Hand Scraping & Fly Cutting Small Angle Plate

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[Music] [Music] it's Super Bowl Sunday and I thought I'd share it clip with you and what I'm doing the day I'm not here in the shop and I'm just now getting back on my scraping just getting things set up and I'm able to use the hand scraper so I wanted to tell you about some scrape from scraper blades that I just got one of my viewers his name is Frank purser and he years ago he was he was taught how to hand scrape and he used to do that as a as part of his business and now he he's rebuilding spindle drives and electronics on CNC machines and he says he still does a little bit of scraping here and there but I'm not like he used to so he was watching the videos he follows the my channel and seen where I needed some scraper blades so he decided to send me a few of them so these are the these are the ones that he sent we got a few of the carbide inserts right here that can be ground in got this this style to this one I'm not really familiar with right here I'm not really sure about those but these are what I'm used to using so far he goes in a holder just like this so I've already got one of them this is another one that he give me and I've already touched it up I'll show you my little grinder setup that I'm using so this is the scraper blade that I bought from Keith Rucker so this is all I have right now to do my scraping with alright here's the little angle plate that I took and started scraping on and what I'm doing is I'm just getting a little bit more practice on this one side and and that's my last blue one right there and it looks like it it's coming in pretty good so I'm going to keep working at that as far as the granite table I don't know how flat this is because I haven't had it inspected or checked so I'm going to assuming that that it's kind of flat it feels like the corners and the sides are smoother than in the middle this one's been used pretty rough there's little chips and stuff in there so I'm hoping that the sides of it are a little more flat in the middle so that's kind of why I've got the ink over here on the side right there and I had I had a little stupid accident whenever I was first squeezing that out this morning and I thought the the cap had a hole in it and it didn't when I squeezed it it like just shot all of it out got some down there on the floor so I was able to take some shim stock and scoop that up and pour it back in the little bottle right there so I have most of it it's probably at least three-quarters full that's what that was I just left what I scraped up there and just using that today instead of wiping it all off so I'm going to keep working on this guy and trying to get it scraped into where I feel comfortable with it and after I do I want to set it up and see about milling that side so over here I've got my Baldor carbide grinder and I already had a diamond will knotted on one side of it right there so I've got it over here and I'm using it to touch up those carbide scraper blades right there now that's that's what I'm going to be using I really would like to pick up one of those other grinders like I showed in the in my scraping video the ones made by a cube finish I think it is so just got to keep my eyes out there on eBay and that kind of stuff for for grinders to come off and maybe I can pick up one of those to add to the inventory around here so anyway I'm going to get back on that and play around with it and just kind of enjoy my day it's it's really nice outside today the the weather is really nice I think it's about 11 o'clock and it's been nice it's been nice like this all weekend so just trying to enjoy my weekend doing it like this is still very foreign to me it is definitely going to take some practice getting used to doing it like this I find that if I do it the way that Richard showed everybody to do it I'm getting a little bit better results using the palm of my hand to kind of do like that versus just seems like when I try to do it with my hand like that I'm not staying I'm not maintaining where I want to scrape so I keep trying to practice and force myself to just kind of hold it like this and just lightly bump it but like with anything it's just going to take some practice the other thing that you have to learn to do is keep keep the center of that radius of that tool where you want it to cut a lot of times whenever I'm trying to bump a little hotspot off I'm actually next to it on either side because because of how you have this tip and what I'm doing I just keep looking at it through the I'm looking at the high spots through the reflection and I'm just trying to pick some out there we go still more the same I think I got this around 20 points per inch I went ahead and described the one-inch square on that one side and counted and I've actually got exactly 20 points right there now I think it's only maybe 30 40 percent of your contact area so there's definitely room to be improvement there but I'm kind of happy with that because it's pretty well even across the whole thing there's a couple spots it's low there's a little bit there and right down in this area but what I wanted to do is try to get a flight of practice scraping and after I do this I wanted to go ahead and and set it up in the middle of machine and mill this other side so I'm going to come back and I'm going to continue to practice on this and try to try to get better at it but I'm going to stop for this for now and move on just some other stuff but I had fun today getting the practice hand scraping in my own shop that's the first time I've got to do it here I want to go ahead and get this get this mill flat now so we've got this set up in the knt should be nice to square on the backside there got to pushed up against the back jaw and I had to get it indicated this way so I think we're about there I'll show you got a pretty good average from one side to the other that's pretty close right there we're going to I've already got her locked in and I'll show you front it back there also it's really out of square all right so now you see how bad it is and we're going to go ahead and set up a tool I think what I'm going to use I think we're going to fly cut this we've got this big fly cutter right here takes a little TPG insert I think we'll use that Cybele to cover the whole the whole width of that at one time we got the fly cutter mounted in a collet Chuck here I've already got her stuck out and centered on the