BBC Proms 2011 Hooray for Hollywood

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[Music] [Applause] good evening and welcome to the Royal Albert Hall for an evening of unashamed glitz and the glamour as the BBC Proms celebrate the Golden Age of Hollywood musicals in their heyday the film studios employed some of the great Tunes myths and musicians of the day and the songs they wrote were made famous by legendary stars like Judy Garland and Gene Kelly and of course the incomparable Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers tonight those songs have been lovingly and expertly recreated by Geordie conductor John Wilson and he's gonna whisk us back in time to an era when glamorous heroines and handsome heroes danced and sang their way to happiness so dust off your dancing shoes brush off your tails and get ready for an evening of glorious Technicolor for the ears here is conductor John Wilson to get tonight's prom underway with his own beret the Hollywood overture a whistle-stop tour through movie musicals including tunes for a George Gershwin Johnny Mercer Harry Warren and Jerome Kern [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] led by andrew hadron with the orchestra on stage are the maida vale singers and waiting backstage our six international soloists ready to conjure up a little focal stardust in the heart a little ol New York you'll find a thoroughfare it's the part alone New York that runs into Times Square a crazy quilt back if you got a little time to spare I'd like to take you there come and me those dancing feet it's the animal I'm taking you to 42nd Street near the beat of dancing feet it's the song I love the melody of 42nd Street little nip then the fifties and that's about sweet sexy ladies from the Andes who are in the street side by side there Laura pod well the underworld will be the elite party [Music] [Music] let me know that's it me [Music] one second stream dancing [Music] 40 seconds [Music] Notty [Music] adilyn BG singing 42nd Street now when Frederick Austerlitz teamed up with Virginia McMath musical magic was formed step forward Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers [Applause] [Music] I just got an invitation through the mail your presence requested this evening its formal top hat white tie and Tails nothing now could take the wind out of my because I'm invited to step out this evening in top hat white time sales or good nama top tine up a white tie rushing off my tails dude love my shirt in front what man the shirt studs polishing my name I'm stepping up my dear to breathe an atmosphere that simply weeks with the class and I trust that you'll excuse my dust when I step on the gas for I'll be there putting down my top time applied time dancing in my tail [Music] ah Romans window [Music] my friend this is we should be like a couple of hot I'm a newsman [Music] you I've never must the priests in a booth search I never have a chance this is of fine romance my good fellow you would take Romans I'll take jello your karma seals in the ocean [Music] they're pins to express emotions a romance with no quarrels with no way insults and all your justice [Music] someday when I'm awfully low and the world is cold I will feel a glow just speaking of you and the way you look but you're lovely with your smile so warm and your cheeks awesome there is nothing for me but you love you just the way you look [Music] [Applause] with each word your tenderness grows tearing my fears a pas [Music] that wrinkles you know touches my foolish [Music] lovely never never change keep that ciao [Music] cuz I love you just the way you look too [Music] we are were a hundred to one against me for both the heights would you either people from Missouri never and sends me oh I wasn't a bit concerned far from history I am how many many times the word [Music] they all laugh to Christopher Columbus when he said the world was round they all laugh when Edison regarded south they all laughed Wilbur and they told my girl it's the same got me want you said I was reaching for the moon you paint room now they change their tune they all said we never would be happy but now they'll let the Rockefeller Center now the fightin to get him they all laughed the Whitney Anna's cotton gin they all left the footmen steamboat hurt Stannis chocolate bar for Dennis's he kept the lapis busy that's how people want in you said it would be hello you came through now they're eating humble pie they all said we'd never get together [Music] [Applause] drop that longface come on have your flame why keep nursing the blue if you want this whole world on the strain put on your dancing shoes stop wasting time put on your dancing shoes shall be danced or keep on MoBay shall we dance and walk on air shall we give in to despair or shall we dance with never a care life is short we're growing older don't you not all so bad you've got against the lady dance little man dance better for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] they all said remember get together they let the nos and ha ha ho ho [Music] [Applause] thereby math import and flair to [Music] must have music in the lab or everybody loves a bad bro rousing melody is a toy an