Container - 10th Ann. Edition 5p Play-through, Teaching, & Roundtable discussion by Heavy Cardboard

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[Music] [Music] hey what's up y'all welcome to game Dave a heavy cardboard where we teach play and discuss medium and heavy strategy board games war games and 18 X X games today we are really excited to be able to bring you guys in advance look at the 10th anniversary edition or jumbo edition of container designed by friends bento the launch Thomas who it you wait you wait we'll go over the you it and of course Kevin Nesbitt published by mercury games mercury games also kindly provided us with an advanced copy of this and has sponsored the playthrough so big big thanks to mercury games for allowing us to be able to well present this to you guys tonight so welcome everybody watching live around the world and have the gathering of friends we appreciate you all joining us tonight as well as those of you all watching after the fact I'm your host Edward Euler well most y'all should know all these cats I'm clay ker stevedore Mike thank you Dave Tony alright so before we go again also want to thank all our 684 patrons that we have without them this isn't possible and we want to give a shout out to Magna rs definitely really appreciate it so thanks a lot for the support so that said the 10th anniversary jumbo edition so might there was kick-started for this I believe fulfillments gonna start here in the next month a month and a half thereabouts and Kevin had a copy of this at the Gama trade show and he said here this is your copy taking home live stream I'm like oh ok cool sure why not yeah right all of us have played container a few of the folks this is their first play of the 10th anniversary edition we are going to be playing with the advancement bank which is kind of a modular expansion I guess you could say you don't have to play with it we're going to be able to show you guys what that's about that's it Tony who's gonna kind of give you a high-level overview and then I will take you through the teach it's going to be a relatively quick teach tonight low-low rules overhead so as always I'm gonna bring the chat down and the side cameras down so you guys can focus on the teach and then after that I will go ahead and bring the chat up and everything so y'all ready to rock and roll let's do it go super looking forward to it awesome let's do this alrighty take it away all right sounds good so guys while playing container we players are gonna be operating something like a supply and demand economy here to differing degrees each of us will be acting in these roles manufacturer producing five different types of goods and offering those goods for sale a reseller purchasing the manufactured goods direct from the factories and then offering them for sale also an exporter where we're gonna be purchasing goods from those resellers and shipping them overseas to be sold at auction and finally we'll also be acting as consumers ie purchasing those goods from the exporters in order to score some big-time endgame value now as you'll see the economy that we're gonna create will be completely player driven as you'd expect with all of us cast into those economic roles we players are going to set the prices on goods as they pass through the distribution channel from the factory all the way to the island money is sometimes gonna leave the economy and most of the time gonna enter the economy and that availability of money coupled with demand is going to influence the prices of the goods as the game progresses so demand what's driving that demand right well it's driving that demand I'm glad you asked her each player is financially incentivized to collect higher or lower amounts of the different types of goods ie colors of containers that they will keep on their part of the island and that of course is going to affect each player strategy as they work to manufacture distribute ship and consume these goods right so at the end of the game the player with the most cash and cash value on the island is going to be the winner so yeah like container is about big business big money and big ships alright now when we're all done with this also I want to let everybody know that we do have the original edition of containers to be able to compare and contrast so if you guys are hanging out at the end you guys will be able to see a direct correlation or comparison between the two all right so that's it let's get into it so as T just said whoever has the highest value of portfolio portfolio is value of your containers on your ships or on the island I'm sorry as well as some other little bits here in their containers that are left over on your ships etc etc as well as cash on hand so the best way that I know how to teach this game is that just kind of give a turn overview and go from there alright so I'm going to teach the base game first and then we will talk about the investment banking which is over here at the end as an add-on and that will change a couple of the things that I explained about the base game make sense sounds good and I've never played with that alright so here we go alright so at the beginning of the player's turn so if the game is going to take place over an indeterminate number of rounds the game will end when two of those five different color containers in the supply is exhausted the moment that happens that player will finish their turn the game ends we go into final scoring and we'll go through all that here in a little bit so at the beginning of a player's turn they're going to have one pre turn action and what that is is pay interest for any loan that they may have so there are loans which Tony will be very happy about there are potentially loans in this game you are allowed to take a maximum of two loans in any one time on your turn you can pay off loans after you have paid interest so the very first thing you do is you're gonna pay one dollar per loan back to the bank they're gonna get there's no matter what if you took a loan it's going to cost you at least 11 dollars to pay it back and a sense death tax is an interest there you go these things are just going to happen so that's the very first thing let's just hope you can pay that interest hopefully because if you can't pay that interest and your thing the first thing that's going to happen my brother vinnie is going action you're gonna take a second loan alright so you would have to take another loan to pay the interest on the first one but we'll get into it and then there are some repercussions if you can't pay back the second loan or pay the interest we're not going to go into the won't happen tonight it should not all right then on your turn you have a total of four options and you're going to take two actions on your turn you can take these in any order that you wish and you can take almost all of them multiple times all right so the first one that you're going to be able to do is you can either buy a warehouse or a machine and these are the machines now in the five player game there are a total of four machines of each color there are five colors so there's 20 machines available so on your turn you can purchase one machine of a color in which you do not already have so in this case I have a brown machine which will produce brown containers I cannot have a second Brown machine but I can have any of the other colors all right or I can purchase one warehouse to a limit of five warehouses makes sense you can choose one or the other one of them purchase it the price is the number that's actually facing you so this actually carried over from the very first printing of the game anything facing you is the purchase price for those things whether it's machines or warehouses and then for your opponents its facing away from you okay and makes sense so buy warehouse or buy a machine that's one action the second action is buy containers for the harbor store so you'll notice I have one container everybody starts with one container if they priced at $2 so somebody could come over here and purchase this container from me to then place out on their Harbor store I cannot purchase this because this is my factory here whereas Mike could purchase this for two bucks and then he would place it out there on to his warehouse spaces on the other the docks and he would price it at whatever he wishes from two to six dollars make sense pretty simple now the limit I should say for the number of containers that you can have you can have two containers in your factory per machine so in other words if I produce which we'll talk about here in a little bit I can have a total of two containers because I have one machine if I two machines I can have four so on and so forth whereas warehouses one warehouse one container out here two warehouses two containers out there so on and so forth so bio warehouse are a machine that's one action one option by containers from the harbor store to place out on the wharf you want someone else's are always from somebody else's okay you are done if it is not facing you for the value you cannot buy it from you okay make sense cool the third action that you could choose or third option is produce containers for your factory store this is how you get more containers into here so if this were the case I have one factory or one machine as it were or if I had purchased this with my first action remember you get two actions if I had purchased that with my first action for six dollars then and I produce I would then produce one of each so I would produce one of each there and now I can reprice any existing containers that I wish may be you know what maybe Browns are rare but the beige are common so I can price those at three that at two I could price him all at three so on and so forth but when I did that I had to pay the union boss right I mean these are union workers so in this case I would have to pay one dollar over here tick licker there you go the player to your right is your union boss okay yeah the one that doesn't make the L Tony so the one W right there you go so you have to pay a buck to the union boss the player to your right to then be able to produce and remember you can hold two in your factory for every machine so I can produce if I were to produce now I can only produce once per turn so even though I have two actions I cannot take this a double action in one term but let's say it's a subsequent round I want to produce well I have three containers here but I'm only allowed to have four well I would be able to produce one of my choice and the other one I just don't get to produce it okay pretty simple that makes sense yep all right cool the last action is sayo your ship so if you'll notice everything out here and I'm actually kind of glad we have a blue covering because all our ships start at sea your ships can be in one of three places on the board they can either be at sea they could be at any other player's Harbor when they move into another player's Harbor as part of their same action you can purchase any containers for that that that player has on offer as part of the same action all right so moving from C to some another players Harbor what I cannot do is I cannot move into my own harbor to buy my own goods okay you can never buy from yourself so this will never happen you were never allowed to do that as it were if I come over here and Tony has a couple of containers we'll throw those over there and he has a price maybe $3 cool so I would pay you three or six dollars and then you would load it up my ship I appreciate that sir and that is one action moving from C into someone else's Harbor then to move out back to C is a second sale action so that would be the extent of my turn one was moving in and loading up buying whatever he had I can buy as little or as much as I want up to five because obviously there's only five spots on your ship okay but so one and then two that's it or I could have gone one and then done something else maybe maybe I produce or maybe I purchase containers from somebody else to then put out here onto my store that makes sense but then on a subsequent turn it comes becomes my turn again my ship is still here in Tony's Harbor well oh hey Tony Tony had purchased that from another player on his turn and now you know what I'm already there as one of my actions I can then purchase that good or that container to place on my ship so I would pay you four bucks you would load that up that's one action and again my second action would to be back out here at sea or if I hadn't done that and I just moved out as one action what's the same maybe I didn't come over and visit my buddy clacker and he had some containers out here and I purchased that would be both of my actions moving out to see them moving in someone's Harvard cool but as it were let's say I had done that on a previous turn it's now my turn the last thing that I can do for a sale action is I can come over to the island so if I were to come over here when you've sailed to the island that's going to trigger an option that's also going to trigger the end of your turn at the end of that auction so that this whether it's your first or second action that's the end of your turn so it behooves you to probably make sure that's your second action so at that point what's going to happen is whoever's the owner of the ship will not take part in the auction what will happen instead is everybody else will do a blind bid auction applying bed pretty simple you will take any amount of money that you have in your hand and the money I should say is all facedown players can always see the amount of cards that you have the money cards but they never you never have to tell them what the value is in addition to that everybody has to zero value cards now there's a variant called I think it's called the expert variant which is what we're going to play is when you bid and you bid any amount if your bid includes let's say I bid all of this if that includes any one zero value card your bid zero it was just a bluff so this negates your entire bid is that clear does that make sense so be careful when you're when you've got a big bid like this if you include that zero sorry no mulligans you communicated your bid okay but as it is everybody but yellow in this example would then do a blind bid they would okay they put their money out face down when everyone's ready they would then reveal it so let's say the high bid is seven dollars by banker Dave so Dave bids a total of seven dollars I have an option now as the auctioneer since this is my ship there are two ways this could go Dave could I could accept games bid of seven dollars which this is pretty cool I not only get the seven dollars from Dave I also get seven dollars from the bank the bank in few it's Eliza's exactly so now that actually made me four eighteen dollars it only cost Dave seven but the other seven comes from the bank that's 14 bucks and me being a gentleman I would then offload there onto his part of the island and now those are his permanently with one exception if you can't pay your loans don't worry about it we're not going to go over that that makes sense any questions on that the other action or the other option I have is instead of accepting Dave's bid I then could say you know what I think those are worth way more than seven dollars heck no I'm going to take my own seven dollars and pay this to the bank so that would go out of play that you know lowers the amount of money in the economy and I put those on my own Island on my own part of the app so those are my two options accept the bid and get a matching subsidy from the government or match the bid and pay that money to the to the government or to the bank any questions on that pretty clear all right so at that point that would be the end of my turn my ship would remain there on my another turn that would be one action moving back out to see if I wish to it could stay here for