Blippi Learns How to Make Bubbles! | Blippi Wonders Educational Cartoons for Kids

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yeah activate Blimpie station it's time to get up and shout I wonder what we'll learn about for a quiet Drive attack of the bubbles [Music] pop when you touch them hmm I wonder how do you make bubbles great idea we'll follow the bubbles to find out I'm gonna need wings wings confirmed activate blippi station [Music] foreign [Music] the bubbles are from the car wash let's give it a walk [Music] hi hook good boy I'm Marvin Marvin bubbly hey it's me blippi and this is Debo we're here to learn how to wait a second are you a pop star oh sure am my mom loves you thank you thank you very much you're far too kind so what are you here to learn Evo and I are here to learn how Bubbles are made so glad you asked the surfaces of bubbles are soft which makes them pop easily that reminds me we need more Bubbles and I know just the fella to show you how hmm me guess it's me come on [Music] the first step is to get water then we need some soap to mix with it and poop voila you make bubbles and look how they float us bubbles can float like that because we're just air that's trapped inside a thin layer of soapy water oh so bubbles are made by blowing air into soap soap that's right which reminds me let's make some more Bubbles and I know just a fella to show you how it is me just to dip your hands in the water get them sad stuffed up on the soap make a circle with your hands and blow oh it's bigger than you check this out [Music] Catch Me If You Can I've got new heights to reach [Music] keep flying high Marvin and thanks for helping me get the answer to my question how are bubbles made they're made when air gets trapped inside a thin layer of soapy water upload answer Devo bye-bye Marvin bye bye blippi bye bye everyone [Music] all those adorable penguins penguins look at them sliding under and waddling around wow I think those penguins are flying wait a minute those aren't penguins you're right Tebow I don't see any Penguins flying hmm I wonder can penguins fly I'm gonna need duck feet and flippers duck Feet flippers confirmed activate blippi station [Music] stringy down the blippi mobile is ready for adventure whoa hey it's me blippi and this is Debo ER wondering can penguins fly hi blippi I'm pepper I'm really wanna fly I just need to find the elusive Shimmer stripe Iceberg the Shimmer stripe Iceberg yeah it's the biggest Iceberg around once I find it I think I'll finally be able to fly come on let's go I prefer tobogganing over waddling it's much faster [Music] I'm gonna catch some serious air watch this yay [Music] pepper almost got it we just need to find the Shimmer stripe Iceberg then I really should be able to fly let's do it foreign [Music] not this one no Shimmer Stripes here whoa where could it be whoa It's the Shimmer stripe Iceberg yeah here we go whoa come on Debo yeah all right are you ready to catch some serious air we were born ready yeah oh yeah whoa whoa hey dudes [Music] did you see that I guess it's not the same as flying but we did catch some serious air pepper you're soaring I am you're right I can really soar underwater hello and I got the answer to my questions Penguins can't fly but they're gray swimmers they also have flippers instead of wings which help them swim through the water upload answer Depot I'm gonna go catch some serious waves now bye dudes bye pepper [Music] you're right Debo the snow has blocked the blippi mobile I wonder how are we gonna get out of here whoa oh look oh yeah I'm an excavator [Music] snowy excavator and did you know I'm an excavator see you see you later snowy excavator you're right Evo it would be fun to join you at the top here we go [Music] whoa so cruel I've got a place where the workers said it's called a cab where they control the bucket to scoop and drag I'm a Drifters [Music] do you ever sleep for sleep excavators [Music] that's right Debo the leaves have almost fallen off the trees that means winter is coming whoa that is a big bear it looks like it's ready to hibernate that's when bears slow down in the winter and rest kinda like a bunch of long naps hmm I wonder how do bears prepare for hibernation I'm gonna need the excavator arm excavator arm confirmed activate blippi station [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] nice hula hoop moves you got there I'm Bella the bear hey it's me blippi and this is Debo we're wondering how Bears prepare for hibernation is it that time already it's almost winter oh no I've been having so much fun this summer I totally forgot to prepare I'm gonna have to move fast hey could you help me of course thank you thanks blippi I've got quite a checklist I'm gonna have to eat a lot of healthy food and fast so I can bulk up my fat and fruit to keep me warm fish is one of my favorite foods [Applause] voila oh right eating oh thanks blippi I'll also need to load up on berries don't you need to eat