inspiration a hundred million folks agree that a children's they're a nation so music master take the MA our hearts will be to greet the bird [Music] Oh [Music] wrong have you swing [Music] that [Music] [Music] [Music] here as we stand to the man he's the man oh man [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you never know just how much I miss you you'll never know just how much like [Music] ha [Applause] you you went away [Music] I'll speak your name [Music] to Peru I swear I do you'll never know [Music] speak your name [Music] every breath [Music] to prove that I swear [Music] never know [Music] Sara Fox with a medley of songs and wartime musicals when the likes of George Gershwin Jerome Kern and Mary Warren were writing to boost national morale [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe it was the music or the glamorous sky of blue maybe it was the mood I was in or maybe it was really you really this was doing [Music] the world was fine as far as I could tell and then quite suddenly I saw you and I dreamed of him at dawn I'll wake up singing sentimental [Music] daily dance I taste the wine of real romancing now somehow this crazy world has taken one a wonderful design as long as life indoors it's yours this heart of mine [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] singing this heart of mine a song written especially with Fred Astaire ethical policy the John Wilson Orchestra conducted of course by John Wilson John Wilson will return to the stage in a few minutes for the second half of tonight's prom he first fell in love with film musicals as a young boy watching Saturday afternoon matinees on television at home in gay said an antidote to endless sports success this is the third time he's bought the magic of musicals to the proms and his fascination and admiration remains a lifelong passion the enduring appeal of these movie musicals for me is simply the tunes first class tunes brilliantly played and sung perfectly here you get some of the best songs of the last century in the most stylish settings [Music] I chose 42nd Street because I needed a good Sparky opener you get these extended routines which involve the chorus the soloists and it makes for a very satisfactory set Fred Astaire had more hit songs written for him than any of the performer more than Frank Sinatra more than enough Fitzgerald or any of those great jazz singers Irving Berlin loved Fred Astaire's interpretations of his songs he didn't deviate from the melody that he'd composed tying up my white time writing off my top hat white time tears is one of his signature Tunes it's sort of one of those very early examples of the extended dance routine [Music] we start the second half with the sequence from a star as BOM Judy Garland gives one of her best performances in one of Harold Allen's best songs with a terrific lyrics Ira Gershwin and the man that got away so it was a an absolute no brainer [Music] I'm including triplets which was from the bandwagon the sequence stars Fred Astaire Nanette Fabray and Jack Buchanan and they're all dressed up as babies and they're all triplets and they all hate each other we I've chosen to run the concert with put on this under clothes from Hello toy because I think that musical is kind of the last big musical to come from the old studio system [Applause] [Music] everybody in Yonkers is going to New York for the day and they're all getting on the trip so you basically see the emptying out of the town onto the strip during the course of a month could only happen in a musical singing and dancing our primary human impulses even if you're not very good at singing or dancing you know something that we all have a need to do as human beings and what's wrong with that the second half for tonight's prom charts the Hollywood musical from the Fabulous 50's to his final flourish at the end of the 1960s we begin with Judy Garland the ultimate Hollywood star known as much for her troubled life as her tremendous talent in the film a star is born she gave what many regard as her finest screen performance with truly memorable songs among them gotta have me go with you and the heartbreaking the man that got away and here once again two conductors Orchestra is John Wilson [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's published not so hot please don't rush ha ha brush-off I can't compel you to buy what I tell you but I'd like to tell you [Music] [Music] you wanna have eyes [Music] [Music] the team will be a snap you wanna live ha god [Music] time you woke up time you spoke up [Music] [Music] yes you wanna live high on a diet you wanna have to Spartan run [Music] [Applause] [Music] the nidus Peter stars have lost their theater [Music] and because of me I got away No [Music] as runoff when I'm done you know that's great Bergen I don't know what happened it's all a crazy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's just no letter [Music] looking for the man [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I [Music] their lives were then [Music] soon became them please do so [Music] that dreamers off just everyone I'm so [Music] [Applause] Gold my secret no see [Music] [Applause] [Music] at last my heart's