Hanamikoji (& 7 expansions!) - 2p Teaching, Play-through, & Roundtable by Heavy Cardboard

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[Music] hey what's up y'all welcome to game day here at heavy cardboard teach play and discuss medium and heavy strategy board games war games 18xx and today we got some thinking filler right so we got hannah hannah makoji there we go i've been working on this for like an hour uh hannah makoji uh designed by kodanakayama and published by emperor s4 now it's there's a whole lot of other uh publishers out there but the copy that we have it's from emperor s4 on top of that uh smooch over at tbd over at taiwan board game design uh made this happen so certainly appreciate that so welcome everybody watching live around the world as well as after the fact should be a good time today i had heard about this game when it first came out and apparently it first came out back in 2013 which well the original yeah but it kind of hit mainstream three four years ago yeah i think 17 we were playing it i think so i first played this two days ago and was blown away at how good this is this is a clever clever little two-player thinking filler it really is good uh extraordinarily simple and streamlined mechanically and rules-wise but the the cleverness is in what you can do with that it's it's kind of a you know what yeah there's that uh on top of that we have these seven mini expansions which were i believe just released at essen or were supposed to but i don't know if they actually made them over there anyway we have all seven of them here sitting in front of us you all are going to get a chance to see those and you're going to see some of those in play as well but what we're going to do to start is we're going to play one match with just the base game since the first time we've streamed it and then uh y'all are going to decide which of the seven expansions we're gonna play with for the second match should be a good time so you ready i'm ready all right i think you all are let's get into it uh i'm not even gonna bother bringing down the cameras in the chat because honestly it's that simple uh here you go here's the theme uh hanumakoji welcome to most fa to the most fame geisha street in the old capital hamako hanumakoji thank you geishas are elegant and graceful women who are skilled in the art in art music dance in a variety of performances and ceremonies greatly respected and adored geishas are masters of entertainment in hana makoji two players compete to earn the favor of seven illustrious geishas by collecting each geisha's perfor preferred performance item with careful speculation and a few bold moves can you outsmart your opponent and win the favor of the most geishas all right so that's it so what is it y'all are looking at to start with well we have the seven lovely geishas out here in addition to those we have their favor markers now their favorite markers are double sided you could play to wear those stand out a little bit better but honestly the artwork on this is beautiful it is really really pretty artwork so we're going to use the favor markers on the other side because they look better uh then we have a deck of 21 cards and you would mention that the name is actually 21 blossoms right and because the deck is 21 cards there you go in addition to that we each have four action markers here the in the base game they are numbered one two three and four you also can tell which uh number they are is by the number of cards that are shown on each of the action markers so let me show you all that real quick here so uh to zoom in on the action markers we're going to be doing those all right so we have one card two card three card four cards pictured there now i mentioned that that we have these seven expansions as well and just to give you guys i bumped it boo there we go just to give you a preview those are the seven expansions they're all mini expansions and basically all they are is new tiles that replace the base game tiles here as well as the rule books that go for each of the tiles so there you go slightly slightly altering the game right but enough to make it enough of a difference now i have not have you we haven't played i haven't played with the expansions yet but i haven't played this a good amount right i've played this uh three i played three hands great when you beat me it's thanks all right all right so what is it uh what is it we're doing all right the goal of the game is to either gain the favor of four of the geishas or uh the uh value of 11 geisha points okay so you'll notice that the numbers range from five down to two so there are three twos two threes a four and a five what we're going to do is we're going to deal out six cards to each player and then the first player they're going to draw a card the second act the second thing is they're going to either do the first second third or fourth action when they do that action they do whatever it says then flip it over to show that that action's done boom done next player goes draws a card does the exact same thing you do not have to do these in any order you could do three one two four however the order you want you do not have to do it in the same order that your opponent does after playing four cards or doing the four actions you then evaluate and if you've ever played war or you've ever played battle line this is very similar except you were not playing values of cards out here when you play cards out here via these actions it's just a sheer quantity of cards so whoever has the most cards on their side is going to win the favor of that geisha that's right and so we draw a card play in action do that four times then we go into scoring whoever if either of us gain four geisha or have 11 value then they win the game there's no more hands to be played if neither of those things happen we play another hand until one of those things happen whoever succeeds in that wins however it is possible that one player has four geishas and the other player hits 11 value in that case the 11 value wins that's the tiebreaker i see i see and that's okay it could happen right all right i've never seen that but i think that's great and i i think the only other thing we really need to do is go over what the four actions are so you're gonna have six cards well you'll draw a seventh card into your hand at the beginning of the game this is tuck a card play it face down here and this is going to score when i say it's going to score what that means is it's going to be placed out here on your side