BBC Proms 2012 John Wilson on Broadway

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becoming one of the most eagerly anticipated nights at the Proms the annual appearance of John Wilson and his hand-picked show-stopping orchestra since 2009 they raised the roof here with concerts celebrating MGM musicals Rodgers and Hammerstein and last year we had hooray for Hollywood but this year they're leaving America's West Coast and taking us to New York to Broadway John's magic is to recreate that authentic glamorous sound of the Broadway stage taking us back to the golden days of George Gershwin Richard Rodgers Cole Porter and Leonard Bernstein with him on stage tonight are his orchestra led by Warren velinski and the Meadowvale singers waiting backstage are some seriously starry soloists so take your seats sit back and join us in this celebration of the composers arrangers singers and instrumentalists who created he is the man John Wilson joining his own Orchestra to start this evening's confident style with the overture to George Gershwin's musical funny face [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] parents funny-face arranged by John Rose and played by John Wilson and his orchestra [Applause] [Music] call them on Ralph's on stage everybody I want to thank you all the fine spirits you shone all through rehearsals now that'll be a game down from New York don't let that worry you this is a tryout and I know we're gonna make a hell of a show out of the shrew that's wrong we owe it to Shakespeare not to mention the other six guys have been sitting up Mike's rewriting him that's all thank you not truly the show in film Boston or Baltimore a chance for stage folks to say hello another ruffling garble of the show ah job that you hope blast who make your future forget your past another pain where the ulcers go another opening of another show for weeks you rehearse and rehearse three weeks and it couldn't be worse one week well it never be right then out of a hat it's that big first night overture is about to start you cross your fingers and hold your heart its curtain time and away we go another opening table another show [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you rehearsing reverts three weeks and it couldn't be worse while we will and ever be right with a nada manhunt it's been reversed nights mature release about to start you cross your fingers and hold your heart it's time [Music] Hannah Jane Casey with another opinion a no-show from Cole Porter's most successful never show Kiss Me Kate [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I drift along with my friends sometimes I thank my lucky stars my heart is there times I wonder where's the mate [Music] so it's riff do it for your mother see sometimes finds a shelter so somewhere that shorty must be a harbor meant hi sometimes I find my lucky stars my hearties times I wonder oh how do you do do you live here oh no no I'm just a Wayfarer along the river so my which way are you going either way which way you going anywhere Papa give shows are you a player you mean like on the piano yes I play a little Oh was that you I heard just now yes that was me oh what a pity [Music] what did you say mister oh when I asked if you were a player I meant are you an actress no but I'd give anything if I could be why well because you can make believe so many wonderful things that never happen in real life wonderful things do happen well this this very day I was standing here on the levee and feeling blue and suddenly I looked often oh I must go why well we see you're talking to me and I don't know you does that really matter so much no not to me but they say it isn't nice if you like to make-believe things why can't we make believe we know each other oh yes and we haven't seen each other in 75 years and you're my long-lost nephew there's a scene like that in the play called the village drunkard no no 75 years is too long besides I don't think I like the idea of being your nephew let us imagine we've we just met but we really have yes but let's just suppose we've fallen in love at first sight [Music] only make-believe fathers find peace of mind [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your pardon height was too much to say a word [Music] the sweet dreams are more romantic the more do we see I miss the things we dream our vows on happened [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] judge would like to see now before nothing serious but I reckon you better come along and talking to him if you excuse me ma'am I hope to see you again in a little while [Music] [Music] Oh Joe did you see that young man I was just talking to morning miss Nolan yeah I've seen him I've seen a lot like him on the river he was such a gentleman have you seen Miss Julie I gotta tell her I gotta ask her what she thinks [Music] very asked all with what he thinks he knows about everybody he knows about everything [Music] there's an old man called the Mississippi that's the old man dead I'd like to be what does he care if the world's got troubles what does he care if the [Music] oh man river that won't man River he must know something but don't say nothing he turns his Road he gives all wrong [Music] is he tall and and and a bladder me [Music] jeez [Music] you ended with wet pants terrain for Lincoln with tote that barge this death bear baguettes a little drunk [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] before that make-believe Sun by Sierra Boggess and Julian oven day from door opens showboats we'll either you're closing your eyes to a situation you do not wish to acknowledge or you are not aware of the caliber of disaster indicated by the