Clash of Cultures: Monumental Edition - Learn while playing

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welcome to the jungkook's games tutorial for clash of cultures monumental edition in this video i'll be teaching you the rules of the game as it's being played and i will be showing about half of a two-player game today now i do want to ask that if you enjoy this video that you please click the like button for it down below as well as the subscribe button for the channel in addition to that if you'd like to directly support the channel and the creation of videos just like this one in the future then please go to support there you'll find a bunch of ways that you can really help things out and some of them come with perks like watching some videos early and advertisement free as well as voting on which of those videos are made the last thing i'd like to ask is that if any part of this game really jumps out to you or if you see a turn that we really should have done differently then please comment down below because i love to see that kind of feedback alright let's now jump into the game out here the game is set up for our two players and before i start i would like to ask that you please turn on the klingon subtitles because i might make mistakes as i'm showing the game to you and those will let me put corrections on the screen where you should be able to see them i will also put corrections below this video in the top comment well let's start things off with a brief overview of the game this is a civilization style game where each player is in charge of a specific civilization and then we have a map out here which is going to vary in size depending on the overall player count now the ultimate goal for each of us is to get as many points as possible and we are going to get those by establishing new cities on the board and growing those cities we will also get points for advancing our civilization gaining a variety of benefits in addition to those there are other ways to get points but those are the two main focuses now as we play through the game we are going to be expanding out and exploring new regions which we will flip over we are also going to be putting military units down onto the board which we can then use to fight our opponents as well as the neutral barbarians that are invariably going to start showing up and making our lives difficult as far as the overall game structure is concerned we are going to play through up to 18 rounds and within each round each player has to take three actions after we finish three rounds there will be a status phase where a variety of things happens before we move on to the next column where we once again perform three more rounds as i said on your turn you take exactly three actions and there are six different action options that you can choose from now i will go into the details of how all of those actions work as well as everything else that you're seeing here while we're playing the game i do want to point out that we are going to play through 18 rounds or the game will end after a set of three rounds where any one player is fully removed from the board the final thing i want to mention in this overview is today i am filming with and going to be explaining all of the details for clash of cultures the monumental edition this edition has the original clash of cultures plus the civilization expansion mixed into it to make this new addition and all aspects of the game and expansion have been updated and improved for this edition with this in mind each player is going to take on a specific culture and can bring out leaders we also have access to all of these pieces over here which involves new military units as well as three new buildings and there is also a new wonder in the mix in addition to that the barbarians also get access to these new military units and there are some pirates that might show up in the water areas to make our lives harder once again i will explain the details of how all of this works while we are playing and on that note i think let's now start the game now we are going to be the starting player because we have this token in front of us and with that in mind we can now start the first round as i briefly mentioned in the overview the game does come with this round tracker and we are now in the first round of this set of three rounds before we move into a stated phase now i do want to mention that there is an alternate round tracker on the back which uses a variable and game variant and i'll explain the details of how that works later on so we're starting the first round of the game and within each of these the player with the starting player token will take their full turn and then all other players will take a turn going clockwise around the table once that's happened we will then move on to the next round so that means we can now take the first turn of the first round of the game the structure of a player's turn is that we must now take exactly three actions and there are six different actions to choose from now the game comes with this great player aid and it's double sided this is for use with just the base game and then you can use this side if you decide to use the extra expansion content that comes in with a monumental edition we are playing with that stuff so we can use this side but it's worth noting there is no difference to the six main actions in the game whether or not you're playing with the expansion or without for our first action i think let's advance now what this means is we're going to add a cube down to this area and then gain the advance shown which means as a civilization we are going to become stronger with new options and abilities in this case i think we want to advance into the arts and whenever you advance you have to spend two of your food and you can substitute that for ideas as well as gold gold is a universal wild resource so you could spend that for anything else whereas ideas can only be spent while advancing so if we had two ideas right here we could spend those to advance if we had it like this and that we could spend one food and one idea to get to that two cost for the advancement action of course we start with no ideas but we do have two food and let's now spend the two food in order to advance once as i said i think i want to advance into arts and the way we do this is we take a cube from our event track at the top it doesn't matter which one it is and then we place it down onto the advancement that we want now as a general rule whenever you place a new cube down into one of these sections the first cube must go on the top after that you can then advance it to anything that is below it so for example we could have advanced into roads right now because we started with mining that is the top one which means all three below it are currently available once again though we're going to go with the arts and if at this moment we had no cubes left over here on our event track we would then draw and perform one event and then take three of our cubes and place them back over here so essentially every three times we advance as a civilization we're going to draw an event and then deal with the consequences of it of course that's not the case right now so the next thing that happens is we are going to gain a bonus you may have noticed that some of these advanced spots have no color some have a yellow border and some have a blue border and whenever you advance into a blue border area you gain one culture and whenever you advance into a yellow border area you take one mood token in this case we went for blue which means we can take one culture and place that in front of us now culture can be used to construct monuments as well as to try and influence our opponent's cities and i'll explain how both of those work later on in the tutorial next up let's focus in and learn a little bit more about the arts advancement we just gained the first thing that you'll notice is it says obelisk with that arrow icon next to it whenever you see that arrow icon that means the thing it's associated with has to do with the expansion content that is added into clash of cultures monumental edition in this case since we have arts that means for the rest of the game we have unlocked the ability to construct obelisks and if you weren't playing with the expansion you would simply ignore that part with the arrow next to it after that you'll notice underneath arts it says 1x free action that means one time per overall turn we can as a free action perform what it says it says we can pay one culture which we do happen to have to take an influence culture action now you can actually take an influence culture action as one of your three main actions on your turn and i'll explain how that works later on as you can see though this lets us spend this to do that without spending one of those three actions effectively letting us gain an extra action within that turn now at this point you may be wondering why we actually went for the arts it's giving us something that i'm not explaining and it has unlocked a building that we're probably not going to be constructing just yet well the reason for that is because today we are playing as the maya civilization and whenever we advance on our main board we also have the possibility of advancing on our civilization board now this is only used when playing with the expansion content as you can see as the maya we have this advanced board with four possible advancements and we also have these three leader cards which i'll talk about later on in the tutorial let's now focus on the maya advancements because as you can see next to each of them it shows a standard advancement action now the main advancement board is identical for all of the players but obviously this is going to be different and as soon as you advance the matching advancement on the main board you also place a cube on that spot on this civilization board in this case you'll notice that stella's requires arts and we just advanced arts so that means we can take one of our cubes from the supply not from the event track and then place it into stellas so by advancing arts we've put two of these cubes down and in addition to the benefits of arts we will gain these benefits here this says for the rest of the game we will gain one culture or one idea when constructing an obelisk which of course we did just unlock when founding a city or when capturing a city now we are very likely going to be founding a city soon not on this specific turn but definitely in the first three turns and i wanted to get stella's going so that when we found that city we will gain the extra benefit of a culture or an idea so let's finished up this advanced action and looking to the future if we advance into irrigation on the main board that will unlock terracing if we advance into circus sports on the main board we will get ball courts and finally if we advance into astronomy we will also gain the calendar advance well we're done taking one of our three mandatory actions and i think for the second action let's move the way this works is we can now move with up to three of our groups of units out on the map at the moment we start with a single settler here in our starting city so we have just one group of units that could move and when you move you simply go onto an adjacent spot it's worth noting if we happen to have a couple of units over here then we can move them together or we can move one of them into one spot and one into another and that would actually count as two different groups moving out of our overall maximum of three obviously we just have this one right now and when we move we could go onto a revealed land spot or we could go onto an unrevealed tile and i think that's what we're going to do let's go over here and whenever you go onto a spot that's unrevealed you are immediately going to explore that tile the way that works is we simply reveal the tile and then we have to place this so that it matches the orientation that means it could go like this or like that and the first thing that we have to check is by putting this down are we placing this land unit into the water if we put this like that then yes the settler would be going onto water and that is not legal so that means we are not allowed to place this like this so we have to spin it around since there are only two options and we know this one is not legal that is going to be the way we have to explore now it's worth noting there are other rules for exploration when you don't have a situation where the explorer lands on water and let's talk about those briefly here let's say for the purpose of example that this was the tile we had drawn instead obviously this location would be land like this and land like that so either one would be an option and the next thing that we would check is by placing this down can we add water on the new tile so that it is adjacent to water on a previous tile for example if this was water right over here and we drew this then we would place it like that because you have to connect up water if that's a possibility now in this case that's not even revealed so that means this would be legal and that would be legal and the next thing to check if you can't add water to water is by orienting this tile can you put water onto the border of the overall map in this case that's on the border and that is on the border but if one wasn't then we'd be forced to orient this so that water was on the border if finally you have a situation like this where that and that both have it on the border then us as the active player can decide which way we'd want it obviously that's not the case though this is how we just explored with our settler now it's worth noting that you can also explore with military units and that works the exact same way as with the settler and you can also explore with ships and that works a little bit different i'll explain how that works later on once we actually see some ships out here on the board well at this moment we are done moving because while we can activate up to three of our groups we only had one group to activate the last thing i would like to say before we move on though is at this point if we had recruited one of these military units we would not actually be able to move them there is a specific advance which allows you to move military units so that means you can recruit these at the start of the game as defensive forces but if you want to go on the move you have to advance into it that uses the tactics advance and i'll explain the details of that later on as well as the details of recruiting units into cities with the move action done we have one more action to take and technically we could take another move action if we did that we would activate up to three of our groups again and with that in mind i'd now like to talk about the difference between the forest and mountain terrain if you ever move a unit into a mountain terrain on the board then you cannot move it again even with a future move action within that specific overall turn and remember the turn consists of three different actions now if you move into a forced area you can move later on in that turn but you are never allowed to go into a battle for the rest of that turn so that means by going into the forest you are going to be passive with that unit until the end of that specific turn whenever you have units enter spots with enemy units that will cause a battle and i'll explain the details of how battle works later on in the tutorial so if we wanted to we could definitely move this settler could go onto that space or that space and explore this tile but i think instead of doing that let's actually activate one of our cities at the start of the game we have one city on the map and when you activate a city you can either recruit units into it you can collect resources in that city or you could construct a building now for this turn we're going to be collecting resources and i'll explain how recruiting and constructing works later on the way we gather resources is we start by figuring out the size of the city now the size of a city is going to be the number of plastic pieces in it this is the starting settlement for that city so that's a one and if we happen to have an obelisk attached to it which we could potentially build because of our advance then that would be a size two city because there are two pieces of plastic as you can see up to four buildings can be constructed around these using the activate a city and construct action and if there were four around then that would be a size five city and that's the biggest a city can get in this case though it's just a size one and then the size of the city will determine how many resources we gather we're going to get a number equal to the size but if the city happens to be happy then we will gain one more resource now cities can be happy