From Passion to Perfection? | FSReborn FSR500 - Review Flight | Microsoft Flight Simulator

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[Music] hello again everyone and welcome back to the channel in today's video we're going to be taking a look at the fs reborn FSR 500 the FSR 500 is of course based on the piper M500 the aircraft released around a week ago again released by FS Reborn the same developer as I'm sure many of you will recall of the excellent sting S4 fs3 born reached out to me asking whether or not I would like to feature the aircraft here on the Channel having very much enjoyed the S4 previously I was more than happy to do so and and I think that there will be an interesting aircraft review given that we've also recently had the black Square TBM 850 and we'll seem to see as well the simor studios pc9 as usual we're going to be carrying out a full flight for our review here today we're currently on the ground at shambre exan just outside of the business terminal and I'm sure that many of you will already have guessed we're going to be fing a couple of punters here up towards Corel that's going to give them the opportunity to spend a couple of days up in the mountains and us the opportunity to really put the aircraft through Paces hopefully with a really nice challenging Landing up in the French Alps as always I do hope you enjoy the video and if you do please consider giving it a like and subscribing to the channel so for today's flight then welcome to the cockpit of the fs reborn FSR 500 as discussed we're currently on the ground at shury we're going to be taking the aircraft up towards Corel all ready to go here we've got everybody on board there aren't any passenger models which would have been nice but as you can see otherwise the aircraft is abs absolutely Immaculate in terms of its modeling and texturing for the before start checklist then the door is closed and latch the electrical switching is all selected off cing climate controls are selected off circuit breakers all checked in down on the left and same down on the right and systems modeling depth is excellent the circuit breakers do work ECS cabin Comfort is selected off parking brake is set lead a lever is pulled in the closed position power lever set idle condition lever set to cut off feather the emergency switch will take on and just waiting here on the PFD to initialize that's check the emergency switch can go off once again n lights are selected on the Battery Master is selected on flaps are retracted fuel gauges again just waiting here for the PFD to initialize and currently showing about 380 lb there in each main tank I again just waiting on that to initialize showing 0° outside fuel temp is currently 0° as well carry out a fire detection and annunciated test and you can see there on the cast we do have the engine fire indication we'll be carrying out an engine auto start using the battery so battery voltage we're looking for at least 24 to 26 volts currently sh 25.4 So within limits fuel pumps I'll selected through to manual and we do have the left and right fuel pump cast messages as we're expecting to see ignition can go through to manual and again we have the ignition cast message the prop area is clear you can hear the ignit is there firing off the sound set on this aircraft is absolutely excellent one of the best that I've heard in the Sim to date again we're going to be carry out on auto start so the start mode is set through to Auto lights out we'll uncage the starter and fire things [Music] up okay so you can hear the engine sping up the prop should start to turn momentarily as well there it goes we're looking for a minimum of 13% on the NG before we introduce the fuel and always worth having a look at the it here as well if it's not your first start of the day you can hot start the engine so the condition lever can go through to the Run position and we're looking for a maximum of 1,000° C on the r TT during the start as I say you can hot start the engine you can damage various components as well peing there around 720° the engine should stabilize around 63% on the NG and looks like we're stable there around 62.4 we're looking for a minimum of 1200 RPM on the prop that's still coming up and the O pressures and temperatures looking good so we do have a good start [Music] we'll guard up the starter the generator switch can go on same there for the alternator Fel pumps can go through to Auto ignition can go off and once again just coming back down to our engine parameters we got about 500° there on the it we do now have 1200 RPM on the prop and everything else sitting very nicely there within the green so for the before taxi checklist the aonic master switch can go on we can initialize the secondary MFD in terms of our cast messages we have Peter heat and takeoff config we'll clear both of those as we work way through the checklists but now we'll just carry out a PTO heat test so we'll take that on and you can see there the cast message is extinguished we'll take it off again and once again we do have the PTO heat caution the taxi and recognition lights can go through to taxi cabin climate controls we'll take the air conditioning on same there for the vent fan the radios and onics we'll leave the radios as is we'll just set up a very quick flight plan here towards Corel so for the origin as usual just use the keyboard mode here on the Garment to make life easier we're departing out of Lima Fox Trot Lima Bravo and Sh off that shamb we hit enter