many turns if I wish someone and so forth and we continue doing this round and round and we're on we go until two of those five colors are exhausted then we go into final scoring so now let's go ahead and talk about final scoring all right so this card here is going to be a sick secret goal card if you will it's going to there are five of them in the game and they have mixed the valuations of the different color containers so forth in its example we're gonna look at this one so what this means is all of my purple containers are worth $10 at the end of the game all of my brown ones are worth $2 and so on and so forth in between but you'll notice that the beige one is a five or a ten what that means is at this moment at the end of the game do I have at least one of each in my region on my board so let's take a look do I have one of each of the five colors when you look at this I have at least one of each of the five colors good to go so what does that mean that means then that's going to be worth the higher number so all beige or containers are going to be worth $10 a piece that makes sense yep but then here is the hook and the hook is whatever I have the most of so in this case I did really well I have the most of the brown while these brown these are out of the game I don't get to score those but if you look I planned well won't the brown ones those were only worth 2 bucks apiece so no harm no foul however if I had any others that were tied for value and what I mean by that is let's say I had this so I have a choice now in theory I have two that I have the most quantity of in that case it's normally my choice of which I want to get rid of well obviously I want to get rid of the lower value however if the 510 is included in that tie which in this case it is that's got to be the one you toss so I want more I should have planned better these $10 or 10 value containers those are out of the game in those if those only were to a point the two apiece I would then count up the total value for me there anything that remains on your ships were $3 apiece anything that is in your Harbor store regardless of what you've priced it at is worth $2 apiece whoever has the most money including money on hands wins the game you would then subtract $11 for each loan that you have because again they're getting theirs you're gonna pay the interest whoever has the most money or value if you will wins the game any questions that's base container containers in the factory store are zero correct it has to be in your in your hardware store all right and everything in this game is piece limited so meaning containers obviously that's going to be the trigger of the game the machines that's going to be piece limited as are the warehouses so that's the base game any questions there no sir all right so let's go ahead and talk about the investment bank so the investment bank is everything that you see right there so what that does is that changes it adds an additional action on a player's turn so norm it's byte warehouse or machine by containers for the harbor store produce containers or sail your ship those are your four actions however in the investment bank you now have a new option which is call the broker so when you call the broker if the cards are out here then you get to dictate what you're going to be auctioning for are you going to be auctioning for money or are you going to be auctioning for containers so in this example let's go ahead and say I am auctioning four containers so with that would point at the containers and I want the purple in black and then I would then take this card put it into my tableau this card has two options so it has a container side showing where you're going to take containers from whether it's your warehouse that your harbor or whether it's going to be for your factory or in this case I'm going to be putting money on here because I'm going to be auctioning or trying to win containers so whatever it is that you're trying to get you're paying the opposite that makes sense right so in this case I'm two containers is what I'm going to be bidding for it's open call in a sense that how much do I think I should bid for that well in this case maybe I say I think that's going to be worth $7 so I would take out of my liquid cash I would place $7 on to that that is no longer available to me until that resolves or I get outbid so that's my action okay the other we could do it the opposite way is if we wanted to say the $3 down here instead what we would do is we would then flip it over to this side and I would then be bidding with containers quantity of containers where it doesn't matter where you've priced them here nor where you've priced them there but I look at that $3 I think that's only worth one so I'm gonna take any one container from anywhere here I took it from my factory I'm going to place it on the factory side of this if I had put multiple from there and maybe I put one from my warehouse I would do like that that would be not really valuable it'd be worth more than three bucks but you get the idea all right so that's how that would work if I am bidding for money that makes sense yep cool so that would be the action call the broker okay sweetie now let's say let me before I talk about how to get outbid let me talk about how that triggers well I removed that prematurely all right so let's say I had previously just put that one up here it becomes my turn again after it goes around the table and I still have this in front of me along with paying interest on this loan I would have to do I then this immediately triggers I win the auction so what happens at this case this container would then go out here and it would go just always starting at broker number one then broker number two then broker number three so in this case that would get added to broker number once right there and I would take the money pretty simple right make sense and if it were the other way around if I had bid that seven dollars if that were facing the other way and I did that and this was I had bid the seven dollars here for that because I wanted the two containers I then would pay the $7 to the three brokers $1.00 right apiece exactly and it would rinse and repeat until it's all cashed out so a dollar dollar dollar dollar dollar dollar and then the last one there's back to one and that's how that kind of balances the economy in that regard that makes sense and then the containers that I won then come into my container store if you will they're my color yellow and then at some point during the game in theory I would then come in there dock and then I don't have pay for those as an action so in the base game you have three locations with the investment bank you have four other players Harbor see the island and then the investment bank your harbor it makes sense yep cool so there's no you could you could go there multiple times you could I mean maybe you only pick up one that wouldn't be an efficiency of actions but whatever it is so be it if I had bid multiple containers it would go one one one one one etc etc however let's go back to the example as if I had bid for those containers with that 7 bucks so that 7 bucks is sitting here on another player's turn remember this triggers when it becomes my turn the next turn around so maybe Tony on his turn naturally he says you know what I'm I'm gonna up that bid I'm gonna bid hey bucks now he could bid 10 he could bid more than that so what happens in that case is Tony's gonna take that card he's going to then put his money on it this frees my money back up this now becomes liquid cash and goes back into my available cash if it were containers though that I had bid in that case I would then be able to freely reprice those containers in those containers depending on where they came from so if I had bid those Antonia to outbid me by number of containers paying three container or bidding three containers maybe I'm like you know what I don't think I think those are under price I'm gonna put them in four and then Tony would take this the important thing to point out though is until that resolves nobody can change that meaning it's always going to be for those two containers until it triggers it might be a number of turns or a number of rounds until that triggers sounds like there could be some lengthy negotiations with the broker yeah exactly all right and one other thing that changes with this is I had mentioned earlier in the base game you pay interest to the bank in the investment banker no no they're getting theirs so if you have one loan you would pay $1 to the number one if you have two loans you would pay one to one $1 to the number two and that's the only changes and those are random as far the amount of money is always one two three and the actual what containers those are those are just randomly drawn cool that's ball game any questions so just to be clear any time you pay the investment bankers money or containers it starts from the number and here's why an easy way to be able to tell that look at their look at their mansions who do you think's getting theirs first okay it's good to be the first one all right so that good to be the broker yeah right it's good to be the king so that's that's container so if you would let us go ahead and reset if there's any questions from the peanut gallery we'll do that and then I will bring up the chat and everything else let me say one thing let's say one thing while you were demonstrating yes like putting the ships in the docks yeah wow that was impressive because you were using my dock right here is like oh that's really good so real quick one thing I noticed we we had a $10 donation from Desmond so Desmond really appreciate that man thank you very very much also now that the teachers over we're going to randomize the five gold cards T if you would shelter up I will bring mine up here so you guys here can follow along there put those loans a little further away like to turn in your beige machine no so there you go now you go all right cool all right let me bring your money I don't know what you're talking about data everyone starts with 20 bucks cash as well as to 0 so 1 2 3 5 thank you sir 15 and 20 good to go so I you guys keep your secret because I want the folks to be able to play along with me so nobody look at the screen all right Nick will turn this way okay so here we go oh I saw I leave looking hold on I mean there we go so that is my gold card guys okay so these are worth the most that's my five ten and then there you go cool so you guys are gonna be able to play along with me so that said now place your bets and over/under and glory two rooms no honey who's lighting this candle buddy um you know what let's randomize it so here we'll get one of each so you go machine and whatever one gets chosen good clothes chosen here we go I like that Desmond I can hardly container myself here all night extra 10 bucks the black so bacon days first or it seems the matter or pretty interesting here I knew what I was gonna do if I was first now I'm last yeah but first in our hearts to house thank you all right Graham welcome and again welcome everybody we appreciate that and I see that Kevin's in the chat so hey Kevin thanks again for for sponsoring this as well as I'm making it available for folks and as I said we will show the original container ticket to show the size difference and one other thing at the end of this I'm going to zoom out the camera to show you guys the table because there were some people I saw that we're like oh my god this is never gonna fit on my table no it's not that big so it fits on a normal-sized table do you need - oh yeah scoot over cuz you're at you're the blind man you have to you have long arms Mike you're good you have to like bloody up with banker Dave their house so they can we can see stevedore Mike thank you Matt like you I figure you know hey we're investments you know where it were we're trying to make money I thought the best was appropriate this evening right yeah I almost got dressed up man you know I got retired I don't have this games right yeah well played all right what you doing for $4 in buying a warehouse alright so another warehouse I'll take the money and then for Steve I've heard this game about ship the game about ships here is riveting for six dollars I'm going to buy a factory and I want Edwards color alright so it's gonna be a brown so one action was buying the warehouse the second action is buying a machine I guess this means I'm banker Tony yeah you are right there you go alright so that's what you get you doing the same thing a warehouse and a machine six and four what coloring machine and good start a bank over there shower I'm going to purchase the Tony coloured machine okay so the beige machine all right yes warehouse and a warehouse I've been called that and watching Tony bass machine one of the things is is that because the game ends with depending on the color it's really important it really is it totally is I'm gonna buy a warehouse okay and I am going to buy I'm gonna buy a sweater Mike's $2.00 container I don't all right so get your warehouse for your first action okay and pay me your money right here thank you sir if you will Mike 2 bucks for his container and now you there you know now just because these ships are out here does not mean they can't it still only one action to come visit obviously Tina and I don't have anything yet they're kind of blocking my Harbour XII I've noticed that as well it will move my oh this is where we'll make room for your ship you know what you guys are buying containers I appreciate that machines all right well no well yes it's fair enough so I'm in weirdos I'm gonna go ahead and start with the investment banker I'm gonna call the broker all right so we're gonna go ahead and throw that over the you gonna take new containers so that means I'm going to then do cash so the cash and I'll go and put that there so I think two containers yeah I there was a reason I said 7 bucks to begin with I felt like 7 was a good number so that's one action if that happens remember it if this is still here at the beginning of my next turn I will then claim those two containers okay so that's one action and my second action is I'm looking at this I'm gonna I'm gonna go ahead and go with a machine when you want to get a warehouse so you can actually store those remember this oh that's right here that's right okay so I will get this you know warehouse you have the delay yeah is there any three so there's six bucks to the bank all right for my Vig your hey for a machine and I will go looking at this so Clanker here he didn't buy a second machine that's tempting and I'm looking here that's the only one out here that doesn't have a second one out there so black or black and remembering what I have here okay I'm gonna go purple machine done those are my two actions T or F sounds good I'm in a snag mats purple container from this factory store supply and demand $2 pleasures doing business with you and I'm gonna price that at a reasonable markup and then I'm gonna tool my little red boat over into the port is open which in which case I'll pay him $3 for his gray and I would be happy to load them we have very good Union dock workers there you go this would be the stevedores would they not right they would indeed all right cool that's both your actual Matadors in this case yes Wow oh man gonna be a long everybody I'm curious real quick well well dave is mapping here how many of y'all out there watching have not placed any of any version of container why yes the ramekins you haven't played this one yet my first section is gonna produce so Tony Tony take your meter boss and I will take the block in the brown yes all right I'll make sure that goes into the union pension fund not black and tan though no early in the game I want people to buy my stuff so I'm practicing at all - all right okay so that's what engine the second action