or neutral or they could be angry and if a city is angry then it will collect one resource no matter how large the city is and if it's neutral it'll collect resources up to its size again our starting city is happy though so that means we get plus one so we can gather two resources now when we gather we can take from adjacent regions to the city or the region where that city is but the region that we gather from must not have any enemy units on it or any city of any player's color that means if we had a city right over here then we would not be able to collect from this forest area with the city because there's already another city there so let's now collect two resources and the type of resources we get will depend on the region that we collect from the plains will make food the mountains will make stone and the forests will make wood now it is worth noting that if you have water adjacent to the city that you are collecting from you cannot get anything from the water unless you have the fishing advancement in which case you can collect food from that water likewise if you have barons adjacent to your city where you are collecting you will gain nothing from that unless you have the irrigation advancement which once again lets you collect food from the barrens so that means the barrens and the water could get you food whereas you can harvest food from the plains at the start of the game the last thing i should mention is if there is an exhausted land tile on a spot then you cannot harvest from that location for the rest of the game and these get placed down from various events that happen throughout the game i suppose i should also mention that there are other advances over here that give new collect options for example if you have a port next to a city that's going into water then instead of collecting food then you can actually collect one of the wild gold resource or a mood token you can't even build ports until you gain the fishing advance over here so anyway let's focus back over here and now collect our two resources now we actually have quite a few options we could take two ore we could also take two wood instead and one of those resources could be a food plus one of these others in this case i think let's collect a food from the planes and an ore from the mountains looking back at our player board we can track those resources up on the top as you can see we have five of these tokens for the five different things that we can gain the food will go here and the ore will go there and it's worth noting that we cannot actually hold more than two food until we gain the storage advancement so that means at the very start of the game when we had to food if we had tried to collect food we would not be able to store any of it because we'd be right up against that limit that means if we want to collect more food we are going to want to advance into storing at some point soon but we can keep that in mind as we continue to play it's also worth noting that there is a hard cap of seven if you gain more than that then the excess is lost before we move on i do want to point out that as the maya we actually have a special starting tile we can see that image printed on our advance board that matches this one right here and on the back side of it it says maya now the standard tiles look like this they are double-sided and this is what our opponent has up at the top so as you can see part of the advantage of playing as the maya is we don't have any barrens clogging up our starting space we have a couple of mountains which means we could potentially make ore faster than our opponents can it's also worth pointing out that the new civilizations don't always have their own again our opponent does not have a special tile associated with their starting location well we've now finished our activate a city action where we collected resources and we have now taken three actions which means our turn is done now before we move on i do want to mention that you can activate cities multiple times in fact you can perform all six of the actions as many times as you want with the possible exception of cultural influence which again i will explain later on the reason i'm mentioning this is because if you activate a city multiple times within the same overall turn that will affect that city's happiness if for our second action instead of exploring we had activated the city and then for our third action we had activated the city again then that second activation of the city would lower the mood by one that means it would go from happy down to neutral and of course if you activate a neutral city again it would go down to angry so technically for our entire turn we could have activated this city three times once with it happy once with a neutral and once with it angry and once a city is angry you can only activate it once per turn from that point on until you're able to increase the happiness of that city which i'll explain later obviously that's not the case though we have a happy initial settlement and with our three actions done our turn has come to a close so play can move clockwise over to our yellow opponent and they are playing as the celts today after thinking through their options they're going to start by advancing just like we did but they are going to advance into irrigation that is of course going to cost them to food because that's always the cost again you could spend gold as a wild resource instead of food if you wanted and you can also spend ideas for this but they didn't have any ideas now they are going to take irrigation by placing this over here and since that has a yellow border they are going to take one mood token from the supply now when you take these and put it near you it doesn't matter which side is facing you it is simply a mood token that you can then use for various effects in the future since the celts just advanced into irrigation we can see that their cities can now collect food from barren spaces for the rest of the game and they also ignore famine events now the famine event could come up from the event deck and of course if that happens to the celts then they are now prepared for it that's one action done and for their second action they're gonna activate this city and then collect resources it's happy and it's a size one so that means they get to collect two resources and they're gonna collect food from these planes and a food from the barrens because they now have this irrigation advance that means they will gain two food and they now have one action left for their third action they're going to advance again spending the two food they just collected now they've decided to advance into writing that has a blue border so they can gain one culture and then after that we can see that for the rest of the game they've unlocked the ability to build these academies into their cities once again i will describe activating cities to construct buildings hopefully pretty soon now in addition to that they immediately are going to draw one action card and one objective card from those associated decks as you can see the game comes with four different decks of cards and it's worth noting that shuffled within the event and objective decks we have various cards associated with the expansion so that means there will be less cards in these if you do not play with the expansion now at the start of the game all players drew exactly one action card and one objective these are the two that we have in front of us and our opponent now gets to draw a new action card and objective and add those into their hand don't worry i will describe what these action cards and objectives do for us later on in the tutorial yellow is done with their three actions which means their turn is done and since everyone has taken a turn within this round it's now time to move into the next round of the game we can show that by sliding this down and then we are the first player so we get to go again it's worth noting that the first player token can move but that's only going to happen during the status phases which will happen between every third round of the game and i'll describe how the status phases work once we reach the first one all right we can now take our first action and for it i think let's found a new city the way this works is we can turn a settler on the board into a new city as long as the settler's location meets a few different criteria the first is that location must be land it cannot be water after that it cannot be barren in addition to that the location cannot have a city in it already and there could not be any enemy units there which would be other players or potentially barbarians lastly you cannot found a city on a location that has one of these exhausted land tokens on it now fortunately for us this location meets all of those criteria so that means we can remove this settler and then place a new settlement onto the board now it is worth noting that players have a maximum of seven settlement tokens so if all of those are out you cannot found another city all right we now have two cities on the map and you'll notice that when you found a new city it starts at the neutral mood so it is not happy or angry normally that would finish the founding action but remember as the maya we have advanced interstellas that says we will gain one culture or one idea every time we construct an obelisk found a city or capture a city and we did just found a city so we can take the idea or the culture ideas are certainly nice because they allow us to advance quicker but i think we're going to take a culture now the reason we are doing that is because you need to spend five culture in order to build a monument and the reason we want to build monuments is because of the objective card that we drew at the start of the game as you can see these objectives have a top and a bottom and if you meet either of those criteria at the specified time you will complete this and gain two points for the end of the game now the top usually has to do with civilization advancement and peaceful endeavors while the bottom option usually has to do with combat with that in mind if we take a closer look at this objective that we have the top option is called wonderful it says we could claim this immediately if on our turn we are the only player to have constructed a wonder or during the status phase if we were the only one to construct a wander in that age we would also complete the top objective ages are those clusters of three rounds so even if you get this later on in the game it is still definitely something that you can work towards completing now again there are two options on here and the bottom says outposts during the status phase if we have armies on at least three different land spaces that are not adjacent to our cities or in any one of our cities we would complete this now again we can complete the top or the bottom and either way we would get two points at the end of the game so i figure it's probably easier to push to be the first player to construct a wonder to immediately gain these two points versus placing our troops out but we can obviously keep that in mind and again we need a bunch of culture in order to build those wonders which is why i decided to take the culture now i haven't described how we actually construct those wonders yet and don't worry i'll cover that later on in the tutorial well let's finished our first action and for the second one i think let's go ahead and activate this city to collect resources again it's happy and it's a size one so we will gain two resources and let's once again take a food that's going to bring us up to our maximum because again we can't go beyond two food until we advance and destroy it for the other resource i think let's now take a wood so that we have one wood and one ore currently available to us after that we have one action left and i think let's spend our two food in order to advance again one thing i would like to do soon is construct new buildings into our cities now the cost for that is a food an oar and a wood which we did have until we spent the food but right now the only building that we can actually construct is an obelisk remember you get to unlock building these based off of the advancements that we have and arts let us do that but at the moment i don't think an obelisk is what we want to construct into our cities each one of these buildings has different effects that are printed on the cheat sheet and for the obelisk that specific building becomes immune to the influence culture action that opponents could perform against it now i've mentioned influencing culture several times already but i think i'm still going to put off describing that now essentially the obelisk gives us defense against something that i don't think we really need to defend against with our current position so let's unlock one of the other buildings that will give us more of an advantage in the early game one thing that sticks out to me is the fact that our new city is next to water now we could build a port on the spot as long as it touches water and in order to build a port we need fishing the port will make a collect resource action even better than just taking food from that spot so i think let's go ahead and advance into fishing we've already paid the food so we can now place this cube right over here and that has a yellow border which means we can gain one mood token from the supply after that we can see that fishing has unlocked the ability for us to construct ports for the rest of the game and our cities can now collect food from one sea space all right that's finished our turn this means the celts can go for their first action they want to move that means they can move up to three of their groups but they have just one and they're going to move this settler right over here so this can be revealed it doesn't have any water on it so they can put it like this or like that and they've decided to go just like that now if they wanted to they could found a city right here but remember if you have cities next to each other they cannot harvest from those spots because of that they've actually decided to move for a second time this turn and with that they're going to go onto this spot here so that means this tile can be flipped over it does have some water on it but of course the settler is going on to this spot here so no matter which way they put this the settler could go there so that means that this is an option or that's an option if this could connect to other water they would be forced to do that but they've decided they're gonna leave it just like this the reason they're going for that is because now there are two mountains next to this city right here so in the future they want to set it up to be able to collect multiple ore from that one city when they activate it of course the settler is right over there and then for their third and final action for the turn they're going to activate the city to collect resources and they're once again going to take two food this time they have three different spots they could actually take that food from so they will go up to two and that's finished a pretty quick turn for them everyone has taken a turn so we can move into the third round of the game's first age once again we get to go first and we do have two cities now in our area now we can spend an action to activate either of these and of course we could activate both of them if we wanted we only have the happiness penalty when we activate the same city multiple times within a turn on our previous turn we specifically advanced into fishing so that we could build a port over here and i think we still want to push towards that in order to build any of the buildings we have to spend and or a wood and a food and we currently don't have any food so i think for our first action let's activate this city to collect and just like we've seen before we can collect it twice we certainly want a food to be able to construct that building so we will take a food and then our other option is going to be wood or an ore i think we'll take the ore and now we have two more actions for our turn for the next action let's do something new and that is increase happiness the way this works is we can spend our mood tokens from our supply in order to increase the happiness of one of our cities out here it's worth noting this is not a city activation it is a different type of action now the cost to increase the mood of a city is going to be mood tokens equal to the size of that city our new city is a size one so we could spend our one mood token in order to improve the mood of the city from neutral up to happy it's worth noting that for one action you can improve the mood of that city multiple times so if this city had been angry then we could have spent one of our moods to make this neutral and then another one to make it happy now as