of the geishas which will be one strength if you will or one favor uh on your side the second one is you're going to play two cards face down here and those will not score meaning they will not go out here they just will basically be out of the game but you'll know what they are and you may freely look at these at any point throughout the game obviously your opponent can't look at this the iconography is good because the white is up and the black is down exactly and this one is you play three cards face down or face up in front of you and it's a i cut you choose type mechanism to where i'm going to put the three face up derek takes one to put in front of him for scoring yeah i then the two remaining i will have pretty simple on that and then finally again the i cut you choose this is four cards here make two sets two pairs of two derek chooses one i get what he doesn't choose and then read them and reap read them and we all have the same actions and there you go oh one other thing i should point out two cards two cards two cards three cards three cards four cards five cards 21 cards that's how many also there are and that's the value they have so i'll shuffle up and deal and here we go all right so yeah uh there are like i said this is the base game only to start and the second match and once once y'all see how this works uh in action then i figure from there we'll go ahead and reveal what the tiles are in the seven expansions and let you all choose from that that kind of makes them it was interesting because i had played shadows of kyoto last week which is another emperor s4 game and this had come to you by mail like oh my god you have this here which is fantastic that it was brought to the table yep all right so here we go cut them if you would like all right oh and there is one other really important thing there are 21 cards we're going to use all the cards except for one one of them you can do the first one you could do the last one it doesn't matter this one is removed from the deck not revealed so nobody gets to know what this is and now there are 20 cards left and we deal out six to each player you want to go forward no your honor go for it you're the guests all right all right oh one other thing here i'm going to shrink this down so derek can't see this but y'all down here in the bottom right hand corner you all get to see my hand of cards so you y'all can sort of play along a little bit and critique my horrible play in this and i'll just leave him right there okay oh how many of y'all out there have played hanamukoji i imagine almost none of you have played any of the expansions so hey jess hi all right cool all right all right so first things first draw a card don't forget yes that is the easiest thing to forget draw a card which is kind of funny let's uh let's e e oh e all right let's do this i'm gonna do this action all right so sorry i'll start right off with the big gun and we will go with action three which is three cards you choose one i take the other two so now you see what's you see what's in my hand and now i have a choice um given what i know i think i think i will choose this one for me so that will go there and derek gets the other two i receive two items for these two geishas there you go and that's his action all right so i draw a card there we go i think it would be ironic to do those three as the uh you pick one and i get the other two would be kind of funny the que i don't know if i want to do that yet um so you know what i think what i will do instead is i don't feel like i have a ton of information here so i think what i will do i could tuck that one as the i'm going to score this card for sure oh you know what yeah i will i'm going to tuck this one as the here so that will go there wow that will go there and boom done and i'll do it sideways i guess that'll so that i can look at that at any point but that is going to end up out here on my side at the end of uh at the end of the scoring round okay i'll take a card you did take a card at the beginning of your turn i did yeah and derek did miguel don't worry goodness you talked on your first turn wow usually tuck last so that is a flute it appears a fan and that is a scroll okay huh she does her magic with scrolls she's a reader uh that's why she has glasses oh okay okay sure she's studious maybe she's a teacher um let's go with ah each all right i think oh and that should flip there we go oh wow okay we're getting oh huh okay so now this is a the i split you choose right that's the fourth action right so if i pick this one you get those i think given what i see here and what is played out there i'm sure there is an obvious pick but i'm struggling to see it [Music] you know what i will go for those oops she gets the loot and you get the umbrella i draw give me some information sir yeah no information um let me just play around with some of these real quick oh this is kind of an interesting idea let me again playing around like if i were to do the four here and split it like that or we could do it like that to where those are the ones there and there oh that's actually an interesting dilemma there then i could always i could tuck those and say those don't get played don't score right i could play them here and then you know what let's do this we're gonna go ahead and do the four so you can choose uh let me see where do we get space we could do that four the five that we've given me both of the threes or five so it's six points and two girls i will take the two girls okay yes okay all right i'll take my card decide one of these last two actions i can either place one down to be played later or i can put these both the sides and guess what the next card is going to be now i obviously have some information which is basically one of every card is available pretty much at this point let's see hmm i think i will i think i will tuck okay no new information ah i had a feeling that was going to be one of the cards that got drawn um oh this is actually kind of what if i did those for the three [Music] i think i do those for the three if i do i get two of those yeah i'm good with that i'll return the favor it's the exact same decision so i cancel myself out and we both win one got it that's pretty much the same all the way around because there's no more twos so or or we cancel all three oh i could do that that doesn't seem very beneficial to me though i think it would be more beneficial for me to take these too you only get one you only get one i want to take both can i just take these two [Laughter] well i do like my studious lady so i'll take my studious lady okay so that's going to be a null and i'm going to he's going to win no uh i'm going to win uh then you're going to win you're going to win well you're going to there's only three cards of each this one is to be determined and i'm going to win that so right now it is seven it's going to be yeah to eight right now and it's going to come down to who wins that so it's your honor to tuck two cards so you get to tuck those two and i get to tuck these two so there we go oh you're talking two yeah we both yeah so that's pretty much it so that's it all right so now we go into scoring so we go into scoring so this is going there so what's yours okay no and that's it because these don't get scored these don't get added so not my three four and that is going to be a five four three four or three four as well right so i win same thing nothing you win you win i win nothing you win so there we go so what is that that's three six eight two five seven there you go it's the end of the match neither of us has uh at 11 or um and neither of us has what got removed neither of us has four we play it again hey all right got some new faces in here that's cool right i clearly i cannot uh choose the wine that is in front of me exactly right exactly right which would make it a lot easier but as you can see these actions you since there's only four actions that you're going to have to take during your turn that the expansion is going to change the game greatly because yeah it is because those those actions change well greatly we'll see we'll see how different it is and then we're going how many play uh six each and then discard one face down four five and six and goodbye to that lovely card there and i draw a seventh start nice there we go okay so this is one of the rare games where i won't organize my hand to give away any kind of information never um hmm one thing that i could do is as the four cards i could do those two and then those two that that seems yeah though um yet oh yeah they don't reset yeah sorry they they do not so they do not you won that that because you had eight you had one that i won this oh and i had seven there and those two are they do not um you know what actually oh i'm gonna tie it stays i'm gonna tuck that one even your tuck there and one thing i want to look at give me one second on that note go ahead draw a card don't forget yeah do not move them back all right i think i'm going to tuck also that's so boring i know sorry okay i was more exciting the first hand i had a different hand okay and again you're allowed to freely look at your own cards on that um uh i don't know which to do so okay let's say i did do that just as the what if there that leaves me these three cards no i don't think i want to do that the fact that i have no information going into the second round sucks here [Music] right and then you tuck the other ones [Music] interesting we tucked in last so an interesting idea is what what if i did those three there yeah i'm good with that pick one oh that's hard i can't give you that dang it okay all right that was draw don't forget that was good that was a good plan all right and yeah i uh this is going back to kickstarter i think next week i believe this isn't sponsored or anything just we we played this and i was like i really want to stream this and it just so happened to coincide so that's cool yeah this is this is it from what i've been told you could play this considerably quicker however yes yes if you know anything about you know us and our group it's not i just you get to play anything considerably quick i mean we play lahav in 45 minutes but right it's it's all about i mean thinking through different options yeah exactly and cool to hear pg cole uh i believe it's going to kickstarter in fact let me uh here while all derrick's deciding all right i don't have my view okay go for it go ahead all right so i'm going to do this one and i will do okay so while you decide though huh okay um oh shoot i should do something else all right never mind it's fine it's fine so if i take the blue i win that yeah i mean okay scrolls all right so we draw oh now that's okay just just indulge me here let's say i played those as don't scoring that would leave this which given what's out there i think that would be okay given what this is i think oh maybe not oh that's right because geisha's road the kickstarter for geisha's roads coming yeah well and it's yeah which is right there yeah yep i don't know what to do here so i have to either play four of these to split which that's a terrible idea or throw away two or throw away two and we're going to throw away two the question is which two um i think the question is either those or that and that we're gonna we're gonna toss those two done all right draw your card this makes me nervous what did you toss hey shrey do me a favor this way i don't have to type it can you grab the uh can you grab the uh link and post it for me please i feel like i'm not playing nearly as well as i did the other day against ray i feel like i'm playing that i feel like i have myself between a rock and a hot place at the moment um i will okay do this oh wow that's what you needed all right so obviously i'm playing all four of my cards as i am going to so so let's see if we did that right and split them like this this is bad i i think i have to split it that way don't i because if i did this then it becomes an obvious choice so i think i have to split it oh mistakes were made thanks trey oh mistakes were made yep i have to so there or there yeah i played this hand terribly i feel like no this is not gonna be good for me okay last card okay oh uh um there you go it's choose these two or choose these two wow that's a no-brainer that was a crazy ending i ended up with all of them and see and that's why i hate leaving that one to the end um all right so this one comes out this one comes out okay so me you me and that wins it they that stays you so that's right oh you win it well five eight eleven oh you already had it right thirteen victor even though i don't feel like i played that one exceptionally well um all right so that is that's basically hannah mikoji all right so the cards stay the same the tokens all stay the same here in the middle of the board what changes however is this i will get that right there there we go so now that that is done there we go so now there are the seven expansions okay so those all have you know they're cute little boxes all that's in this box