Elder Sign Board Game Playthrough (solo mode)

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hey everybody welcome back to when harry met board games where we feed our people with relatable content and our victory condition is your satisfaction i'm harry and today we'll be having another playthrough today i'll be playing through this game right here elder sign this is a one to eight player cooperative game that takes place within the cthulhu or hp lovecraft universe this is kind of like a dice implementation of bigger games such as arkham horror or eldritch horror i will be playing this game solo and this is what the game looks like set up so first of all we have the entrance sheet right here which is a location we're all in a museum and this is the entrance to the museum and it's a special location that players can go to to activate certain abilities which i will explain when the time comes up also we have the uh clock right here which first of all uh serves to turn uh tell you what turn it is and also every time it strikes midnight we flip over a new mystery car or mythos cards i should say right here and these implement or instigate different uh actions occurrences usually for the bad sometimes occasionally for the good of the players we also have a bunch of different elder ones or ancient ones to choose from in this game here i'll be playing against azato so he's the main bad guy the big bad one and this is what the card looks like first of all here it tells us a special power absolute destruction if azitov awakens the game ends and the investigators lose so this uh ancient one in particular has an additional way of winning he just has to awaken the other ancient ones usually if they awaken you still have a chance of defeating them before that now how do they awaken right here we have a doom track and the doom track for each of the ancient ones is different for azertop in particular there are 16 spaces so once each of these 16 spaces get filled with one of these doom tokens it triggers the awakening of the ancient one in the case of azertop that leads to the loss or the defeat of all the players also this number here in the center of 14 that is how many elder signs the namesake of the game a player or players must collect collectively in this case i'm playing solo in order to defeat the elder one so i have to acquire 14 of these elder signs in order to win the game also here it says attack the end is near as the top destroys the world so he doesn't have a particular attack power like some of the other ones because he's not actually going to engage in power with you he automatically wins if he awakens so there is that we have set aside a couple of tokens here as i mentioned we have the elder signs we have some clue tokens which are very useful for the re-rolling of dice again this is a dice based uh game in the uh arkham horror universe then finally we have the dice itself six main green dice which will be mostly rolling and these yellow and red special dice which will occasionally occasionally be rolled okay so we also have some other decks aside from the mythos deck right here we have the allied deck the spell deck the common item deck and the unique item deck we also have a deck here of other world cards and these will be opened sporadically throughout the game and finally we have the adventure cards which are the basically the storyboard and the physical space that we're moving along in the game and we shuffle them up and we deal out six in two rows of three to start the starting uh setup and board for the game so this is how it looks like now each player gets a character with that character comes one of these character sheets and these small little tokens which are the equivalent of your little player piece you'll be placing this around from location to location indicating where your player is so for this game i will be ash can pete this card indicates your starting stats for example i have four stamina or i should say for sanity and six stamina there's two different uh health currencies and you could take damage in either one of these categories so you grab the corresponding amount of tokens to indicate uh your health your maximum health never changes and as you are losing and replenishing your health in these two different currencies you'll be discarding tokens or gaining them back into your supply so ash cam pete is the drifter now each character has a special ability for ash cam pete he has the scrounge ability each time pete gains a common item or a unique item or a spell after the setup going forward he may choose to instead gain one clue token one common item one unique item or one spell so this makes ash camp very versatile right whenever he gains one of those particular items he could actually exchange it for another item instead if it's more to his benefit right also each character gets some starting items in the case of ash camp he gets a particular ally and that is duke and who is duke duke is none other than his dog right and it says here for duke you may discard duke instead of suffering an adventure cards penalty very important for all of these cards here the ally spells common items and unique items these are one-time abilities that when you get these cards you reserve them for whatever you see fit you play them you discard them these are not uh assets that you keep for the remainder of the game right like el jacarro and a games like that all right so that's