the cities get bigger it's obviously going to be more costly to increase the mood because again you have to spend these tokens from your supply equal to the size of that city that's why i wanted to do this now before we increase the size of the city and speaking of that we now have one action left and let's build a port into this city right here the way we do that is we have to activate the city and then the option that we choose is constructing a new building as i've mentioned before the cost for every building in the game is going to be one food one wood and one ore and then you can only construct buildings that you have unlocked with your advancements because of that we can build a port or an obelisk and obviously we want to construct a port now ports are a little bit special they must be built into a city where they can place this port down so that it is going into a sea space what that means is we cannot build a port into this city because right now there is no c space to go to there might be one from either of these spots once we explored them but for the moment there isn't so that means the only spot we could put this is right over here and we can dangle it over just like that to show the port is now connected to this c space here after constructing the port we can now look to our cheat sheet to see the effect of that building in this case we once again obviously needed the phishing advancement and then it says when we do a recruit action in that city we can build ships there so that's something we could not do before obviously i haven't talked about recruit yet but i will get to that soon the next effect says that a city with a port can collect one gold from a single adjacent sea space instead of gaining one food remember the fishing advancement lets us collect food from a c space that's adjacent to that activated city so that means when we collect resources with this city in the future instead of potentially taking a food here we could take a mood token or a wild gold resource and obviously both of those are pretty nice to have around now before we move on i would like to talk about two restrictions when it comes to constructing buildings into our cities the first is that no city can ever have more than one of any building type so that means we could not build another port over here even if one of these spots ended up being a c location also we've unlocked that obelisk so that means of course we can't build two obelisks into any one of our cities and this is certainly an incentivizer to advance into other things to give us a variety of buildings so that we can construct them now the other big restriction is that a city's size can never be larger than the number of cities a player has now what that means is at the start of the game when we had just one city we were not actually allowed to construct a building into that city because that would make it a size two and in order to have a size two city we have to have at least two cities on the board now that we have two cities that means each of these could go up to a size two but obviously we could not build an obelisk into this city at the moment because that would make it a size three and we would need three cities on the map in order to support a size three city well that's finished up our turn and now the kelp player can go the first thing they've decided to do is advance and they're going to spend it to food and it looks like they've decided they would like to get storage going so they can remove this cube from the event track and then place that right over here that has a yellow border so they will gain one of these mood tokens and then if we focus over here we can see that for the rest of the game their food limit has gone from two up to seven so just like the rest of the resources they can hold up to seven and they likely did that because they foresee some large collections in the future now at this point they just removed the last cube from this event track so that means before anything else happens the kelp player needs to perform an event the way this works is they simply draw the top card from this event deck they then read it aloud and perform everything that it says the first thing to note about events is in the top left corner sometimes there are event icons if there is then you perform that before you do anything else on the card and in this case the event has a barbarians spawn icon so it's now time to spawn barbarians out on the map now there are two steps to a barbarian spawn event and the first one has the active player taking a barbarian settlement and they place it down onto a land space on the board that is exactly two landspaces away from one of their cities and at least two spaces away from the rest of their cities if that's not possible they have to place this down adjacent to one of their cities and in any case the space must be at least two spaces away from all other players cities now at this point this could be placed here or there because each of those are exactly two spaces away from one of their cities in fact they could place it here or on that spot as well of course that's not a land space so that's not a legal option now in this case they've decided to place the barbarian settlement right over here and then the second step of a barbarian spawn action involves taking a barbarian infantry into a barbarian city of the player's choice obviously at the moment there is only one barbarian city out here but if there were multiple including some way on the other side of the map the kelp player could have placed this infantry down over there now these barbarians are going to make life hard for us and obviously if they could have spawned this infantry closer to us they would have but it is going to go over here now when you're playing the game with expansion content that will unlock the cavalry as well as the elephant units that the barbarians can use the way these come out is if a player spawns a unit into a barbarian city that has at least one infantry in it then that player could instead of bringing out another infantry bring out a cavalry or one of these elephants and place it into that city now i'll explain the difference between these units when we talk about combat later on in the tutorial well that's finished the barbarian spawn action so now the rest of the card will happen this event is called a splendid year and it's pretty simple many of these events have a lot more text but this one simply says the active player gains three food now this works out really well for them they just got storage so that means they can hold up to seven food if they hadn't done that they would have just taken two and lost the excess in this case though they do get all three of the food and they're feeling pretty good about this although they're not crazy about having a barbarian so close to their only city after that the event can be discarded and then the yellow player can take three more cubes from their supply and fill this event track up so they will perform another event once all three of these have been placed after that the yellow player can take their second turn and they are going to found a new city right over here this settler is going to go back to their supply and they can put a new city on that spot and of course it starts at the neutral mood now that they have two cities that means they could construct a building into either of those but they don't currently have enough resources to afford it with that in mind they've decided to activate the city to collect now normally they would just take two but at this point they've decided it's time for them to reveal one of their action cards they've been holding on to this for the right moment and this says mass collection it says they can play this card when collecting resources and it says they can collect two more resources than normal but they still can only take one from a single space it also says this cannot be combined with the focused collection or another mass collection card because of course you could potentially have several of these action cards in your hand and combining those would be too powerful now each of these action cards has two sides to them the bottom part can be played in combat as long as you've researched the tactic advance on your player board in this case no players have the tactic advanced just yet but if they did then they could play this card in combat to help that combat out obviously in this case they're going for mass collection so that lets them get two more resources normally they'd get two but now they can take four from the options around this city once again they spent an extra action to move the city farther away so that they would have even more options now they do want to construct a building and in order to do that they're going to need an ore as well as a wood and of course the wood would come from there and the ore could come from either of these mountains now they can collect two more resources and they do have enough for one building and while they would love to set themselves up to build a second building they only can take one wood because there's just one wood adjacent to the city that being said they are going to take a second ore and at this point they've taken two ore and one wood so the only options left to them are going to be food so they will take one food bringing them up to four well that's finished their third action so their turn is done when we come back to the round tracker you can see that we finished three rounds to the game and that is going to finish the first age now as we proceed from this round up to that one before we actually start this it's time to perform the first status phase of the game now the status phase has six different steps that we're going to perform in order and in each of these steps we're going to go in player order starting with the starting player person and going clockwise once we've all performed that step we can move to the next one and it's worth noting that there is no difference between the status phase when you're playing the base game and when you're playing with the expansion now the very first step allows players in turn order to complete objectives once again our objective is wonderful or outpost and it has a status phase option for both if at this point we were the only player to construct a wonder during this previous age we would achieve wonderful and the other option says if at this moment we had armies in at least three different land spaces that are not adjacent to any of our cities or in cities then we would achieve outposts obviously we have not achieved either of these so we can keep this in our area and over here the kelp player does have two of these objectives and they can complete one or more of them now since we went first and now they get to go despite having two options they have not achieved either yet so that means no one is going to be claiming an objective after that the next step allows all players to receive a free advancement we once again do this in player order so that means we get to take a free advancement and we take a cube from our event track and place it onto our board obviously we have a bunch of options and i think the one i'd like to go with is going to be math now that is going to get us one culture and we need culture in order to construct some wonders and then math also does a couple other things for us when we focus in math has unlocked the observatory if we are playing with the expansion and we are indeed playing with that today if we look at our cheat sheet the observatory is right over here it as always costs the same amount as everything else one food an ore and a wood and it says that when you build this you immediately gain one action card into your hand so that is certainly a nice option that we can have for constructing in the future now the main reason we are going for math though is because this effect says that engineering and roads can be bought at no food cost when we focus out a little bit you'll notice engineering is here and rhodes is over there and engineering is required if we want to construct a wonder it says we would immediately draw a wonder card and then we may construct a wonder into one of our happy cities now that means we definitely want to advance engineering in order to construct that wonder so i figure going into math with this free advancement is great because now we can advance into engineering without spending any of our food this also says we can advance into roads at no food cost and this makes us more flexible out on the map when we focus in rhodes would get us one culture which we might need to construct a wonder and then it gives us this effect here it says that while moving we may ignore terrain and or move two spaces if moving into or out of a city but this would cost a food and an ore per group that we activate it for spending food and ore is significant but moving two spaces for one action is also a very significant effect obviously we don't have engineering or roads just yet but we're setting ourselves up to be able to get those without paying any resources now at this point we've pulled our third cube from the event stack so it's now time for us to perform an event so we can draw from the top of the stack and we got a wildfire now before we actually perform this we do get to gain two gold and that's pretty great gold is wild so we go up to two and i think the bottom part is going to be bad considering the top part was very good for us if we look at the specifics here it says if we have any cities on four spaces we have to select one of those cities we do currently have a city over here so we have to select this one and then it says we have to reduce the happiness by one step in that city and in any player cities on four spaces connected to that city by a continuous chain of forest spaces fortunately for us we don't have any other cities in this contiguous forest so the wildfire is going to burn through here and lower the happiness of this city down once and it won't hit anything else it says down below if we did not have any cities on forest spaces then we would have lost one wood if possible we currently don't have any wood so that would have been pretty great to happen but either way in this case it looks like we are a little bit penalized but gaining that two gold was certainly a nice effect and this event could have been much worse that event is done so we can refill our event track and now the yellow player can take a free advancement and they are going to go for public education that has a yellow border so they will gain one mood token and then when we focus in it says that whenever they do a collect action one time during that collect they can gain an idea if the city has an academy currently they haven't built any academies but they do have the option to so by going into public education it feels pretty likely that they're going to build at least one academy soon after that in player order we all draw one new action card and one new objective our action card is inspiration it says as a free action we could duplicate an advance that another player has without spending any food but we have to have a unit within two of one of their cities it appears our opponent has a city that's three away so if we got a unit to here or closer we could use inspiration to get a free advancement that they have that does seem pretty nice the bottom is only usable in combat if we have the tactic advance now the objective has two options as normal the top is seafarer and it says during the status phase if we have all four of the maritime advancements we could do this the bottom one is aggressor it says you can complete immediately after eliminating at least two army units in a battle you started against another player well we already have one advancement in maritime so we just need three more to complete seafarer and i think that might be something we're going to try to work towards now we got this action we haven't actually looked at the other action that we started the game with this one is tech synergy and it says as an action you can buy two advances in the same category for both you use cubes from the supply not the event tracker now you have to actually pay for both of those but it lets you have a double advance which is effectively like a free action we just haven't been in a position where we had enough food to do that of course the problem there is we don't have storage so we are capped at two now we can use ideas or gold in order to do an advance and we do have two gold so that means if we got a couple of food then in the future we could use this tech synergy spend the two gold and the two food to advance twice if we wanted to it is nice that when you use this you pull from your supply not from the event tracker especially if you are worried that an event could hit you at a particularly