Hallelujah Broadway
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Channel: MindTheGapFilms
Views: 99,283
Rating: 4.7609196 out of 5
Keywords: Linda, Eder, Anthony, Kearns, Elder, Rodrick, Dixon, Alfreda, Burke, Hallelujah, Broadway, Gavin, Murphy, Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Choir, Orchestra, Showtunes, Show, Tune, Prague, Church, St, Simon, Jude, Singing, Opera, Classical, waltz, broadway, Rock, Stage, Amazing, Talented, Voice, Theatre, Musical, Sing, Star, Godspell, Oklahoma, Right, This, Way, Gold, Camille, Claudel, West, Side, Story, tuba, Sound, Of, Music, Billy, Elliot, Rent, Chorus, Line, Les, Miserables, Carousel, Jekyll, Hyde, Jesus, Christ, Superstar, Medley, Wicked, inspirational, concert, gospel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 23sec (5723 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 02 2011
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