the berries oh thanks Tebow all right we're making progress but now for the tough part we need to dig in the ground to find roots to eat [Applause] I know just the thing to speed up the process [Music] nice work well excuse me um delish oh I just need one more thing to keep me warm what is it I need an extra layer to keep warm in my cave pine needles the Bear version of a big blanket that looks extra cozy I'm all ready for hibernation and I couldn't have done it all in one day without your help I think we made it just in time thanks for answering my question Bella Bears prepare for hibernation by eating a lot of healthy food and warming their dens in order to stay comfy in the winter months upload answer Debo have a great sleep Bella bye blippi oh take care of my hula hoop till summer Depot easy careful now oh I'm hungry ah this cereal is soggy hmm I wonder why does cereal get soggy great idea Debo we'll shrink down and find out I'm gonna need Wings duck feet and the Grabber arms duck feet grab her arm confirmed activate stations [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] that's Sergeant scoop of the spoon to you hey it's me blippi and this is Debo we're here to learn why cereal gets soggy well you came to the best of the best these crunchy pieces of cereal are as hard as Nails the only problem is we got incoming milk and tea minus 30 seconds what happens then the cereal gets all wet blippi at first it may seem like cereal it's 100 solid but if you look closely it's actually Horus that means full of tiny little holes good idea Debo all go gather some Intel and you stay here on the lookout shrinking down again [Music] it's like a cave made of cereal cereal all those holes you're flying through are open spikes for milk to fill and make the cereal soggy then it expands and falls apart [Music] milk and come in [Music] the cereal is falling apart time to get out of here no time to float around we've got a Serial rescue mission to complete now that the milk has infiltrated the cereal we've got to scoop fast before the cereal gets sounded we're honest you see in the few minutes the cereal has been in milk it has absorbed the liquid through the hole I'm not like how a sponge absorbs water with your help we got all the cereal out safely well done troops thanks Sergeant scooper and I got the answer to my question why does cereal get soggy cereal gets soggy when milk fills in the tiny holes of the cereal and causes it to expand and fall apart upload answer Depot goodbye blippi bye-bye Sergeant scooper thanks for the scoop oh that was a gigantic truck you're right Debo I think that was a monster truck hmm I wonder what makes a monster truck special good idea we can catch up with that monster truck and find out I'm gonna need monster truck wheels monster truck wheels confirmed activate blippi stations [Music] whoa Debo you have the monster truck wheels attachment you're like a monster truck all right let's ride Diva the monster truck is ready for adventure [Music] gosh crash hey it's me blippi and this is Devo you really crushed that car hi blippi I'm Megan so Megan we're here to find out what makes a monster truck special cool well I think the best way to answer your question is to show you what I do great you see I'm a monster truck with big tall monster tires I'm 13 feet tall wow let's do this all right [Applause] look we can't bounce as high as you Megan and oh boy we're almost tipping over well I have heavy duty suspension just special range so I can bounce way up and down and not tumble over I use them when I race and have competitions welcome aboard flippy buckle up it's time to dominate the obstacle course wow this is awesome how can you turn and zigzag so fast I have something called for real steering so I can turn all four wheels at once instead of just two wheels like a lot of regular checks us monster trucks are built for short high-powered force of speed [Music] I nailed that Megan that was amazing and I have the answer to my question what makes a monster truck special monster trucks are a special kind of truck with big tires heavy duty suspension and four-wheel steering upload answer Debo [Music] [Music] all right let's have a picnic there are a bunch of ants tabs and they're all walking together hmm I wonder why do ants walk in a line good idea tabs we can shrink down to ant size and find out I'm gonna need spider legs spider legs confirmed activate flippy station [Music] down [Music] the blippi mobile is ready for adventure [Music] hi y'all welcome I'm Anita and this is my group of amazing hands hey hey it's me blippi and this is tabs Anita we're here to find out why ants walk in a line well jump on in our line and find out we're going to get snacks for a big old potluck back home thank Anita sounds yummy you betcha well hi America oh my that snack you have looks delish where'd you find the food a heap of thanks for the info Maribel we ants exchange information through our antennas let's go y'all oh