presence of a pool table in your community well you got trouble my friends right here I say trouble right here in River City why sure I'm a pool player certainly mighty proud to say I'm always mighty proud of saying I can send it up the hours I spend with a cue in my hand or golden Dumpty call debate horse sense and a cool head and a keen eye never take to try to give an ironclad leave to yourself from a free rail billiard shots but just as I say it takes judgment brains and maturity to score at a buck line game I say that any fool can take and shove a ball and a pocket and I call that sloth the first big step on the road to the depths of degradation I say first medicinal wine from a tea spoon then beer from a bottle and the next thing you know your son is playing for money in a pinch back suits and listening to some big outta town Jasper here to tell about horse race gambling not a wholesome truck race no but a race where they set down right on the horse like to see some stuck-up jockey boy sitting on dan patch make your blood boil well I should say now friends let me tell you what I mean you got one two three four five six pockets in a table pockets that mark the difference between a gentleman and a bum with a capital B and that rhymes with P and that stands for pool and all week low and your River City youthful B frittering away I say your young men will be frittering frittering away their new times suffer too the short time to hit the ball on the pocket never mind getting Daniel inés pole to the screen or patch to the beefsteak pounded never mind pumping any water till your parents are caught with a cistern empty on a Saturday night then that's trouble oh you got lots and lots of trouble jung-hwan speaking in the fool all the window after school you got trouble folks right here in her to city trouble with a capital T and that rhymes with P and n stands for pool now I know all of you folks are the right kind of parents I'm gonna be perfectly frank would you like to know what kind of conversation goes on while the moping around that hall to be trying out people trying out Cubans trying out tailor-mades like cigarette feeds and brag and all about how they're gonna cover up a telltale breath with sense and one fine night they leave the pool heading for the dance of the armory liberty men install equip and ragtime grab your son your daughter with the arms of a jungle animal instinct masked area the idle brain is the devil's playground trouble with a capital T in that rhymes with P and that stands for pool we've surely got trouble city gotta figure out a way to keep the young ones moral after school mothers of River City heed that warning before it's too late watch for the tell-tale signs of corruption the miniature Sun leaves the house does he read buckle his knickerbockers below the knee if there are nicotine stain on his index finger a dime novel hidden in the corn crib is he starting to memorize jokes from captain Billy's whiz bang are certain words creeping into his conversation words like like swell ah and social role man well if so my friends [Music] the main trouble with me [Music] Family Guy himself Seth MacFarlane with you got trouble from Meredith Willson's The Music Man [Applause] [Music] [Music] my one night I was [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] made of all thing seeing that shimmering walls Rogers amounts the boys from Syracuse [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I touch [Music] my looked or not your [Music] I like [Music] are you softer than sweet music are you [Music] and fill my heart [Music] [Applause] the younger than springtime [Music] and when you're you enjoy my arms and fill my heart [Music] Julia Normandin singing that number from South Pacific and some lieutenant cable is poleaxed by beautiful young yet [Applause] [Music] I figured it out I figured it out we the pencil and the pad I figured it out seven and a half cents dozen by a hell of a lot a seven and a half cents doesn't mean a thing but give it to me every 40 hours every week that's enough for me to be living like a king I figured it out the pencil and the pad I figured it out only five years from today only five years from today I can see it all before me only five years today let's see five years that's 260 weeks times 40 hours every week at roughly two and a quarter hours over time at time and a half for overtime comes to exactly eight hundred and fifty two dollars and seventy four cents that's enough for me to get an automatic washing machine a year's supply of gasoline carpeting for the living room not to mention a 40 inch television set so [Music] actually not I figured a pencil and a pad I figured it out only ten years from today only ten years from the day I can see it clear as daylight only ten years from today ten years now let's see that's five hundred and twenty weeks times forty hours every week at roughly two and a quarter hours overtime at time and a half for overtime comes to exactly one thousand six hundred and five dollars and forty eight cents that's enough to meet my trip to France across the seas motorboat with water skis maybe even a [Music] [Music] only 20 years from today 20 years [Music] [Music] 20 years now let's see that's 1040 weeks times 40 hours every week at roughly two and a quarter hours over time at time and a half all the time comes to exactly 96 cents that's enough for me to be a sultan in the Taj Mahal in every room a different dog [Laughter] [Music] [Music] since when the pajama gave any show about a strike Cobras sipping enough scent wage rise at a pajama Factory song by Seth MacFarlane and Anna Jane Casey [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the