vulnerable moment now obviously we don't have this food just yet and now the yellow player can draw a new action and objective card those will go into their hand and then the next thing we can all do is optionally raise one of our size one cities now we have one size one city so if we wanted to we could raise this that means we'd put this back into our supply and we would gain one gold now that doesn't seem great but we could use this later on in the game if we have a city in a position that we don't like and we'd rather found it into a new location using a settler one reason to do this might be if you think an opponent is about to invade and take that city over and another reason i suppose would be if you really need that gold although that does seem like a pretty costly thing for one gold i think it's pretty obvious that both of us are going to pass on optionally raising one of our cities so now we can go into the fifth step of the status phase where we all have the option of changing our government with this in mind let's focus back on our advance board and specifically look at the bottom three categories now these are special each one of them is a government type and you'll notice they have a different background now you are only allowed to have advancements in one of these government areas at a time so that means doing something like this would be illegal now the next thing to note is that you can only advance into a government once you have the prerequisite for it that is going to be the one just above it in the next section so in order to start democracy which would be voting first we would need philosophy in order to go into nationalism which is the first one for autocracy we need a draft and finally if we wanted dogma which is the first fourth theocracy we would need state religion obviously we don't have any of those but for example sake let's pretend that we had this situation right here now at this moment during the status phase we could change our government the way we do this is we have to spend one culture as well as one mood from our supply and then we take all of our tokens from one of our government and we move them all to a different government that we had the prerequisite for remember you always have to have the top one first and then you could choose any of the bottom ones down over here this is nice because it means you don't have to commit to a government type as you're playing the game you do have options to change if the situation on the board changes for you now obviously we don't have any of these and neither one of us is in a position to change a government the final thing we have to do during the status phase is figure out who is going to get the starting player token for the next age the way we do this is we count up the number of culture tokens and mood tokens that we have and the player with the most total is going to take this we have three total and our opponent has four so that means unfortunately they are going to take the starting player token and they will go first for the next three rounds it's worth noting if there was a tie and one of the tied players was the previous starting player then they would get to choose who from the tied players would be the starting player lastly if there was a tie and the previous starting player was not a part of that tie then the starting player token would move to the tied player that is closest in clockwise order from the previous starting player now we don't have a tie in this situation yellow has a majority of them so yellow now has that starting player token this means we've completed the first status phase of the game and it's now time to have the first round of the second age of the game now before we get to that i'd like to talk a little bit more about how the game will end remember each of these status phases has six steps to them and after we complete the first step where we can optionally complete objectives we then check to see if the game is over if at this point we are in the final status phase that will end the game and the other thing is if during a status phase in the middle of the game any one player has no cities on the board then that will trigger the game and condition so if any player gets eliminated the game will end shortly thereafter before we move on i would like to talk about three variants that you can use to change how the game will end the first is you can simply play the game with a short game variant where you end the game after four full ages in this case you actually start the game with two settlers on the board instead of one and during each of the status phases you get two free advancements instead of one the next two variants involve the back of this tracker the first of these is called roll for the end and involves these red numbers now if you are starting a round that has a red number then the starting player is going to roll one of these at dice this is a d12 but it has two of each symbol so it's effectively a d6 and if the rolled number falls in the range depicted then instead of playing the round you will immediately go into the final status phase before the game ends so if a six was rolled right here that would end the game and you would play through five less rounds obviously the number that you need to end the game is going to get bigger as these progress and it's possible you might play through all of these ages now i do want to point out that this side of the round tracker has seven edges instead of the six that shows up over here so that means it's possible you could have a much longer game if you are playing with this variant now the other variant that uses this board is called a wonderful ending the way this works is if during any of the five final rounds of the game a player constructs a wonder then that will trigger the end of the game you will finish that round and then move into the final status phase so if you get to this point and a player builds a wonder during this second round of the sixth age then you would end the game after that so just like the other one it's possible this could be an even longer game if players don't construct a wonder until you finally get to here obviously we're not using either of these variants i just wanted to talk about these a bit so that you could see how the game could be shorter or longer if that's what you'd prefer well it looks like yellow can now take their turn for their first action yellow is going to activate this city and they are going to construct a building currently the only building they can construct is academy which they unlocked by advancing writing and remember normally this would cost a food an oar and a wood but they actually have a card now this one is going to be played it says city growth and it says if they spend one culture back to the bank then as an action they may construct a building at no resource cost so this is what they're going to do which means they can take one academy and construct it into one of their cities that makes it a size two which is fine considering they do have two cities on the board they're gonna put this academy right over there and then after that they can take the academy construction bonus that says they will gain two ideas each time one is constructed so they will take their first two ideas of the game for their second action and they want to increase the happiness of the city over here it's a size one so they have to spend one of their mood tokens and they can just put that right over here showing that that city is now happy now they do have one more action they can take and with it they're going to activate the city remember increasing the happiness is not a city activation if they activated that city that would be the second time in this round which would lower that city's happiness and that's not something they want to do so they'll activate this city for the first time in the round and they're going to build an academy into that city as well that's going to cost a wood an ore as well as a food and they can place that right over here and that is also going to get them two more ideas which means they are now up to four all right that's finished yellow's turn which means now we can go i think to start things off let's use this tech synergy remember this card says as one of our three actions we can buy two advances from the same category and i think let's go ahead and buy engineering and roads if you remember from before our math advance says that engineering and roads will cost no food so we can as one action do both of these and not spend any resources that card says we place cubes from our supply not from the event track so we're gonna put this one right over here on roads that has a blue border which means we can take our fourth culture of the game and then for the second advance let's go for engineering the effect of engineering says we immediately draw one wonder card and now for the rest of the game we may construct wonders into our happy cities so we can draw the top wonder card from the deck and that is the great arena now as you can see these are expensive to build this needs five ore four wood three food and five culture tokens in addition to that we need the circus and sports advance which currently we don't have but we do have arts which means at any point we could advance into circus and sports now looking at these resources in order to have it through food we would need storage but of course we could use gold instead of a food to make up for that now we don't currently have the culture and we certainly don't have the ore or the wood but now that we have this in our hand we can work towards it now it has a special effect as you can see once we build this out it says we may spend our culture as if it was mood tokens and vice versa except when spending culture to construct wonders it also says that after any combat role we can spend mood or culture to add plus one hit once per land battle now i'll explain how combat works later on but for the moment we can just keep this in our hand and continue to work towards being the first civilization to construct a wonder well that's one action done and i think for our second two actions let's activate each of our cities to collect resources it really is a shame that wildfire knocked the happiness of this city down one because remember when you collect resources you get a number equal to the size of the city plus one if that city is happy so that means this is going to collect two resources whereas it could have collected three if it had continued to be happy of course that wildfire did give us two gold which is nice and flexible but also we now need two mood tokens in order to increase the happiness of the city because it's now a size two so let's activate this city and collect two resources the first thing we can do is collect from this c space and since we have a port that says instead of collecting a food from there with our fishing we can take a gold or we could take a mood token considering i think we want to make this city happy again i think we should collect a mood token and then let's collect food from this plains here we have one action left and let's activate our other city and with it i think let's collect a food from the plains and then one wood from this forest here all right that's finished a relatively simple turn for us this means the round is over and now yellow can go again for their first action they've decided to advance they're going to spend two of their ideas and then they're going to advance into tactics that has a blue border so they'll get a culture and then we can see that that unlocked the ability for them to construct these fortresses out into their cities in addition to that they may now use the tactic bottom part of action cards in their hands there is one more benefit and it says that they can now move their army units up to this point no one has actually constructed any of these but until you have tactics you can only recruit those army units into your cities they cannot move out until you have tactics before yela moves on they've also gained a civilization advancement because their tribal warfare activates when they advance into tactics so they can place this cube from their supply over there and it says that now for the rest of the game when they do a combat role versus other players armies they add one hit for each barbarian city that is within two spaces of where that battle takes place now i haven't talked about combat just yet but as you can see the celtic player actually gains benefits for fighting near those barbarian cities quickly glancing at the rest of these advancements you'll notice this barbarian symbol shows up in all of them and that means the kelp player interacts with the barbarians more than most other civilizations well yellow's finished one action and for their second one they are going to activate this city and collect resources it's happy and it has a size two so that means they get to gain three resources total and they've decided to take one food from the plains they will also take an oar from this mountain right here and lastly they will collect wood from this forest after that for yellow's final action of their turn they are going to activate this city and they are going to do the first recruit action of the game when you do this you can recruit a number of units up to the size of the city plus one if that city happens to be happy so since this is a happy city that's going to be the size of two plus one which means they can recruit up to three units now it's worth noting that there is a stacking limit on every spot in the game with regards to army units these settlers over here aren't army units but everything else is and what that means is no player can ever have more than four of their army units on a given space so the yellow player can recruit up to three times into this city and they've decided to start by recruiting one settler as you can see the cost for that is going to be two food and i do want to point out that since this doesn't have that arrow on it this is obviously not an expansion piece and you'll notice that the costs and benefits for the non-expansion pieces do not change when you use the expansion so they can spend two of their food and as you can see the settlers do not interact in combat and as an action they can found a city which of course is something that we've seen already so that means that yellow can spend two of their food and place a settler right over here and of course they can recruit up to two more times in this case they've decided to recruit two infantry each of them is going to cost one food and one ore and as you can see infantry will roll one die in combat and they also have a clash ability which gets them one hit now i'll explain how that works soon enough now that we have some army figures on the board it's possible we might see some combat soon in this case though they're going to spend two food and two ore to place two infantry right over here all right that's finished their recruit action and before we move on i just realized that for the second action when they collected over here there is an academy in that city which means their public education advance should have activated once again that says that once per turn when they do a collect action in a city that has an academy they can gain one idea so they should have one more idea all right yellow is done which means we get to go again and considering we are going to need circus and sports in order to construct this great arena i think let's start by advancing into that that is going to take two of our food we can then place this right over here and it has a yellow border so that will give us another mood token this means we have two mood tokens and we've also gained a new effect this says that as an action we can pay one or two of our culture in order to increase the mood of one of our cities by one or two steps remember normally when you do this you have to spend a number of mood tokens equal to the size of the city to increase the mood which is certainly going to be effective as our cities get bigger speaking of that i think we should now make this city happy again now what this means is instead of spending our two moon tokens we could spend one of our culture but remember we need five culture in order to construct this great arena so i think we are not actually going to use the circus and sports effect just yet let's use both of these mood tokens and obviously as these cities get bigger we will likely use culture to increase the happiness instead so the city is now happy and for our third action let's activate this city and collect resources now this port lets us take a gold or a mood token and i think we're going to take the gold for some extra flexibility now this is a happy city of size 2 which means we can collect up to three resources and for the other two we can