are eight of these so there's four for each player four for each and remember the rules face up we're going to see the cards face down we will not see the card so as you can see those combinations are very interesting oh that one's in the wrong order hold on i just realized and again one card two cards three cards four cards so there you go pick y'all what are they named each one uh huh oh yeah uh and we have the names for each of the expansions so uh number one the pink one is to be in love oh the second one the green is health healthy the third one uh the blue is safe and sound at peace oh that's awesome the fourth is kind of the orange the lighter yellow here is a good match meaning like as a couple you all make a really good match you look similar to the original uh the fifth one is qualified the bright yellow wow a lot you're not seeing a lot in that one the purple is getting rid of bad fortune so that's that's nice and the red one is economic prosperity wow the first action in that in getting rid of bad fortune is giving the other player a card yes so give a player a face down card they don't see it [Laughter] so so you know you don't know what you have but you have another card to play at the end so there you go uh so so pick pick uh a peach that's a good yeah there you go that's what that color would be is peach all right so we have green green or peach so you all choose and when you choose we will uh we will replace and we will go through and as i mentioned there are the various rule books all of this does fit in the new version of the game the one that we're playing here yes it's a bigger box obviously but it's it's still a tiny little box it is still a small box we have a red come on people we got a red a blue or green and a piece of peach juice that's all of them almost somebody anybody for purple and pink paul inevitable we got another green and a two for purple two green two well it looks like green green's gotten three green so green it is all right all right so green it is uh which is health or healthy so we will bust out a lot of information known information and we give each other the only unknown information the other person knows what that information is all right so uh that one replaces there that one replaces there that one and that one there we go all right so let's go over these just to make sure that we get it right even though the iconography is pretty good yeah there we go it's pretty good there isn't any new symbols on these guys yet except for this one this first one is gonna assemble bring that in a little there we go give myself a little more room all right so we have the four uh the four oh okay there it is the first one is called giveaway uh pick one card place face down cannot be seen again uh face down to be revealed and scored for your opponent at the end of the round so they don't know what they're getting something amazing clearly a gift the second one is reveal pick two cards and put them face up on your side just the end pretty simple okay uh the third one is just like how the previous was except your opponent chooses two oh oh what i was trying to do one exactly two and one so it's the opposite of the three in the last one and this one is called intercept this is pick four cards to place face up your opponent discards two of those cards face down cannot be seen again and place the remaining cards on your side on the side of the player got it so four cards go out two cards get discarded and i get to keep the other two okay all right so you you just shuffled you went first last time um yeah i'll go first this time go ahead you you go in the deal all right four five and six and you know if we play this thing goes out of the game no normal rules it goes out of the game okay because one of them actually takes away that yeah let me double check uh and you know what purple if if we play quick enough we'll bust out of purple um each player replaces the base there four right good enough we can score in the first round you do not remove a card from the deck don't remove okay so uh discards are face down and hidden so you don't get to see them anymore all right all right so these cards just still look lovely because they're the same cards all right so we will draw to start so again we give a card keep two cards give or you know i get one of the three and then you get to oh yeah yeah okay you're giving up to the other player in this game in this green game of i'll be a giver so we will choose this one to give almost all of them are given all right should start off with action four just delete stuff right off the bat i actually was considering doing that this is this is not an obvious no this is definitely not an obvious with either our hands i'm guessing ah yeah we're going to start with a gift so you get that uh this this this one i guess it goes there but you haven't done it yet yes whereas mine flips there we go okay good so you gave me a gift that was very nice today i i am a giver i would like to know what that gift is all right draw a card uh that would help me in my decision making have a good one cole and yes the camera that you see right here is intentional derek can't see it don't worry i can't they can't see anything actually i can just see the chat down at the bottom uh um i would like to not give you any information so that move would be this card is going to you there you go thanks you're welcome a gift uh all right we draw so i'm curious if i kept those two ugh and that move number three is just give two cards that's just crazy i mean is it nuts to think to do that for the three cards or or do i do that let me see what if i did that for the three cards derek chooses two of them would either choose probably that and that or maybe that and that right so if he did that then i could play this oh no that doesn't work out does it hmm so do i make it a non-decision really and do that but that gives that that's the only problem this is crazy man yeah i really think about it and i hate the we're giving away three of the cards that we see because if i did that for the four cards that becomes obvious what i think he would choose if i did that maybe not you know what maybe we go with that yeah actually we will do the fourth action so with action yep so four cards you get to discard two of them cool i'm in which two do you want me to throw away oh and then you get to keep the other two yes well then i would want to do these two we get getting okay all right so those are out of the games out of the game and uh see you later all right