I'm going to do is buy another warehouse all right which is five to the bank yeah that half of the table is warehouse heavy heavy yoga its Commerce City right no ignore Kenny Kenny cannot be contained all right hmm is that it for you alright Wow boss man Dave alright producing beige and gray and now I want to point out I know Mike knows this but he could price those differently just cuz he produced them on the same terms evaporates one more and one at one if you want it okay and when you're buying from them you can buy as many from their store actually as you that's why I bought it because I've got a feeling people will be producing and right I want to be a finish see we'll see alright and I would like to purchase edwards $2 ikonics box would happily give that to you thank you sir that's Matt you got a paying customer I do sitting there buddy I do and I'm gonna don't worry I mean you know as long as you don't praise yourself out of the market is Dave alright let's see here so Dave I'm gonna buy I will buy two of your black containers for four dollars we'll stick those and here now you're paying for is what you set the price at okay that has no bearing on what I'm willing to pay you know that's true I just I'm just kind of picking that look at it this way there's an opportunity to give us you know one chance to price those yeah while I'm there what would it be it sounds like a neat bit an M&M luncheon you've got one choker alright and then I'm gonna I'm gonna use my second action and buy a house I'm sure you could I can't store it that's true well I could have done it the other way around but what is it I'm gonna buy a warehouse oh okay for five dollars yeah alright well that's so now it's the beginning of my turns this is still in front of sure you don't want to switch that around I'm fine alright so this triggers immediately before my turn actually begin so this $7 will then go up to the three brokers need seven singles out there right hopefully they put some extra ones in the game right three twos in the one yeah that will go there so it's over here well since it's the first turn there you go that's four that's five that's six after my 700 there you go cool all right so now those two containers go to my Harbor that's nice okay thank you you put it there so you still see the color there you go that card will know now it's free so I can call the broker you can't you cannot I cannot that's one thing I wanted to point out now because I triggered this on money turn I cannot as one of my actions call the broker but that does not take your action trick does not I feel so much corrections I still have to action that's correct good look um let's just let's just put a fiver there so that's sad color this up remembering what mine are here I think yeah so what I'm considering I have two actions but ever happen I really want to do that that would be one two that would cost me an extra buck um so what I'm thinking is I could get another machine and be the biggest producer in the game I don't think I like that idea however so instead we're gonna go ahead and let's go sailing I like that so we're gonna go ahead and come over and visit my buddy Matt and pay eight bucks for both of those I wasn't buying on seven and eight so there's eight bucks and if you serve load me up so that's habit two one action doing that and go and put me out Etsy please William I will even tug your boat out thank you sir the broke the broker action is not a part of your actual recipe for the resolution right now correct all right all right I'm gonna go ahead and give our broker a call I'm gonna go ahead and try to do some business with the lesser broker there okay to some oddities put this over here yep and I'm gonna take one from my warehouse and just one just one oh wow that's great okay oh that's one action that is one action and then I will and yes the the money cards are the same size I believe yeah first edition right I will set sail I was not gonna pay four dollars for even wanting all right so [Laughter] you may sell your own boat out a big mortgage out of the harbor customer service sucks well that means you would have had to in a customer this round round in the black Dave is populating my pension fund my intention right now remember they can reprice the existing container in his warehouse as well in his if he wishes this Factory school yeah thank you I think I will do that I'm absolutely reefer I'm going to reap rice both of my Brown at four there you go don't look guys that's my home sorry that's our I can see anyway you're good and for the second action I have I'm gonna take these two containers and load them on their card yeah alright so now we put that back that hold us you don't have to I understand okay yeah alright and those coming from exactly they go under the Machine good which is why-- price from before no okay melodramatic all right yeah yeah Mike that is a very good question is there a limit to the number of containers in your warehouse at the investment bank in your warehouse there is not Jim no more than five would be good right because then you would have to take multiple trips I'm gonna pay the boss men Dave produce these two machines again alright sir and that will fill up my production capacity warehousing alright wow you guys are proud of your containers aren't you yeah they are just say no five bucks for another warehouse all right this is gonna be interesting there's a lot of warehousing going on this the City of Industry California over there they're good with two factories three warehouses supportive behind each Seattle Ryker yeah I'm gonna buy three of your containers the two tans and the one to fans I'm sorry yeah yeah that's a seven till the other team yeah not bad not gray and I appreciate the effort yeah it seems a little bit yeah that's supposed to be the going rate remember don't forget you can take loans at any time that you need like right before an auctions about to take place so on and so forth okay is going to produce before I get my turn I'm gonna actually sale booth boy but you like yourself into a harbor is the problem yes I'll tell you what Tony I'm gonna I'm just gonna use a second by action I'm gonna buy your tan for two dollars thank you sir oh I can I can I am keeping your $2 or not you guys yes yes yes good catch good catch okay then I'm gonna sail my boat into into I'm gonna back it in would you like to purchase that it's as part of that action or it's expensive now that's what you've got your eyes dancing with especially for is the going rate yes it's just thank you sir all right thank you um just doing my job all right so my turn yeah I think it well I I would gladly like to take it alone hmm we go so there two fives do your smaller Bo he can make change all right so I'm going to actually purchase I'm gonna sail in there again backing it up I'll take one beige in the gray for eight bucks all right load this for you thank you a reoccurring customer right so I would like my change my two dollars please sure you don't know I'm positive Thanks you boys don't afford that all right so there's my two bucks change that's one action action number two back out the seat done right all right Oh wha Oh I'll go ahead and produce this Delta rated Cash was it warm unfair one beige please the other grey thank you since the since Mike can't tell them like that we'll go to the island with a single gray container all right anyone like to take loans for this it's worth a lot of money so would anybody like to you can do so now okay so everyone's looking at their value remember whatever you have the most of them on your island in your location you will lose so as my bid oh I should did no no no you don't bid you kind of do at the very end and I should say if two players do or two or more players they that bid stays and then they reap it again if Yuri bid again and you include a zero negate your bed remember that the entire bid not a second all right a second time is my choice then yes that's exactly all right how much I got three bucks three bucks three bucks four bucks oh so now Tony the books all right and he gets four bucks from the bank so I'm gonna give one of these back and take a five and allow me sir you are white yes sir oh the center of it all all right all right cool that's the end of T's - welcome to Singapore so Dave yeah triggers first and foremost so you pay your two containers to broker number one in burglar number two - and you get your five bucks the investment there you go that gun goes back out boom done now you begin your turn exactly didn't feel those worth to later the game it may vary participate black please oh you guys are powering through those friend of light yeah yeah and remember it's the trigger for the end of the game is when two of these are empty I'm trying as hard as I can so that's one action and for those watching live is this making sense are you are you following how the action works and how the economy is kind of moving around the table obviously we've only had one auction about to have a second maybe oh I like my chances I think you need a purple on my I think that's probably just a gas bubble that you have gotta get some Mardi Gras incorrect alright yellow for all you need some green Tony I'm gonna buy your two containers there thank you very much sir go 4 bucks ok I'll hurry up make some more there like to read us you can't even just one will make more huh alright so that's both your action that's like what you think it don't forget you've got a custom shipping I I do I do have a ship in port and that will be served however there are containers here and this is my first chance to actually pick up some containers onto this ship $8.00 complete stevedore that's one action second one and I would like to take it loan please oh hey Cormac welcome every two fives do you wear yes I think so you a a brutes you can always back it up while the streams live and watch it at double speed I'll sound funny but there you go alright appreciate that Jim thanks and for $7 all right Sean all right I'm taking all three of these all right I'm sticking them out here for sale nice now let's think about pricing Andrew up in a great way North says this doesn't make sense it makes dollars oh I like the collective groan yeah I appreciate the bad bonus you know Andrew was already like way up here he just went even higher that was so bad right yeah that's my two back all right hmm you still have a lot of good but do you just wipe me out all right it doesn't it'll make sense as we go along I have no doubt its heart that always screws up beginning players is this business that you produce into your factory area and but those are you can't touch those only the other players can buy them and in order to get things into your docks you buy from the other players production area took me to old games to forget really get rid grok that yes all right all right see I'm dancing yeah right cool well two actions huh thank you for your first daughter I owe a dollar for my loan that's why I put this here that goes to the investment banker oh that's correct okay there we go that's so that is not in action okay this is in action I'm gonna pay a buck to the union boss purple and brown break times over boys yep get to work and let's see brown and purple yeah Robert so far that's one bangs pretty cool okay hey Robert hey Robert what's up Bobby all right so that's one action produced we're good there action number two early and often boy is early and often and in here excuse me who wants them because that's more containers and I will take a loan to pay for it if you I will crush this economy and you can take a loan at any time any time you can we have to take it before if we want to use that money to bid because you got to put it out there I understand the game would be too easy no that's the distinction right he can't yeah that's the power yeah right here some books for my man all right guys don't buy the hype this is this five six dollar in miserly please let it go four five six bucks ten bucks t no no see no I'm not offering you want I figured you'd want both no no no I got kind of a wad of cash I all right I'm good these are all fives all right nice all right early and often boys remember your black containers we have a beige in a grade so here we go color that down for me please sir is that a fiver yes it is you go good sir thank you huh yeah baby let's see here and if it's worth three it's worth you know 17 so I think 17 yeah yeah 17 is probably a good bid you're just lucky I'm not bidding against you this time you and I were pumping has a little hard last game and you kept outbidding me by one little just brutal man Antonio you're out there yeah yeah no that is a stack of cash yes I'm gonna yeah go ahead and contribute a few bills to it all right everyone but they're busy so much 17 wins it zero baby fourteen nine dollars twelve I like 14 and I cannot lie alright so Dave won this he's blue so blue will come down here have two there your government subsidy sir thank you and um way to give the game away Dave all right you know what well thanks guys that was fun yeah there's ten bucks there goes the loan done all right so good you can pay those back at any time on your turn after you have paid interest interesting I paid my interest so we're good to go the turn of the yellow player is complete super cool I do believe it is time once again to call some broker all right let's think about that I can I can I could see I could see three things yes viable there honestly because you might go for the lower value because you only have one container right to where you don't want to seem being greedy maybe that $1 makes a difference I think what I'm gonna do boys is lush with cash though I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna get off that silly Island okay say bye to Mary Ann and ginger and Gilligan there's one and I'm gonna go ahead and I'll do that next right so let's go ahead and dock oh you're not doing the investment yeah no okay you know I do so let's get over there back it in I don't want my buddy over there to get them let's see I got to find some small bills in here I will take them in whatever denomination at all your finance departments all right thank you allow me to load your boxes either I appreciate it you can keep the straps so it's Michael that you only one with loans see this yep I I would say this is I'm already liking this because I really want to do that but I also want to do expose everything so they gave me another like p.m. so digging that yeah yep all right so that's uh both your actions you moved your ship twice B D you're up well I I don't want to break my string I'm producing oh thank you Dave's on a mission here all right the production is he's hemorrhaging cash dollars to me $14 to you but building warehouses now there is a strategy that I've seen Tony employee to where he just completely ignores the the island and just gets a water cash and I've seen it I've seen it be competitive looks like he's on his way to that various yeah let's see I certainly wasn't gonna do that if I was the first player in the game laughs but this definitely makes that a little bit even more compelling yeah because you can you can really earn a lot of cash potentially investment banker hey Tim Desmond says Mike tis of thee sweet land of subsidy that's awesome all right my second one who is I'm going to call the broker okay all right going to go for the so soon to be six dollars yes very soon to be sanitary Clyde they're very clever seem to be social yeah hand those out to the I bankers there you go coming down up to a 500 you too yeah buddy hey Tim welcome oh my gosh I have ships sitting two ships sitting in my port an empty empty warehouses don't buy that guy any goods oh okay hey Jess so she says we're playing a very different game of container all-out war their current because they they're they're playing the original plan with Kevin