climactic ballets slaughter on tenth Avenue from the Rogers and Park classic on your toes performed by the electrifying John Wilson orchestra at fabulous orchestration by Don Walker written for the show's Broadway revival in 1954 Broadway musicals have given us some of the finest tunes in the Great American Songbook one fan completely smitten is the offensively multi-talented Seth MacFarlane most famous as the creator of the hugely successful cartoon Family Guy we spoke to say and to conductor John Wilson in rehearsal this era was was sort of the peak of high musicality in the in America that the 40s through the early 60s that was when orchestras and composers really captured the best of what an orchestra could do it's just a pleasure to listen to because it constantly surprises you it doesn't just give you the same three chords over and over if it's playing the same tune repeatedly it's gonna find a different way to express it and orchestrate it the Broadway sound to me is the sound of the arrangers it's very unusual for a composer of theater music however distinguished whether it's a a Cole Porter or Stephen Sondheim to do his own orchestration Jerome Kern Porter Gershwin would write the tunes but they would all be clothed in the orchestral colors by a handful of the top guys on Broadway Seth is an authentic big band style singer and there are very few of those around John's drummer Matt Matt Skelton was a Family Guy fan and so he was aware of the kind of music that we had done on the shows and he said to John you know I think this I think this guy might be somebody who kind of gets what we do and you know Johnson you know this this this American I don't know I'll have to see proof that's how he first came to my attention I heard him saying the things we did last summer is the dog in the cartoon show and I thought that's first-rate singing John and I hit it off immediately and and you know we both are obsessed with great old orchestrations this orchestra's able to capture the dialect of the older orchestras that play this music originally each player is the best at what they do say you have this sort of you know as you say fantasy football league of musicians [Music] you want to be facing the other way you're Bacchus to the orchestra and you're performing and really it just got if only there were a way to do this where you could actually face these guys and be enveloped by that by that sound but of course that would that would ruin the show just a couple of minutes until we begin the second part of tonight's concert and with just one week to go until the end of this 2012 season of BBC Proms a reminder that this year for the very first time you'll be able to watch the last night of the Proms in 3d either on the BBC HD channel or in cinemas across the country will also be here on BBC Two and BBC One and on BBC Radio 3 of course that's next Saturday evening starting at half-past seven lots more still to come tonight if you'd like to take a look at tonight's program booklet don't forget it is available online at the prompt website lots of information there about all the music we're hearing as well as full details of all the members of the fabulous John Wilson Orchestra and made avail singers and here he comes conductor John Wilson for the second part of tonight's concert [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's me does ask me month of May that don't remember when everyone goes blissfully Australia China it's here that shocking time of year when tons of week it's it's that gorgeous holiday when every made and praised it'll add will be a comedy it's my its game lifeless display those [Music] sweet feelings does it send transmute when's this perfect [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] bringing with [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Sierra Boggess singing the lux T month of May from Camelot a musical by alan jay lerner and Frederick Larry Nathan that is the biggest most unforgivable lie you have ever told me it's true I promise you you promised me this you promised me that you promised me everything under the Sun that you give me a kiss and you're grabbing your hand you're off to the races again when I think of the time lawyer what can you do me I love you give a holler and hate me hate me go ahead hate me I was a fool all right already all right already so yeah so sue me sue me what can you do you damn look here you gamble it there you gamble on everything all except me I'm sticking you keeping me up in the Angela get back in the money again when I think of the time I think of the way [Music] serve a paper and sue me sue me what can you do me I love you give a holler and hate me go ahead beat me up in jail don't come to me to bail you alright already [Applause] what can you do [Music] you're at it again you're running the game and I'm not gonna play second fiddle to that not stinking I'm tired of strolling around I'm telling you I'm through when I think of the time shoot bullets through me [Music] the great Guys and Dolls Seth MacFarlane is Nathan Detroit and Anna Jane cases the Wilma fiance from is Adelaide [Music] like a perfume woman wind blows in the bunkhouse like a perfumed woman smelling of where she's been smelling of Oregon cherries or maybe Texas avocado or maybe Arizona's sugar bee the wind blows in [Music] and she sings to me cuz I'm one of her rambling kin she see [Music] Joey Joey [Music] Julie Julie Chu you've been too long in one place and it's time to go time to go Joey Joey Joey Joey [Music] travel on in two in one town and the harvest times come and gone that's what the way in the sea when the bunk have been bucket in gets to feelin