pretty much it as for our setup we are going to start the game i also have the bag of randomized monster tiles in here for when they pop up so we're going to start the game we start the game at midnight the first thing we do is reveal the first mythos card and we re read its midnight action which is the top part right here it says the arcane art it says either add one doom token to the doom track or the investigators as a group must discard two spells well guess what we don't have any spells to begin with so there is no choice but to add one doom marker to the doom track there we go uh so and there's also a lingering effect in each of these mythos cards so for example it says closes the doors the next time the clock strikes midnight discard all other world cards from play and do not replace them so these are the other world cards right now there's no other world cards in play so i think i won't even try until this card is irrelevant to open up any other worlds because the other world cards are very available a very useful um i should say beneficial they're very helpful because they give you ways of acquiring elder signs which is the main purpose of this game but they also increase the space of the board which allows for the dispersion of different monsters and bad guys which you actually want because they get too crowded up into this these six cards here then it becomes very difficult to defeat the monsters and or these adventures here so we're not gonna focus on that now every time a player takes a return we're gonna advance three hours in the clock so the first thing you do on a player's turn is you grab your six dice unless you have any cards that help you activate temporarily either a red yellow or even both of these dies at the same time so the first thing we do is we wait no i'm sorry we have to choose a location we can go to the uh museum's entrance here if we wanted to but we're not going to do that i'm going to go somewhere easy right because this is the first turn of the game we haven't really leveled up and acquired any abilities so i'm looking at this place right here the guided tour and each of these cards first of all these adventure cards has a name it has a little bit of flavor text here says the docents shared a number of anecdotes about the museum's own strange history so aside from the flavor text you also have this number here which indicates how many trophies this um adventure card would get you once you complete it and here you have one and all the adventures and the monsters you defeat are worth trophies for you in this game and they always range anywhere from zero to two and these trophies are very helpful for purchasing certain things when you go to the museum entrance location so there is that so and also you have a number of tasks you have to complete and each row indicates one task and sometimes the task has one square or it could have two squares or even up to three squares and it has a particular symbol which corresponds with dice symbols that you're going to be trying to roll to place onto these spots in order to signify that you've um unlocked or completed these tasks now whenever you see this arrow right here it's very important that means you must complete each of these tasks successively one turn after another from top to bottom usually with most adventure cards you can complete the task in any order you like but when you see this arrow you must complete it from top to the middle to the bottom right also on the bottom here in this red square here right red rectangle we have uh the consequences for failing this adventure in other words in this case we have a sanity symbol and a stamina symbol the adventurer here the detective here the investigator here will lose one sanity token and one uh stamina token if they fail this adventure however in this white rectangle here you see some symbols indicating what would happen if they succeed in this adventure and they would get those two little footprint symbols on the outer ends they represent the clue tokens and again as i mentioned earlier these clue tokens are very helpful because they allow you to re-roll one or more dice and also in the middle that little pistol symbol indicates common items which are the yellow cards not quite as good as the unique items but still very helpful so i'm going to move my little player piece here to indicate that i'm in the guided tour we're gonna grab the six dice and the first thing you do is you roll there's gonna be lots of rolling so now i'm particularly trying to fulfill the top requirement the top task right here because again this arrow makes me forces me to take care of it or address it from top to bottom so the first thing i need to do is get two uh of these magnifying glass or search symbols now whenever you complete a task whatever role you're you're addressing at the time has to be addressed within one particular role you cannot it's not like yahtzee you cannot set aside just one and try to re-roll the other if a task requires two or more dice you need to roll those two symbols at the same time in this case each of these three tasks only require one die so it's not too bad so first of all i look at all these here and i will overpay because i did not roll any two of these um symbols this magnifying or search symbol but i do have a three here so i could overpay to uh complete that task now i re-roll these dice and every time you roll a die you either have to use one or more