sparting out towards the north so be Runway 36 on route we're going to be tracking to Worlds Waypoint lazers that's Lima Alpha Zulu uniform Zulu and again we'll hit enter Then we're tracking on to water Lima Fox CH kilo alpha fox trck kilo Alpha which is alvil and finally on towards destination and that is Lemma Fox Trot Lima Julet that's cor of course so hit enter on that again for the runway going to be coming in on Runway 22 see any option for us and we hit enter so have shury up towards lazers abille and then Runway 22 at Corel we'll get rid of the flight plan for the time being so rics are set the flaps are retracted and indicating up we' got plenty of Runway here at sh so we don't need the flaps for the takeoff today elevator trim is set within the takeoff range R trim looking for between 2 and 3° out to the right so the rudder trim is set the bleeder lever is is selected in that's in the on position cabin pressure dump switch is checked ECS cabin Comfort switch is set through to normal we'll carry out a store warning test St star star St star and the test is complete Alors we have a q h 29 desmal 85 that's set on both sides and the parking break we'll leave on here we'll carry out the before takeoff checks before we make a way out towards the runway so the seats are rest and belts are adjusted and locked generator and alternated switches are selected on bed a lever is selected in the ECS cabin Comfort switch is set through to normal fuel pumps can go back through to manual and same there for ignition PTO Heats we can now take on Ice protection we'll just take the store heat for the time being taxi and recognition light will leave in the taxi position till we're out at the runway Landing lights can stay off nav lights are on and strapes again we'll leave till we're out at the runway the flight instruments are checked for the cast messages we just got ignition and the fuel pumps you can see that the PTO Heat and the takeoff config messages are now clear the engine instruments are checked radios aonics and transponder the radios are set we've set the flight plan up and for the transponder we'll go through to out sarking 7,000 flaps once again R selected up indicating up elevator and R trim are both set flight controls 61 Delta 5000 and the Glide next pleas again very nice Custom Sounds there on the flight controls and those are full free and in the correct sense so as I say we're going to be departing out to the north off runway 36 we'll be taxing left here joining on to the the main apron we'll take full length for our departure today just to help us get above the high terrain here whilst we're still over the field so we'll be tracking out over the lake we'll be making 180 turn back out towards the South and we'll pick up the flight plan from there okay so we our lined up here on Runway 36 we've completed the before takeoff checklist as we already discussed initially we're going to be tracking out towards the north we'll make a rightand turn come back out towards the South and join up with the flight plan and I've just pre-selected 3,000 ft here for the climb essentially initially we're going to climb and level off just below the base of the clouds as soon as we find a gap in the clouds we'll continue to climb up towards 7 1 12,000 ft and the forecast over in Coral quite a bit nicer so hopefully we'll have decent conditions the visual approach onto Runway 22 later on off the brakes then we're looking for 1200 FTB of torque for the takeoff coming up on the power lever the aircraft I find does have that slightly overly sensitive tendency on the brother during the takeoff nothing too egregious but definitely more towards the default into of the Sim so power set temperatures and pressures are looking good just coming up on 85 knots so back on the oak [Music] okay we do have postic climb so we'll tap the brakes bring in the gear and we just maintain 5° on the pitch until we're up through 125 knots which we are so just raising the nose to maintain the speed around 10° nose up seems to work pretty well I find the aircraft is also a little bit sensitive in Pitch particularly whilst you're trimming under these sorts of conditions just coming up through, 1500 ft we'll hold the after take off checks until we got ourselves established southbound and leveled off nicely above the immediate terrain now the speed's good so we'll come all the way through to 25° on the angle Bank keep the turn nice and tight keep us away from the high terrain out towards the east as a make the turn here as well just needing a little bit more right rudder just to keep the aircraft balanced that's nice to see and clear the cloud for the time being running 82 withar apprach spe when theide we'll maintain the torque once we level off we'll come back to around 750 ftlb of torque I find that's a pretty decent Cruise power setting and just shallowing up the climb here a little bit as well now as we approach the base of the clouds so shambre off our 2:00 we've actually got a Breaking the clouds right off the nose so we'll continue the climb here on our present heading as I say we'll come up to 72,000 ft that's going to put us about 1,000 ft above course Val aor elevation it doesn't though put us above all of the high terrain so we are going to have to maintain visual throughout the [Music] flights we'll Center up the heading bug once again and just to free up a little bit of capacity for now we'll take the autopilot in just until we got the after takeoff checklist run at least so