yes he was going to run the game of container with the say there's only two copies of this in existence right now he has one and this is the other they were gonna run it at 9:00 p.m. Eastern the same time this started ready backed it up a couple hours so he could be on the string so all-out war like is this a Walking Dead theme or or is everybody like price and everything at six bucks and strangled and everything right he paid that one of his long alright alright when does stock value okay so could you've done that before he paid his interest oh no you always have to the bank's getting theirs baby but you can pay back the loan at any time right Jeffrey so he could have paid it at the end of your turn no you have to it has to be it wasn't my turn yes Oh Yuki it has to be your turn to pay the loan back correct okay nine dollars looking for another machete your machine would you like sir I really like the look of those purple containers so yeah alright grateful they're quite sexy I do love that so so I don't know if you guys heard on a story that Kevin talked about how they went about getting or how this ships ended up the sizes they did so they they do the same thing we did like oh wait you didn't pay enough of that container here they're in to be able to reach across the table to be able to get the containers they started with the container size to make it you know a little bit more hefty and so they started with the containers made it that size then they had matched the ships to be able to tie if there was any other portion of that I thought I which is backwards from the way I thought they had done it I liked the bottom row because it's like they're stacking the containers on the ships anyway speaking of that we have some containers for sale oh oh oh to brown ones oh no but I own I'm always in the market for a good deal right I hope you get one me too I am abstaining from this auction oh you should communicate that by putting the zero yeah exactly you should always I got you I think you xxxx gamers can figure this one out that's awesome so theoretically if everybody decided to add a zero and bid zero what I have to pay one or what I get it for zero cuz it's just matching the bid right that you know I've never seen that happen I think it's about to happen so I've never seen that I think we're all good okay let's see eight bucks six gross well just to continue our little fight here there's eight dollars alright so we do it again alright so it's a one-time second auction in addition to the eight bucks if we're still tied then clicker chooses and if you add a zero to it you've nullified your entire that is just for a second that is correct yes these are the finest goods mines out here yep York's and yeah that's what nine bucks I will take the 18 please yeah all right so you will here give me uh give me one of those merits and I will load them onto your Island for you thank you sir yeah he's dominating right now yeah yes I'm buddy got one I bought one big one continue out for four bucks all right so that was a clicker start it was all right well let's see now reopened births two boxes waiting yeah but that's nine bucks yeah 105 there hey does he's proud of his goods and you know it's the red shift park there no well get in there and snake them out from under you that's great because I'm not touching them at four and five dollars so first off we're gonna go ahead pay clicker a buck here so I'll go ahead and let him know for the union boss there's a buck there and I will take a brown in a purple please you know what hold on one second before I do that actually I'm gonna go ahead am I am I am NOT yeah I'm just gonna do that so those will go at the $3.00 value right there too far there you go that's action number one looking around the table hmm six bucks for two so three yeah that seems reasonable yeah I'm good so I'm gonna go ahead and move back out to sea and that's my second action all right see you're up cool yeah Cormac I think I I think mountains were made out of molehills about the size of everything they're big there's no doubt and they're a quarter pound apiece we'll go into that at the end not anymore hey down so yeah okay math there quarter pound apiece uh but yeah they're in yeah but I'm pretty happy with that man feels I mean spend time dad all right union boss yes sir I'll take a couple of beiges okay i'ma go to Beijing you're gonna take one beige right to Big O one beige as you would like it aged after making an appearance he's good dang it you just wonder you just want to be seen that's a that's cool you gotta make up about a little way yeah he's just coming in cameo I'm out that's it all right oh I'll take that $4 job from you and yet Tim there-there was excellently enjoy it in good health thank you sir thank you sir all right Big Dave so the broker is yours brokers right yeah so do who decides where these go one are you do my shoes one will go here want to go here and it's your choice of which it's going to be correct unless do the same color well yeah but it gets it so let's go on this alright there you go and this goes back as those money what's the weight and Stephanus for the containers black and brown baggin breath Wow $3 $3 $3 $4 no $3 everybody's pricing at $3 no well I mean if you want to be the Walmart of the machining world I mean Nike sofa well I think so so just the purple are really in high demand for to think of me as target okay charge a target RJ yes all right still have to have a second but you're super all right done oh sorry okay and remember cannot do the investment banking site i knew that since you triggered that this for your turn so now is it starting to make sense for those of y'all that have not played it before I mean obviously find the scoring this is gonna be interesting that three of us still have empty Islands horrifying actually it really I'm not the side of the table although I am I am I'm going to take my here you bring it in wow I've ever seen a container sulfur oh I had oh yeah yeah Dave born every minute there is so cool part of this is tabletop it is what that's called yeah pales compared to what Jerry you said about Dave the other day so we're playing a guy okay I talking on your project and they were playing down there Oh Hank and Dave Mike showed up and it was like anybody want to play some to player two player through the ages and I was just teaching a running guy a project so I was like dave was like yeah I'll go play it I was like yeah I'll jump in and Jerry was like oh let me call my wife let her know I'm gonna be home an hour earlier than I anticipated now that Dave's out thinking oh hell no Wow Jerry's a big friend cheer awesome the gr monster all right so Mike you're up can you bust that down in half and send one of it to mr. broker there we go so I like how it infuses the money it kind of balances things a little bit really and interesting things yeah it does and it also makes you start to think if you're taking this where it's gonna go from it stuff like this no are you looking at the amount of loans people are taking or maybe the ships and people might take loans but this time it comes back to move bossman all right that's me yep purple gray and beige nice and you can hope for ya all right wow that's good if you have a lot of warehouses hmm Tony are you even platon get one or attic let's call the broker yeah I know I know what to do is we are auctioning those three containers okay oh you better come strong yep and I'm putting $7 on that I may be made Dean you say strong I thought so I did yeah I it's trickier I got $7 seven hold out seven holds oh wow all right you think swing comes right at you all day okay take the boat graph for a walk or somebody comes strong with it I I don't like your chances Mike I'm gonna buy your two containers for $4 all at for her to be Wow really yeah let's see ah all at for ya do it all for um and for my second move I'm gonna need to get my boat hey I'm dead alright huh alright let me count it up give me a minute hmm got to get through all these big bills well I actually do have fair fair bankroll so yeah I think so oh I like that we're gonna go if we go through the portals the broker hey there my broker is EF Hutton or is that what it is er yes doesn't like that right and he says yeah when we speak when people listen to listen that's it right God we're showing our age there yeah alright so edit then yeah you are sir good height oh wait I is that right did I show you that's right six seven eight all right Brian he gave over under on glory to Rome with seven at the beginning of the stream and I would like to deliver the first one glory to Rome sir you bet you had your eye on those oh yeah yeah okay and then for my second one we're gonna we're gonna make a phone call cool so you're seven is now liquid congratulations however we're gonna go and put that right there and we're gonna go ahead and put out five six eleven eleven bucks for three of those continue correct the other thing is he or he has I do that's so weird what a place to send your it's his pseudo Island I mean it really is like you have two containers just this once I'm gonna take three actions so let's uh let's get out of let's go to see my boys are strange getting bored a little too long browsing and drinking so now we need to go out to see so yeah I'm gonna Singapore straight that's gotta be a name of a band so well I'm either that or a drink cocktail I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna go things Singapore sling I know yeah yeah oh my god fifty bucks at the hotel that invented them really yeah pride of their dream I'm gonna go ahead and throw twelve bucks at the at the broker you have been outbid sir please collect your funds EF Hutton Wow that Wow I really did not expect that I thought eleven was you know even though we're bidding buy a bar alright so well that's two matches I gotta take it over three it won't take the reactions that because everyone's not agreeing Dave yes the Paul Ted rule that's exactly correct exactly answer this once so he told the story that it's really weird Paul Chad there's a couple sayings this one time yeah I take more than what I'm allowed in actions and when they went to a Justine card he said people I've never met telling me any old friends calling him Paul chat right hey heavy cardboard we have legs alright so what do we got okay second action no he took you what you see right oh oh I'm sorry that broker I'm sorry well um geez I bet you that would be a PC this one time can i in just be like put me on the other sure hey are you hearing this one time who are you ah we have no head yes we're having an option one purple one one purple conex box I know what I need to bid to win really sure it's more than what I want to pay I know what'll get me into a tie with somebody no Harvey this is no this is just the the eighty-five that come with it is your first purple to go to the island no no that's the first purple no to the highway it's it's in the island it's just a boat right away Wow hi I'm still smarting over Tony taking that from me I really thought I over bid a little with the 11 man well at 12 it's $4 it can carry I get that all right everyone bid everyone fit three bucks four bucks yeah zero five I needed to win I knew I knew that you're gonna buy it I'm gonna buy it yeah and I thought that's what he's going to do so here's a loan it's okay so I'm glad I paid fine so it were so your pain you're matching the five right so give him five bucks and now balance alone Dave now has a full set which means that his five value at his 510 is now worth the 10 and now if the game were to end right now he would lose his choice of the brown or the black out of the game unless it one of them were the 510 then he has to lose that one that's that okay cool all right I knew exactly what was gonna tie I won't give it in all right Mike 1 to the broker and you just keep the other one okay to production boss okay where does everyone been paying per container to load the ships it's generally been for $4 yeah first there was a five yeah right yeah 4.2 because of the code and Michael and potentially purple always goes for premium how many can you have in the three box as many as you you can have up to six all right so there's spots we're going to stacking them up all right that's one action mm-hmm seems like Tony handsome too what's that for so correct ball that's a bets yeah that is one option yep that is one way to try and figure out what people are going for also go into the island with smaller loads early when there's not a lot of money in the game it gets you a little bit more likely I might get a little bit more per container mm-hmm that's true yeah and that's why I didn't want one with her with one in the zoo now I'm going there were three no I think that's why I didn't want to fill up with the fifth one but before you went there with four right but I felt like that was that wasn't enough I do money out there you got 40 more is there now here and I produced in there now here to Europe well now what is your glory Roman now what am I gonna do no no no I'm not gonna give it a hammer party you're yours was a very anemic glory to Rome oh my god no worries Reaper God three dollars you guys are asking a lot yep as Kevin just said so with us playing at the full complement of five players the game comes with 85 containers that's what we're playing with that's what what it comes with that's what rules say to play it with this is good it is yeah in the game of container we go clockwise and then we wait oh you know you're good I am you got a supply to your customer import that's a extortion to containers you know if you'd ever put another matchstick with that purple box over there Tony I would come and buy it maybe I don't want any well look at dad he's loading his own stuff either most about it at the bargain seriously I am alright and for my last trick I'm gonna buy Tony's container for - she's scented 7/3 I am I would have bought both of yours if they were too well and if my aunt my dude Shops at Target right apparently you know the grandmother had wheels she'd be a wagon just watch - Star Trek movies today man that had to get out Wow just beyond that that's the first of many I'm sure it's pretty lean huh got lots of conex boxes for sale over here I mean I have one warehouse ignore them they drop into crisis by work you know it's true man I'm really angry at Tony right now because the thing is if i outbid him here for 13 it's got to get all the way back which I know it will what the problem is your money is out of circulation exactly let it go but did the seven so that it would cause this to happen that could've been wide about all right screw it one two there you go all right so we got a purple we have a beige and a grey that's three fifths of the way to your bonus scorning for your so if for instance if I win the bid and I'm all tied up are you my choice no no no I would be the 510 for you it would have to be the five-time oh all right you're welcome Harvey all right hold on real quick fellas don't don't forget there are three containers out there could I interest you in some free money until it's your turn next negatory good buddy are you feeling okay Tony I've been taking a loan yet it's weird it really is all right so all right what you got your last one go for it how much 12 here 1200 13 I needed to win it 13 I will happily take my 26 thank you sir so 13 he's way to give him the game you bid 12 Wow so there we go thank you very much and to green thank you sir you owe my pleasure here nice and tidy here we'll put it in the order that I think you have them there you go boom done all right I will pay you the bank this money then all right so how much was that this goes to the bank no that's right how much was it twelve twelve bucks so it's a piece all right so here yeah you do that I'm glad Robert is watching this this is one of my favorite people to play this game