Hanging with Meg in 360° | The Lion Whisperer

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morning everybody so today I'm going to be answering some hashtag ask me questions but slightly different take about a 360 camera so if you look over there you'll see a jackal running two jackals running I don't even have to move the camera around so I'm filming on a on a GoPro fusion first time and so forgive me if make a few mistakes but it's really cool it's going to be a different way of viewing the video you're going to be able to if you're on a sulfur and just stroll around and if you on a computer you're going to be able to just you know move around I think with the use of the mouse Darnley off in that direction there's a giraffe there's Tudor off probably more here we go so that's what I'm seeing cool ah there's more in the bushes this hoods been sticking around here for a few days obviously the browse is looking pretty good towards the end of the season we are now starting to head into what's feeling like a seasonal change because in the mornings it's a lot cooler hello regal creature and disappear threat he's gonna chase him away two bulls okay guys so I'm arriving here at Meghan Amy they are in quite a big area so it might take a little bit of time to locate them since they don't come running up I don't always you're getting to become old ladies now and then what I'll try and do is I'm gonna try and actually plonk the fusion down on the ground and then have an ass powwow with you guys so forgive me if I do draw an honor but and it's a important topic I want to cover it well I have covered it before but obviously it's a topic that's worth repeating and and maybe it will answer some of your unanswered questions and just remember that you are going to have to look around on this video so sometimes you might give droning on and on but if you just scroll it around you'll see making a me getting up to something they do tend to have favorite spots so even though you will put them in in areas because this what will tend to happen is that there will gravitate toward certain areas and spend a lot of the term name [Music] we'll see all the game paths that they walk up and down just like people they like to follow the path of least resistance a lot of people say to me don't you get tired of telling people the same thing over and over and unlucky a little though it does seem a but you know redundant saying the same thing over and over and over it's very necessary ms old Miggy stalking me from behind the tree I'm gonna have to try and hold the camera maybe I'm just gonna sit down it's gonna be easier so yeah come don't flatten the camera what's cool about a 360 camera is I don't need to keep on following her with the camera you guys can do that Amy what are you guys doing here man you smell like food some nice food yesterday go nice food Oh nos reps today I her not shrubs cuz she's rubbing all that stinky grabby food Olaf dead and what you really is enjoying is dead tongue hell I am let's cancel a Amy Alamo sweetie hello [Music] man it's gonna be a challenge keeping this camera in one piece have a seat have a seat we've got some serious discussions today imma go serious discussions hey Miggs over they sleeping I'm over here talking to the camera Amy's over there in the bush I know Amy's behind me Amy's everyday so let me know when Amy sneaks up behind me question why or lines not been bred in captivity why do I not breed my lines the need luck with other endangered species is clearly there because we have imperiled numbers in the wild a lot of people don't really understand what is the major issues threatening lions in the wild captive populations face a different threat that if I if somebody had to ask me what is the number one issue facing wild lion populations I would say immediately habitat loss and coupled with habitat loss is many other things it's kind of one thing leads to the next so humans are obviously coming into conflict with these animals and the reason for that is in in a lot of these remote areas at being especially East Africa West Africa Central Africa areas really away from civilization as we know it these are the areas where the the human population expanding or getting bigger and bigger you're on your people needing to push into these wilderness areas with their livestock also with just agriculture all agriculture just brings them into that much closer proximity to the wildlife and the wildlife really doesn't have a choice so then the next the next if we if we just hold that they hold that thought pocket for a moment and and then let's go to the other side of this equation where we have over two hundred some say 250 some say 290 breeding facilities in this just take South Africa all breeding lions and a lot of the the places some with good intentions maybe I don't know but a lot of the places saying they are breeding up these lines to repopulate wilderness areas so that lion numbers can be increased if you turn around now you'll see make thinking about whether she should start roaring or not and that yeah is listening and she's thinking and [Music] she couldn't be bothered so here we have these breeding facilities all breeding up these lines all in some way or another saying that they're doing it for a good cause to repopulate areas with lion and obviously that sounds sounds like a like a good like a good thing I mean why would you argue with that and and and just then for one moment do the arithmetic and always say to people do the math because once you start to do the math then you start to really understand what we're dealing with so why do I not breed okay I don't want to be participating in something where I do not believe the Lions are going to be released into wilderness areas I think it's at this point in time wishful thinking I think at this point in time we have enough surplus wild lions already in wilderness areas in South Africa these wilderness areas in fine arts are very rapidly reach carrying capacity of these wild lands and very often the case these parks smaller parks locked in a king where we reside very quickly start offering lions up for sale or to give away because they've reached capacity the lions breed very well and very quickly and they don't know what to do with them there's a huge array of participants in the line breeding and some are reckless and some are not so reckless and some are in many respects quite ethical in the way that they source and do things but at the end of the day my feeling is the same my question is this way where are the areas where you're going to take these earmarked lands where are these areas and showing me number one where you're going to release these captive bred wild lions or lines that are earmarked for relations where you going to release these lines because if habitat loss is the number one threat facing lions in the world then where we're going to be putting these lines because in my mind's eye there's no habitat so it doesn't let's let's