your damper can go on we'll take the flight director we'll come to heading and vertical speed there's the autopilot Master we go with a vs of around, 1500 ft per minute so autopilot heading your damper and vertical speed but now just tracking out towards the South we can cut back through the valley just going to hold off on doing that until we are Above This Cloud layer so the AL take off check list the landing gear is up lights are out flaps are up your damper is on and the autopilot is on just the after takeoff check is complete with the max continuous power climb we can maintain 1300lb of torque in theory but we'll maintain 1100 for now so power is set fuel pumps go through to Auto same for the ignition we'll leave the landing lights and the taxi lights on we're staying below 10,000 ft ice protection is currently set as required okay happy that we can cut back now start the turn out towards the [Music] southeast and as best we can here we're just going to place the aircraft straight down the valley give ourselves as much train clearance as possible up through 5 1/ 12,000 ft so another 2,000 ft to go here in the climb and again above this initial Cloud layer now we're going to be looks like we're going to be sandwiched between the two Cloud layers as we make our way up towards Corel so another, 1500 ft go as I say as soon as we level off we'll come back to around 750 footb of torque in terms of the cabon climate controls once again ACS set 3 to normal got the air conditioning on we just went to high there as well on the air conditioning and vent fan set on to go we'll talk more about the cing control systems in just a moment once we run through the FB we'll just establish ourselves after way point laus will'll track down towards the Northeast and we'll run through the efb on Route I think we'll do that while we're in the cruise we've got a little bit of time to kill so approaching level off once we've leveled off we'll let the speed build up to around 180 knots and come back towards our torque power setting 7,500 the autopilot doing a nice job there of leveling us off so far I've had no issues with the autopilot on the [Music] aircraft and looks like we're going to have reasonable conditions here as we make our way down the valley we should be able to maintain visual with the terrain 59 turn right 23 0 interal right 23 0 so once again the aircraft does come with an onboard tablet which is really nice very well done as well I have to say we can add and remove that here from the side pocket we'll run through that once we're established on our heading out towards alil 59 6 6 59 so just coming way point lazers alvil Lima Fox chop kilo Alpha again out towards the [Music] Northeast and we are now nicely visual here with the valley just a little bit of cloud down at the easterly end 56 apprach 2 5 okay so happy with where we are we're visual with the train as always stunning visuals in the Sim we should get some pretty awesome views later on hopefully as well once we approach Corel so as I say we'll just take the opportunity here we've got a couple of minutes towards the next turning point we'll run through the onboard tablet starting with the pre-flight page exactly as you would expect that gives you a pre-flight status of the aircraft so various systems you can see we have lights tire pressures battery and the engine that gives you the level of serviceability so everything working normally at the moment and it also gives you the amount of time run on each system which is a nice little touch for the flight plan page we can import a flight plan from simbrief you can link up your simbrief account by the settings tab I haven't done that here today of course but it's a nice option nevertheless charts exactly as you'd expect if you do have a navigraph subscription which for the sake of clarity is a payware subscription it is separate from the aircraft but if you do have a navigraph subscription then exactly as you'd expect you can obtain various chart information on the tablet again a really nice feature I always like to see that on an aircraft the ground operations page is essentially your load and fuel menu So currently we have myself and two passengers down the back about 40 kg of cargo and about 50 US gallons of fuel in each main tank we can also add or remove the various ground equipment that you saw there during the introduction so total weight at the moment about 2,100 kg Max T weight 2,300 our two passengers heading off towards Coral cab Comfort again a really nice feature on the aircraft we basically have passenger comfort and cabin Heating and Cooling modeled so as you can see currently we have two passengers on board neither wearing their seat belts apparently they're very cold we've got the AC on B currently set through to high bleed air selected on it's only 13.2 de down the back so it's no wonder they're pretty cold might just crank the temperature up a little bit here so we'll take that into manual and just setting the temperature rear St a little bit higher hopefully now the cabin temperature will start to warm as well we have basic cabin Services which I think is another really nice [Music] touch on the maintenance page currently broadly unavailable due to the fact we're currently in flight but as you can see you can select various parts of the aircraft and again you can see the system status see how long the system's been operable for see whether or not you need to repair or overhaul said system again just keeping ey our tracking I