for the task or you have to uh set aside one every time you fail all right so now i'm looking for four and i have these two twos right here and you could use multiple dice to fulfill these magnifying glass or search totals so i use these four here to unlock that and now the third task is one of those scrolls so i will reroll i have three dice right here and i've got a scroll i'm off to a good start guys you guys give me good luck here we go so i record i fulfilled all the requirements all the tasks for this adventure so the first thing is i will benefit from all and every time you complete an adventure you automatically go back to the entrance i will gather these resources here so i get a two clue tokens or starters i'll just add them here to my supply and i can get a common weapon now because i am ash can pete and my special ability allows me if i get a common weapon or a spell or a unique item to instead get a clue a spell a common weapon or a unique item i i so basically i get to interchange one for the other so instead of getting the common weapon which is what is entitled to me i'm gonna use that to get the unique weapons because they are slightly better and a little bit harder to acquire so there's that now i gained this here in my player area as a trophy that again i could use later on if i go to the museum entrance and pay for different uh benefits or resources so there's that and now we replace this empty space right here and we will advance the time here by three hours so it goes all the way up i didn't even have it at midnight oof or did i yes here we go oh it goes from midnight to three o'clock and i'm done with my first turn now we'll move on to my second turn and i'm gonna go over here to the archives because this is a good weak spot early on in the game again you're not very leveled up yes i do have a unique item which i never told you guys what it is i have the flute of the outer gods it says after rolling you can discard this card to defeat a monster so there's a monster on your adventure card you can discard this to defeat the monster and make it a little bit easier to accomplish or successfully uh fulfill that adventure so i'm gonna go here to the archives which again is just one trophy worth and it says here the collection is not wait the collection is not well documented who knows what's really in here and we have all these tasks that we're trying to fulfill in this case there is no arrow so i can fulfill them in any order i like the consequence if i fail is i lose one sanity but if i win i gain two unique items but again remember because i'm ash khan sam i might mix and match that and get some other stuff instead all right so i'm here in the archives i'm going to roll these dice and let's see what i got here i'm looking for the hardest thing and the hardest combination to roll honestly speaking because there's not only one side of the die represents these is the scroll and this um i think they refer to it as a peril symbol right that scary looking face right there on the right so i'm going to use these to block this bottom task right here and then i get additional re-rolls to try to get the other two tasks here we go all right so i needed oh that's not good guys i did pretty bad i needed either a scroll or a scroll and a three and i can't do that so what happens is i failed and i will set aside one of these dice now some of these um cards have a terror a terror um symbol here and what terror means is if ever you fail at a at a roll which i just did and if one of the guys at least one of the dicey rolled had a terror symbol which looks like this right here let me show you the little tentacles there if that were the case and you were on this adventure card whatever consequence is here you would be it would befall you you would suffer it right but i am not on that place i'm here so i set aside one die and now i need the perfect rolls in order to complete this because i'm gonna need at least three dice for this and i only have three dice so here we go and it's not even going to be interesting folks i failed and i will suffer the consequence and again the consequence here in the archive is that i lose one sanity okay so i will remove one of these sanity tokens here to indicate that i'm a little bit less mentally sound and we will advance the clock another three hours to six o'clock all right i'm gonna try this again because it's very doable um i'm gonna try this again i just had a little bit of a little stroke of bad luck i did really really well with my first roll but after that it was downhill all right so here we go uh this is not looking too good the only well you know what no i'm gonna use this scroll and this three search to fulfill this middle task right here and i'm going to re-roll these and i've got oh i got a scroll and a a scroll and this peril symbol which i needed for the bottom task now i will re-roll these two right here and i got to scroll folks i got exactly what i needed so i fulfilled this i will not suffer any more sanity i place my uh little player piece back in the entrance i will acquire this as a trophy and again i will get one unique item and right here i drew the lamp of al has red which gives me a bonus red special dye which are more it's this is the most powerful dye in the game has the best symbols on it and i whenever i want to use that die all i have to do is discard this card instead of getting an additional red unique item card because most