draw a card okay now i have to make a decision ee you know what make a choice my friend let's do the same as last turn except i get two of them so if you get two of them oh god now i gotta remember what the hell that was what did you give me which which awful one of these because i'm guessing that's what you gave me and i assumed the same um well i will take these two and hope i'm right it's there so yeah there and there all right we draw i think i keep those two i think so i think i do then that means you get two that plus the uh i feel like an idiot that i can't figure this out yet but i'm gonna keep two done draw and i'll actually put the uh the link down in the description down below here in a little bit i will keep two okay yep i i actually knew what they were going to be yep and now the last card here you get to choose three of the or two of those i get to keep one then i i'll choose two which i will give you the four i wonder what that is and i wonder what that is no i actually know what that is so i can't i can't remember you can't remember what that is all right so which is so here draw yeah and then i'm going to be doing this action yep and i have to put them into pairs no no no they're not pairs are they yeah see it's a pair of oh it's two pages one goes away and ones and ones uh no pick four cards to place face up i just discard two of them uh that's well then i then i can't really choose so here you go here you go okay um well you can keep that because you were gonna win that anyways uh you can keep that yeah oh wait no the oh yeah it's oh you're gonna win either way so and you can keep that i guess because you were these or is that my no that's one two three four right there so you kept those two these two go away there it is so i win you win i win you win oh i did guess right all right you win draw and i win so five eight ten nine there we go nobody wants uh wait no i won three you won three am i right yeah i think so yeah yeah we each won three and that one's in the middle and you're one point less than me yeah there you go all right shouldn't be that hard okay is not all right we flipping back over another game of green there we go this is very different i can't believe like i mean it makes sense that the action is it just feels different it oh it totally feels different um this game yeah just changing what actions there are this is a lot you gave a lot in this this this version of this expansion you're giving a lot away you are it doesn't feel good i don't like doing that much of it okay you have to have good fortune and if you do not then we know what can happen okay tabanusi all right draw and you're first okay ah so that was a draw huh okay those are cards hmm let's go with bloop here you go sir i hate the idea of keeping two right away yes um i was also thinking that too because it's like would the other person spend the rest of the game trying to make sure you don't get whatever that is you know what i'm gonna go and do the three cards to start you get two of them either you lock one in or or uh we tie one and you might win the other yeah i think i think oh shoot i forgot draw a card ah wouldn't have changed things i don't think so that's good as long as it wouldn't change there we go all right so that leads me to my turn which that is his fourth but hopefully now i pull one of those back right we'll see thanks cash so your turn draw a card yes did i draw a card i i do not think i did for hold on you started the game with seven yep you gave me a card that's six you have not i have not okay sorry the game was six drew a card last time hence seven there you go this could be bad that could be really bad that's so much information that's right okay keeping two cards keeping two cards trying to take cut her from you come over here rt's better i don't like any of my options i elect to not no um i like to do your action i can keep two of these you can neither of which like i don't see a combination that is really attractive for me so i'm not going to do that action so then do i play out four cards and let you choose it would it will it would give you no choice at the end though you'd have to play those last two cards of whatever was in your hand there is that but i still have this action i can always give a card oh that's right you do have that okay um so the question is do i give that oh that's a good point unturned tokens show how many cards you should have if it's your turn four five six seven oh that's true because the number uh yeah yeah yeah uh wait four five six seven i have five that's not always right after i play this yeah because that's my card fair point um i have no idea what to do here you're gonna have to do something so i'm thinking of giving one of those two but i don't know which i'm gonna give this one and maybe that's a dumb thing to do but we'll find out so oh well thank you sir you're welcome draw [Music] all right so what i have left that and that oh [Music] i hated that by the way i could at least i i will remember what it was so there's that yeah yeah yeah um so i get to keep two of those i get to keep two of those well that's an interesting idea isn't it uh huh do i go with the obvious to hold on to one of mine you know what i will okay so we draw and i either can keep two of these or play four and let there discard two hmm i just realized something um i don't think i think i keep what if we kept those two no do i keep those playing out the four i think is a terrible idea um the problem is having that is the last action you're letting the other person make that decision for you so i feel like you're in a compromised position with having that be your last play yeah as opposed to keeping the two correct because that's your decision opposed to somebody else's decision and i'm like oh we'll see we'll see what'll happen well here's the thing if i play those four i legitimately don't know what he's going to choose so at least this way i get to keep that and i keep whatever else i draw which i think is helpful except for almost anything but two of the of the cards maybe and there's probably a logic way to a logical way to think about it that i'm failing so maybe maybe i do let him choose because i must i'm okay if he has me keep those yeah all right let's see this might be a terrible idea but i get to keep two of those and you discard two your choice and then i get to keep two on the last turn which i'm happy about so i'm keeping this card for sure this is a clever little game that really hurts my brain burn these two all right