Halloween Spooky Scavengar Hunt! | Blippi Wonders Educational Videos for Kids

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[Applause] [Music] activate flippy station it's time get up and shout I wonder what we'll learn about flippy [Music] wonders happy Halloween you're right Debo looks like the pumpkin Queen is having a Halloween party H I wonder where the pumpkin Queen's party is who is the pumpkin Queen who could it be ruler of hallowen she throws the best parties around it's at a super secret hide that can't be found who is the pumpkin Queen boo look over there it's a big corn maze there are Jacko lanterns all over the place leave a candy Trail all down the street on Halloween we trick or treat Debo and tabs will guide the way as we get closer you'll hear us say who is the pumpkin Queen ruler of Halloween she throws the best parties around it's at a super secret hideout that can't be found who is a pumpkin Queen wait I know how to find out boo spider and candy corn light Deo making faces giving us a FR oh who's this a little mouse she's showing us the way to the Halloween house all of our friends will guide the way as we get closer you'll hear us say who is the pumpkin Queen ruler of hallowen she throws the best parties around it's at a super secret that can't be found who is the pumpkin [Music] queen I am it's Halloween night time for trick or treat so do the monster St to the spooky wook Beach flying witches and bats funy pumpkins and cats and Mr skeleton says can I please have some snacks W look out the vampir in town and she's the best dancer so look all Boogie now cuz on Halloween night the fun never ends It's a Spooky adventure with our family and friends who is the pumpkin Queen ruler of H that's right she throws the best parties around it's at a super secret height of that can be found who is the pumpkin Queen me we found the pumpkin Queen R of Hall we went to the best party around we found the secret hideout with our helpful Pal's the pumpkin Queen it was me all along friends you're the pumpkin Queen happy Halloween hallowen yay it's so hot I wish we had a cool treat to cool down that's a great idea Debo we'll get popsicles to beat the heat wo wo oh no I wonder what's wrong with the blippy mobile it's h to see what's wrong we'll need to shrink down to get a better look shrinking down the blippy mobile is not ready for adventure but we are wow the inside of the blippy mobile looks so cool but how will we ever figure out how to fix it do I hear someone in need of help fixing something hi I'm wonky the wrench at your service for any and all repairs hey it's me blippy and this is ma and Debo wonky will you help us figure out what's wrong with the blippy mobile you bet here are some things we should check first up make sure the bolts are tight there are a lot of bolts down here I know just the rinse to Titan them those are some sweet moves wonky I tell you what I'm a little dizzy W wo 10 out of 10 that one's tightened hey Deo it's righty tidy Lefty [Music] Loosey next up let's make sure all the switches are on this way [Music] oh no whoopsie now let's check out the gears woohoo [Music] Wooh H I think the gears are supposed to move hey there's a toy in the gear is that your toy Deo don't worry I'm on it dead git it's not working we can [Music] [Applause] help it worked yeah now this is the best part of fixing things when it's all fixed and I got the answer to my question the blippy mobile wasn't working because there was a toy stuck in the gear but now the blippy mobile is ready for adventure upload answer Debo I'm here anytime you need a help and wrench bye y'all bye-bye growing up now who's ready for a popsicle [Music] me Land [Music] Ho hide our treasure first mate Deo I love playing Pirates yeah me too what is it Debo wo wow it's a treasure map hm I wonder how do you find buried treasure I can help X is where the treasure is buried so cool but how do we get to the X first we need to figure out where we are do you see anything you recognize from the map hey that elephant-shaped rock looks just like the one on the map now you see those dashes according according to the map scale each Dash is equal to one step H there's five dashes so that's five steps right and according to my compass watch we need to walk five steps North which is this way 1 2 3 4 5 the map says we need to climb up the tree how are we going to do that look a rope [Music] [Applause] ladder nice work first mate Debo treasure here we come wo a secret door but how do we open it h this Hopscotch grid is on the map I've got it it blippy try hopping only on the blue squares all right we did it let's [Music] [Music] goe X marks the [Music] spot woohoo we found the treasure and I got the answer to my question how do you find buried treasure to find buried treasure you need a map and to follow the directions written on it to find the X upload answer Debo let's see what's