of these unique item cards what they do is they give you that red die right but there is only one red die so you're never going to play multiple of those necessarily at the same time but if you get a common item right there folks the lucky cigarette case i'm feeling lucky but i'm in no mood to smoke this gives me an additional yellow dice which is better than the green dice but not quite as good as the red dye so that's really cool so if i ever want a combo i could discard both the yellow uh both the lucky cigarette case and the lamp of al has red in order to have two additional dice added to my pool so this goes into my trophy supply we replace this location or this adventure card with one right here and we advance the time another three hours so we're at nine o'clock right here all right so now where do i want to go i'm gonna go to this additional week one because it's gonna give me a clue token and potentially a spell unless i want to do something differently but since i have a good amount of unique items and common items i probably will go to the spell so i'm going to go here to the remains of the high priest again just one trophy for me but it says the flavor text i saw a brief fog on the inside of the glass before it quickly faded that thing inside it was breathing and this card has a terror effect i discard all dice showing the terror results if i ever so again terror effects they uh take into effect every time you fail a task and one of the dice you rolled happens to have the terror symbol and if i fail altogether this mission i will lose a heart or a stamina and if i win again i can gain a clue token and a spell or in my case something else so let's see here we are not going to use any these are this is very doable right here so i am going to oh i needed a scroll i got a scroll and i need six oh i would have to use too much dice to get six so i am not gonna do that folks instead i'm just gonna get this peril symbol here put it right there and let's get some rerolls here we go all right so i got the scroll perfect guys and i got three four you could combine as many of these magnifying glasses as you need to get the total desired six worth of search and the little scroll right here so i fulfill this one right here i will get i will place this back in the entrance i will get this as a trophy i will get another clue token for rerolls and i will gain a spell card and we will replace this adventure card here and let's look at what the spell i drew was i have the voice of raw after rolling discard to change one die to the result of your choice that's awesome so again all these cards are one-time abilities that you have to keep on discarding but hopefully you keep on regaining and replenishing your supply but that's a really helpful one i could change any die to any result of my choice all right and now we advance the time or the clock three more hours and the clock has struck midnight so again we look at the mythos card the current one it says it always has a midnight effect um or lingering effect it says the next time the clock strikes midnight discard all other world cards from play and do not replace them there are no other world cards so we're good so now we will set this aside and we will reveal the next um mythos cards which is the currently active one it says keep friends close add one doom token to the doom track unless at least one investigator has an ally and i still have my good and trustful friend duke right here so we are good but let's look at the lingering effect it says when memories fade the next time the clock strikes midnight each investigator must discard one spell if able so i might want to use my spell before the next time because i'm not going to be able to use it anyways afterwards okay so now where do we want to go i'm feeling pretty good i got some reroll tokens i got some good uh items and spells here i'm wondering if i want to go somewhere this one right here is a pretty good spot the hidden passage would get me two elder signs but i'm wondering if i should build up just a little bit more huh oh really important guys i just forgot so this card right here has an at midnight effect some of these adventure cards have at midnight effects what it means is what if these are still in play whenever midnight hits these effects take place immediately at midnight just hit so it says here at midnight a monster appears so the first thing you do is you randomly draw one of these monsters from inside whatever cup or bag you use and right here i've drawn this monster here who is the maniac the flavor text says smiling he showed me where he had carved glyphs on his chest with a knife and this guy's worth one um trophy and he has that symbol in order to resolve the peril symbol now when you are adding a monster the first thing you're doing is you're looking for any available monster spaces which are indicated by surrounding white um white trim of on a box right so you have this white border surrounding a rectangular uh square or rectangular box here and these are the first places or the priority places for placing a monster so this one has a box here this one has a box this one has a box uh because this box actually has apparel this guy here would cover it all up and replace it right uh so those are my four oh wait one two three four of them out of boston i could choose from among these four and i'm gonna look at one i'm gonna put this one right here because right now i want to