will say the level of depth here is not to the same standards as the black Square TBM or the a2a commande but nevertheless nice level of depth systems failures are also modeled although as best I can tell there's no programmable failures but for example we have the electrical system modeled with electrical failures battery wear and tear bulb failures heing payload you can choose for a persistent State on the fuel and payload currently I haven't found the payload to be persistent but certainly the fuel has been and you can CH whether or not you want to allow changes to both of those in Flight as well the aircraft comes with an onboard electronic stability protection system essentially if you put the aircraft into a somewhat unreasonable attitude the aircraft will Auto recover I presume that's true to life for the real world 500 you can also have hydraulic failures flat failures deicing boot failures engine failures wear and tear hot starts as we've discussed as well as Tire and Brake failure so again a nice level of options of failure there on the aircraft just not quite as detailed as we've seen from some of the competition the FAQ page I also think is a nice touch that runs through basic issues that you might have with the aircraft and gives you answers to why you're experiencing those particular behaviors so if you Haven to get in touch with fs3 born or indeed myself down in the comment section you can read through this page ahead of time find out what's wrong lastly on the settings page as you'd expect the ability to choose various units for various parameters on the aircraft you can also have a passenger vehicle modeled for your onboard passengers there's both a limousine and an SUV option which is a great little touch action cameras I haven't really touched on but I believe those just basically move the camera around based on various actions performed on the aircraft so operating the flap starting the engine as I say you can link up your navigraph and Sim subscriptions to the aircraft you can also choose whether or not your sim flight plan is sent directly to the Garmin and in terms of aircraft wear and tear and stress you can choose the rate at which the aircraft accumulates wear and tear So currently we've got times one on all of the various systems but of course you can crank that up and experience failures more rapidly so again a very nice efb overall we are just coming over our second Turning Point here over Alber Ville we're going to continue to track though out towards the Northeast towards the next Valley certainly conditions over towards Coral looking much clearer and much nicer for us at the [Music] moment so as I say the tablet is very nicely done as you can see very high level of detail and quality and i' say it's certainly one of the areas where the FSR 500 does best the black Square TBM there is a more user friendly interface there similarly I think the flight model on the FSR 500 is slightly better although it is worth noting I haven't tried the updated flight model yet on the tbm850 and to my mind as well the sound set is much better on the FSR 500 so both aircrafts certainly have their strength and weaknesses so just coming overhead alvil again we'll start to track down the valley out towards the [Music] southeast 8 level 80 level 880 80 okay so we now got about another 8 miles to run and you can see we do have a cloud there just down below us but we'll be clearing that very shortly we should have a nice clean run in towards the Airfield we'll just maintain speed and altitude for the time being we'll run through the approach checks the autopilot will leave on for now but we can disengage that below 100 knots and we'll take that out before we start the approach itself fuel pumps can go back through to manual same as well for the ignition Landing lights are selected on fuel quantity and balance we got about 270 on each tank so about 2 hours of extra fuel on board the aircraft and that's going to be plenty as I say if we need to we can return all the way back towards chury six armrest and belts are adjusted and locked the landing gear we can take down below 168 knots we'll hold that for now and flaps 10 we can take below 168 as well but again we'll hold the flaps the time being so not visual with the field yet obviously but we are pretty much VIs with the vicinity of coral let's say we'll take out the autopilot now we'll do a little bit more manual flying and we'll make a gentle turn here out towards the east just using a little bit of Rudder trim here to get us centered up once again and not using the flight directors anymore so we'll get rid of those we'll get rid of the Y damp here as well and we just start a very shallow descent down towards 7,000 ft we'll start going back off the power as well get the aircraft slowed up for the approach check gear there's the gear warning so we'll just come slightly back up on the throttle and we'll just shallow up our descent just to get the speed below 168 we'll take the gear here to use as a little bit of a speed Brak 5 more to the right intercept localizer say 168 speed is checked we'll take the gear down and we'll start keeping a really good eye out here for Coral again we're really going to have to nail the approach nail the speeds and nail the touchdown if we carry any excess speed over the field I find you really struggle to get the FSR 500 slow down in time okay so we've got 10° now on the flaps still letting that speed roll off 4 Al speed back to 20 speed back to 20 we'll