inside the great big book of curiosity wao what a curious kind of treasure huh [Music] yay who were they let's go find [Music] out [Music] let's see what's inside the great big book of curiosity wao what a curious kind of treasure huh yeah yay hey it's me Flippy and this is ma Debo and tabs H I wonder who were they we better go find out hey blippy Ma over here can you help us we'd love to help the name's boom we're looking for something that we need but we can't remember what it's called and I'm Benjamin the thing we need is kind of shaped like this but with the less bouncy stick w booms [Music] away and it's frozen like this I'll get you out Debo looks like you got to shake it up oh yeah shake it up wo purple no yellow no oh hi blippy amama I'm Barry can you help me find something sure we would love to help it's usually red red got it but it can also be purple or orange green or every color wo what's that hey hello I'm blue I need the yummy for my tummy you're looking for something that tastes good it's a yummy and makes me feel happy inside oh no hug what's that no it's not that not that either was it bloomsical wao Oh yay Flippy and Ma I'm Babel can you help me find this word let's sound it out something CLE tricycle bicycle whsle good idea tabs let's review our notes it's rectangular and has a stick it's frozen it could be any color it makes you feel happy and it sounds like something sickle H this is [Music] tricky popsicles you are looking for popsicles yeah hey who are you all boom Benjamin Barry blue bubble and we are the Curiosity crew wow I got the answer to my question question who were they they are my new friends the Curiosity crew upload answer Debo woohoo all [Music] right whoops excuse me that was a big burp Flippy H I wonder why do people burp I can tell you but it's more fun to show you off to the nearest mouth all right I'm going to need frog legs frog legs confirmed shrinking down the flippy mobile is ready for [Music] adventure open [Music] wide this is perfect he's chewing way too fast look at all the air he's swallowing wa well that was fun Debo you can open your eyes now I think it's over here we go again yeah he wo I'm going to need monkey arms monkey arms confirmed w w what's that it's called the esophagus we all have them it's a l tube that connects the throat to the stomach wo esophagus that's a fun word ES off a gus whoa he's coughing up a storm oh yeah these are ideal conditions for a big old burp booms away oh no hang on to your seats everybody whoa so cool careful the bubble's delicate and can explode at any [Music] moment just kidding canon ball yeah the bubble is all the extra air that this guy swallowed it's like a trampoline W uh-oh too much bouncing it's going to blow W the air bubble is rising up the esophagus and toward the mouth wa excuse me oh yeah experiment complete that was so fun and I got the answer to my question why do people burp people burp when they swallow too much air and it builds up inside the esophagus the body gets rid of the air by burping upload answer Debo I think it's time to dance boom cha boom cha chat boom let's boom cha cha with boom boom chaa boom chaa [Music] boom nice sketch Debo do you hear that that's one cool beat I Can't Stop Moving H I wonder why does music make us want to dance hi blippy hi Ma hey Benjamin that was some pretty sweet beat boxing you were doing yeah it made me want to dance Hey Benjamin do you know why music makes us want to move our bodies and dance I sure do just shrink down to my size and I'll show you all right shrinking down awesome now we're ready to party yeah hit it DJ Debs when we hear music we enjoy the sound of it this beat makes me want to move my feet I love this song and our bodies want to explain how the noise is being made so we move in a way that matches the Rhythm on the beat wo a classical song love your moves blippy check out yours ma now we've got the same moves together woo Hey DJ D boops pick up that Tempo flippy I challenge you to a Daner it's on dance on go blippy go blippy break it down ma woohoo hey uhhuh woohoo fill the groove wo woohoo all right I'm having so much fun this bead has a nice ring it makes me want to sing oh [Music] yeah W oh yeah I almost forgot one more thing about dancing what is it that it's super fun oh yeah it's a blast thanks for answering my question Benjamin music makes us want to dance because our bodies want to match the beat it's a great way to connect with friends and it's so much fun upload in answer Debo who's ready for a dance off round two it's on dance on woo yeah [Music] woohoo okay Babble I spy with my little eye something that starts with j plenty of sea creatures start with j jackfish jelly mous fish even jewfish not now tabs I'm looking for a jfish oh it's jellyfish okay tabs your turn I spy a dolphin listen she's trying to communicate with us H I wonder how do dolphins communicate follow pursue Chase