part so we've got about equal equal hang out over each side of the angle plate here so this uses a TPG 200 series carbide insert I've got one in this pack right here that should be a it looks like a 222 it's got a little bit more of a radius on the on the nose there which is what I want I was trying to find a bigger nose radius that's the best one I could find it looks like a one radius on that but that corner was chipped anyway so we're going to go ahead and use this that old insert right there [Applause] since we're roughing it in basically now go ahead and speed the feed rate up song that's a one inch a minute feed right the car man it looks like the tools getting pretty good all right so after that cut well I mean during the cut really but it started getting some bad vibration that's one of the problems with this angle plate is that there's no rigidity there's you don't have any support rib so it's things actually trying to flex as it's making that cut I'm going to try to use these adjustable parallels right here these are the starett 154 B these were my granddad's I had to get this one loosened up because it was still wrapped up in the original little tissue paper in the box it's kind of stuck together but you can adjust them on size let's see if I can the problem is you know if you put too much on there you'll actually be pushing that up and you won't be cutting a square face so I'm going to try to get this to where they're just touching I'll just put two of them on there since it's kind of wide and that's touching that back edge right there so just trying to lightly lightly squeeze it the paraloft seem to be helping keeping that bounce out of it so we started another cut I went up another five thousand we're going to see if that'll clean it up if that doesn't clean it up all the way back I'm going to back it off there and go down again I'll say this is going to be my finished fast across there that very back corner it's just not clean enough it was one little hole back there only move the table up like three three or four thousands and slowed the feed rate down trying to improve the finish on it now looking pretty good alright that thing it's finally squared so that should be that should be close enough now where I can I can get it scraped in there was one little area right through here where it was trying to it tried to start chattering again lightly I had to reach in there and try to tighten the adjustable parallels up a little bit that's why they were they just kind of loosened up on me but still it feels nice I'm go ahead and take it out of there okay as our scrape side and now I'm are seeing a machine side I'd like to try to check the squareness of this angle plate that I've just milled and there's a several ways you can do it there's a couple really accurate ways that you can do it one is if you have a cylindrical square you can check it that way I don't have a cylindrical square so I'm going to use I'm going to use a different method and this isn't this again it still isn't super accurate but this is I should put me within a quarter mile in any way so I'm going to use the surface gauge I'm using the ball into the surface gauge right here and I've got a test indicator set up damn near the center of that bar is I can get it here's our angle plate there's the scraped inside and our freshly milled sod so what I would like to see is how perfectly square that is in perpendicular we can check in one spot like this so like I said I don't have a cylindrical square but I do have this this is a very high quality angle plate that was given to me by Paul I shared a video a while back now the toolbox did Paul had given me he's a retired tool maker and machinist and this is one that he had made as well as he's one two three blocks he's the one that I call my good one two three blocks and every time I test these things whether mike them are sweeping them I'm usually within one tenth of being the same thickness and parallel matter of fact earlier and this one right here if you look closely you can see a little bit of blue haze on there I actually blues it since I had the ink over there and it was it looked flat so I'm going to use this as my square reference right here because I know this is going to be really close but even this needs to be checked with a with a master square so that's some tools that were that we got on the wish list you know we've got a cylindrical square I would like to find a good quality granite square so I'm kind of looking for those so let's take our surface gauge and we're going to come up to it rocket on that ball right there and it looks like I've got it 110 over zero see if we can adjust that so what we're looking at that's that's our highest point of contact with the indicator needle there so we're just rotating on that ball so I know that my zero point on this is going to be you know where it's touching there's going to be zero in the indicator so that's that's square move that off out of the way and slide this one over here and try it okay for tents that's why I'm getting there again you just coming up rocking you're looking for that same point I've got two tents right there reset all right so about three tents it's not too bad I need to look at it over here and use both my hands where I can see it it's jumping across that machine's face there but I'm seeing between two and three that's better than I thought okay now what we could do is we could reset it I can reset this to a higher point it's just tricky with this particular snug that I have with the indicator there but come up here a little bit higher you know and reference up here higher in a different position but I'm going to leave it like it is though I'm just trying to have a little bit of have a little fun with some of this inspection stuff here and this is something that I had learned about Richard so I thought I'd try it out using the ball end of the surface gauge there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Abom79
Views: 148,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abom79, scraping, hand scraping, angle plate, scraping cast iron, hand scraper, cast iron angle plate, fly cutter, fly cutting, single point fly cutting, manual machining, manual machinist, adjustable parallel, starrett, starrett adjustable parallel, kearney & trecker, K&T, K&T milling machine, milling machine, heavy milling machine
Id: 7Dm3aNUQeR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2017
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