either take two wood or a food and a wood i think we want to do the split so we can take a wood and a food and that has finished our turn this means we can move into the third round of the second age the yellow player once again starts and they've decided they want to spend their first action moving they are going to activate over here and as you can see this is one group of units now you can move up to three groups and what that means is if they move all of these in the same direction that would be one group but if they split this up then that will turn into multiple different groups in this case they want to start by making this settler a solo group they're going to split off and explore onto this spot here so this can be flipped up oh and that's interesting so this could go like this or like that and obviously they can't go there because their settler would be in water and they also need to match up water if possible so there are a couple of reasons why this has to go just like that and it appears there's a big swath of water that's almost cutting this landmass in half after that i'm feeling even happier about the fact that we have a port over here it probably makes sense for us to maybe get a ship because ships can move very quickly through water and i'll explain how that works later on now it's entirely possible that when this tile flipped it could have been something different that did not connect these up but obviously this is an advantageous position for us to be in once we actually build some ships well the yellow player can move up to two more groups and they've decided to move both of these infantry over there remember you can only move army units once you have the tactics advance and the yellow player picked that up on their last turn it appears yellow is going over here to defend their area from these barbarians that might be advancing in here soon well yellow has two more turns and for the next one they are going to collect resources over here that means they can collect three resources total and when they collect in a city that has an academy they gain an idea once per turn so that academy will get them one idea and then for the resources they've decided to take one ore as well as two food after that they have one more action and while they don't love it this position for a new city they think founding a new city here is probably going to be good they could move over here of course but that would be an even worse position and if they want to get across the water they need to build a port and then build a ship and then move across that or go the long way around with the settler and that would cost a lot of actions at the moment both of their cities are a size two so even if they advanced into fishing they would not be able to build a port so they've decided it makes sense to found right over here this means that their third city is now on the board and since they have three cities every one of their cities can go up to size three so now they could build a port in the city or of course they could build it in this city as well well let's finish to yellow's turn which means we now get to go i think let's start by collecting resources in this city we get to take three and with this port i think we should once again take a gold because we could take a gold or one mood token or of course we could just take food but of course gold could be food so we would obviously take that instead of collecting food after that we can collect two more resources and i think we will take two wood after that i think we should construct a building over here part of me was holding off to try and construct the great arena over there because while these aren't technically buildings they do increase the size of the city and remember your max city size is equal to the number of cities that you have out here and we currently have two now i feel like that might be a little too short-sighted obviously if we construct a building over here then that will increase the amount that we can collect from this area so let's construct a building that will cost one ore one of our food and one of our wood and then let's build an obelisk remember this is an expansion building and it was unlocked when we advanced into arts we can place the obelisk right over there and then our stella's advance says that we will gain one culture or one idea whenever we construct an obelisk found a city or capture a city and we did construct an obelisk remember this great arena does require us to have five culture and we had four so this is going to get us the fifth culture that we needed we can place that right over there and then we can look at the benefit of having an obelisk that says that the obelisk building is immune to the culture influence action and it stays in a player's color even if the city is captured now on that note i know i've mentioned this many times and i think now is a good moment to explain what the influence culture action is this is one of the six action options that you can take on your turn and the way it works is you start by selecting one of your own cities and then you are going to try to influence an opponent's building in one of their cities from that starting city so for example if we wanted to take an influence culture action right now we can start with this city or that one and maybe go with this one now the range for this influence action is going to equal the size of the city so in this example it's a size two city so the range would go one two it's worth noting that you cannot influence over unrevealed areas now in this case we would not actually be in range but fortunately we could spend culture to increase the range by one for each that we spend so coming back to this example we could go one two and then spend a culture to increase our range by one which will get us to here or here now you can't actually influence a city that does not have any buildings in it so this is not a legal target so if we wanted to influence this city over here we would need one two three four ranges too so we'd have to spend two of our culture in order to make that range once the range has been established it's now time to see if we influence we do this by rolling a die and this is a d12 that has the values one through six printed on it twice so effectively this is a d6 and you roll the die and then if the value that you rolled is equal to five or six then you successfully influence now obviously this is a terrible roll we got a one but after we roll the die we can continue to spend our culture to add one to the value of that roll until we hopefully get to a five or six now it's worth noting we don't have to spend this culture in fact if we added three to this one we'd only get to four and it would not be enough so there would of course be no reason to spend these now let's just pretend this roll had gone a little differently maybe we got a three in this case in order to get to a five we would need to spend two of our culture adding two to the three and now we would have successfully influenced when you do this you are going to swap out one of the buildings in that city with one of your own so that means we would influence this academy this would go back to the yellow player and we would place one of our own academies down over here even if we don't currently have the advance that would let us construct academies now the yellow player does still control the city so that means for all intents and purposes they have an academy over here but we have influenced that academy so at the end of the game we are going to score the victory point for this academy instead of the yellow player now i haven't talked about final scoring just yet and i will get to that soon but simply put every piece in one of your cities is worth one victory point so yellow had a two point city over here when that academy was theirs and now we are going to take that one point away from them so that's effectively a two point swing on the yellow player for end game scoring once again this is still technically their academy since they have the city out here for all other non-scoring purposes now way back at the start of the tutorial i mentioned that you can perform all of these actions multiple times with the possible exception of influence culture now that exception is the fact that you can only successfully influence culture once per turn so if we did this and we successfully influenced that academy we could not perform any more influenced culture actions on this turn if instead we went with our original role of one and we did not spend any extra then that would essentially be a failed influenced culture action we would lose the culture that we spent to get into range and then we could take another influence culture action on this turn but we'd once again have to spend a couple of culture in order to get in range and roll this die again now obviously this is not what we're going to be doing on our turn and you should now understand why the obelisk power is pretty great players are unable to ever influence this away from us so by constructing this we have guaranteed that victory point for us at the end of the game now i haven't talked about combat and taking over cities just yet but i do want to point out that if somebody was to come over here and take the city over this would maybe go away and it would turn into a barbarian state if the barbarians attacked or maybe if the yellow player attacked it would become yellow and in this case the obelisk would still stay as hours normally when you take over a city you swap out the color of all of the matching buildings to the city that was taken so in a different example if the yellow player took over this city then they would also take over the sport and swap it out for one of theirs once again i'll explain how we take over cities soon when we cover combat i suppose the final thing i should note is that if an opponent ever takes over a city and swaps out the center with their piece they swap out all of the buildings that match the color of this piece but not the buildings that don't match that color so if this was a three player game and we had another player take this over we would actually get to keep this here while all of the other yellow buildings would turn into the color of that player who invaded well we have one action left and while we still do want to construct that wonder we are going to need a third city in order to have space to make that happen and i think that's fine focusing on getting a wander out too early is probably going to hamper our overall engine building as we go through the game now i don't think i want to activate either of these cities again because then they would lose happiness we do have circus and sports so we could spend a culture to increase the happiness but we also have to spend an action to do that and i don't think that makes sense instead i think let's do an advance that's going to cost two food so we can spend one food and one of our gold and there are two advances that i'd really like to do one is medicine that would get us another culture and it says after we recruit we would get one of our spent resources back currently we don't have any units out so gaining a one resource rebate does seem nice but at the same time irrigation also seems great for a reason that might not be apparent now we know the yellow player has this already it lets you collect food from barren spaces and currently none of our cities are next to barren spaces but this also ignores the famine event and more importantly that activates the terracing advance on our maya card now i think we are going to go with irrigation so we can place this over here that yellow border will get us a mood token and then we can place a cube down onto terracing from our supply now this is important because it says our cities may now collect ore wood or food from mountain spaces our starting city is next to two mountain spaces and just one food so that makes us very flexible with the resources we can harvest from there i don't think we desperately need tons of ore in this moment although technically we do need five in order to complete this wonder but completing that is still a ways off the other effect of terracing says that our settlers and our leaders may now ignore mountain terrain penalties normally if you move onto a mountain then you cannot move anymore for the rest of the turn but of course we now get around that with our settlers and our leaders speaking of leaders i think now's a good time to talk about them now leaders come with the expansion each one of the civilizations has three leaders that you get at the start of the game and when you do a recruit action you are also allowed to recruit a leader the cost for this is always going to be one culture and one mood token and as you can see leaders are going to roll one die in combat which i'll explain soon and they all have a clash ability in combat which i will also explain now whenever you recruit a leader you're going to place your leader token out into the city that just did the recruit action each player has only one leader token so that means after you have recruited one of these you can put it on top of your civilization card and then if you want to recruit a different one you will actually have to permanently remove this from the game to place the new one out and then move this to the city that is recruiting the new one now these leaders can die in battle and if a player successfully defeats an opponent's leader in battle they take the card and that card will be worth two points to them at the end of the game now the main reason you want to actually recruit these leaders is because of the effects that each one of them has they often have a combat effect for battles that they are in and they also often have an effect that applies to locations they are in for other situations for example this leader over here can conditionally cancel a hit when they defend a city that have an obelisk in their color and then as a separate benefit down below it says that when constructing a building into his city you pay one culture to reduce the cost by any two resources so that's a nice discount for constructing buildings this one adds two hits in combat when fighting within two spaces of one of our cities and then she also has a beneficial effect that happens once she moves into an opponent city and it captures that city so if we think we're going to capture a city it might make sense to recruit this leader and then send them in without attack to gain the benefit our last leader over here gives us a combat bonus depending on the size of the city that they are attacking and then the other effect says that after we construct a building or a wonder in the city where this leader is we may take an influence culture attempt in this city as a free action and i did just explain how that influence culture action works now once again every civilization comes with these four specific advancements and three leaders that are specific to that civilization well that's finished our turn and the round is also over so before we move into the third age we have to of course perform a status phase in player order the first thing that we do is complete objectives and it looks like the yellow player has completed one of their three this is called academic and it says during a status phase if they own more cities with academies than any other player then they can achieve this and gain the two points the yellow player currently has two academies and we have none so obviously they have more so they'll get these two points but before we move on they could have also achieved this objective through conqueror that would have happened immediately after they captured another player's defending city meaning a city with an army and or a fortress in it now once again we will talk about combat probably very soon and for now they have completed this so they can put it face up in front of them where it will be worth two points at the end of the game that's the only one yellow can do so now we can complete an objective if we want but unfortunately we're not quite there yet we haven't constructed a wonder and we don't have all four of the maritime advances in fact we still only have one of those so we can hold on to these and move on to the next step where in player order each of us is going to gain a free advance the yellow player gets to do this first after considering their options they would like to take their free advance over here in economy they don't have any over here so they must go into the top that has a yellow border so they will gain another one of these mood tokens they actually have three of those now and then as a benefit they have unlocked the ability to construct these markets when playing with the expansion components when we focus in the bartering advance also gives them access to a once per turn