yeah for sure and as the greatest picture that's these two are these two running with leadership with won't fall falling over falling over from being a storm and so that was free look at so now I'm gonna call the broker again just as once um exactly Harvey that's what I'm saying especially when it's my ship at the island loans are like free money people mmm 10% come on in ten percents not even to you next turn all right so I still have my two actions you do for my first I'll spend six bucks to make a purple factory here okay last purple ain't makin any mo and then we'll head to the to the islands mine Robert says he's blushing oh okay so here well hope it's not the Exxon Valdez right there we go it's a lot of oil on board and that's true it's true all right so take your loans now I do die I can't even they're all zeros three containers huh Dave's favorite colors I know this thing is two-thirds of that exact thing are available from the broker for probably four or five bucks but they're not at the island all right would you give me some change please sure buddy four zero yes I would like three 5s for that sir please thank you I didn't break it to small because I want you to use it like the waitress giving you back your change all right so take your time prepare yep yeah so I saw in I'm bgg somebody was asking about the island being too small don't think it is a tall stack them up yeah well sir I mean look you have that and even if they were over here for red yeah yeah it's totally fine stacking again on the people dude well it's the internet it's good that I'm red then so everybody's alright good so I had seven I had fourteen until I put a zero out there huh I've been 12 yes day 13 live no no no how many containers 17 your bed nine okay so how much is it no twelve twelve clothes you're all right taking it all right I'll just grab another ten and that's for white okay I mean uh ten no I have a collection of containers you do there we go all right it feels good huh you're all right Lee I'll put them around so you guys can see the symbol as well yeah so there's my $1 for my loan there you go nice man there's a lot of stuff going on over there there is I'm going to spend nine dollars for this color right here all right the base nice let me have the white one let's do all right why do we great there you go and get your dollar change good sir which Oh cuz I'm producing whoa yeah you got a dollar change day wonder that's two you like that no no no no no no I put two fives in there and I just grabbed two one Oh gotcha and this is for me that sounds good sounds good yeah it's definitely interesting cause Kevin is now like I was going to start undercutting so Kevin not only remember Kevin also he's the one who he's the developer he's the original developer for this so I'm curious to afterwards not now cuz I know it's not a high level but I'm curious to get an email from Kevin to hear how badly or what we should have done I think that'll be interesting or during the Rose I'm done okay I'm taking a loan I got it all right dollar that goes to do you get a $9 one here and then one there to pay so you had to take a second loan Oda pays interest correct [Music] eight dollars for those three boxes oh excuse me Hank I'm sorry yeah other way yeah let me think about this well actually that might work out it does mine what's losing your port yeah it might yeah I'll take them all right so now this becomes interesting he'll depending a dollar back right yeah those are still zeros my fellow you'll have that figured out wouldn't be unfortunate no one bought anything from you it would be it would be nothing I'm suggesting with my magic I would I would love to see that for priced at three yes still your turn I have these priced at 3/2 but I'm gonna fill that boat up believe me I would I would that help you know and that was that I bought those so I still have one action yes in addition to slide what is it you yep all broker all right we're auctioning that nine bucks there nope there you go yep so that's gonna be with containers I assume oh yes and yeah it's gonna be with and it's not in here's the interesting thing it's not just the number of containers it's what color you then want to put out in the investment banker because nobody else is freakin producing anything I put to compile a lot of things so I can yep alright done you should try whining we should switch seats I'm trying to get aboard a roadie but he's not leaving me with a lot okay I'm gonna buy I am not paying for I mean so I'll take those two factories in a dollar yeah yeah totally and that's the thing that the market changes that's one action game oh wow that changes what I'm doing second action wow I was actually going over there to buy all three of them so you got nine bucks there no one's buying these so I got a fix for this like you're like to call the broker but I will pay a buck to produce so brown and a purple please mmm-hmm there you are some high-quality continuum and let's see what do we got here by way looking around the board I'm the only place that's got these for sale right now right but we're not worried about it we're gonna call the broker we've got some facility we're gonna yep so now you can reprice those as you wish but I will go ahead and put that there he can't read price this whole job is the most direct yeah um so I'm gonna go one of each there the machines and then welcome to the machine I will have to go a third one so we will go ahead or for them to good it is an option but I feel like paying more than three apiece is frivolous so that's my two actions I produced and then called the broker done I'll make a purple and a beige okay please sharpener are you allowed to build this set no you cannot grab my boys will get off that Island again okay that's both your actions alright Dave first thing I'm going to do is pay interest to their and take my one yep and I'm going to turn around and give the dollar to Tony and produce here they are a gray brown and black huh all right so you paid your loan you produce then what you got one other action all right let's see who's in your you're in court you could buy one and then you'd have four or I'll take those two colors that are two and give me a bunch back please all right mm-hmm things are for it seems right see do seem thank you right yep man this is brutal yeah this games really how we're different than I expected but we're sitting on the wrong side of this day are ok I don't think I'm hurting you thank you alright ok look at that produce hold on hold on and call a broker wait around Mike change your painting about this side of the tape yeah a little bit yeah yeah yeah these are all factory stores buddy yeah so we're gonna go there almost he'll done yes those two yeah it'll work like that all right it's my turn huh so first Tony I'm gonna buy gosh oh that's interesting well yeah Tony I'm gonna buy those too I knew I should've gone forth containers appreciate your business sir I'm just saying I would really like those at three and then this is going here for an auction did you hear me I really left those it through he actually didn't hear you and I've already taken that time dang it I would have I would have accommodated you otherwise all right so we have the very black look at this this is gonna this is gonna create five colors for a lot of people like me maybe guys bypass this one Tony you could have a field day customizing these boats oh yeah yeah DT caling them yeah man I'm gonna get along all right go you're not the only one oh and he's taking five hmm are you taking alone as well I don't know we'll see what the final bid is if you put them all then then Brett I probably will be taking along because you bid zero all right nope it's to to glory to realm so far - Robert are we ready look them that's a whole lot of nothing oh I like it like it 12 would you have tea it's your own zero now I have a decision to make twelve that's only three but it's 24 technically romano's you get $12 for the subsidy the other thing is to give Dave I mean that he's yeah no way you're gonna let him do that Wow twelve bucks you know I need them I need the money I need the money Oh way to give the game away well you know what you did better thank you oh I'd be happy to yeah I should really happy happy I would love to yeah yeah can't see America yeah actually it's important in everybody else season the outer hull of the white ship has rusted through sitting in Dave's harbor waiting him to produce something other than bandit into scrapes and barnacles right bandages and lumber wow that was a steal Dave you got a good dealing stop looking like that like you care with me yeah prove it it's gonna be tough to beat him with that many containers twelve bucks one action to see one action to port yeah Ben's 12 bucks alright you over three dollars loading that for you thank you and the turn of the other player will momently momentarily be complete T there you go we've good Merchant Marines exactly Desmond always be hustling right if you ain't hustling you ain't try huh alright let's dock at my friend Lee Dave alright so yep don't pull a muscle lift it there's a bucks he'd be so kind oh man then let's um get the heck out of there alright so time to see back to see okay means crazy to think these are actually is heavy some of the hamburgers you need quarter pounder I know Mike Dave no no it's my Kurt oh I'm sorry I'm sorry yeah yeah yeah sorry yeah cuz you went back up yummy so here we'll put him back $1.00 here sounds good and $1.00 here alright were you quit feeding that man some money where is the broker at anyway right now I do think about before containers because I know what actually I'm gonna look that up the actual order of that I believe and I will take this as one phrase I believe it goes so now I can do the broke great so I haven't since you're watching if you would let me look so I'm curious the order in which I to be paid interest in the wind broker action what's the order of that because in a player aid it says pay interest then when the broker but I want to clarify that that is the case because you would technically be paying yourself a dollar so just just prepare position exactly actress I'm curious how that works all right see call sophisticated finance that's within the letter of the law yeah they should go how's it going my go and can you take me off there I went into the middle of the gym please there we go the middle of the O so as it's written I say you pay interest first until we hear from Kevin we'll do it that way if not then you'll put a buck back yeah and what orders did you want yeah that doesn't matter oh hey boy Torgo here wondering bring your hand down look there you go a beige and a gray will go in the top a gray in the second and a beige in the bottom you got it sir hey chip this goes away now yep as does that that goes so we have twelve and four dollars respectively and Wow Shingo it adds this yes definitely thank you ever oh there goes one of the loans I'll be honest the investment bankers get another gotten a pretty good workout yes yes he's gone play yep and I can't take him the investment oh yeah so Kevin did you hear the question about which is which goes first for the preternatural is it pay interest then when the broker action auction or is it the other way around um yeah there you go to actions right like I have one more action okay oh good and you can't see him upset even though they're the same color down here you see he's got four of each what was your personal second the first one was you don't do a brokerage that was yeah you haven't done a that doesn't count that's it just looks pretty solitary sir nothing yeah yeah you've done a lot but nothing I believe it is shipped over on Mercury games website yep hmm you guys got to stop with let's produce [Music] y'all let me introduce a concept to you that we're in yellow 15 easy for me to say right right and I'm going to take a brown and a gray yeah but it's not Kevin's - no I don't love the weave okay go cool and a brown oh I see what you're doing you're buying stuff for me yeah your price to get it to get him on the red phone doc done okay she oh I know so okay so daddy is an action when you call the broker yes sir yes that's what I wanted to do three I get - yeah justice I would like - okay um so first I'm going to somebody but it's it's set aside I'm going to call the broker all right whether you are the four containers you better come really damn hard at this I am course I am and it's a secret right fifteen bring it up here so let's do this here there you go fifteen fifteen dollars all right a new high record has been so it's legit I was told there'd be no math okay then we're gonna buy your three containers for $6 okay cuz friendly pricing thank you only praising Wow your boat is in the dock you be smart about it or I'll see or I go to the England I'm not counting you I mean you've had fives here it's I mean we have a market value and it just kind of settle out and you're already here so there's a little bit of a convenience fee full boat we haven't seen a full boat at auction yet I think you're fixing to you make an awfully compelling argument takes in the final out yeah all right whoa another auction to win yeah but there's no black on it so and only one brown we will we will go brown and gray so I desperately want to go out to sea but the thing is I can't make it to the island so worrying about Eric Cannes so the other the other question then is do I do that or do I do something else so merchants and Marauders expansion for the yeah is there a big way that flips all the boats over no they can't flip these over there too epi Andrea Gail hey Vince how's it going man man okay so it's a learning game Roberts it's it's for the stream so I'll think out loud so I have two containers already at my warehouse on the investment bank I'll get him I was gonna come get him and I'm looking at that and if I were to win it I could be one-stop shopping for somebody a complete set and it would double up black or or not for 16 bucks at 4 bucks a piece that seems reasonable and it would be at the beginning of my turn it would just resolve and then it yeah we're gonna do it 16 bucks what are you doing calling my broker wait but people are chatter saying that's a horrible life I'm sure you don't wanna do 17 I did outbid you by one last time that you know you make a compelling argument 16 okay like sure you wanna take a walk and census it's a terrible decision oh it's just so well we'll put this here so there is my call to the broker the turn of the yellow player is complete cool we're gonna be the first ones this evening to dock at the brokerage where we'll load up these boys all right this advantage of the brokerage there's not somebody you just paid money to to load them you have to load it yourself yes and then you act it you have to bring your own Steven yes so wait a second hold on did you have all we're all five of those no so you do have to keep track because those go immediately to your Island right you don't know no they're on your ship they're on your show they're on their way oh you just didn't buy them oh yeah like now you understand it's an extra step that's why I was calling it your pseudo Island go out to sea Fonseca oh oh I'm so glad y'all hit me little money Edward alright alright there we go I thought those were your containers won't you oh are you done yeah have I made it a good decision yet yeah I'm just trying to be consistent alright why start now dot Kevin yeah and it's not a huge deal it's a difference of a buck yeah I'm gonna pay off one of my lungs alright so it's allowed and that is not one of your two actions remember great I'm going to come right back here we're here I've been on the tip you won't like you're gonna fight but no no he was wearing his sweater I pulled it over his head though no you you have only seen mine so here don't look at the screen guys real quick so