How To Gain Respect From Lions | The Lion Whisperer

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and that is whoa [Laughter] [Music] hey guys uh today uh going to be moving the rest of the lines around i didn't get to a few groups last time what i really want to do is move the six lines that reside together doors group and i want to move my etsy living and journey into a bigger area so it's just those two small little moves but while i'm at it i just want to give you guys a bit of an update on vayetti so we had the vet out recently to do some checks there is something that i wasn't really happy about which i will go through when we are in physical contact with him in a few moments all right so arriving at the sanctuary um hyenas in the water that just shows you how hot it is oh hello boy hello girls hello boy hello girls hello george greet the lions first in you hey all right so we're all prepared ready to rock and roll oh move boy yeah yeah move me move my boy hello so you wouldn't say that there's anything wrong with that because that behavior looks pretty normal he's been all friendly normal normal journey ignoring me hello that's very nice that's not very normal and livvy is way she was yeah being all suspect anyway let's let's get them loading and then i'll i'll go into a little bit of detail as to what my concerns were with faith okay so it's a strict loading regime um first journey then lavi and then vaetti yeah okay that was rather painless nothing too fancy in our loading technology it's still rather primitive it's uh has to be physical and strong so it has to be physically strong because you're dealing with obviously lines so it doesn't help and we've tried in the past it doesn't help to get too fancy there do you see that oh yeah i'll come with my own car okay so that behavior there of etsy that grumpiness i mean it's really he's never been like after the girls he's normally been super duper tolerant um never ever really got grumpy with him and now all of a sudden he's been grumpy with the girls and on occasion he's been grumpy with me too so you know he doesn't do anything that's really hectic i mean he doesn't um beat the hell out of them or um you know bite them so bad that we need to call the vet but it's just this snappy behavior it's just this irrita irritability and that kind of that kind of thing and um so it got me wondering what's up with fayetsi and then the other day i was looking at his his body and i kind of noticed that his um his rib cage was slightly distended so but you know by that i mean just not the normal kind of looks like he's pregnant in a in a in many respects um it's not on the stomach area it's more on the by the ribs and i've had cases of that in the past where there could be symbolic of something underlying and so i just wanted to be precautionary and get dr caldwell out so that we could do a a ultrasound and just just have a quick look to see if any abnormalities or anything abnormal going on and just you know give them a good health check take bloods test the blood see that everything's okay and we did that the other day and um i'm very happy to report that the ultrasound revealed nothing other than a healthy normal set of organs so it looked really phenomenal from the ultrasound and then the bloods also came back showing that ryetse has a healthy set of bloods all the levels are absolutely 100 normal which would then only leave one other thing to do and that would be perhaps if this moodiness continues perhaps we should look at x-raying the lungs just to see that there isn't something more sinister there and it's causing him a bit of discomfort and the discomforts causing him a bit of irritability so you know we've been watching him quite closely and quite carefully i've been monitoring him really really closely just seeing how his attitude is towards the girls how his attitude is towards me generally speaking vaetz is friendly so he comes up and he will be very friendly toward you and that's that's normal vayet but then after about three four minutes maybe maybe longer then i see i notice this irritability popping um through so perhaps you touch him on the head or on the body and then he has this kind of reaction to you when he he he reacts that's atypical dietsy and that's that's what's what's what's concerning me is it because he's feeling uncomfortable and is this underlying issue or is it just the fact that he's getting old and i have seen that guys in other lines um to be honest i have seen lines that have gone their whole lives been the nicest cats you'll ever meet and then they get to a certain age and kind of like people you know some people we know they get to a certain age and they stop becoming grumpy so it could just be the case with fayette um but also it might not be so we just got to keep an eye on that hello boy hello girl okay we're gonna let you out you can see she's not happy with him she's not happy with him that's not that's not how it should be hey that's not how it should be [Applause] so much so that ginny doesn't want to get out livvy have you headed with him hey sweetie pie have you had it with him hey is he easy you can't have my meat bag no all right so come ginny aren't you good well she doesn't want to get out but mr big behind hey big boy always a good sign marking the trees so it already shows he's a little bit happier chemises miss muffet oh dan you get is it nicer is it nicer in there oh you heard a lion you heard another lion okay so vaetzi will keep an eye on him um vet does vet's not really worried which you know is a good thing um maybe the behavioral change is just environmental maybe he just needs to get away from some lions on the other side there that are really making him irritated but as i say we'll keep an eye on on him and how he treats his ladies and how he treats me okay so now the fun begins because we're gonna move six adult lions don't worry guys i'm taking away your pesky neighbors it's like a soap opera here at the sanctuary this one doesn't get along with that one and that one doesn't get along with this one hello boy you talking hey oh my boy you know what's going on hey oh whoa whoa whoa whoa hey look girls yes yes oh yeah okay i'm just gonna if i can get in here because they're just all pushing me out the way there we go there we go well done so the question that always comes up guys is why don't they just grab the meat bag from me and run away with it why do they show me respect when i have a meat bag and it is a it defies logic really because you think to yourself well that's a lion and i'm just a human but once you start to understand lion behavior and the dynamics and the laws of lions you start to you start to realize that um possessions nine tenths of the law and i have spoken about it before so one of the most interesting aspects of a of a line is that they will respect um if you have possession of something the moment you give that possession up the moment you give that position up then it's fair game then then the the fight's on hello my girl look at you meg thinks she's going for for a walk later my ghillie later it is cooking guys really really cooking anyway i think they're going to be much happier here exciting times if you're a lion oh come cup cup come come come come whoop [Music] whoop [Music] no no man don't put your nose on my lens okay and immediately off you guys exploring checking out who the who the adversaries are or it's just meg oh make meg meg hello yes look at you look at you i'm sorry about your neighbors yeah nothing really i can do about them running out of you know only got one free enclosure my goal yeah do you want to be moved away i can move you from here hey i'm not sure you want to move away from here this is a nice enclosure you got the best people's some people say that um there's favoritism going on in the sanctuary come on oh whoa one yeah yeah charlie look at your bun yeah charlie nicely okay now i ask you really would you want to live with that honestly i tell you something i wouldn't yeah yeah yeah [Music] yeah and that is whoa [Laughter] that's what happens when you put them in a new enclosure but now she's her weight has caused the tree branch to snap and now she's not too sure because if that one goes she goes so i wouldn't do that my girl i'd go back up yeah bro go back up whoa don't put your weight on that one don't put your weight on it now we can understand why lions don't climb trees like leopards and the real the reasoning is because they are a lot heavier and secondly a lot less graceful until next time here online whisper tv [Music] you
Channel: The Lion Whisperer
Views: 812,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OSmlQKoBf8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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