nice birdie whoa hello hello Anita hello we're here right back on the trail Sweet Pea there's a trail I don't see it you can't see it because it's a smell when we walk we drop a sand and the Ants behind us smell it using their aunt's hitters so ants have antennas instead of noses oh look your antennas are twitching that's right my antennas are a twitching because they send something tasty in this direction careful y'all bumpy road ahead Anita led us right back to our picnic blanket my word okay ants let's get some food remember Teamwork Makes the Dream Work [Music] whoa grapes are good walnuts yum cheese and crackers I'm tickled pink [Music] I can't believe that ants can lift all that yes sir we ants can carry more than 10 times our own body weight okay y'all let's hop on that trail and follow the scent back home just like Follow the Leader now I have the answer to my question why do ants walk in a line ants walk in a line because the ant in front drops a trail of smells behind her and the other ants follow it upload answer tabs bye Anita great to be in the line with y'all bye-bye blippi it's a garbage truck I can see it and smell it too wow tabs even you think it's stinky and you're a robot wait where's that buzzing sound coming from oh lies hey those flies just flew into the garbage truck I wonder why do flies love garbage good idea tabs we can go into the garbage truck to find out the answer I'm gonna need wings please confirmed activate flippy station [Music] the blippi mobile is ready for adventure let's go find out why flies love garbage shrinking down hold your breath tabs we're going in the garbage truck welcome I'm Harish the fly looks like your first time here hi horse it's me blippi this is my first visit to a garbage truck little stinky huh not for me I love smells follow me I'll show you around this place is like my playground oh what you whoopsies sorry about that hey Horace why do flies love garbage because it's delicious and garbage makes me fly we've got stinky beans holy cheese greasy pizza boxes and even leftover mystery Marsh sorry must be the pain I could give you a ride to the nearest garden or fly restaurant Horus where are you doing everything's coming up garbage oh it's a cake oh no that was not cake still good though got a dash and eat all the trash Horus has more energy now aha which means I think I have the answer to why flies like garbage it's because they love the smell and they find food there that's so silly upload answer tabs yes sir bit me for me a garbage truck is a 24 7 all I can eat a restaurant go Horus thanks cheers Flippy it's so hot out today but my popsicle is melting down my hand hmm I wonder why do popsicles melt down my hand what's that Tabs go into that ice cream truck and ask an expert that's a great idea I'm gonna need Wings the excavator arm and duck feet Wings excavator arm duck feet confirmed activate blippi station [Music] the blippi mobile is ready for adventure let's go find out why my popsicle always melts down my hand shrinking down [Music] I'm in the ice cream truck [Music] hi welcome to my neighborhood a Sherry pop glad you popped in hi Sherry it's me blippi I was wondering why my popsicle always melts down my hand oh I know that one but first let's have some Frozen fun all right we're ice cream boarding we're sprinkle fighting [Music] I'm chocolate fudge sparkly Sherry are you melting yes I'm melting because I'm very warm but I'll go cool off in the freezer and I'll be fine in a sec ice cold how's it going in there Sherry it's freezy Breezy now I'm all set whoa it looks super freezing in there yep it's cool to be cold when you're a frozen dessert like me my ideal temperature is 32 degrees Fahrenheit 0 degrees celsius if I keep cool like that then I won't melt good to know I see you're like my popsicle from earlier when it was out of the freezer and In the Heat of the blippi mobile it melted on me sounds like your Popsicle should have come for a visit you're right which means we have the answer to my question why my popsicle melts down in my hand it's because popsicles will melt if they get too warm that's why we keep them in the freezer upload answer tabs Sherry thank you for a totally tasty Adventure it was so cool stay cool flippy bye bye [Music]
Channel: Blippi Wonders - Educational Cartoons for Kids
Views: 2,433,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, Blippi Toys, Nursery Rhymes, kids songs, toddlers, children, kids, preschool, learn colors, learn shapes, learn numbers, learning, learn, Educational Videos for Kids, Educational videos for toddlers, kids learning videos, wash your hands, home school, kids video, baby videos, kids cartoon, videos for kids, education, children learning, Baby Songs, toddler songs, babies, kids tv, animals, vehicles, videos for toddlers, blippi wonders, blippi cartoon, cartoons for kids
Id: v7LPexQz3us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2023
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