I will show here there you go so that is my eye it's too dark okay there you go that is mine that's the only one that you guys have seen there you go so you guys know what I have okay and go should go a couple months out right you're visiting yeah it's beautiful thing you're gonna wake up great okay so where are we on count of containers where we have four Brown that's the the rarest okay you know where to hang a suggestion for the next time we stream containers I said when you show them yours goes your gold cart actually collect containers and the thing is is this was not a plan going no idea that's a little it's been rude on it it has I mean our kit I was last and everybody kind of went into everything else yeah and I and it's gonna be interesting if you know that's not to say that you and I continue doing this no I switch gears as possible get a good deal on a first date correct correct okay out to see done alright wow that that's a lot of money in on those ships right now good lord that's a lot of money now you got to start looking at your card all right that was who's trying oh good are you up here's what I do like real quick before you take your yard look at all the page that's on all these ships yes who has two thumbs and is reaching that island first this guy so what you're saying is we should save the money for your option to bid for the lower page on the new system will see you want purple okay okay what do holy cow well man this is brutal because who's ever farted there's two people that might be interested in beige I'd already have Dave I'm gonna buy never nowhere rollers I'm gonna buy you two pre-emptive selling yeah right and then I've got to get my boats into play because I need to get into some auction Turkish wait where is the worse that broker before I decided and what's the amount sixteen sixteen and you would exercise it right yes actually as soon as you lift your hand up and that is for those fork I can't even get a glory to Rome four dollars a piece they go ahead and tie you up all your money for an entire round go for with three big auctions coming yeah go ahead buddy no you could say alright I'll take them right after you do okay go ahead it's all your right you over four bucks so that's at six five and five look at that money that's in there now six five and five and I'll take those four colors six five and five that's what well right now it's staggering so far or like here so folks can see it it's right they the one they can't see they know is yellow they know what's up here we go alright so that is not my turn this comes back downs a lot of money how much is it 20 bucks 20 bucks that's 20 points take the other investment banker card out Wow I'm in one container excuse me fellas we're going out to sea and yeah that's for the five that you boys need there you go two zeros my Chris you can't do any better than that that's it see don't want to go off and baby hey fellas don't forget hold on hold on Oh take your time by steady long steady wrong it hurts it hurts it hurts the precious change no as long as you're adding to it you're not taking away and I am flush with cash so if you guys don't bid right I'll just pay it no loans fellas what was that not too much no I don't need it no no no you've got a bit something oh I'm gonna bid something okay so 20 that's scaring me well don't let me scare you because then we're just gonna give that word more money being valued not scared don't bid wait wait why are you changing no Dave when it's my good do not change you're adding a zero aren't you sly dog that's it well there - he's only got one card he's only got two they're really big they're both 20s all right all right read them and weep boys but we got to 0 okay Dave I was afraid of that yes four Oh totally I overpaid 300 no you didn't because you would buy it I was bidding against you so I said 19 okay that's which is which is four five totally that's okay are you a question it does so 19 there all right so here don't look at the screen for a minute guys so obviously afraid everything is gonna be busy right that was my card right here oh we there you go I know that's why I did okay not right kid you may as well throw those crappy bids I ain't going to that Island I'll take the 19 and throw me a 1 and I will take the containers yeah yeah and you are green on your pleasures thank you thank you and the red team now pulls up at the docks look unfortunately they're nice there we go all right good doing business thank you how you been all right go hmm let's do it again soon oh I early and often right there it's coming we're gonna do turns there's your dollar well thank you so much thank you thank you sir thank you okay and then uh we're gonna we're gonna dial up some brokerage here okay yeah hmm you don't have enough contain oh okay yeah okay so there's something right so yeah that one goes there those go there three bucks apiece huh oh you know they're not worth more I mean all right so that was one action and what was your second he just tied that my second was my first was produced Oh gotcha all right so yes I'll have it see prices these guys are swinging around we're gonna drop anchor and wait for the you know for them to consume the goods that they just bought gotcha Dave $3 $4 baby by the way I have a full dock here waiting to load don't even look at yellow yellow said all right he always got some brown yeah I just wanted to get the broker going I'll go to the island next time so this game is completely different than our last game oh this is a game that it changes NB every game yeah yeah both group dynamic as well as just game to game yeah hmm twenty-one six and nine Dave I got just this that how how I guess different the three burgers are there Wow can you give me a buck change please she's like we go full service over here what's nicest you can just back in right here and fill your whole boat your - that's my - all right so here's to the loan sharks I just paid - to the one there okay and one there okay because you don't want Vinny coming to visit your dock people that have warehouses available I'm just I'm just saying it's overpriced - is the going rate for the rather the factories yeah exactly Robert and the investment banker it has driven gangs the investment I mean yeah this was way more than the last time when we played with it four bucks for those two to the island all right wait all right well I know green probably not necessarily mm-hmm Wow okay what do we got here I got back huh Robin texts me a hockey score all right seat for bids on the table all right look out I got I got a legitimate 13-6 I'm it 0:13 Tory 0-0 taking 13 all right I'm happy with that and you know what I know your daddy long arms over there but I'll go and take care of mine like I said things might change depending on value of stuff okay bye bye all right nice congratulations debt-free Marcus I wanna be safe I want to know the was I have score yeah predators our beloved ABS are in the fight for their life right not expecting anything no but it's such a sad why don't you boys are not a place I was lucky for here selling is always a done deal hmm oh that's true yeah what a big one there okay yeah what's the Nashville Avalanche score all right the ABS have been competitive in every game that's all you can ask right you're gonna be able to pick that up and get back to the economic I know 2 times zero is zero that would be competitive yeah Robin told me it was zero zero at the end of one here Andrews texted me Robin Wow zero zero good job boys thank you thank you do you know how that works I can you find your ship and bringing it to you I just I just bought us last night I just bought them so I'm gonna pay the union boss Marcus awesomesauce be so cool if they just snake that name in the Nashville and there's one other thing that I didn't mention you can always pay the union boss so even though I'm booked here I could pay a buck too then just reprice the rest so I just counted look purple - yeah with fire sale if I had another warehouse I'd be interested actually wait a minute where is okay waiting okay yeah I'm done yeah okay sniper [Music] depends on who Kenny supports right because you're a big footage fan as well I'm gonna go ahead and head on over and if I can which if I could tell me which one you won't leave there buddy that would leave the beige all right yes beige has had a population explodes there you go good sir thank you second action Shiva no that was the second all that was on the island yeah yeah okay - no no - it out coals in the hockey game these are gonna these are so I'm gonna get this at the nine but these are gonna go over here that's definitely so we'll say this this and we'll double up on some beige down there never go that'll go there this will come yonder yes action number one and he's just loaded I'm gonna throw my good friend Edward a dollar hey he's always you know he's handling my union dues for good and I'll put these over here so Matt can buy them for me after Dave buys the ones that you want you know so yes thank you cool and then we'll we'll go ahead and we'll touch the islands with the with the red boat the beautiful red boat which is really interesting right now because you do have brown but do I really want beige and the question is this clicker really want beige right so that in there that's there's the rub with the question is are really one space that is there is that which it could be so here you go Dave you said you went alone you just gonna put that in the bid [Laughter] all right don't let me get it cheap I'm the only guy with no cubes up there no containers but you could definitely don't want cubes I don't know I do know no I won't let you see it but but that would that would blemish and Mar your your strategy of not winning the game with the stack of cash and never well not if these points are worth more than I bit their style their style a five and then break the rest down please yeah I do too okay that's fine that works all right thought maybe you want to go to the club so yeah yeah there you go that way they remind us Jefferson snow so they anyway all right back in the Marine Corps days all right moving on wow this is actually in Toronto I don't recall but it had to be on the on heavy guard boards one the six scale I would have had to have put this as a five or a six pack when we were very I I'm pretty sure we both did pretty sure it's just it's a Hall of Famer that you know yeah I think it's just got so many actions and I'll be honest no different eyes yeah let's say think of it yeah yeah but god this is hard right here that's why we play the games right I want to do one thing I'm gonna do another it's just it's that's the way they aged do for you that I think hold on I'm not done yet all right yeah you know you're darn right you need to put some more money in that stachy darn right you're not done and get those zeros out of there you want zeros you would love to see all zeros no but I'm loving what he's doing that's putting thoughts in your head you know just a couple minutes ago I saw Mike add another yeah I'm hoping it wasn't a zero the poison tree just have to wait around for these day peers Wow see why I'm friends with this guy yeah 30 years well played can't see that so so Jerry had me on a zinger to the other day we were gonna go to the game and group and somebody had had called off and said that they weren't gonna show cuz they had pinkeye so and and chances that's okay and I had just RSVP'd he said that's okay cuz Matt's taken his place so it was fine and Jerry says I don't know what's worse the paces I don't know if I wanted the pink eye or playing with Matt I don't know if a neck hair is dollar it was worth it kid all right one more buck and I'm done that's it oh yeah that was a zero all right you're going loads I love the way you guys like that 1800 extra well see if it pays off though 18 yeah all right cool I'll throw in four dollars and just grab a couple of 20s okay from the bank okay so you I will happily unload that let me close you're damn Skippy I mean let me collect my cash there all right so your lellow yep all right see you like I was last one in I got the most money I don't know how you got no explanation for that there's my butt for interest there's a buck 2005's doing over there well we'll find out whether or not that was a really good buck I mean it held him and that saved me money if I did want to win it right absolutely I know that's what I did the question is whether or not I should have won that or not mmm what depends on that card right there Harvey I'm a Reds fan so I'll let you answer that yourself we've already made it manager change what Iraqis have been up to the best are there they look good in the road so there's a bad homestand all right whoa that does appear to be five containers that's probably an another glory to Rome to the you were a miserable human being thank you is that because he wanted to buy his container no I was gonna do that yeah that's for but for those story in the zone with to ya know was bought it with five appreciated JP things you can see look by some these are cheap kind of I'm keeping my eye on a software deployment tonight but all my buzzes have been my wife so so this has actually been a real I've completely switched gears because I've I see value right right yeah man we'll see whether or not it's the right uh you know it's on the stream so I'll talk out loud but if if I could have gotten that cheap I would absolutely purchase right sure yeah absolutely yeah but you have preserved your style points coming together have fun Shingo thanks for joining $12 but this is what I see for two bucks I make 20 I'll even give you a special loan how about that yeah for two wait a minute it's not a catch kind of show yeah now in two actions 3x yes the thing is I can get a video I can only get a 5 I can't even get a 6 so is this game is the number of actions really that important or the oh yeah the impact oh wow those two boxes please Tony what is that sir your contacts thank you thank you here you go good sir I'm not going to the club so let me change all your business at iclickers port and harbor basic basil I of James 20 that you were using him to outbid him no I couldn't do that that would have required three actions well if you didn't do that one you could have just bought your way to it yeah that's one action and then the call is the second we're gonna see if this is all right my turn huh I hear ya Oh Eric Davis my all-time favorite Harvey folks we have an auction okay we have an auction mm-hmm two containers are they the right colors for you folks are trying to manage their cards it's good ty it's it's a notice driver we are getting close that's why I'm like you know what it's time but I will buy those if you don't think so fYI those are many points at the end of the game if they're on your ship fast doesn't remind enough which is worth three dollars yes yeah I had a flash where I was greens that's okay the green for coffee trade yeah let's get this trade everyone good all right what we got nine did you I'll take the nine the preponderance of zeros I'm sure I pay a buck can get a 10 actually I could use the Cho that's right all right I'll give you the change there yeah I need the change you need to get the Whizzer all 20s I don't care about you need to get no I got it I got a dude he's done so you are yellow I am all right we've got a brown one here let's see we want to make sure everybody can see your your yellow you get that out of my area yeah um excuse me boys y'all are gonna have to make a little room here cuz the real ships coming in oh wow and somebody just got some money exactly I'm happy about that Oh as am i what do you think I raced over there I don't want to take a loan Christopher if anybody's watching hockey you're pissing them off well no he's given updates on the scores that's all it's all good it's all good yeah well no the thing is