The Power Of A Lions Roar | The Lion Whisperer

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[Music] you're not me so if the weather holds out guys i am going to be doing another installment of sense and sensibilities this time lion hearing and i'm going to be taking thor's group out for a walk ready boys oh my hat a few things have happened here going up to these naughty lines on the vehicle while it rains raining down they are so agile crazy crazy crazy but what has happened which is a bit even bigger problem uh george they broke the lock on the gate the one hit the the weld and they broke it off so we can't put them back in here okay so that settles that we have to move these guys whether we like it or not but they this is what happens in the rain guys super super boisterous cats their favorite favorite place the rock the rock or the car top hey you naughty naughty girl yes you are but what we really be should be talking about is those funny little attachments on their head that they don't often use especially when i'm talking to them so i need to talk about their hearing uh neji are you the queen of the castle come come let's go marking the tree that uh sound i make a lot of people ask me that uh some people call it a strawberry i call it the zerbet but the zerbit is it's my communication with the lions i suppose it's my friendly communication with the lions the lions are always communicating on some level so one of the most obvious and most common noises that they make is a oh that's a friendly hello friendly greeting when the lion talks to you like that then you know that you're on good terms and they've been very friendly so these uh noises that they start to make occur um at a very young age and so the lions when they are very very young don't make a lot of noises and the reasons why they don't make a lot of noise is because when they are at the den they don't uh instinctively want to attract the tension of a hyena passing by or they could look at you absolutely having a blast hey oh ready to stall okay so the the cubs don't make a lot of noise why they don't want to attract the tension of a passerby hyena or leopard and that'll spell the end of them so they only start to really well they only really vocalize when their mother comes back to their little den site and then they emit these little what owl sounds so they the mother is very in tune with that uh sound of her her babies her cubs here comes lowly lowly can be bitten on their head by a bug watch those ears as they listening to me my every move i sometimes talk so that they know it's me then i don't get pounced on by accident look at the hair very similar to a leopard but these ears are bigger they're multi-directional so they can pinpoint the sounds and you may have noticed those black patches you may have noticed the black patches on the backs of the ears nej has brown patches being a white line white line is oh they always take me through this horrible section i think it's their way of punishing me okay so those black markings on the back of the ear very distinctive and if you can imagine if you're looking in the bush and the rest of the line is blending in not so much in this green bush but in a normal environment those are quite those are quite distinctive ella charles mr charlie he's also got patches on the back of his ears but you can't see them because of his mane now if you can imagine the height of a lion walking through the bush oh not this bush as i get walloped by a witch tree branch what makes you guys want to walk through this patch here i'm going to follow you because that's going to be easier but if you can imagine being another lion not cave walking through the bush at that height you're gonna be able to see those markings very clearly look at that just like that you can see them if i pan the camera away and watch us as i pan it back look what you see first what did you see first let's do it again watch out and boom back two black dots it's really so they can stay in contact and in communication with each other when they go hunting don't need to make noises they can just see pointing your ears back at me oh my gosh jabari give me a heart attack so they point those ears backwards when they're listening as i say multi rotational or multi-directional ears they can really pinpoint sound so well that they can actually with a certain amount of accuracy pinpoint a raw obviously the erection and distance of where it's coming from that's pretty incredible jib jib mental watch when i call her jib jub look at it yeah fun fun fun nighty night this is what the weather does even though they've eaten even though they've eaten years back years forward farcola is back where's the story huh so one of the sounds that lions are really really attuned to is the sound of hyena so we have the hyenas on the other side of the fence here so not only do the hyena absolutely irritate the lines like crazy but the lines are also very tuned into the hyena sounds because um a hyena frenzy can symbolize a kill and so lions can hear that from miles and miles away and so if hyenas are making a noise on a kill the lions tune into that and they head in that direction because then they know that there's a free meal the smell here is really incredible we have uh thori okay and thor is giving the hyena the talking to while the girls are just more interested in the smell he knows exactly who is uttering those roars definitely knows which group of lions they are and he pays attention you look how he's listening the girls don't really care but the males are paying attention i don't like those guys [Music] oh right so let's just talk about that all-important line raw when they've recorded the sound it's measured 115-120 which if you know sound that's quite loud in fact so much so that often when a lion is roaring when i'm sitting or standing next to the lions and the roaring you actually feel the ground vibrate that sound value in decibels is equivalent to a ambulance siren it's equivalent to a rock concert it's very loud it can be heard up to eight kilometers away now that's by a human i'm pretty sure that a lion can hear it uh further than that their hearing is better than ours and for sure they can hear it further away than than we can what if they gotcha what are they after some smell here comes story hello boy it's been a good walk and i think it's time to load up and go home there are three in not too bad you're a nightmare yeah now you're going to jump off onto the oh breaking the windscreen wiper oh my gosh okay guys george these crazy lies thanks for watching until next time bye [Music] you
Channel: The Lion Whisperer
Views: 396,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Vg_nrci-Q5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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