smart swab handle these arrows indicate the direction in which the handle should be turned the handle should not be spun the opposite direction or twisted back and forth the handles use them properly I'll [ __ ] your ears up yo so yeah I did use these kind of regretted it yeah I took one for the team Sheldon we're told it round a bit it got a bit of ear wax on it and I can't regret it because really you shouldn't be sticking things in your ears any other type of earwax you have the brown sticky earwax or the gray flank earwax which generally does have to be cleaned down to some stage that's an exciting and lovely thought for you all isn't it hmm let's all take another second just to think about earwax forever no let's move on wait wait well I couldn't wait for some more tarot cards apparently yeah it's why I mean because it's because it's the rider-waite tarot it's got to be the connection hasn't it my god can tarot cards before and these are well a different set but he has classic rider-waite so if it has an e on the end properly so there you go and they've been roamin card they've been redrawn based on drawings by Pamela Coleman Smith these are yeah them this sort based on the original art of the writer weight but changed considerably a sort of slightly more past alized primary school friendly look so a thing you might see in a nice storybook for the kids except you know instead it's full of Hermits and cups and people with 10 [ __ ] sword stuck in their back I'll ruin your weekend I go long and thin those swords are well they hear stocks no idea but yeah you get the idea Oh nudity oh that's nasty monetized yeah it's just slightly past early and less effective therefore versions of the original art hey there's the nine of swords horror unbound so yeah yeah what more do you want probably an explanation of the quality of them answer [ __ ] the hook really really thin and flimsy what do you expect anyway rock it rock it and other such hours of fun with this blink black plastic rocket that's actually for fishing bait before you see friends attach that to you know things even get it out of the water again probably a line of some sort you fill it up with your rotting carcasses and whatever is fish eat win near where you are and drop it down into the water for when it hits the bottom and there's a bit of impact bang it opens up and all the beatty mass is released into the water therefore bringing up the fish which you can then catch with a little hook and rip out of the water and smash with a hammer and laugh and laugh and laugh or maybe you'll take my um cooking from stuff I don't know really it's entirely up to you how you fish I'm not fishing for catch with the ends of earwax cleaners yeah there's one way to find out not really I don't care offer offer now this was interesting because the offer before was a USB stick and I'll tell you what friends it bloody is here as well look right there we are it's a USB memory stick considerably smaller than the other one this one is merely four gigabytes still bloody piss slow as well this one will transfer data around seven megabytes a second well he'll write to it about seven megabytes a second so still not fast but as it's only four gig as opposed to the 32 earlier was last time these slowness is not so much of a major factor and quite obviously it has a Decepticon logo on because weirdly I know if this is based on an official item or not I would assume so because most these things are its ravaged from the Decepticons from transformers which used to be a cassette tape that lived in soundwaves guts but instead it is now a USB stick because time has gone on so this should transform I've completely forgotten how to do this and this will take a while here we are here's some legs for ravage is like a panther beast thing this is going great guns now tail oh yeah and here's their head Dean DD did you do well there we go we got ourselves a bloody ravage entirely convinced by the head let me see there's quite a dog Mac yeah Mac no man man man did rabbits talk I can't remember from the original cartoon but anyway there we are and you can now make the USB thing come out of the back of his guts girlfriend girlfriend so this one came from China and it cost only 68 pence including delivery I [ __ ] you not comrades and it is well there were key rings last time this time it's just like a pendant thing it's good innit I've never go out of pocket no I haven't I kind of regret it so yeah you've got your necklace and you've got your s I was get them for ss4 Stuart you see and a little heart and there that's that's a that's an incredibly cheap piece of metal that are stunningly cheap actually 68 P I mean surprise you can even send it as that cheap but yeah it's not exactly amazing but if you don't mind having a very thin bit of metal maybe keep the kids amused with it you'll probably snap after a short amount of time I don't know but one things are sure I am NOT going to swallow it audience audience you know that thing on YouTube we spent years building and they no longer let us contact ring the bell or something I don't know yeah so audience last time was a fake tongue which I couldn't quite work out this time it didn't arrive genuinely didn't didn't arrive it was supposed to be some football stickers of the Croatian football team you could actually pick which football team I went for Croatia because they've got like a cool crest on their flag it was 17 pence including delivery I wonder if