he doesn't have any rules to correct where he haven't screwed anything else right that's right so I understand man oh I'm so glad the wild is at is dead ah Minnesota the team the football team right I was like wow yeah all of a sudden the viewer can't just crash except the people that like the wild okay all right well that's a that's a heck of a night verse yes sorry Philly Penguins game has been too long please see Joe that's what I'm talking about oh that makes me are you excited that the money - I probably do but you know what this aim is completely pivoted you're you're not getting twice dollar and actually I pivot no check my campaign yes oh yeah a game like I don't think this is the one I need to come heavy oh yeah oh yes it is maybe [Music] you're both that's not nearly enough cards dude those are all 20s okay okay here we go yeah my not heavy to go you were 20 okay prove it he overpaid but I just got 19 from you so I factored that in I'm giving you 29 I'll accept that so hold on okay oh wow well that worked out well so it might have been the last opportunity for me to get my fifth color I'll take 58 points better work better work Desmond yeah take care thanks again for the donation that was really cool and I know that it tell me you're are sure all right after all that stuff wow that was a big auction for me yeah and either me I mean we're getting close I don't wait to get my fifth color it it could end this orbit just FYI all right all right so that's not gonna happen so I'll do it when it's old it action ones out to see action 2 is docking at Michael's location red ship and seven bucks yes sir all right I would like to order our boarded onto my ship and they evenly distributed load please okay right there I'm electing some rough seas on the way so fYI for anybody watching at home we're having them splayed out here because the camera up there so you guys can see it but as it were just uh just to be clear there's just no problem with any of us seeing this here and there's plenty of room on the island like that but we want you guys to be able to see it so well first thing that happens is I'd have to pay interest yep do your second thing that happens is I get the monies so 24 bucks huh so a Kevin and Doc have you guys have you guys haven't seen an answer as far as the pre turn actions for pain interest and then winning the broker auction is there a specific order that those two things go in because as it is on the player aid the player age shows pay interest and then win broker action or auction sorry I really don't know who's winning this game right now and you're not we got 58 points you might have gotten more but that was worth farm 58 it was worth far more than what the it was oh wait no no no that's that's one and my second one not go out to see so if Kevin's shocked that there's so much money in the game arm how come there's so much money in the game yeah all these threes all right Mike yeah so we have one brown three tan 3 black three purple Derrick and four gray just saying Mike they're they're still for sale yeah I see yeah and there's two purple moving those points over there though and and I don't so there's two purple grief this was dumb I should have gone to the freakin mess yep sell it alright so Green will come back over here alright yeah it's going to do all right so we're bidding on that there swag okay Wow definitely yeah no too much there yeah oh I'm not hmm man it's all good no this is just it's just I like some of the other boats coming better so I'm like well I mean it should get around you can't not produce it you can't you can get one gone but you need two gone right right yeah tough one tough one tough one yeah we're not okay all right so this is uh zero answers this eight Wow that's gonna be all yeah actually sadly it kind of is a tough call well they're all tough it's not changing it hasn't changed like a scratch yeah believe it or not I'm gonna take the money Wow disappointed Wow I'm not disappointed yeah sixteen I would make him offload his own crap at that point though at all well I don't mind I mean I'm happy I'm grateful for your right there Rios what Isaac can't afford you yeah there's that oh yeah that's a sad sad state of affairs right that's fine they can't tell I know but I could see I just did that if they survive yeah yeah when it's when it's sideways like that it dispels my disbelief if I see the flat side that's how that's how I seen them on some of those ships after the storms kind of you're all done right yes all right well things have gotten a little lean things have gotten a little yeah I can always come back and find out - for - of course I do yeah it would depends what colors you want and up here they're worth two bucks apiece two bucks apiece don't buy Edwards and those are two bucks so it's just a it's just a wash it's gonna end the game I want one more turn oh no it's only one color yeah I haven't done it so I'm gonna do it I'm gonna call the broker now hold on I'll keep that in mind if the game ends I didn't worth anything to you well but I don't lose do the containers are they tied up or do they come back no they're tied up so they're so often if it ends and they're on the with the broker they're gone they don't revert back to where they were I'm fairly certain that's the case I don't know worth anything there anyway correct yeah that's true but yeah there's but what they are is they're worth somebody to purchase them from this and you can't call the broker on the same turn that you're gonna end the game if you're the last one to produce there okay I didn't know that oh no hold on any call the broker and he opened called a broker auction which is not resolved by the end of the game immediately rewarded to the player with the payment card so we automatically resolves all yeah it does okay which sucks if you're bidding for containers are these worth anything remember I think those are worth three okay's I'm gonna I'm gonna buy yours buy your own - yeah that's perfectly one of them and I'm gonna call the broker and I'm gonna go for that money secretly yeah yeah sorry thank you okay so folks can see it's gonna be there you go yeah and they came from your factory yes all right that's two actions I'm done huh wasn't 24 yeah I not will learn how many do we have during ages oh I wish I'd have known you get that out of driving over for that we had an epic well first things first here's a buck - my union boss you've made a lot of money on industry right yes it's good to sit - the producing right of Dave there we go if I win by 10 I got them all from you hmm wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute no I can I have a mulligan on that pitch sure all right give me my buck back I'll call remember where those were it doesn't matter oh you put them on there yeah oh then no yeah that was some need-to-know information before I created that Mulligan so there's that but I got reprice now you can produce on your second action yes and I can and that's what I'm going to do and now I will products there's your buck I brown in a purple so two Purple's or three beige in the game ends and these will go right there boys turn blue yellow player is completed when you have a loan act at the very end of the game Levin bucks out of your total score or do you have to pay back first and I sell a container I think it doesn't matter you're tall okay so it's just you resolve this then you then you subtract a lot to the islands right yep wow that's popular place my blue alright so red now they have you know cool drinks right I think she says you know I'm like yeah it's like Madeira purple in beige it's only two but it's a critical to is it yes okay okay I need to change yes I'm done you need to change not being in the payment alone don't know doesn't know you have to tell the container okay all right we're good yeah all right except for that yeah 1208 bucks it is 12 for white and that gives wait he's complete set yes it does yes that I needed that sure did yep okay all right so Dave that was the difference between a humiliating score and merely a disappointing one nice well on average you paid more for container than I did with the bigger that's a big one right right I know mark it's like I said at the end of the stream after we before we go to the round two or actually after the round table I'll go ahead you're done I have never seen a live alright port are in at the island and look at this wonderful presentation by the blue player Wow okay let's see two fives work yes it's only because I only have the zeros and if you want they go here Robert no no what he's saying that's actually a good edge case if I word it no cuz this will resolve beforehand because I can't get any here Robert so if somebody out bids me these four would have to come back so it that could never have yeah so if you had you did those or and then you produced yes somebody outbid you then you would be in that service yeah wonder what happens yeah I died I don't know cuz that that might have homered reality right yeah yeah that's that's a question because if I hadn't bought the two that he had produced that's true and somebody outbid yes yeah that's all check cuz I'm going to think I'm not yet oh yeah oh I'm bidding yeah it's the zeros are in there I'll just make sure so the problem I run into is any money if I try and win this gives them you know that a mountain today double that amount not save but if you don't play enough hey I'll take those and that's rough yeah it's not just how much is it to use how much is it to the other players and and honestly he yeah thanks it's alright it doesn't really say you know or that that that would be an edge case that I don't know the answer to yeah it looks like all of them are named costa concordia alright everyone's bid alright hold on go ahead 0 0 oh man what do you bid you first no all right one at a time oh well I'll take my toys and go home twelve Wow dude that's okay though that's thirty that's thirty points to Dave yeah how much three containers are mine dang why did I take that loan I will take the 30 points Thank You juices paid after tax oh okay so noted all right all right errata wait what does that mean no that mean so what that gives me a complete set by the way now what that means is we're doing we've been doing it the opposite action so thanks for the heads up on that but did that II talk about that no no no not that one yeah yeah okay alright so that was blue can you take a picture yeah sure yeah that's pretty good actually right so my screenshot that and send it to me I have never seen that seriously right here that is that's obnoxious there we go all right there you go yeah I know all right so Mike you're up in the rare case that happens you would lose the containers that put you over the maximum I think so yes right okay is it but for somebody trying to race to the end of the game yeah not a bad call come on come on Mike for News let's do that there you go well the problem is Mike you needed to produce you needed to buy one of mine so that I could there's my two actions I would have loved to just end it it right now I'm Lilith Edward doesn't it's not daddy yeah I give you guys it's taking your Lester right so yeah here's my loan okay so I'm gonna pay back my loan okay you're down another dollar for that yeah for the for the non auction um I don't have much to do it's gonna be easy counting my island score done and all right that's it well there's nothing else for me to do really well if you load on my ship they're worth three points to you it's a net if you keep them here they're worth two points to me right yeah but he would pay you three bucks so yeah so no it doesn't make sense yeah all right so you're done so first things first these get distributed thank you doesn't matter how right just hand me the money all right I will pay a buck to to produce that will trigger the end of the game once my turns over and no brown so it doesn't matter there's that so now the question is is there anything that I can do you didn't produce a gray there is Mike yeah just rude yep stick it out there on time Mike not means you're relevant right since the end of it oh except he may buy them actually it they're only worth two points again right so you be paying it yeah no he'd be two for two it doesn't matter so literally that's where I was I just you know what yeah there you go I will I will finish at see where she belongs that right there triggers the end of the game all right so we know so we go into final scoring all right all right so first off the money that's there and the containers are that are there don't go away this is worth three points though so we'll do this one player at a time so debt we'll start with Mike okay so Mike has a full set here so that means his beige are going to be worth yeah let me see that actually yes black don't kill so here than I are fighting for the end here all right so here is Mike's okay so his beige because he has a full set his beige is going to be worth ten whatever he has the most of goes away the most he has is black so the fours are going to go away so he's going to lose these two back into the blacks and now he's going to get in this case he will get he doesn't have any black so it's gonna be ten 20 28 for that what's that all okay I'd keep going 28 28 14 okay - and you have no of it nothing on your ship and nothing there so 42 go ahead do it up now do we give them the 42 just a clarification on the other when the when the containers are on the card they still count towards the limit of their respective yes that is true so when they're on the broker card yes yo so I couldn't have produced couldn't produce what six and one-half dozen the other but that's a good point there was still nothing for us to do and he would have produced amended it matters not correct yeah other than maybe you would have got a union dollar no I got two bucks out of it is what that am so if I win by two actress okay so there's Mike Mike is done go and put those up hey can I be next sure hey hold on so here's my card okay just so everybody can see it no I know beige beige was good okay so there you go so that would have been that was tease but he had no container so how much do you have ahh I have $92 okay well plates not into hopefully yeah thank you to is not gonna win it today all right so okay alright so my card yep alright well so here actually people can see it okay so there another to work so my you have a full set I do have a full set I had five of the twos which go away yep cuz you got my lower ones so then I have three at four are you keeping up that's fifty sixty to sixty ninety two right there yep 92 93 94 95 96 and cash on hand yep eight nine 101 101 good job Dave oh the other ones back yeah you know what I want Keith boy here you go here you alright Dave your honor sir so hold on these are green not I put all those up my card is this gonna be the flanges man you have do you do have a full set so all the blacks go well yes alright so we're looking at that looks like forty sixty even for that 64 or well then they can't see that put it on your board okay so there's 60 and for 70 80 90 100 it was close two four six seven that's trying to do four one two four six yes let's go you were a banker right that's 14 all right so one 14 liter clubhouse close yeah all right so these are done here we go so my card as you guys knew bad teacher there we go so I do have a full set so all the beige to the surprise if no one goes away so all the gray are worth 10 apiece the black is worth 10 that's 50 that is 60 70 to 78 78 79 80 all right so what do we got here we got 80 I got nothing out here this doesn't count so there's 80 90 stop there a hundred 104 109 111 113 133 Oh 36 no he got that good teacher terrible I'm sorry all right so before we're gonna go ahead and do the round table and move this stuff out of the way and then we will compare the compare the two editions good all right so