here we come little dolphin [Music] ooh wo it's so murky it's murky and hard to see because of all the sand floating in the water look out wow oh hey there blippy oh hey Larry this is Babble and tabs sorry we bonked into you that's all right it's all this sand floating around well I'm off to get my teeth cleaned see you later byebye how can the dolphin see in this murky water think think think oh I know the doph finished using echolocation Echo what echo location it's how some animals like dolphins and bats see objects by reflecting sh off oh yeah I'm going to need echolocation echolocation confirmed incredible amazing awesome we should try making clicks like the dolphin look the sound waves from the clicks are bouncing off the objects and coming back to us with information about how far and how big the objects are hey there's the dolphin we found [Music] her wait come back I didn't get to say hello that's it the Dolphin is using a signature whistle to tell you her name try mimicking her signature whistle to call her back all right she understood me hey it's me blippy and this is tabs and babble I think she wants to know your signature whistle so she can say your name in her language H how about wow what an amazing underwater adventure and I got the answer to my question how do dolphins communicate dolphins communicate with their signature whistles and chirps and they can also use clicks to navigate and tell what's ahead upload answer tabs yes precisely correct [Music] woohoo are you ready ma yeah blippy let's [Laughter] go four 3 2 1 do you want to have some fun let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun yeah yeah yeah let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun hey hey hey let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun yeah yeah yeah let's have fun in the sun b in the sun hey hey hey summer is here let's go and play I wonder what fun we'll have today let's play catch with a ball and glove summer is the season that I love we can Splash in the swimming pool come on Blue you can join in too I'm excited I can't wait just remember to hydrate let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun yeah yeah yeah let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun hey hey hey let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun yeah yeah yeah let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun Sun let's have some fun eating ice cream when the weather's hot please be careful or it will drop the creu is eating popsicles one for me please oh no watch out boom's got a brain freeze I like two scoops on my ice cream cone for Debo to instead of a phone I'm excited I can't wait just remember to hydrate let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun yeah yeah yeah let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun hey hey hey let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun yeah yeah yeah let's have fun in the sun in the sun hey Miss let's have some fun oh hey there Sun hey there blippy when you're shining it's so much fun H I wonder how do you shine so bright well I'm actually a big ball of gas which creates a lot of energy both heat and light wow that's so interesting okay upload answer Debo and let's go driving around in the blippy mobile me and Debo behind the wheel B in the sun playing on our speakers wind in our hair and feeling the Beet yeah summer is my favorite time of year the sun shines bright and the sky is clear I'm excited I can't wait just remember to hide let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun this is so much fun let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun we can dig the pool with our excavator let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun hey there let's have fun in the sun Fun in the Sun it's been so fun bye-bye a Italy what a cool country someone's got the tummy rumbles I am feeling hungry great idea Debo let's get an authentic Italian pizza did someone say pizza I'm paa Paran hey it's me blippy and this is ma and Debo hi paa we'd love a slice of pizza oh unfortunately I have some bad news I'm a sold out a but I could help you make a fresh pizza of your own yeah H I wonder how do you make pizza come on in all right I'm going to need the excavator arm and wings excavator arm wings confirmed shrinking down the blippy mobile is ready for [Music] adventure all right let's get this pizza started the first step is a kneading the do kneading means to press unfold the D like this this strengthens his structure woohoo W the next step is to stretch the dough until it's the proper Pizza shape everyone grab an edge one 2 [Applause] three look out W the next step is to cover our stretched out dough in the sauce all right wo the next step is to put on the [Music] cheese the sauce is hot lava [Laughter] wo now it's my favorite part choosing toppings that you love to make the best pizza ever how about mushrooms olives