that's why they didn't send it it's so far sickly cheap I mean 17 pence how can even be done for that but there we go well if it doesn't make sense then you know don't offer the bloody thing for sale guys but yeah I didn't bother chasing up saying they'd never delivered or anything because you know 17 pence and you're not missing anything because I can just show it on the screen you'll see exactly what it looks like here we go I could have stuck that to the back of a car couldn't I oh well accent accent now last time it was lights for a car for a Hyundai Accent most interesting thing I learned about that is we perhaps it's hi and I in the UK in America they just prance it Haeundae like Sunday perv Vaness and a Hyundai the day the Hutton's come round intriguingly of course they're both actually wrong apparently like the word is perhaps he owned a human day and it's like the Korean word meaning like modern times it's interesting in it they're like Vincent van Gogh actually perhaps it van Gogh in the UK the Americans pronounce it van Gogh but the correct pronunciation is something like fun [ __ ] or fun [ __ ] fun [ __ ] see I can't do it I can't do the proper Dutch of vowels correctly oh and if they didn't use that because it sounds like it's just fun [ __ ] which whilst being an absolutely lovely compliment for any man is probably not the sort of thing you want around your art anyway this time it was nothing to do with Hyundai cars way I'm lying this is wait for it guys the left door handle from a Highlander except no right sorry four quid probably have spent a fortune from a bloody dealer for it oh god it looks really rough though look at that oh it's really it's quite cheap plastic as well and if I were to actually trust I mean that's like a really cheap replacement and slightly more rubbery plastic therefore this sort of trim of it but oh yeah well there if you do have a Hyundai or in America and you have a Hyundai and wish to replace your left door handle give me a shout and I'll tell you that I've already thrown in the bin experience experience and you too can experience this weird thing that was like 13 quid so it's a very roughly hewn plastic box runs on four and a half volts apparently let's turn it on get some batteries in the bottom it's got a little screen let's go instructions that I can't possibly read and there we are and the Chinese speakers out there have fun with that well Chinese readers more than speakers as opposed and this is what it is it's actually a device for teaching how white light is made from the different three wavelengths of red green and blue the blue red and green there that's exciting isn't it you know it's how the LEDs on your telly work and all that kind of stuff so yeah all like it's green oh look it's blue but that must mean all red so what color is green and red in light oh it's making a kind of yellow exciting I'll put some blue in there oh you've got kind of some sort of lighter blue turquoise ii thing going on let's have the blue and that that should be a purple i imagine yeah that's kind of happening you can't really control the lights very odd you can sort of control the lightness of it a bit them all up maximum and finally yeh look in the middle it's white this is very similar to a logo for old british TV company and was it associated or diffusion or something you can't remember well there we are that a little educational thing such as they would have had in my school if my school had any money we had to bring our own chairs that's not actually true um Wow 13 quid 13 quid it's bet on that well it's at least a vaguely cool educational device I suppose Antonia's shorts as effective as it should be with the actual they're shown different colors of the light but there we go so in conclusion then Aliexpress stuff it was slightly more technology related you know these various bits and bobs and that's certainly more tech than the sort of nerf racket we got in the last one Oh God and forgot it filled it full of things but overall some of it was a bit less thick wasn't it we had the tarot cards and that kind of stuff mmm whereas before we had the what was wait to last time it was the Johnny Hallyday necklace actually wasn't it that's not what I was thinking of I never want to think of that again that was it I was thinking of the ear cleaner this time which I suppose is vaguely device e but certainly not as devices fake ear pods oh well at least we've invented the word device E so yeah certainly from the point of view of me doing videos of funny I tongue that wish comm so works better but this was an interesting comparison and it's interesting to see how these two different sites which effectively connect mostly to the same sellers I imagine do offer different things just due to the way they're sort of searches and things are optimized on their sites but obviously we all know in our heart of hearts and morally we should be spending all our money in Poundland nice flying before [Music] [Music]
Channel: ashens
Views: 892,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aliexpress haul, aliexpress review, aliexpress products review, aliexpress 2019, aliexpress unboxing, buying random ali express items,, buying random, 100% random ali express, transformers, ravage, waiter, earwax, fihsing tackle, light box, ashens, review, funny, ali express wish comparison
Id: qeuhe7lg7Sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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