all of us have played this at least a handful of times without the the base game at least so yeah we'll start with I can go counter yeah I gotta tell you this the first time I played with the Dozen with the investment and it absolutely adds a whole nother dimension to the game well a whole nother thought process I didn't get to take advantage of it but I was always mindful of it it always factored into you know what and and it's just you know it's a timing thing yeah and I think it's fantastic you know a lot of times when when you bolt on stuff it this works I mean it's it's not it's it's integral I would I would want to play it this way and it's it's reinvigorated my interest in playing this a lot more interest yeah okay yeah I like what I mission accomplished yeah and if you're honest yeah absolutely absolutely and I own the first edition right so I I mean this is this is this is great hike uh I'm probably gonna be the dissenting voice here I this game has not caught my mind it was it had an impedance mismatch with that buy sell thing from other the first couple games they get to talk about exactly and that was just it it made more sense this time I understand why there's a boot I feel like I'm sitting on the there's definitely a lot of tuning to be down here this is one I just I don't get it okay naturally yeah do you like it this was more enjoyable than the last two games yes okay yeah is you know good company I was I was following the game I was following I think every person's play this time not catching on yet yeah yeah but the mechanics are are clicking over so here's my question then for you since it hasn't clicked with you after three plays does that interest you more in trying to play it more so that it does click or do you feel like it's going to be one of those because everybody has those games then no matter no beat your head up against the wall it just doesn't get there this might be one of those for me okay I need to play it at least one more time to do that but I feel like I'm over the knee of yeah this this doesn't match my brain okay alright another wrong with that right but I would need to play one more time I think I'll cap and see what happened okay I did like the investment but a cool is this the first time you've played with that oh yes oh yes so you can see that Edward Toni and I I had totally different strategies yep i steers twice well and I've I've always played hey gotta handle it I've heard from Robin okay right God had the warehouses gotta have the production saw her do that and beat my so badly the first couple times I played with her I've seen Tony do that before where he does he ignores the ignores it yep I I think one of the things you've got to look at is the whole economy hey cost $1 if you produce enough you're going to you know make $5 on the deal if you buy low sell high all that's all minimal where you make it is with this card here in the island yes and the auctions and being the auctioneer at the iron and and what is so good for me on this game is hey you see that boat go in and you look at your card and go shoot if I buy that I'm kicking myself out I'm gonna put that zero and the first couple auctions were perfect for me and hey after first reaction I got the game walk but the game keeps co-writes so so what'd you think of the investment bank uh the secretary played with it and I like it it I kept never seen that much money though oh no that's completely down the first game that we played it with yeah I never seen a build-up I've never seen that many containers on there and I'm wondering as people get used to the investment if it's gonna change oh I have no doubt that it because like like Kevin and Doc were saying our economy in this game was bloated yeah I've also seen extremely austere economy because if people are buying their own options that influx with the subsidies isn't coming in so I I like what you enough but yeah yeah no I think it will fluctuate I I do think so we didn't have a failed auction here did we we did not okay no no there was one auction where somebody won I had that one problem come on and I needed that right anybody matched for a single container that was yeah oh that's an interesting strategy yep yep okay T its container baby love container so yeah the new part for me would be this investment bank and I like that investment bank I'm happy to play with it and happy to play without it but I liked what it seemed to add to the game it did add I think some length of the game because it's taking like a production thing a production action out of the game that's a good point because it reduce it yeah that's a fair point okay it does introduce some interesting changes and I felt like I was behind that curve for sure and and reflected it here you used it better I think than anybody yes agreed yeah so so yeah I'm definitely interested in trying the investment bank more okay and for me like I said I switch gears twice I did not go into this game planning on ignoring my island like I did for the first one 60 70 percent of the game just I was looking for market inefficiencies right and where I saw bargains trying to capitalize on him and if you noticed I ignored all of that I just hid it I really just didn't bother with it Tony and all I did was import-export and I just played middle course and then you did a lot of the investment I did there was some of that but again it's where I saw value right if you don't have producers like Mike and I that's gonna make a long game there's always a there's always there's always going to be sizzling there's not somebody does it I guess somebody becomes looking for those market inefficiencies and that's I know what I was focused on was I didn't really have a strategy going in and going forth in this game I saw what you guys are doing so I was like okay in most late like in things much like the show what are people not doing like right right right and so that's what I tried to do and then there were mixes of ships that matched up real well container wise with my card and then I I not only looked at what was going for auction right now but I also saw what the other ships because there were three full ships when I went to the island that was like huh so if I get money for this and I get those two ships plus potentially what I'm getting at my investment bank you know and bringing those back to the island I was like either I'm going to get paid really well or I match it and it gives me a full set and I do well with that so I was trying to look ahead and again it all came down to market inefficiencies or where I saw value and I think it worked out really well but that's not to say that it would happen again next game but yeah big fan of the investment bank well I can see that that in sight and I can see that you and Tony at least both have that same insight into the market efficiencies and that's just let's plays you got to have playing so that's in just in just yeah I think experience definitely comes into play in that but also and that's a mark of a good game agreed but at the same time and where there's value in these roundtable discussions somebody watching who hasn't played this now they're like oh maybe it softens learning curve now right so we're all of a sudden make it more efficient quickly more than you know more more proficient okay and they they get to see that there's more than one way to win and different strategies that different players can have yeah although from the three games I've played my impression after those three games is producing is not a way to winning it just it just isn't it's it's the ships and the timing and the combination of the it's a pair of things mm-hmm whether it's producing in warehousing warehousing and shipping producing and ship you know like it's a pair of things yeah and timing is a big big deal finding you know and I don't want to say seeding order is seeding order is important based on what other people doing right yes yeah like I was not gonna do this strategy today but I ended up being fifth and by the time it came around to me you had two factories you guys all had warehouses galore so it's like alright I guess I'll do that again I did not want to write but you didn't you were forced into you know yeah I mean I I you know I could have gone into some more manufacturing as well but here's the question for Edward and Tony okay what difference does it make playing for player or three player I I think there's one main difference and that is that the secret goal cards one or two are not in the game right so you don't know it's a little more obfuscated about what people are looking for and you really have to pay attention to what they're buying yep to determine but with five okay somebody has each of those cards I see ya feel important to like figure out what they're in the game scales really well based on number of containers machines and warehouses that are in based on player count as well and I'll be honest I didn't think I was going to like this at three players and when we reviewed it we had played it three players and found out oh yeah hey I really like this and three players I preferred it for five but they have three school yeah I won't turn down a play at three players for what it's worth so yeah all right cool let's see any questions here Graham asks does anyone miss other bits from the original expansion the Interpol bonus show the and I will but the air is specifically there to aspirin or to parts of the modular expansion the second second shipment that we usually play with you which is the inner player loans which and they are fun they are fun without money but I don't feel like funding than half the people yeah okay sorry I don't feel like the games neutered without it absolutely and the second one is gold which gold is a sixth resource but it also allows you to turn two goods into a gold and there's that there so hey they're not necessary I don't miss them yeah all right cool I've never even played with the third one what was economies of scale or something I never have met themselves vincit have we played import/export I have not yet we have it but we haven't gotten to it all right to try it cool all right so let's before we you know yeah and call it a night I want to at least show people the island comparison and the ships in the containers I'll just while you sit while you're pulling that out only had one thing I was definitely actually I brought cameras down for this you guys don't need that move the chat out of the way here okay no it's definitely in the camp of all these big ships are silly because I own this got versions yeah but they're not silly yeah I gotta tell you I they're cool you'll see I enjoyed it's definitely a I mean cuz that's part of the fun of this game right they pick up your ship movie in it is somebody else's dock stacking the containers right that's part I'll get that feeling this is even more that way like this this exemplifies vengeance on people I got that feeling that we're playing like the giant aegis team or 18 X X Games exactly okay there you go so to put things in perspective that's the difference in size wearing one pair up this way yeah so there you go there's the difference in size in the warehouses okay then we're looking at the containers and this actually I think is the most significant difference believe it or not these containers are gorgeous yeah they did a really good job well first off the color differentiation is definitely better oh yeah both of the ships as well as the containers so there you go so so one thing here actually I'm gonna take this up even more here so hold on I want to show you guys this the detail on the containers so that's the face of it source yeah you can actually see the latches and stuff on it whereas this is just a bottle block it's a block right so there you go and it's on every side except the bottom which that makes sense right and then there's the back of the container and so there you go so that's a difference in the container in it I'm not gonna bother showing the different colors just they are much clearer you guys saw them all night so there's that and then the big thing that I'm sure everybody wants to see well first off let me get the the island board out here oh yeah here at the bottom because people were making a big deal about the island board being too small did you guys feel like the animal board was too small in the game not me no all right stacking right I had no problem what's up there's the original there and that's the I'm sorry the original and the other so there you go so that shows the difference okay so whatever section when I have does in the other but the big thing I know everybody wants to see is alright yeah it's I figure it's I'm yellow there you go now first off let me show you guys this see this oh Jesus I would never do that with the first edition because the resin it would shatter so that gives you an idea freaked me out sorry didn't mean to scare you alright so there is the yellow ship I like did you put a divot the game is it no we're good okay so here is the first edition painted painted now these are these are obviously custom paint and Tony did this or and they have heavy cardboard stickers and stuff here's the original color there you got right so there you go so what and we'll again we'll tighten this up a little bit what I do it here we go you know huh okay so there and put it in perspective and we'll get another ship out here to show you guys the size difference so do they need to be that big no but it's a 10 it's a special edition as what it is I mean I'm so glad they are it's fun I mean it's just there is a tactile element of this game where they're moving stuff around your stack and contain it it's it's a blast and like you said it where those are not gonna break yeah whereas I there's a reason that ours are wrapped in styrofoam here because these will these will shatter and they will snap so there you go alright so hopefully and hopefully that helps out okay so cool alright so that is container the 10th anniversary jumbo edition oh one other thing I was gonna do hold on I forgot you guys let me forget here here so I was gonna zoom out to show you guys so we have yeah we have a 6 foot by 42 inch so 42 by 72 inch table and to put this back where it was there's plenty of room for 5 players and how it was so there you go look at that right to put things in perspective because I know people are like oh it won't fit on my table and whatever not as you know yeah not not at mobile so alright again thank you first off to all of y'all that watched both live as well as after the fact we appreciate it we really do because otherwise why are we doing this right secondly thanks the mercury games for providing us with the copy as well as sponsor in the stream so thanks a lot to them Kevin and doc who are at the gathering of friends appreciate you guys taking the time out to join us Jes also helped organize like a live viewing there at the gathering of friends that's kind of cool to me so I appreciate that and last but not least thanks to our 684 patrons don't forget to Like and subscribe it helps the show if you want to go a step further right there right below me scrolling you can go to pledge HC comm to support the show we definitely would appreciate it so again on behalf of myself and Amanda I'm Edward clicker stevedore Mike banker Dave Tony y'all have a wonderful night thanks again take care of guys bye good night
Channel: Heavy Cardboard
Views: 17,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boardgame, boardgames, board, game, fun, playthrough, teach, learn, how to play, teaching, patreon, podcast, live, Container, Container 10th Anniversary Jumbo Edition, Jumbo, Mercury Games, Franz-Benno Delonge
Id: dz5mZGW0zS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 2sec (10442 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 20 2018
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