free action that lets them discard a card to gain one gold or one culture token well it looks like yellow has once again cleared their event track so it's time for them to perform another event they can draw the top one from the deck and this one is a great merchant event but before we do any of that it says barbarians move and that is the icon for that movement in the top left when barbarians move there are three steps that have to be followed in order the first step has the active player checking to see if there are any barbarian armies within two land spaces of one of their cities if that wasn't the case then you actually stop this barbarian's move action entirely and instead perform a barbarian spawn action which we already saw earlier in the tutorial obviously in this case there is a barbarian figure within two spaces of one of their cities so they can continue on with the barbarian move action for the second step the active player is going to move all barbarian armies within two land spaces of their cities one space towards their nearest city counting the shortest distance in land spaces and not going through unrevealed regions if by doing this a barbarian enters a city or a spot with any units then that will immediately cause combat now the active player gets to decide the order of movement and if there is more than one city equally close they get to choose which of those cities the barbarians will move to but the barbarian army does not split up likewise if a barbarian army has two spaces they could move on to that brings it one space closer to a city then you get to choose which of those spaces it goes on to so in this case the yellow player can see there is a barbarian here it is two spaces away from each of these cities so that means that the barbarian could go there there or there and the yellow player gets to decide now they have set up a couple of their infantry over here and they've decided they would actually like to fight this barbarian so they're going to have the barbarian move into this spot which is closer to one of the yellow player cities and now since there's at least one army unit in a space with multiple factions units they will now immediately perform combat now combat can last through a series of rounds and within each round there are five different steps that have to be followed in order the first of these is a play action card step and in it all players have the option of playing tactics cards if you remember from before tactics are the bottom half of the action cards and you can only play these if you have the tactics advance now the cult player does have tactics so if they wanted to they could play their one action card for that bottom effect now if this was combat between multiple players then the attacking player would decide first once the attacking player decided whether or not to put a card down the defending player could also decide whether or not to put a card down again as long as they had that tactics advance in this case the yellow player is fighting the barbarians though so yellow could play a tactic card if they wanted and the barbarians will never play tactic cards in this case yellow has decided they'd like to play one tactic card and then after both players had a chance to play one we move to the second step of the round where we simultaneously reveal all of these cards now the effects will be activated sometimes it'll say on reveal and other times it'll say things like this one which says as a defender this one is prepared defenses and it applies to armies fortresses and ships it says as a defender they get to add one die to their combat role well the barbarians did move in here so that means the yellow player is the defender and the barbarians are the attacker after that it's time for the third step of combat which is the combat roll for this players are going to roll one die for every unit they have in combat and of course the yellow player is going to roll one extra die because of their prepared defenses so these can happen simultaneously we can roll these right over here and put them over and then of course the barbarians are also going to roll one die because they have one unit after that each side needs to calculate their combat value for this role you start doing this by adding up all of the values on the dice so yellow has four plus three plus three or ten and the barbarians currently have four at this moment players also have the option of activating clash abilities you may have noticed these icons that show up next to the numbers and for every single icon that matches a unit in this combat you can activate that associated clash ability this is for calvary and that one is for elephants so if there was up to one cavalry this could match that cavalry and if there was an elephant that could match the elephant but obviously there are neither of those currently in combat there is one icon for infantry though so we can take a look at the cheat sheet and we can see that the clash ability for the infantry is going to add one more to the combat value so that means this can be assigned to that infantry and instead of being at 10 they are now at 11. now if for example they had something like this then they could have applied that to clash icon to this infantry but of course that isn't how this shook out unfortunately for the barbarians they rolled a cavalry symbol instead of an infantry symbol if this had been infantry then that would have applied for the barbarians and added one to the overall combat value as well now that we have the combat values of 11 and 4 we can move into the fourth step of the round where we will determine casualties the way this works is we divide that combat value by 5 and then round down and that will be the number of units that are destroyed in this battle so for the yellow player they have 11 divided by 5 rounded down which will get them 2 and the barbarians have 4 divided by 5 rounded down which just barely means they actually get 0 hits if they had reached a 5 or more than that would have been enough to destroy one of the yellow players armies obviously that is not the case and now the yellow player can inflict two damage which will remove two units every unit in this game gets destroyed with a single damage so the barbarian is going to be removed and then simultaneously if the barbarians had enough attack they could have also potentially removed units that's not the case here though so the barbarian is going to go back to the supply and now it's time for an end of battle check the first thing to look for is are there currently multiple factions units in this space obviously that is not the case so that means the battle is going to be over but if for example there was still a barbarian over here then the next thing that we would do is check to see if the attacker retreats now barbarians never retreat but if instead this was one of our units and we were attacking now would be the time where we could retreat if we did we would move all of our units back to where we came from if we didn't retreat then we start a new combat round once again having players potentially put cards down now obviously that's not the case over here so the yellow player did successfully defeat the barbarians with one round of combat now as a benefit for defeating barbarians players will always gain one gold for successfully defeating them now if players are able to capture a barbarian city then they will also gain a gold for that so yellow got their gold for defeating the barbarians they felt pretty confident they would defeat them which is why they decided to send the barbarians towards the infantry they already had positioned on the board that combat is over but before we move on i'd like to talk about capturing cities if at any point there are player pieces on a spot with an opposing city and nothing to defend it then the player with the army pieces is going to capture that city they are going to swap the settlement token in the middle out with one of their own and if this is a situation where there are buildings that match the color of that settlement then the capturing player would also swap those buildings out into their own color the only exception for that is if barbarians are able to capture a player city they swap this out but the buildings will just stay there and they effectively act as if they were culturally influenced earlier on in the game that means if this happened and then we came in and won that back from the barbarians since these don't match the yellow academy would still stay there now when a player successfully captures a city they are going to gain a gold benefit if they captured a barbarian city then as i said they will get one gold no matter how big the city is but if in a different example they captured an opponent city and let's pretend it had a building like that well obviously when they did this they would swap out the settlement and they'd swap out this building and then they would gain one gold for the size of that city so this is a size two city which means they would take two gold if that city when captured happened to be happy then the capturing player will gain one more gold for capturing it but if when the city was captured it was angry then the capturing player would only get one gold no matter how big the city is after finishing the capture the city will become angry no matter what their mood was before so that is how land combat works but we can also fight in the water if we have multiple ships or if we have ships fighting the non-player pirate ships that can spawn out here on the map now i'll describe how ship combat works once we actually see a ship appear on the board and i think we're probably gonna make that happen soon considering we have a port and a nice big c area for us to capitalize on well let's come back to the game and we are actually not done with the barbarian move action just yet there is a third step and in that the active player is going to place one new barbarian unit into every city that is within two spaces of one of their own obviously that is this one here so a new barbarian infantry is going to appear right onto that city we can now move on with the event so far we've just covered the barbarians move but now we have the great merchant now many of these events have a purple banner at the top and the way this works is it says the player who drew this may pay one culture in order to keep this card as an action card if they don't do that then they will pass this to the left until another player spans it to culture to keep it and if no one does then this card is discarded now in this case i think the yellow player is going to spend their one culture because they'd rather we did not spend two to gain access to it and when they play this as an action they could do one or both of the following this says they could get a free economy advance using a cube from the supply and if they have the trade routes advance they could generate income from all of their trade routes after that they would discard this to the discard pile now that trade routes advance is right over here and considering the yellow player took this card i think it's very likely we're going to see that get advanced into soon and i'll explain how that works when that happens after that we can take our free advance and i mentioned before that i really wanted medicine but we went for irrigation instead well let's now go for medicine that's going to get us a culture and then the effect says that after we recruit we get one resource that we spent overall back into our supply after placing that advance we have no more cubes in our event track so that means it's time for us to draw another event and perform it oh it looks like this does not have an icon in the corner which means we are just going to do the text on the bottom now this says volcano and it says if you have at least four cities then we have to pick one of our cities after that we have to destroy that picked city along with any units on the space removing them from the board then we keep this card and we place all of the city pieces from that destroyed city on top of the card and then each building and settlement is worth two victory points to the player who owns the pieces in the case there happened to be other players pieces on there due to cultural influence each wonder piece scores normally but its powers no longer affect the game except for the great pyramids so losing a city can be pretty detrimental but remember each one of those pieces would have been worth one point at the end of the game but when it's lost to this volcano it becomes worth two effectively because that city becomes a lot more famous and is known about in the world because of its destruction obviously at this point we only have two cities though so this does not happen and we can simply put this into the discard pile after that each player can draw a new objective and action card into their hand so these are going to be ours the objective says focused on top it says during the say this phase if we have more advanced categories in all four advances than any other player excluding civilization advances then we can take this currently we don't have any that are completely full but we have one that's one away and our opponent also has one so we can keep that in mind but the bottom part is a combat related one it says immediately after winning a land battle against a player with more warfare advances or against an army with more army units than yours including the barbarians so we could complete this objective if we have a particularly good fight that goes against the odds the other card we got is an action the top part says teach us now you can play this card after capturing another player's city and it says we could duplicate one of that player's advances at no food cost the bottom part is a tactic it's archers and you can use this with an army and it says on reveal you roll a die and if you roll a five or a six your enemy immediately removes one army unit before making their combat roll so we can add these into our hand and now each of us have the option of raising a size one city but i don't think either of us are going to do that and after that we can change governments up to this point no one has actually gained a government but i explained how those worked earlier on so now the final thing we do is determine the first player for the next age the yellow player has four tokens combined with their mood and the culture and we have seven so that means we have more and that means we can take this and we'll be the starting player for the next three rounds speaking of that we are now done with the second status phase of the game and we could now start the first round but before we get to that i think it's now time to talk about how we get our final scores once the game is over now we'll count up our points once the game has come to an end and i talked about that earlier on in the tutorial and we are going to gain points for a variety of different things the first thing we'll get points for is one point for every city piece that we have now that is going to be each settlement piece as well as each of the buildings that we have in our cities as well as in other cities that we might have culturally influenced after that we will gain half of a point for every advance that we have right now we have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten so that would be five points worth of cubes of course if we had this then that would be five and a half points worth of cubes next up each player is going to gain two points for every objective that they have been able to complete obviously yellow has completed one of those so far and then after that we will get four points for every wonder that we have control of now you may have noticed in the bottom right corner of the wonder that we drew it shows four points and every one of them is going to be four points now if you have a situation where you build a wonder into one of your cities and then your opponent comes in and captures that city taking it away from you they take this card and put it in front of them when they do that the player who built this wonder puts a cube on top of that card and at the end of the game those two players are going to split those points so it would be two points to the original builder and the two points to whoever controls that city of course if somebody else comes in and captures that city away from the person who captured it from you then they take this card and that cube stays on there so you're guaranteed to get two out of these four points when you construct a wonder next up players will gain potential points from events we've already seen this volcano come out that could potentially give you points if your city got destroyed and there are other events in this deck that have other conditional ways to gain victory points