get some elder signs and this one here does not have an elder sign even though it does have an other uh um it opens another world you know what i'm going to put this here and this is to this is still pretty easy it's actually the same exact symbol to accomplish it because it just covers it up the peril symbol so i'm just going to place it right there it doesn't change anything about that and now i'm going to decide where i want to go and speaking of i might just want to go right here so i'm going to go here to something as broken free so first of all it says the ancient stone had weighed tons and yet something had shattered it against the opposite wall of the gallery and this has a terror effect a pretty bad one it says you immediately fail this adventure and these are the tasks and i need to complete in no necessary order because there is no arrow i would suffer one stamina if i fail but if i succeed i would get a unique item a spell a clue token and that symbol here means i add an additional monster to the adventure board okay so i am here i'm going to roll my six dice i feel pretty good oh oh oh i dropped these those don't count here we go so let's see do i have what i need oh i have i have a terror symbol here so at any point in this game when you fail which i just happen to do oh i don't want to fail actually i do not want to fail because again i would immediately fail the entire adventure if i fail so instead of failing what i'm going to do is i'm going to use a clue token to roll any dice any amount of dice i want to to re-roll them so i'm going to set aside this one terror symbol i need two i'm going to set this aside and i'm going to reroll the other five dice right here and i got the second one that i needed so i fulfilled this task awesome and now i'm gonna roll these four dice right here so that crew token was well spent and i got this peril symbol right here awesome so that's exactly what i needed to fulfill the card so first of all i get this monster for one trophy into my supply i also fulfill this card this adventure and add it to my trophy supply as well i'm gonna get a unique item is that what i want i am yes i'm gonna get a unique item great i got the necromanic on necro nomicon which again adds one of these red dice but it says after using this card you also gain one clue token so it's actually a little bit better than uh that other uh card i have here the lamp of al has read okay awesome now what else we add a spell let me add the spell and i've got the find gate spell here it says discard to draw one other world card and place it below the six adventure card so this is great in order to open other worlds and i get a clue token so the clue token i spent i get it right back and i add one more monster to the adventure board so first of all let me replace this adventure card right there then draw one random monster and i drew here one of the cultists which is a one trophy monster it says he ran toward me shouting in a long dead language so now i have to choose between this white box this white box and this white box and ah these two have elder signs so i might not i might not want to complicate things i might just put them right here okay and we advance to three o'clock folks i forgot to do that okay and now we proceed so um i am going to where do i want to go where do i want to go um this is pretty doable i would suffer two stamina and two of these but this is really realistic and i would get an elder sign so i'm gonna go here to the when knight falls uh adventure card this is worth two trophies folks i still haven't i haven't yet gone for one that's worth two trophies it says once the sunset the distant stars glowed above the dark-filled roof of the museum all right so these are the tasks i got to fulfill these are the consequences to stamina and to sanity but i get a clue token a unique item and an elder sign which would be my first elder sign of the game this game is going pretty slow so far i have no other signs and there's only one doom token but the game quickly progresses and surprises you if you uh take it for granted so i'm not gonna add any dice to my pool because i feel pretty confident about this one here especially with my crew tokens so i don't have to fulfill these in any particular order i have a peril i have one of these ah you know what folks i'm gonna use a clue token because i needed two scrolls i only rolled one and i needed apparel which i did roll so i'm gonna reroll these four hoping for another um scroll and i got it let's go so i got two scrolls and apparel and i do have this but again you need to roll you can only address one task at a time so even though i have this which would be helpful for the next task i have to wait and reroll that's the challenge of elder sign so i reroll these and i did not roll that so i'm going to oh this is tough i'm going to spend another clue token guys i'm going to spend another queue token to reroll all three of these dice oh i did not get it okay so i'm going to set because i failed there is no um terror consequence here i'm going to set aside or discard one die and now i rerolled the next two and i did not get it again i got a tough decision you know what guys i'm gonna set aside one here we go and i didn't get it but you know what i'm finally going to use this i'm going to use my voice of raw to change any die to the face of my choice i discard this card by placing it on the bottom of this little spell deck here