coming through our Smiling Pizza makes me smile me too it's time for the last step are you ready bleepy ready po time to bake the pizza but you have to be very careful the oven is a hot careful careful yeah delicioso thanks for answering my question Paula Pizza is made by kneading and stretching the dough adding Sauce Cheese and toppings and then baking it all in the oven upload answer Debo Chia for now CIA paa grazi for the pizza bye-bye [Music] fun in the sun here we come good idea tabs I should put some sunscreen on first oh no I can't find it h i wonder why do I have to wear sunscreen oh no is it really that important what are we going to do no no seor super sunscreen to the rescue wo hola amigos that means Hello friends hey it's me blippy and this is tabs here blippy hold out your hands okay even though sunlight is good for you we need to make sure you're protected Perfecto bipy all right now we can finally have some fun in the sun uh-oh hey there boom flppy you can't go play yet you missed the spot huh how can you tell here look through these special sunglasses I made W cool that's the sunscreen working to protect you the Sun gives off extra strong beams of light called ultraviolet rays even though you can't see ultraviolet rays too much can cause a sunburn what's this spot that's the spot you missed I hold out your hand [Music] bleepy all right oh no that person missed a spot too we must protect them with [Music] sunscreen to the blippy mobile go blippy go I'm going to need helicopter blades and the harness helicopter blades harness confirmed shrinking down the blippy mobile is ready for adventure save that sunbather from sunburn all right tabs let's protect some skin seor super sunscreen to the rescue more to the right tabs now left we did it throwing we nice job bleepy thanks for a super adventure scene your super sunscreen and I got the answer to my question why do I have to wear sunscreen I have to wear sunscreen because it protects our skin from the ultraviolet light of the sun which can cause sunburn upload answer tabs now who's up for some fun in the sun yeah [Music] yeah [Music] wooo ooh time for bed aw but we're having so much fun H I wonder why do we have to sleep hey it's me blippy and this is Benjamin and Debo well hello there are we all ready for a bedtime story not yet we need to go through my bedtime checklist first pajamas yeah check brush teeth check okay Mr book we ready our Slumber Saga Begins with two familiar friends looking for fun and Adventure Ribbit that sounds like Debo oh no it is Debo we got to save him blippy and Benjamin to the rescue Our Heroes could not begin their Adventure without a good night's sleep maybe we should rest first good idea blippy they soon found that sleep gave them the energy to scale any obstacle however Mighty wow I feel great look out Mountain here we come they danced and they leapt until they reached the top of the mountain we're coming Deo uhuh uhuh uh wa that was a close one maybe if we push the boulder in the hole we can walk across it but the energizing effects of sleep were starting to wear off it's no use maybe we should rest our daring Duo woke up with rested minds and strengthened bodies I feel stronger look we grew bigger too all right but there was one more obstacle for our Duo to tackle hi Bella would you mind moving so Debo can get down I don't want to move I'm grumpy I think Bella needs a nap let's all take a nap okay fine I feel great me too that nap made me happy woohoo time to Hula hoo that day blippy and his friends learned that sleep is the secret ingredient to happiness wow that was awesome and I got the answer to my question why do we have to go to sleep because it gives you energy makes you big and strong and makes you happy too upload answer Debo good night blippy Debo and Benjamin sleep [Music] [Applause] tight this is going to be the best English Feast ever I can't wait to make all my favorite foods from London England uh-oh are you okay tabs whoa tabs you look like a knight H I wonder what was it like to be a knight in shining armor great idea tabs we can go back in time to Medieval London and find [Music] out going back in time halt who goes there hey it's me blippy and this is Tabs are you a knight s Buttercup loyal Knight of Her Majesty's kennel so cool can you show us what a knight does of course I was just about to test the Castle's defense system which helps keep it safe my counterpart sir pudding will be assisting all right fire when ready wao oh was that a tomato probably the catapults are loaded with rotten fruit to fire at anyone who approaches the castle take cover look [Music] out oh who turned out the lights are you okay yes my armor is made of steel and can protect me from the most severe of boo boos good job sir pudding for this next test we will need to be very careful Follow Me Slowly now the moat is filled with terrible creatures so that Intruders