start to come around the base of the Hill 1 5000t 106 maintaining around 140 knots for now9 down 160 again awesome scenery but there's only one piece of the scenery we're currently interested in that is of course the runway again given our weight and the conditions we're going to apply a pretty shallow approach into corval which is not ideal by any [Music] means as I'm sure many of you are familiar there's no go around option although I think we actually probably have enough Excess power here in the FSL 500 that we could get away with go around during the earlier stages of the approach Vis now with the runway that's off at our 1:00 so we'll just continue the turn out towards the South continue to let that speed reduce ideally we want 85 knots for the approach but we're going to be flying much closer to 70 here again just to avoid having any excess energy as we come over the threshold so the landing checks gear is down three greens flap still to come your damper is off we'll go through to flaps 20 and come all the way through to Flap 30 again a more shallow approach here than I would typically fly in towards the Airfield and feels like we've got a little bit of a crosswind here as well to negotiate just coming back towards 70 knots we want to keep the speed right on 70 as best we can again luckily we've got plenty of power in hand so we can almost hang the aircraft off the prop okay happy with where we are at the moment speed's looking good all the way back now off the throttle into the flare we'll try and touch down on the uphill slope okay not going to fuss around too much here we'll get the aircraft down onto the brakes through into the Beta range still full breaking here at the moment and getting the aircraft [Music] stopped okay so just coming on to the brakes and we've got a very far away from home there Logan air S I think it is anyway part break can go on the off line checks the fuel pumps can go back through to Auto ignition is selected off PT is off we'll take the store heat off off there as well same for the landing lights and the strobes flaps our retracting transponder is set through to standby the shutdown checks the part breake is set ECS cam Comfort switch little bit of a interference there with the Yoke I think that doesn't seem to want to go off currently that's now selected off power lever is in the idle position C climate controls all selected Off fuel pump switch is selected off aonic switch is off we take the generator and the alternator off there as well it has now been stable for 2 minutes so we are good for the shut down the condition lever can go through to the cut off feather position and we should see a feather message here on the cast in just a moment's time we'll just continue on with the checklist for now so we've got an all pressure caution expecting to see that and we do now have the feather cast message we can pull the bleed air once again exterior lights will'll take the taxi light off we'll leave the nav lights on fuel remaining we've got about 260 L there left in each main tanks about 520 overall Battery Master is selected off and that's the shutdown check list complete here on the ground in Corel so there you go everyone I do hope you enjoyed our outing in the fs3 born FSR 500 once again the aircraft is a really nice effort from fs3 born I'm sure you'll agree not all that much I can fault with the add-on to be honest that being said as usual just to finish up the video we'll run through a few different aspects of the product we'll talk about its strengths and weaknesses so starting with the texturing and modeling externally very little I can fault there the aircraft looks absolutely beautiful externally the only real gripe I have with the model is the prop animation I find looks to be a little bit low FPS as you may have noticed from the external shots the animation is a little bit choppy internally both the modeling and the texturing as I mentioned at the start of the flight is more or less Immaculate the texturing is airing more towards the artistic painted aesthetic as opposed to photo realistic we've spoken about that in some previous videos it really comes down to Personal Taste but again the aircraft is certainly textured very nicely the package does also come with a nice selection of delies and great to see as well that you can have custom registrations with those as far as the flight model goes the aircraft boasts full cfy implementation as usual the flight model does also claim to be realistic and having been tested by real world Pilots the flight model is decent overall and it is of course all relative but I would say one of the less outstanding aspects of the product once again the rudder behavior during the takeoff was fairly sensitive the aircraft also felt fairly sensitive in Pitch particularly as I say during trimming in roll though it felt nice and overall the aircraft again was very pleasant hand fly there are certain aspects of the flight model that felt pretty good and taxing the aircraft as well felt pretty good which is nice for a turbo prop in the Sim in terms of performance as well the aircraft seemed pretty decent there was nothing too UNS there not a criticism of the product Itself by any means but it's it's interesting to note that the FSR 500 seems to have a little bit less capability when it comes to getting in and out of shorter strips I do think that the aircraft flight model felt a little bit nicer than the black Square TBM flight model but not by a significant margin and again