and i'm gonna change this to search into a terror symbol and fulfill the task or the last task for this adventure so that's awesome i place my uh player piece back in the entrance i will gain this as a trophy and i'll gain a reward of one clue i spent two but at least i got one back and i will get a unique item no you know what i'm feeling pretty good with my unique items i'm gonna get a common item instead i got whiskey it says i could discard this card instead of losing one sanity okay that's not too bad all right set these aside and i got an elder sign my first elder sign of the game i need 14 in order to beat azital all right and we replace this adventure right here so we're doing good guys we're doing really really good i think i want to open a portal give ourselves a little bit more space all right let me advance the time here keep on forgetting six o'clock um so i'm gonna add i'm gonna go over here because i want to open a portal so let's look at this adventure card right here it's called the writing on the wall first of all it's worth two monsters the flavor text says the words rewrote my past where i had succeeded they told me of my failure and my sudden disappearance this has a terror effect you discard one trophy of your choice if you ever suffer the terror uh consequence and there's just one task but it's three spots and one of them requires five search so this is not as easy as it may look at first glance but this has some um really wonderful benefits uh first of all uh let me see right here where's that okay so first of all it has this symbol right here the doom symbol so i would add another doom token to the doom track if i fail but i gain a spell uh i open a otherworld card which gives me more opportunities to gain elder signs and stuff like that and it spreads out the board and i gain a common item or in my case i could exchange it for something else and i add a monster to the board so let us do this i will roll and there is no arrow here so i can fulfill these tasks in any order of my choice the question is you know what i'm gonna need a couple dice for this so you know what you know what i'm gonna do it i'm gonna spend my necroman my necrom my necronomicon discard it place it on the bottom it gives me uh a red dye to add to my pool and it also gives me another clue token and what's the special about the the red dye what's special about the red dye is first of all it does not have a terror side so that's great because terrors can potentially have some consequences and also it has a four search side which none of the green ones do the yellow one does have one of these i believe but it also has this wild and that wild can be used for anything you want so this one is very beneficial in that sense okay so let's try to do this folks okay i did roll the wild you want to try to hold on to your red dye as long as possible because it's so versatile um so what do i want to fulfill do i have a scroll yes i do do i have a peril yes i do do i have five well this could become a four and this could become a five this is my best bet guys i am going to do this so there's that and now i'm gonna re-roll these three in hopes that i roll either apparel or a scroll the cultists are so easy to win either one of those would help you defeat them so i got apparel folks so i was able to do that all right so we're going to set these aside i defeat the cultists here i add it to my pool of trophies and i will get a spell do i want the spell yes i do guys i'm going to get the spell here and this gives me all the enchant weapon and this little symbol here this purple square here indicates that at any time when you roll you can set aside a die and the same value you don't change its face value you could set us a die apart on this card and eventually any turn in the future any player in a multiplayer game and of course yourself can get that die and add it to their uh task completion right however whenever you do remove the die that was on this card you do discard the spell so just like any other card it has a one-time use so i'm going to set it there so this is really cool it's different from focusing focusing you can only do on a failed roll and when you focus while you put a die in the same face value that it has on top of your character card a character sheet and save her for a future turn that round first of all and also you have to discard one of the die the dice or one die from your pool so there is a consequence of focusing so focusing is very helpful but not quite as good as these particular type of spell cards so that's awesome all right so i got that now i will open up another world that's another uh reward let me let me put this red dye away because i no longer have it so here are the other world cards i'm gonna put it right here and also let me replace this adventure card right here and i'm also gonna get a common weapon is that what i want you know what instead i'm gonna get a unique item and i got the ruby of rylair which gives me an additional red dye to roll and then finally we add a monster to the board draw one randomly from in here and we've got the fire and uh the fire vampire it says here amid the flames i could see something small coming closer to me and first of all this guy has this scroll task to add to whatever board he goes on to but he also has this yellow symbol with a lock this means he's going to lock the yellow die from the game until he is defeated so that's important to know