can't get across terrible creatures they could attack at any moment you mean the little ducks oh yes who y a doggy dish sa pudding must be hungry but how can we get inside the castle walls are built very high to keep Intruders out I've got an idea follow me I'm going to need wings wings [Music] confirmed wa an English Feast I can see why you were protecting the castle oh s pudding what a wonderful idea thank you for your help I declare you sub blippy and Lady tabs wow what an honor and I got the answer to my question what was it like to be a knight in shining armor it was awesome Knights Protected Their castle and kept everyone safe upload answer tabs farewell bye-bye sir [Music] Buttercup I hope Grandpa blippy gets his birthday card in time H I wonder how does a letter get to where it needs needs to go great idea Debo we'll shrink down and follow the letters to find out I'm going to need wings wings confirmed shrinking down the blippy mobile is ready for adventure woohoo I wonder where all these letters and postcards are going wa hi there I'm Lana the letter hey hey it's me blippy and this is Debo Lana we're wondering how do letters like you get to where you need to go wo what's happening we're moving one step closer to our destinations just stick with [Music] me everybody hold on we're in for a bumpy ride Lana where are we going we're being transported wao to Grandpa Flippy's mailbox not just yet we're at the post office wo the post office so cool wao now it's time for us to get sorted sorted how first by size just think like a lad flippy H yeah once us letters and packages are sorted by size we are sorted to face the same way woo that tickles and then the letters are scanned for their stamps oh no but what if I don't have a stamp I got you covered yay wait where's Debo [Music] [Applause] he's probably enjoying the ride just like us [Applause] wo there you are Debo where are we going now to the mail [Applause] truck the truck takes every letter to the exact mailbox it needs to be delivered two so cool next stop Grandpa blippy house bye Lana thanks for helping us get around the post office bye blippy and [Music] Depot what do we got here a birthday card from blippy hot dog a he loves it and I got the answer to my question a letter gets to where it needs to go by being dropped in a mailbox transported to the post office sorted then delivered by a mail truck upload answer Debo [Music] woohoo easy careful now wao I'm hungry a this cereal is soggy H I wonder why does cereal get soggy great idea Debo we'll shrink down and find out I'm going to need Wings duck feet and the Grabber arms duck feet Grabber arm confirmed activate flippy [Music] station shrinking down the flippy mobile is ready for [Music] adventure you're right Diva it sure is hard attention who are you I'm scooper the spoon that's Sergeant scooper the spoon to you hey it's me flipp and this is deo we're here to learn why cereal gets soggy well you came to the best of the best these crunchy pieces of cereal are as hard as Nails the only problem is we got incoming milk in T minus 30 seconds what happens then the cereal gets all wet blippy at first it may seem like cereal is 100% solid but if you look closely it's actually Horus that means full of tiny little holes good idea Debo oh I'll go gather some Intel and you stay here on the lookout shrinking down [Music] again it's like a cave made of cereal all those holes you're flying through are open space for milk to fill and make the cereal soggy then it expands and falls apart milk in command wo the cereal is falling apart time to get out of here rowing up no time to float around we've got a Serial rescue mission to complete now that the milk has infiltrated the cereal we've got to scoop fast before the cereal gets saled we're on it Oh no I got it you see in the few minutes the cereal has been in milk it has absorbed the liquid through the holes a lot like how a sponge absorbs water with your help we got all the cereal out safely well done Toops thanks Sergeant scooper and I got the the answer to my question why does cereal get soggy cereal gets soggy when milk fills in the tiny holes of the cereal and causes it to expand and fall apart upload answer Deo goodbye blippy bye-bye Sergeant scooper thanks for the [Music] scoop what's making that sound oh it's a race car it's going so fast you're right the blippy mobile could never go that fast H I wonder why are race cars so much faster than regular cars good idea Debo we can go to the racetrack and find out I'm going to need race car tires race car tires confirmed activate flippy stations [Music] the flippy mobile is ready for adventure hi are you here to try out the race crack hey it's me blippy and this is deo we're actually here to find out why race cars are so much faster than regular cars hi I'm Ricardo let me show you a on the track Let's Race all right before we race I have a really important