and now is the time that you'll add those points into your final score finally if you're playing with the expansion then each player is going to gain two points for every enemy leader that they defeat obviously that is not the case when you are playing without the expansion once you add all of these points up the player with the most points will be the winner and if there is a tie then you go through this list and whoever breaks the tie in their favor gaining more from a specific item will win the overall tie so that's how we score points once the game is over and at this point i think we're going to play through one more age in that we will be talking about some ships and i'll try to find a moment to talk about pirates as well as the cavalry and the elephants that can potentially be put out on the board i'm not going to be covering everything that you see here there's just a lot in this game and i'm trying to give you a good overall idea now before we move on i realized that both of us need to put three more cubes into our event tracks and now let's start the first round of the third age of the game we get to go first for our first action i think let's activate this city and collect this is a great city for it because it's a size two and it's happy so we get to collect three things and it's next to two mountains and remember we have this terracing which means we can take an oar a wood or a food from each of these mountain spaces so they are super flexible for us i think let's start by taking two food one from this plains space and one from the mountain because of that terrace advance that is two food total which brings us to two and that is currently our maximum because we have not invested in the storage advance now we can take one more resource and i think we'll take an or after that i think let's activate this city to recruit it's a size two and it's happy so that means we could recruit up to three things if we wanted to but i think we're just going to recruit twice the first thing that we want to recruit is going to be a ship now if we look over here at the cheat sheet it says that ships are going to take two wood and you can only build them if you have a port and in fact you build them onto the sea space that that port is connected to we only have this port right here so we can spend two of our wood to construct a ship right onto that sea space after that let's spend two of our food and that is going to let us get another settler so we can work towards getting a third city out on the board that settler is going to go right over here and at this point we could recruit one more time we do have three gold but i like the idea of holding on to that gold for a moment where we really need it and i'm not feeling like we desperately need another figure out here on the map so i think we're just going to go with this too and then our medicine is going to activate and we get to take back one of our spent resources we spent wood and we spent food and i think that we should take one food back at this point we've taken two actions and i think it's finally time for us to play an action card we've had inspiration in our hand for a while and it says for a free action we can duplicate in advance that another player has excluding civilization advancements at no food cost now we can do this as long as we have a unit or a city within two spaces of a unit or a city of that player as you can see we now have a unit within two spaces of one of our opponent's cities so we can use inspiration to essentially copy one of their advances i did just complain about not having storage that keeps us from having more than two food at any point in time and the yellow player has invested in that so i think we're going to use the inspiration to copy that so we can take a cube from our supply and put it right over there that is going to get us one mood token and now for the rest of the game we can store up to seven food well we have one action left and i think we want to move again this lets us move up to three of our groups and we're going to start by moving this settler onto the water specifically onto the ship now each ship can hold up to two units and a unit on a ship is going to be carried with the ship when that ship moves and you can move a unit that has already moved so with our second move i think we will move this ship along with settler and we're going to go all the way over here now the reason we can do that is because a ship can go as far as you want within a given body of water now it is worth noting that you have to advance one space at a time because if while you are moving you land into a spot that has an opposing ship or maybe a neutral pirate then you have to stop your movement there and then you will have combat between those two ships naval combat works very similar to land combat that we've already described with the main exception being that when a ship is destroyed all of the units are also destroyed and any units that are onboard that ship have no effect in the overall combat fortunately for us the yellow player has not found a way to put this ship down and we haven't bumped into any pirates just yet there are event cards that can spawn pirates onto the board and the icon for that looks like this when that happens you actually bring two pirates out onto the board and you have to put at least one of them onto a sea space that's next to one of your cities so for example that and then you can put the other pirate out on the board wherever you like and you'll probably put it next to one of your opponent cities if possible now i do want to point out that pirates only exist in the game when you're using the expansion content and they are pretty pesky you can't move through them without having to stop and fight them just like they were a barbarian and also when these pirates arrive each player who has a city next to them is going to have to lose one resource or one mood or one of their culture tokens if they don't have any of those resources to lose then that city that's adjacent to the pirate will go down one overall mood level now pirates are just going to hang out in that spot without finding them and blocking resource collection on that location fortunately we haven't bumped into any of these pirates just yet and we can now come back to our move where i think we are going to go from here all the way onto this spot now this location is next to two uncovered tiles and you are allowed to explore with your ship in this case i think we want to explore onto this area which means we don't actually go onto it just yet instead we flip this over and the way exploration works with ships is slightly different if it's possible to orient the tile so that the water connects to where the ship was going then you must do so so if this location or that location was water we would have to prioritize doing that in this case that is not happening here so the next thing we would check is by placing this like this or that are we connecting this up to other water and it doesn't look like we are so we can place it like this or that because the water will be adjacent to the edge in both options i think let's place it like this and then we obviously don't move our ship onto that spot if this had been a c-spot we would have done so at this point we are done moving because we don't have any other groups to move this settler already moved because they went on to the ship and obviously the ship has moved so if we want to move the settler off of the ship and on to one of these spaces to potentially found a city then we are going to need to take another move action in the future so that move action is done but before we move on i'd like to point out this specific advance called navigation when we focus in navigation says that ships may move around the board to the next group of c spaces what that means is if we had this advance then when we moved we could take a ship and move it obviously as far as we want within that c-space but we can also go around the outside of the board and land on the next available c-space on the edge now you're not allowed to navigate past unexplored terrain like this instead you'd have to stop there and explore it unlike what i just showed you here so navigation can let you really move around the board of course there needs to be some c next to the edge but when we explore there is a prioritization of putting the scene next to the edge that is secondary to connecting c up to other c spots obviously we aren't there right now but that's definitely something that we can keep in mind for the future well we are done with our turn so the yellow player can go and they've decided to start by activating this city to collect resources it's a size two and it is also happy so they can get three resources and they've decided to collect two food as well as one ore after that they're going to activate this city and recruit they could recruit up to three times because it's a size two and it's happy but they're only going to recruit twice in this case they would like to put two settlers down into that city each settler is going to cost two food so they will go from four back down to zero and i just realized that when they collected with their first action over here there was an academy so their public education should have given them yet another idea they're up to five of those they should certainly think about using those to do some more advances at this point the yellow player has one action left and they've decided to play this event card that they got as an action this is the great merchant and it says that as an action they can do one or both of the following the first thing lets them get a free economy advance and they can take one from their supply and they're going to place it down onto trade routes when they do this they can also put a token down onto their kelp board because tribal trade matches up with trade routes now i'll explain how those two work very soon because the second part of this card says if they have the trade routes advance which they do now then they can generate income from all of their trade routes after that this is discarded and with that in mind let's take a look over here to see how trade routes work it says at the start of each turn for the rest of the game you gain one food for every ship or settler that you have up to four that can pair with a different non-angry enemy player city within two spaces so you can pair up a settler or a ship with an enemy city and get some free food out of it that enemy doesn't gain or lose anything from the trade this can get even better if you advance into currency that says you can get gold from taxation and trade routes instead of other resources up here taxation says that once per turn as an action you can pay a mood token to gain a food an ore or a wood for every city that you have so obviously if you get currency with taxation you could get gold instead which is even better now at the moment the yellow player does not have a settler or a ship within two spaces of one of our cities but they do have tribal trade over here because they are celtic this says that they may establish trade routes with non-angry barbarian cities but they only get food they never get gold from them even if they have the currency advance currently they do have a settler that they can pair up with this barbarian city that's within two away so that pair is going to get them a trade route and remember this says that they are going to activate the trade routes as if it was the start of their turn so that is going to get them one food and then if that's the case at the start of their next turn that will get them yet another food this is a great way to get food without working towards it although you do have to keep the settlers around you can do this with ships though and considering we have a ship out here on the board and we can easily make more maybe we should consider trying to work our way towards trade routes to get some of that food ourselves well the yellow player is done with their turn so we can move into the second round of the third age we get to go first and i think i'd really like to get a third city down so that we can try to get that wander constructed into one of these two cities here so let's spend one action moving and we are just i think going to be moving this settler over here we could move on to that spot and then explore this i suppose and considering there are these yellow infantry over there maybe it's a good idea to put one more space between us yeah let's go ahead and explore here this will flip over and it doesn't have any water so we can effectively put it like this or like that and that doesn't make sense because you cannot build onto a barren spot so i think we'll do this the settler will go there and then for our second action let's found a city on this location the settler can go back to our supply we can then put a city right there and then our stellas will activate we can take an idea or we could take one culture when we found a city and considering we have enough culture i think let's take an idea to help us out getting some more advances without having to spend food so that idea will bring us up to one that's our first idea of the game at this point we have just one action left and let's activate this city to gather resources we will gain one two three resources and i think we should certainly activate this spot with the port that is going to get us one gold and then after that i think let's get an ore from these mountains and then a wood from this forest space all right that's finished our turn this means yellow can go and they'll start by activating this trade route right here between them and this barbarian spot remember normally you cannot trade with barbarians but the celtic player interacts with the barbarians far more than the other civilizations in the game so that one pair is going to get them one food and for their second action they are going to advance they're going to use two ideas to do this and they want to advance into draft that has a blue border so they will get one culture and the effect of that says that when they recruit for the rest of the game they can put a single infantry down by spending one mood token instead of the normal one food and one ore so that is a nice discount especially if you have these mood tokens available but then in addition to that they also get to advance into tribal allies that does say draft right over here and now it says for the rest of the game one time per turn as an action they can do a spawn barbarian action as if they had pulled that event card remember this places a barbarian city down onto a location two away from one of that player cities and then you put one barbarian unit onto that city in addition to that it says after triggering a barbarian's move event they can pay one food to prevent any barbarian armies they want from moving so they could spend food to stop barbarians from invading in ways that they don't want of course spending food isn't great but that lets them keep those barbarians in check which is especially good if they decide to start spawning new barbarians in their area they're somewhat incentivized to do that now considering they have tribal trade so they could use this to put more barbarians out there to establish trade routes to then get more food at the start of their turns yellow has one action left and they've decided to advance again they're going to spend two of their ideas and they're going to advance into nationalism this is the first government advance that we're seeing in the game and remember they can only do that because they have the prerequisite advance that is one space above when we focus in it says after they do a recruiting action of at least one army or ship they will gain one mood or one culture now they are already incentivized to recruit to infantry because they can do that once per recruit for one mood which means if you do that with nationalism that's effectively a full rebate for that one infantry yellow is done with their turn so that means we can move into the third round of the third age and we of course get to go so we can take our turn and we don't actually have this navigation advance now for this turn i think i want to construct this wonder we've been working towards it all game long and maybe this isn't the right moment for us but i just want to make it happen this needs five ore four wood three food and five culture and we still need a decent amount of resources to pull that off so let's spend our first action activating this city that is going to get us three resources this port can get us one gold and then i think let's take two wood after that for our second action let's activate this city over here unfortunately we're only going to get one resource but we need that one resource to pull this off on the turn now we could take an oar a