so there's only we're going to prioritize with the white boxes there's only one white box right here so there we go and i probably want to get rid of him because until he is defeated i will not be able to um defeat or or use the yellow die so let me advance the clock here to six o'clock and my guy goes back to the engine sheet and now let's see what we want to do so as i said i might want to go here even though i'm going to need three tera symbols which is pretty pretty tough i do have some clue tokens and i can use one of my unique items and it might be worth it and i think that's what i'm going to do so i'm going to go to this adventure card here let me read what it says first this is the you become that which you fear most and it's worth two trophies it says the sickness and the fear have become so ingrained in me that i can no longer imagine a life without unending dread this is the car that at midnight effect that's irrelevant until the clock strikes midnight and i just had to fulfill within one roll three terror symbols that's going to be pretty tough if i fail this adventure all together i'll lose one sanity but if i succeed i can i add a monster i gain a clue token a unique item and an elder sign and most importantly all i'll be able to defeat this guy and release the yellow um the yellow dye that's locked so there's also a scroll symbol for this task okay so i am going to play one of these i'm going to play the lamp of al has red i'm going to discard it place it on the bottom of the deck here in order to add the red dye to my pool and increase my chances of getting this because i have to get this all in one roll so here we go i need three of these i did not roll a single terror so i will spend a clue token here to re-roll them because right now is the best time to re-roll because i have seven dice and increases the probabilities right so here we go and i didn't get a single one to top it all off okay at least i got one terror so i'm gonna set it aside and remember i have to get this all in one row so i can't just set this aside i could focus this you know what focusing might be worth it you know what i'm gonna do it i might regret it i'm gonna focus and by focusing i set it aside i have to discard a die here let's see what we do here okay i got a second symbol and folks i got with the red dye i got the wild which again you could use for anything so i will pick this card this die back up that i focused and i will fulfill this task but i still need to get the bad guy right there the monster uh so i need to roll a scroll let's see let's see got it got the scroll right there okay so i was able to complete both tasks here i'll set aside the red dye the yellow dye is unlocked again i add this monster to my pool here and let's see here so i'll add this adventure to my pool but i will also populate the board with one more monster but before i do let me add a clue token the one that i used let me add a unique item right here and i got the alien statue which adds one red dye just my supply whenever i discard it and let me get my third or my second i should say elder sign of the game okay and we will replace this here and we will advance to nine o'clock so now i think what i'm gonna do um oh man i better use these spells before i'm about to discard these spells uh i'm gonna discard this find the gate spell because it's about to be midnight and i'm gonna have to discard one spell of abel i'm gonna discard this all this does is it adds another other world card to the board here so that's awesome and i think i'm going to use this enchant weapon on this very turn i'm going to go here to you goth yes i am yes i am i'm going to go to ugoth so here's my player piece and let's see what it says here so you got is another world card it's not your typical adventure card it's worth two uh trophies and it says i found myself in a cold dark place when i looked to the sky gods when i looked to the sky the sun was so small so distant i could i could feel all the miles between myself and home all right and these are the tasks a little bit tough but not too many i will suffer two sanity and one stamina if i fail and i will gain two other signs a unique item and a common item if i succeed okay so here we go i will this is very very important to me uh so i am going to use a common item and a unique item to add the yellow and red dice to my pool just increase my chances that's all i'm trying to do increase my chances here and see what we do okay so first of all let's see if i've got the peril and the yep i do so i got the peril and i got the terror so that's fulfilled now i will reroll the remainder and all i need is eight worth of search and i got one worth of search uh you know what it's not worth spending anything so i'm just gonna discard one die and for failing and i'm gonna re-roll and i need eight and i got exactly eight right here four three seven eight awesome so i fulfilled the task here on this other world card i will add this to my trophy supply i will get two two elder signs right here so i'm at four and i'll get a unique item and a common item to replace what i just used i have the 38 revolver here and i have the cultistic ghouls so they each add a yellow and red dye respectively i will add this to my supply no adventure car to replace place these two back over here and i will advance the clock three hours and we are at midnight yet again or was that midnight before oh man i think i might i think i