job for you Deo I need you to be the captain of the pit stop during the race I'll pull in ear so you can keep me in tiptop shape can you help out and do that job nice try Debo but what you'll be doing is gassing up my tank and swapping out my tires okay race time helmets on and buckle up wo I'm going really fast W I'm not even going as fast as I can only 180 mph now race cars are made out of a lighter material than regular cars plus my shape helps me race easier into the wind is called aerodynamic you and my blippy mobile are definitely different shapes Pit Stop Captain do your thing you can do it Deo Ricardo do you have special tires I do my tires are wider and softer than regular car tires so I can go even faster on this super hot track thanks Debo now you're even faster my powerful engine is five times stronger than a regular cars I can reach my top speed of a 220 mph see you out to the Finish Line [Music] blippy W I'm blown away but now I have the answer to my question question why are race cars so much faster than regular cars it's because race cars are aerodynamic and made out of a lighter material have special tires to race on the hot track and a super powerful race car engine upload answer Debo by bye Ricardo bye blippy bye Deo woo wow that bee sure seems busy and so does that one and that one too they're also busy h well except that one those bees are busy making honey H I wonder how do bees make honey yes let's go into the Beehive I'm going to need wings and the excavator arm Wings excavator arm confirmed activate blippy [Music] station the blippy mobile is ready for adventure now we just need to make like a bee and be tinier shrinking down you're right tabs the bee's tongue is in the flower hey hey it's me blippy this is tabs I was wondering how you make honey hey blippy I'm beon honey huh this is the place to be so I'm using my tongue to drink in this sweet nectar it's how we bees start to make honey okay time to buz into the Beehive follow me spoiler lots of bees working it's like a honey Factory in there Bean are they all chewing nectar sure are got to chew that's what we do chewing makes it thicker can't have runny honey I rhymed again and after you chew then you have honey no no there's more to show we chew then we swallow ah the nectar stays in our bellies becomes honey then we put it in the honey car the honeycomb yep we store the honey in the honeycomb maybe I can taste some [Music] honey oh dear this may look funny but flapping our wings is how we make thicker honey it's a bee thing wao yes tabs I have the answer to my question how do be make honey they get nectar from flowers chew it store it in their stomachs then put the honey in a honeycomb and flap their wings over it upload answer tabs bye ban thanks for being you bye woo yeah who I we love our cool flippy mobile you're right Debo our car does have amazing things H I wonder what were the first cars like good idea we can go way back in time to see one of the first cars I'm going to need helicopter blades helicopter blades confirmed activate flippy [Music] station [Music] going back in time the flippy mobile is ready for adventure we just traveled back over 100 years I wonder whose house this is it's mine my name is blippy yours hey it's me blippy wait are you my grand great grandpa I think I am come here future blippy great grandson Grandpa we're here to find out what the first cars were like good timing I'm about to take my first ever automobile for a drive hot dog isn't this a be really cool so how does it start this crank will make sparks that help start the engine the engine started yeah it looks like your car can only fit two people and no seat belts seat belts keep you safe hot dog seat belts okay let's go to the top of that [Music] Hill we made it knew we would now down we [Music] go oh no Deo W wo wo wo does the car have any brakes it sure does that was really cool hot dog and I have the answer to my question what were the first cars like you had to turn a crank to start it cars only had two seats and you pulled a hand lever for the breaks upload answer Deo bye great grandpa blippy happy and safe [Music] driving
Channel: Blippi Wonders - Educational Cartoons for Kids
Views: 808,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baby Songs, Blippi, Blippi Toys, Educational Videos for Kids, Educational videos for toddlers, Nursery Rhymes, animals, babies, baby videos, blippi cartoon, blippi wonders, cartoons for kids, children, children learning, education, home school, kids, kids cartoon, kids learning videos, kids songs, kids tv, kids video, learn, learn colors, learn numbers, learn shapes, learning, preschool, toddler songs, toddlers, vehicles, videos for kids, videos for toddlers, wash your hands
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 24sec (3564 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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