wood or a food and we actually could take a food from this barren spot because we do have irrigation in this case i think we'll just take a food and then for our third action let's use engineering which will allow us to construct one wonder now this needs five ore and we have two of it so we could spend two along with three of our gold then we need four wood and we have three so we could spend three of it plus one gold to make up and then we need three food and we have two so we could spend these two and one gold which means we've spent everything except for our ideas in order to build this great arena right now now this does also cost five of our culture and we've got six so we can spend five of that back to the bank and then we can take the great arena from the supply and put that next to one of our happy cities now technically this is a city activation action and we activated this city right here and again we could do this to bring it up to a size three because we do have three cities out here now that arena is going to stay there for the rest of the game and we also will get four points for it at the end of the game as long as we still control the city in addition to that we have a couple of benefits the top thing says we may spend our culture as if it was mood and vice versa except when you are spending culture in order to construct more wonders now that's great we currently have just one culture but we have ways to make it and mood is also good for a variety of things as we've seen in addition to that the great arena will give us a combat effect for as long as we have it it says after any combat role we can spend one of our mood or one of our culture to add plus one hit once per land battle so we could use that to get up to a number that is divisible by five to deal one more damage which would remove one more unit and that could be a pretty big swing in the heat of battle so that wonder is constructed and we can put this face up in front of us and then we also can complete this objective remember if it says status phase then it only happens during the status phase but this one also says immediately it says on your turn if you're the only player to have constructed a wonder then you can complete this objective we have indeed done that so this is two more points to us so by constructing this wonder we've just gained six points for the end of the game also this is now a size three city so in the future if we activate this to collect resources or recruit then we will collect four resources or be able to recruit up to four units in that spot considering we have terracing which lets us collect a food an ore or a wood from these mountain locations this is a great spot to be a massive collector of resources as we continue through the game well that's finished our third action it took our entire turn to pull this off and i'm really happy to get that water down on the board this means it's now time for the yellow player to go and they've decided to start with a move action they'll begin by moving this settler over there they're going to split these up so they can explore onto this tile it does have some water and if they spin it like that it will connect up to other water so they are forced to do that that unfortunately means the settler is going on to a barren's spot so they won't be able to build a city on that location now they can move up to two more of their groups and they've decided they're going to leave one of these infantry behind but they'll move the other one onto this mountain spot remember when you go into a mountain spot you cannot move any farther so that was a one move done and if they do another move action they cannot move this infantry because they're stuck in the mountains until their next turn before they take their second turn i just realized they actually forgot to activate their trade routes at the start of their turn they did have a pair of their settler and one barbarian city using their tribal trade advance so they should have gained one food from that before they actually took their first turn now for their second turn they've decided to activate tribal allies again this says once per turn as an action they can do a spawn barbarian action as if they had just played an event icon so they are forcing a spawn action and remember this has to go exactly two spaces away from one of their cities and no closer than two spaces to any opponent city now they could put this right here that would make it two spaces away from our city and theirs but that is the only land space essentially cutting off one half of the map to the other that means in order to move troops from here down there which they might want to do to try and capture some of our cities they'd have to go through this barbarian area now if they did that they could capture the city and turn it into one of theirs which is not necessarily a bad thing but they also like the idea of having barbarian cities out here that they can trade with now i think they're actually going to do this another option would be going over there but they like the idea of potentially capturing the city in the future next up they have to put a unit into that city and then after that they have to place a unit into any barbarian city of their choice i unfortunately made a mistake of this the first time we spawned we put one down but we did not put another one in now in the combat that resulted the yellow player did roll enough hits to fully wipe out those barbarians but considering another die would have been rolled the yellow player would have certainly lost one of their units in that fight so in order to try and fix that mistake that happened quite a while ago let's remove this unit right here because it should have been two yellow versus two barbarians and remember the barbarians had just four combat value so by rolling one more dime which they should have for having one more infantry they would have had a minimum of plus one so that means one of these would have been destroyed it's possible that both of them would have been but there's only so much corrections we can do for mistakes like that sorry so coming back to this spawn event the yellow player can spawn into this spot or that spot and considering we are playing with the expansion and there's already an infantry in each of those if they wanted to they could put a cavalry down into that location or an elephant if you're not playing with the expansion you simply put more of the barbarian infantry units down well now is a great time to talk about the cavalry and elephants to see if yellow wants to place any of those down if we look at the expansion side of the player aid we can start with cavalry now to start if players want to recruit cavalry they have to have a market in that city the same goes for the elephant and you can unlock building a market by going into bartering the yellow player has already done that but they have not spent the time to construct a market into one of their cities if they did though they could then recruit a cavalry and or an elephant into that city looking back at the cheat sheet you can see that when recruiting these it is going to cost one food as well as one wood to recruit cavalry and it's just two food to recruit an elephant now looking at the combat effects for the cavalry we can see they roll one die in combat like normal and then the clash effect which happens when you roll a horse head when you're in this combat is going to be adding two to the combat value which is of course one better than the clash ability for the infantry so cavalry have a better chance of doing extra damage in combat looking down at the elephant we can see they roll one die in combat just like everything else and the clash ability if you have a elephant head roll on a die in combat with an elephant lets you cancel one hit that comes in but you have to disregard the combat value of one of your rolled dice obviously you would disregard the worst die that you rolled and absorbing one hit coming in is effectively like negating five combat value from your opponent so the cavalry are slightly more offensive and the elephants are slightly more defensive in this current situation yellow has decided they would like to try and put pressure on us so they are going to spawn a barbarian cavalry into that city so that means in the future if we do a barbarians move event these are going to move closer to our city and obviously this cavalry makes it more likely that we will suffer damage of course if the yellow player pulls a barbarian's move it would head towards their city but remember their tribal allies effect lets them spend one food to stop the movement entirely of a group of barbarians well yellow is now done with their action where they were able to spawn a barbarian city and as you can see they can now have a trade route pair with a settler and that city so at the start of their next turn as long as it looks like this they can pair these for a food and pair those for a food so they are now generating two free food at the start of each of their turns of course if the yellow players plan goes well and these barbarians move away from the city then yellow has positioned themselves to simply move over there and immediately capture that city without even having a fight well yellow has one action left and they're going to spend an idea as well as one of their food and with this they are going to advance in this case they've decided they would like to go to fishing that is going to unlock the ability for them to build a port and considering you can do trade routes with ships and there's a long piece of water that could get their ships close to hours they've decided they'd like to make ships to get more out of those trade routes so in the future they now can build these ports and also they have the ability to collect food from sea spaces at this point they've once again cleared their event track so they have to immediately perform an event in this case that is going to be a good year the first thing that happens is an exhausted land though this means they have to take one of these exhausted land tokens and put it adjacent to one of their cities on a location that is not barren and that also has no units on it overall they feel like they have a lot of access to mountains so they're going to put this token right over here that means for the rest of the game no cities can be founded here and it's impossible to harvest resources from this mountain spot after that there's a nice simple universal event it's called a goodyear and it says all players gain two food so yellow gains two food bringing them to four and we gain two food bringing us to two well that simple event is done so yellow can refill their event track and they finish their turn well the third round of the third age is done so it's now time for the third status phase of the game starting with us we could claim objectives although we haven't completed either of these we still have just one advance in maritime for the seafarer and the focus says we have to have more advanced categories with all four than any other player we have two of them that need just one to have four and our opponent has none so that means if we had advanced into sanitation or husbandry instead of perhaps medicine then we would now be able to get this focused but we are still in a position to i think get this done before the game is over now of course each of these does have military aggression type options at the bottom but so far in this game we've been avoiding making any armies at all we've mostly been focusing on building and constructing a wonder up here the yellow player has three objectives but they have not completed any of them after that we each get a free advance and i think the best thing for us is probably bartering that not only lets us discard a card to get a gold or one culture and we do have some cards that we might not get played for example this teach us now requires us to capture a city and i'm not sure if that's going to be happening so we could potentially turn this into a gold at the right moment but in addition to that we now can build these markets which would let us recruit cavalry as well as elephants now the main reason we're doing this is because in the future that will unlock the ability to do trade routes and we already have a ship out there on the board so as soon as we have trade routes going that ship is within two spaces of an opposing city and that can start getting us some free food of our own we could go even harder and get currency so that we would get free gold instead of free food i think those would probably be the next two advances that we would really want to do next up yellow can advance and they are going to go for absolute power this is one of their government advances when we focus in absolute power says once per turn they could pay two of their mood tokens to take an entire extra action that could be really powerful and currently they actually have three mood tokens so they are well positioned to get some extra actions after that we can all draw a new objective and action card our objective is coastal culture that says during the status phase if we own more cities with ports than any other player we could get these two points if we had this in this round that would have actually been good because we have one port compared to the zero of our opponents our opponent can build ports but we can keep that in mind and maybe build another one of our own over here to try and get this going in the future the other option is warmonger at the bottom it says you can complete this immediately after having fought two battles on your turn against two different armies or cities including barbarians and winning slash capturing at least one of those the other card we get is an action card it's good ideas you can play this on your turn after capturing a city or winning a battle against an enemy including barbarians and you get two ideas that's pretty simple the bottom is a tactic called the siege you can use this with an army and it says if you are attacking a city you can add one to your combat value for a combat role and it also says that no clash abilities will activate on your enemy's combat role this says your enemy may pay two food prior to their combat role to cancel the second of these two effects after that our opponent will draw one of each of these as well and then each of us will decide not to raise one of our cities after that the yellow player does have a government so if they wanted they could spend a culture as well as one of their mood tokens to change governments which means they'd move both of these tokens over to one of these two other options unfortunately for them they don't have the prerequisites for either democracy or theocracy so even if they wanted to change their government they currently could not the final thing to do is determine start player we have three culture and mood combined and our opponent has five so that means they will be the starting player for the next age of the game the third status phase is done and now it would be time for us to play the first round of the fourth age but i think this is a good time for us to stop playing through the game we've gone through half of the game and we've seen quite a bit of escalation as we've built out our civilizations and in fact most of the map has also been explored with just this tile over here still face down now obviously i've covered most of the main mechanics to this game but i've not gone through the details of many of these different advances and i've tried to focus on giving you a good overall feel for what this game is like in particular with the monumental edition of clash of cultures there's quite a bit of extra units structures that you can build as well as events and mechanics and i've tried to touch on all of those things as well so the tutorial has now come to a close and i hope you've enjoyed learning how to play clash of cultures along with the monumental edition expansion content now if any part of this game jumped out to you as particularly interesting as well as if there were any turns where we really should have done something differently then please comment down below and let me know what you think as always i'd like to thank everyone who's been supporting this channel including these producer level patreon supporters if you too would like to directly support the channel in the creation of future videos like this one then please go to support also if you enjoyed this video please click the like button for it down below as well as the subscribe button for the channel thanks for watching
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Id: flWkoFWmmiQ
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Length: 111min 6sec (6666 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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