so i'm keeping that and i keep that which means that's coming back to them oh this is not good this is not good for me and that is going to be yours i'm going to take that and uh let me see what i get to pick okay you get to keep two i do you can keep the five and so the five the four you can keep the four which i wouldn't have thought i would get to do all right so i'm keeping that oh damn that's what you had and i'm hoping that it's this that's what i think it is no oh okay so yours is here okay and that's there all right so you win that that's a wash i win this that's a wash that's a wash huh yeah right stay oh you're right yes then yeah then you went that's right that's the whole point of doing that yes because you win the ties i was trying to i was trying to tie these two yep well done well done yeah you you're right you technically don't you you're right good job all right well we each have won one so i guess we're gonna have to i didn't think i would win having this as a last move i thought that this is the last move would be the weakest thing you could do but because we have the hidden information from the other player go ahead uh shuffle up play one more sure or did you want to do yeah we'll do the purple one purple yeah let's do perfect all right so so let me have those see what purple does there we go so green is done so purple as well purple is going to be what did we call this one yeah that's frustrating uh the purple is getting rid of bad fortune so that is this one oh my goodness look at all that face down information okay here we go all right get rid of bad fortune let's get clear the air of that juju bad juju does any cards get removed oh you need the little oh yeah and the uh let's see this is uh this is number six this is what number two i need to slow down and not try and uh that was two this is now the new one is six oh i shouldn't have moved those you're right sorry y'all all right so here we go we have uh when playing with the right four right good start you no longer remove a card from the item deck put discarded cards face down this is a giveaway so just like the last one so we did the two giveaways all right so we're that's the same it's a gift to your opponent okay the second one is a gift one to one pick two cards face up your opponent chooses one of the cards to place on their side you get the other side so pretty simple yeah this one uh good fortune yeah you you play your reveal you play three exactly and the fourth one is transmit pick four cards to place face down your opponent discards three of them unseen and the fourth one is face down on your side that you get the score so they don't get to know what they're they're getting rid of three cards but you get to keep the one that you choose as the one but you don't know what that card is well your opponent doesn't know what you two i mean you're playing all four down okay stack of three you don't get to look at what the four cards are you get the stack of three you discard uh oh i'm sorry no no no i just lay out four cards yes randomly picked it's just a random okay so this is definitely good fortune we need some good fortune in this game there's a little bit of randomness okay yeah here we go how big is the box it's not um let's see the the this is the size of the box so that's my hand there you go right my hands and put it in and i'm not very tall it does it does fit if you alternate these these do fit all seven of them in there along with the base game stuff like that so you can see there's four of them okay all right the fourth action is a little different yeah i'm not super keen on the fourth one but so be it yeah all right we'll go six one two three four five six eight all right each one of us uh i'll go yeah i go first all right yeah all right yeah not super keen on that first one um or on that last action so you know what so you get to keep three if you want draw a card don't write one two three four five six seven i already did it um so a couple of ideas here that i'm thinking could keep those seems not ideal i could put that that that and say that out and i what i want to see real quick is are you allowed to re-look at your cards well i guess i could know where they are so yeah it doesn't say that you cannot um so that would be kind of interesting is that worth the three of them get thrown away then or is that too aggressive i could do i won't know what's getting tossed only you will yeah i know but will you remember it at the end of the game i don't know what what i was having a hard time do we do the randomness now that way i know what's up yeah let's you know what let's gamble a little this is definitely a gambling so there i'm gonna here you he's gonna pick is that the one i wanna no you know what no in hindsight i'll use my mental powers to figure out what you're looking at right now there you go it's gonna be that that's what he's gonna get okay so i'm going to flip them over like this and put them out here okay three of them go away just tell me which one i'm keeping they're all fours right so clearly yeah because there's four four cards so that's that that makes so much easier so and that is that action so i get to get rid of three of them yeah just tell me what one i keep um just keep this one in the end okay so i'm here just for that's what i'm keeping okay this goes it i i want to put it under there no it goes under we had the discards from the last game we didn't shuffle in all right no big deal i still thought that was a clever idea i was actually thinking the same because the randomness getting it out of the way right so where then you playing the whole rest of the round around it so i don't want the randomness at the end right yeah because then you can't work oh thank you it's a shamason uh it's not a loot by the way okay ah four five two four five six there you go oops and you draw yep and seven there we go okay i still like that idea if i were dealt the same which i'm not but if i were her i would have i would have done that again korean the bulgogi which is like a gift it's basically like a cloth covered and that's how they give you a gift instead of like a wrapped in paper they'll do it in like uh okay and like a beautiful pattern well all right well let's try that again now that we have all the cards in the game yeah it's it's a little different my hand is definitely not as good yeah my hand is definitely changed um i was actually really excited about that hand last time yeah now i'm not willing to gamble as much i don't think um gambling's fun am