I've yet to try the updated version of the black Square TBM systems wise the aircraft is overall very nice certainly well above average in terms of failure mode you're getting 100 plus with the FSR 500 which is very comparable with the tbm850 however I get the impression that the breadth of possible failures is perhaps more limited and certainly as far as I can tell there's no option to program any failures so again you are getting just slightly less Fidelity there versus the black Square offerings you are though getting a heightened systems experience in terms of the fact that you do get the maintenance hanger various parts will wear down and there's obviously been a little bit more thought given to how you look after your aircraft over time it does give the aircraft that a little bit more immersion having each component monitored and the status given the ability to repair and overhaul set components again this functionality not necessarily up to the same level as you'd see from the a2a commi for example but certainly well above average and a really nice feature set to have within the Sim as far as the Soundset goes certainly one of the product strength as I mentioned one of the best sounds sets that I've heard in the Sim to date a really nice high level of attention to detail and the sounds certainly seemed to be very accurate I presume they have been recorded off the real world aircraft that makes for a very rich and very immersive audio experience which makes the whole product feel that much more realistic that much more alive and that much more true to life really excellent sounds during the startup really nice system sounds there as well great to hear the custom control sounds the sound package is one area in which the product definitely stands out and really bests the competition in terms of the product's additional features again the FSR 500 a pretty featur ped aircraft overall you get the custom ground equipment that we saw during the introduction the onboard tablet which we covered throughout the flight and with that tablet again you get the ability to maintain the aircraft to load it up we also have the simbrief integration as well as the navigraph capabilities really nice that we have some basic passenger comfort functionalities as well and the ability to adjust the aircraft in terms of difficulty of operation so if you want a more simplistic experience you can turn off all of the failure modes as well as being able to choose whether or not you want State saving on the aircraft all in all I have to say that the FSR 500 is one of the most polished add-ons that are come across in the Sim to date again not to say that every aspect of the product is perfect but I certainly don't think that's lack of trying the lead developer of fs3 born did an interview with Tutone Murphy some while back and if you didn't get a chance to see that at the time I highly recommend watching it I'll leave a link down in the video description below FS Reborns passion for their aircraft really Shone through in that interview it was great to see and I know it's the attitude that many of us want from our developers and once again I think that attitude has really Shone through here with this add-on documentation for the add-on is also excellent I have no complaints there and lastly in terms of the aircraft's FPS you will take a little bit of a hit with the add-on I was running at about 74 FPS in the FSL 500 versus around 120 with the default sess 152 one last point to make I think with the initial version of the aircraft I did have a little bit of a memory leak I found my FPS dropping over time having just tested the most recent update though things do seem to have been fixed I've run the aircraft for around 2 hours now seeing a nice stable FPS output in conclusion then the FSR 500 is certainly another very accomplished effort by FS reborn glass cockpits aren't generally my thing but it's worth noting that the Garmin units have come a long way in the Sim and at this point are very functional so if you do want a more upto-date single engine turbo prop one with a lot of nice functionality a lot of nice features then certainly the fs reborn FSR 500 is well worth a look once again a very big thank you to FS reborn for letting us take a look at their latest add-on and to all of you as always thank you very much for watching I do hope you enjoyed the video video if you did enjoy what you saw then please consider giving the video a like if you want to see more content from the channel then please do consider subscribing as well if you'd like to help support the channel further and get early access to many of my videos then you can do so by becoming a channel member or Patron I'll leave a link to both of those down in the video description below to all of you I hope you're having a great day wherever you are take really good care and I will see you all again soon am
Channel: Into the Blue Simulations
Views: 12,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft Flight Simulator, FS2020, Flight Simulator, Flight Simulation, Realism, Realistic, Flight Sim, 2020, MSFS, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, VFR, Real Pilot, Full Flight, Review, First Impressions, Tutorial, Startup, Cold and Dark, Sneak, Preview, Full Review, New, FS Reborn, FSReborn, FSR500, M500, Piper
Id: hPI6KB4hbRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 28sec (2368 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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