let's take the real wild areas if those hip areas are shrinking and those lines are under pressure and these lines are being pushed out of these areas and are coming into conflict with people and getting killed and what does it help to take lions and re and reintroduce them into those already pressured areas those areas under enough pressure as it is coping with the current lion population that they have and if you took that pressure off those lines they would bounce back so what in my minds are we would need to do in those areas that are really contain wild lance is give back the habitat protect and preserve the habitat and allow those lines to do what they naturally do we've seen this in many areas where there's been huge pressure on lions and as soon as people like African parks Network get involved and they start to take the pressure off those habitats we see that Lions can bounce back pretty quickly what a lot of people don't know is that lions are not very difficult to breed you put a male and a female together within a period of around about a hundred and ten days after she cycle then being impregnated and conceived it is about a hundred and ten days suck you're going to be left with you're gonna you're gonna be given or you're going to be introduced to four cubs so on average a lioness can have four cubs sometimes as one sometimes even six but on average four and the birth ratio six ratio is 50/50 so half female half male but we find with the lines that don't have a lot of pressure on them there's a huge success rate and the mortality is not high like it would be in a normal naturally functioning system where sometimes it's up to even 80% of those Cubs don't make it and that in areas like for example where we are and in a king there's no pressure there's no competing predators there's very few spotted hyenas there's no other lions really in the areas that are going to be putting pressure the leopard population seems to be low cheat on to threat and so there's very little that are actually putting pressure on these lines so when one line is is for Cubs their most unless something dramatic happens maybe a snake bite or something like that or a buffalo elephant whatever most of them make it and we've seen that yeah our area here being being far not size 21 and a half 22 maybe even 23,000 X's at this point in time it's carrying capacity of lions is very it's very limited and you very quickly reach carrying capacity if you're lying the Lance to breed unabated okay you're getting up there Michael hello I'm talking a lot that's talking a lot anyway we'll take a little break take a little break yeah it's okay you carry on just a knock the camera be very good about the camera you is you're very good mugger very very good are you bored now you bored with this question oh you're not the camera don't bat the camera no I [Music] hey don't bite the camera nope nope go back to sleep go back to sleep the vacation I need the camera I need the I need the camera [Music] okay so I'm back with Meg behind behind the camera there and Amy just over there and me so feel free to look around while I'm droning on but this is really important so please bear with me and when I start to tell you about the 200 breeding facilities who are saying that their breeding lines to repopulate wilderness areas I'm reiterating where are these wilderness areas where we can release these captive bred lines at - and if you take the sheer numbers 200 let's say every facility just had two lionesses breeding that's eight lions at each facility we take 200 times eight at 1600 lines that we are greeting if those lines are left with their their mothers great if not they're taken away that 1600 will become 3200 very very quickly and so what I'm trying to get at is that the maths doesn't add up because you're going to have this perpetual breeding of animals and trust me it's not just two lines at every facility that are breeding if I had a facility like here we are half of our population is female half a population is male we have 26 lions 13 females they say even half of those were breeding it is a problem and very quickly you start to understand that these areas are not available because there's a complexity in restoring habitat to its former glory before you can come and put the apex predator of lions in there and so many times we hear from these smaller parks that they don't want line and you go what why went why wouldn't they want lion the reason for it is that smaller pox down one line is because they estimate the prey and sometimes in these smaller pox when they have more rare species say Rouen or sable antelope or even the giraffe and the Lions start to eat those animals or even Buffalo they're not too enamored with us so they then tend to want to put these lines in smaller camps for the tourists and that as we know can be a problem because the lines need space they breed up very quickly in those camps and then you're left with the surplus where do you get rid of these lines to is my question because we cannot have it's impossible have all these wilderness areas just waiting to receive these lines all these restored habitats just waiting to receive all these 200 250 breeding facility lions I don't buy it Gus what do you say to that meg okay if you look at meg I think she's pretty happy with that answer but she's looking at something hopefully those videos she's licking her her Paul I'm a running commentary on what you're doing make hopefully this videos interesting enough to hold your attention I thank you for watching it it's a very needed video and guys thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed my first fusion hashtag ask Meg we do have the memberships Channel which is for a negligible fee per month you can get exclusive content we have had a lot of questions about that and really it enables me to hire people to follow me around we can go and look at more interesting topics outside of the sanctuary we can travel and it just allows us to do that so if that's up your alley then go to the the members subscriptions of subscribe there and enjoy guys also follow us on Instagram and on Facebook it is a handle on whisper a say it just keeps you up to date with what's going on on a daily basis while you wait for those videos so from Meg Amy and me [Music] you
Channel: The Lion Whisperer
Views: 277,735
Rating: 4.9032435 out of 5
Keywords: kevin richardson, lion whisperer, lion man, kevin richardson Gopro, gopro, Kevin Richardson, Animals, Go Pro, Wild Life, GoPro hero 3, amazing, Lion, elephant, Africa, Lions, tiger, cool, HD, Lion Man, the lion whisperer, save lions, whisperer, Kevin Richardson Death, Kevin Richardson Dead, Lion Whisperer TV, lion walk, lions documentary, questions, membership, gopro fusion, 360, fusion, camera, 360 video, vr, virtual reality, review, experience, occulus rift, awesome, 3d, breed, hanging, askmeg
Id: raS2rQl7quM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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