what you might call risk adverse i probably you probably win more than i mean i could go real simple and just do that for the that action right for the give and take it's not terribly exciting but it doesn't give derrick any information so let's try it you pick that one good good pick okay done your turn this one yeah update the 50 50. all right draw a card i love gambling so gambling is always going to be something i'm going to do so i am going to take four cards and i'm going to place them like so that's the one you keep this is the one i keep that's the one you keep yeah under there there you go yeah these are those are out of char here do me a favor turn him sideways right now right here oh okay i see so there those are the discards so we don't so we don't forget them again yes okay all right draw a card get excited about the next game okay so now that's kind of a ninja now i think i will now i think i will do the same because i still don't have really any other information so now i think i will do that so i will go there and there well hold on hold on because then i gift one and then i'm reduced to the i still yeah i'm okay with that so gonna flip this over which one do i keep okay there okay that i keep wanting to put it under there i know because it was the last because it was the last right so there there's the discards all right you're you're up oh my god all right this doesn't that doesn't feel as bad as i thought it was going to as far as the whole cause you set up for it yeah exactly because it it's actually something that you're planning on so i actually think that's a lot more clever than i thought it was going to be at first huh there you go thanks okay yeah yeah i think that will work i don't know if it's gonna work but i think it will work okay i will return the favor good sir well thank you you're welcome i appreciate the draw draw okay i want to break free all right uh i'm i could do that let's oh that's an interesting idea uh trick i think is how you say his name says uh suggest trying to play with uh you only move the markers one step so let's say at the end of a a match i have this one if you win this one next match it only goes to there you don't win it i think that's an interesting true more true tug of war yeah an interesting uh that's a nice variant yeah all right so i can either one to one or i can play three yep so either way you're keeping four i know of the five cards right i know so i am going to do this and give you a lot of information okay okay so i get to keep three cards that's so i get to keep those yep and i get to keep this oh i get to draw a card and i in 50 50. right i mean i got to pick the four right i mean i got to it's worth more it makes sense so i have to so there and there all right we and then yeah we show our two cards oh oh yes yes you have another card over there too oh i do thank you i forgot about that there all right oh so hold on that's you yeah that's me nobody that's me yeah that's you that's you that's me seven nine what do you have four nine nine and nine nine nine do it again keep the markers where they are okay oh this is clever yeah i like this one and that and the discords are right there all right i'll shuffle all right okay yeah i like this one this one's changing it this is really changing yeah i dig this good call on the purple y'all yeah thank you for the purple it really makes it different and i really didn't think i was gonna like this one because of that last action yeah but you have but you're planning for them right because you're going to get the four actions that's it mm-hmm i mean without some of the loser games we get eight actions right right it's like what can you do in that one action to make as much as possible cut all right six each well i'll give you seven two yeah give me seven it'll be easier for me to stop my turn six seven thank you all right so okay here i can talk about it now right for that last one i had three fives and a two is what i gave you both times you picked the two fyi really yeah it was three fives and that two specifically and each time you pick that one which it gives me control to know okay there are only two so if you play both i know i can forego that now i see and so i don't know if that was great or not but i thought that was a a way to at least control the information for me so wait one of them i'm gonna let the peanut gallery choose one two three four there you go so one two three four which one does he keep obviously looks like three well hold on hold on wait wait wait from left yeah or from your left but let's see hold on let's see uh the first thing to get two was two so you keep this one i get to look at it again i did yeah go ahead and you're fine it doesn't say that you can't okay thank you okay all right all right i think that was fun all right no it was too it ended up being two okay um hmm you may have that you're up you may have that thank you so kindly we have a lot of information right now so much information for us to go on what do we do here um we're both turtling on this one this so what if we did those i like that idea so hold on gotta shuffle these up okay how about the peanut gallery one two three four why not and they didn't i shuffled it so they don't know i feel like i picked really good last time yeah twice seriously so one two three four that's the one i keep i wonder what one they're going to choose because i already i felt the cards and they told me what number okay all right let him have i know what one i want to keep it's 4 upside down wow lots of votes before all right looks like four it is so i'm keeping this one so look down there okay so those go away i would have chosen three okay i would have chosen uh the one that whatever because you can't give me any information so i wouldn't say i'm not going to don't worry you're right good all right i'm gonna play three give me all the information yep okay okay all right nothing else has been played on so i'm allowed to look at that what are you doing oh no i guess i'm not no the other game you were but not on this one for some reason they won't let you look at it afterwards right i think it i think it's clear about that right um it wasn't the last one i don't know if it's clear cannot be seen again cannot be seen again never to be i think i know what that is actually okay so i either keep three of these or one in one and then keep the others the one and one the opponent chooses or you choose i forgot you choose ah fairly certain you choose on the one-on-one right yeah opponent chooses