might have missed midnight folks i apologize okay so it's midnight and we're looking at the lingering effect part of me if i did if i did fail the next time the clock strikes midnight each investigator must discard one spell at able well i am able so i will discard this enchant weapon right here we flip over a new mythos card and it says a heavy burden either add one doom token to the dune track or one investigator with four or more sanity must lose three i do not even have four more standing i have exactly three so i don't even have a choice i will have to add a token to the doom track and the doom tracks all the dune tracks with the different elder ones look different but whenever you see that little blank spot here with a symbol it might be hard to make out but that's the monster symbol so whenever a doom track is placed on one of those uh circles uh it instigates the placement of a monster not to mention that we have to look for any at midnight cards all right here this guy has a midnight effect for each other world card in play add one doom token to the doom track luckily for me i got one of the other world cards out of play but there's still one so we're gonna add two to the dune track and we're gonna add one monster to the board here we go so we have the cultists again and because there is no spot on any of these cards none of them with the white borders there is no mandatory place to places so i could place this as any uh card of my choice right uh the only thing that's important with placement when you have the choice is that you need to distribute evenly so you could never put uh two on one card until every other card has at least one so let me see here i think i'm gonna place it on this one it's not too hard and if i don't get it i probably wouldn't mind so much actually now let me put it here i think i like this one this allows me to open another world okay so there we go now it is my turn and i am actually going to show you what the entrance sheet looks like this is what i'm going to do for my turn and basically this gives you lots of very helpful options as a matter of fact so first of all i can receive first aid i could choose one of the following treatments i could either heal one sanity and one stamina for free or i could pay two trophies to fully regain either my stamina or my sanity that's very helpful for one of them when one of them is running low or i could pay for trophies to fully regain both stamina and sounding so these trophies again are very very helpful the other thing i could do and i could only pick one of these by the way is search the lost and found and this is kind of like a little press your look i will roll my die and if i roll a search item uh symbol which is half of the die three out of the six faces i'll roll just one green die i lose either one sanity or one stamina my choice but if i roll a scroll i gain a clue token if i roll apparel i gain a common item and if i roll a terror i get a spell so this is a little bit of push your luck finally you have bias of souvenir you could buy one and one only either for one trophy a clue token for two trophies a common item for three trophies a unique item for four trophies a spell for five trophies an ally or for ten trophies an elder sign right so i'm here i'm feeling pretty good with my sanity definitely my uh stamina i haven't lost a single one so i'm gonna use some of these um uh what you call it um trophies right now i'm feeling pretty good i've got two unique items i only got one yellow dye common item so i think i'm just gonna spend a simple two i'm gonna spend these two trophies right here as currency i'll just set this aside and for that i get a common item added to my hand or my supply i have a 45 automatic awesome to go with my 38 revolver so you could only buy one of those so now we will advance to three o'clock and this is pretty much it folks this is what the game looks like you continue the sequence of rolling the die um again you're factoring in terror effects and at midnight effects trying to keep control of the monsters and so on and so forth this game comes with lots of tons of variety straight from the box there's like four expansions that add tons of content to this game uh if you like this type of theme uh if you're a fan of these type of games you know uh dice rolling games it's very abstracted not not nearly as mechanically immersive as eldritch horror might be but um but at the same time if you like this type of game it plays very very well solo so comment down below tell me what you think about this gameplay tell me if you've played understand before perhaps you've liked it perhaps it gave you a bad impression this is harry from one however games saying take care everybody stay safe stay healthy and have fun gaming bye
Channel: When Harry Met Board Games
Views: 1,179
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: board games, tabletop games, gaming, games, elder sign board game, elder sign board game playthrough, elder sign board game watch it played, elder sign board game how to play, arkham horror, eldritch horror, hp lovecraft, cthulhu, cthulhu mythos, horror board games, board games best, board games review, board games geek, board games vlog, whenharrymetboardgames, when harry met board games
Id: aTMnchR6xuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 5sec (2765 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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