too soft and cozy when the food they've been cooking me gets to taste into good when I've had all I want of the ladies in the neighborhood [Music] we Joey Joey [Music] we [Music] you've been too long in one place and it's time to go time too [Music] oh joy Joey Joel [Music] seth macfarlane with Joey Joey Joey from Frank letters the most happy fella [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] shimmering score from on the town the story of those three sailors on 24-hour shore leave in New York City that was the imaginary Coney Island ballet section the moment where the Sailor gay be played by Gene Kelly pulls asleep on a subway [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] entirely deparment's at a time and winter [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Llewelyn Rodney Alcala singing bets who is my woman now from George Gershwin's great fusion of American opera and Broadway musical Bobby and that [Applause] mr. X may we ask you a question it's amazing is it not that the city pays you slightly less than 50 bucks a week yet you purchased a private yacht I am positively Arana must be joking I have done smoking and I put my extra mister why we be told you don't feel well and we know you've lost your voice but we wonder how you managed on the salary you make to acquire a new Rolls Royce you're implying I'm a crook and I say no sir there is nothing in my past I care to hide I've been taking empty bottles to the grocer and each nickel that I got was blossom [Music] [Music] [Music] mr. Z you're a junior official and your incomes rather low yet you've kept a dozen women and the very best hotels would you kindly explain how so I can see your honor doesn't pull his punches and it seems a trifle fishy I'll admit but for one whole week I went without my lunches and it mounted up your run a bit by bit [Music] [Music] there is something delectable almost respectable Richards David found there's a goth are three that was innocent box to Fiorello by Jerry Bock and Sheldon Harnick [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you will [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come home beautiful song from one of Rodgers & Hammerstein's less well-known musical Allegra [Music] don't tell me not to live just simple flex can be on the sons of all don't bring around a clown tell me not to fly but some people to if someone takes us [Music] your turn at that at least I didn't fake it so I guess I didn't make it good whether I'm the rose of sheer public or freckle on the nose of life's compression [Music] you see I gotta have my bike get ready for me to love cuz imma come I simply got a March my hearts of drama don't bring around a club I know how [Music] [Music] ha [Applause] what turn that bet so at least I didn't fake it sir I guess I didn't make it get ready for me love cuz imma come buy something or watch my heart's body [Music] [Applause] don't rain on my parade look funny go the role made famous by Barbra Streisand [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you bought the cake walk back into style [Music] [Applause] you made the weeping we'll treat your skin is tipsy satin there's a rebel in your matter and your speech comes from old Manhattan but George's never had a suite of rooms [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] who not the south will rise again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] from Jerry Herman's hit show of the same name Lindsay Benson and Heather came for us with spoilers there but the whole of Carlos's Orchestra and the cast really Elizabeth Llewellyn Julian Ovenden Sierra Boggess Seth MacFarlane and a Jane Casey Rodney Alcala and the loudest Cherryville for Joe Wilson and you can hear the sound of stamping and clapping here in the Royal Albert Hall as he brings his orchestra to their feet and the made of ale singers who have done such a brilliant job their director Christopher D John Wilson coming back to the stage - I'm suspect give us another little encore not before though he brings that they internal to their people at least food we got there we've got Howard Miguel the clarinet and saxophone principal trombone Gordon Campbell we've got Michael Love at the principal trumpet Matt Skelton on drums we've got him to thank for bringing Seth MacFarlane and Joe Wilson together health string sections led by Warren szalinski and special sharing that the vendor section I now teach others the double bassist [Music] tap neutral way you bounced check your mom babe your troubles away [Applause] Hey [Music] [Applause] see each like whooping of Mary Jane's the boss just gave me their taxes [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] door [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the boats at door there's a bluebird keep your client [Music] on the nothing a goal by Jerry featuring the era critical a DJ KC maybe best thing bye Josh Prince suppose the job rose and ultra strap [Applause] I'm afraid it's good tonight if you'd like to find out more about I loved information about them on the BBC Proms website just one week of bronze less this year every one of them of course live on BBC radio on Friday night before our last night celebrations next Saturday evening here on BBC Two and BBC one and in 3d on the BBC HD channel our troubles away I do hope you've enjoyed this evening sponsor as much as everybody here in the hall good night you
Channel: ohmusicsweetmusic
Views: 652,216
Rating: 4.8367348 out of 5
Keywords: BBC Proms
Id: vGqdHXLr04I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 37sec (7117 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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