yeah that makes sense it'd be too easy if uh if you chose yourself now is the time to perform that magic perform some magic i don't know what to do uh oh there you go thanks thanks franny um i don't know what to do i mean there's that right i'm not keeping three of these i don't think well you're keeping four of your final right yeah keeping four of the five there you go good choice all right go ahead i'm doing the same all right you're gonna choose yeah i get to choose so what are they three and five uh i will take that one really yeah okay because i'm keeping that i'm keeping that and i'm keeping that well that i still win that then whoa well we haven't done this we haven't done oh shoot i forgot that you i forgot about ties oh you gave me both of these okay oh and i get that which you'll keep that keep keep keep comes to me keep comes over here and i think you got it oh yes oh i thought i i thought i was gonna be able to swing it i forgot the ties stay with ah that's fine you see it's still one right but wow you sweep me i thought i was gonna have more luck than that jeez well i threw away uh there were three fours and a and the three and you let me keep that so the other two were thrown away wow wow good game good game that was all right so uh yeah all right there you go so um so thoughts on hannah mckoji well i mean ever since i first played it was my first emperor s4 game so when i first had played it uh it actually um made me want to explore the rest of their line because it was it was really good really fast and i my wife will actually play and she doesn't play many games at all so like for a non-gamer this is simple enough and has enough uh heavy strategy not heavy but you know oh no i i mean we just played for an hour and a half played three matches of this which it's a 15-minute game wow we played for just about an hour and a half yeah well i didn't feel like that no well plus the explaining everything but yeah you get the idea um i think this is awfully clever and really mechanically super simple yeah and the fact that the expansions sure they change the mechanisms completely in a lot of cases but it's still stupid simple to figure out and it keeps things fresh no matter how many times you played it you then if you get all the expansions you're looking at eight uh different ways to play it and i and i have to say like when you played the bass game and you played it a lot of times you can kind of start guessing your opponents two player games tend to do that already sure um and having this variation would actually be able to make it come back to the table again playing with the uh with the expansions and then back to the base game then it stays fresh and it feels new again yep exactly welcome addition yeah really clever uh yeah i'm i i am quite smitten and the artwork is gorgeous on this our work is really really pretty and it comes in a super tiny box which is nice now we do have geisha's road here which basically keeps this mechanism and then builds upon that and adds more to it and the other thing and i didn't realize this until earlier today that uh with geisha's road which is the successor to uh hana makoji um all seven of these also are playable with geisha's road oh cool so so that's basically the base actions can change yeah so exactly so it keeps so that's seven expansions and i think there's a third game that these can be used with as well so you can play three different games so when you get the expansion it's the expansion for three different games so that was uh that was pretty clever yeah they look like little small gifts too uh yeah and from what i i watched uh i watched a video actually and apparently the original uh hanumakoji box you can't fit these in there but you can oh and this one so here and uh the original box is not much bigger than that yeah it's super tiny yeah which was great for my essen packaging anything that's small it's like literally it's a no-brainer will go in my luggage and then the heavier games i have to really make decisions like how many heavy strategy games can i fit in my luggage and make it back and to show y'all here i will just very briefly now obviously these all go in a bag all the chits but here um that's that's all seven expansions and all the the geisha cards and the deca cards again obviously you're gonna throw these in ziploc bags in little baggies and fill in but it will fit so all the expansions will fit in there for those that want to keep those as well because they are they're cute little packaging they are um that's it so there you go that's hannah makoji and uh the seven expansion so a big thanks to smooks everybody at tbd uh as well as everybody over at emperor s4 for the review copy of this certainly appreciate it uh we will probably do geisha's road uh in the upcoming weeks probably in conjunction with the kickstarter just to do them a solid so keep an eye out for that and derek thanks for taking time out today thank you for joining appreciate it thanks to y'all like you guys consider supporting the show uh patreon.com forward slash hchq certainly would appreciate that y'all have a great rest of your day uh i will be back tomorrow with martin and shrey to get absolutely decimated oh they're so good at that game at race for the galaxy uh i get to teach it yeah yeah i'm looking forward to teaching race uh and then i get absolutely destroyed i have no chance i've played it like a dozen times shrey's played it almost seven thousand times between the app and the physical version yeah he's pretty good at this he's not terrible he's a great person to watch if you wanna yeah you won things so we're gonna play it multiple times we're gonna play it once uh talking through our thoughts or at least they will uh martin and sherry well uh going through what they're thinking about and then the second time we play it is going to show you how quick race can be played in a 10-15 minute game uh and it's gonna take way longer to teach the game than it does to play it the first time so yeah yeah so anyway thanks see you all tomorrow night 7 p.m for race our thumbs if you can certainly would appreciate that thanks martin jr over here yes all right take care y'all that was fun it was good that was a good time i enjoyed that thanks man you
Channel: Heavy Cardboard
Views: 2,162
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: InPtsN8VeN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 40sec (5200 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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