an open door [Music] [Applause] [Music] moenay's me it has me lost [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] soft the truth my Theresa [Music] I swallow my toy your heart master from above what I pour out my law for you know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you children gather around gather around you children that evil spirit calls of food [Music] nothing but rubble it feels found you if he is found you children but you can change that who do but when the nests that you do [Music] today you stamp on the ground you clap your hands slap me up hallelujah hallelujah everybody come along and join the Jew slap your head slap me outside don't choose time don't you lose time come on it take you to stand now for you [Music] must be treated just like the devil come along and join the two [Music] [Applause] [Music] well mr. Matthew Harvey while miss Claire we to the most friendly vibrations you ever did see the dish ran away with the spoon [Music] well miss Claire you know why the chicken cross the road now why does the chicken cross the road well against the second floor woman any orange see you roses are red violets are blue the dresses it's got to be shows go inside the old bag give me that beat heart beat heart beat boy give me that give me that give me that give me that crazy nights out beat just a little better Ariana get to the plan [Music] [Music] clap your hands member ewtodd give me some heat man heat man heat bag give me some give me some give me some give me some decks tonight when you hear that [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] singing the joyous you handsome funny face before bats we heard Charles kashimoto singing serenade from the student Prince [Music] [Music] two gypsy digging up John Wilson's journey for the great musicals of the 1960s and featuring might love it on trumpet what a solo [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] the military folks singing one man's one heart [Applause] [Music] a petition that you can be only one to talk to mrs. Hill the daughter of the fatal fatal day she had her silly [Music] Wasser opera major operation widget agra twins but when mother comes along she silences the others she accomplished something that is very rare and mother's MGM has got a widow but my mom's got a trio she [Music] each other very much the cremator pups loosen up jokes of Modern Art it is to tell us about 3/8 the same capitals rejected st. Thomas recently same cutter [Music] [Music] triplets from the bandwagon in the 1953 film song there by Matthew for Caroline O'Connor and Sara Fox by the end of the 1960's the studio system had all but collapsed in the days of the fake Hollywood musical were over but not before classics like Hello Dolly dr. Dolittle and Mary Poppins left us a glorious musical legacy I need a glorious day writers are mourning in May I feel like I could fly none of your lurking about have you ever seen the grass so green Skyy oh it's a jolly holiday with Mary Mary makes your art so light haven't changed a bit when the day is quraían ordinary Mary makes the sunshine happiness is blooming all around her the daffodils are smiling at the dog when Mary all giraffe you feel so grand your art starts beating like a big brass bell it's a jolly holiday with Mary no wonder that it's Mary that we loved [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoo it's a jolly holiday with you but gentlemen like you are you ravishing free that's me oh you're just a diamond in the rough but underneath your body is little orange you would never think of resting your advantage forbearance is the hallmark of your breed lady needn't hear when you are near your sweet gentle it is crystal oh it's a jolly holiday with you a Jolly jolly holiday with you [Music] weiter Oh wake up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a jolly [Music] [Applause] when I look in your eyes I see the wisdom of the world in your arms I see the sense of a thousand goodbyes when I look in your eyes and it is no surprise to see the softness of the moon in your eyes the gentle sparkle of the stars in the skies when in your [Music] in your see the deepness of the scene [Music] we see the deepness of them [Music] love I feel you feel [Music] autum come summertime I see the passing of the ears in your eyes and when we plant there will be no tears no Goodbar I'll just look into those are so wise so warm so we isn't it a pity your seal [Music] [Music] something in your smile speaks to me something in your eyes shows me the way and helps me to say the things that I could never say to some thinking your voice seems to me something in your laughs makes me rejoice and there is no choice excess to let my thoughts all stray to you and stray to you they do something in you is rich and rare and there is something more something in you never know something of your child clings to me something of your warmth stayed in my and made me a part of you for just so think as something [Music] [Music] [Applause] out there there's a world outside of Yonkers way out there beyond this pink town there's a slick town wanna be out there full of shine and full of sparkle close your eyes and see it glisten [Music] [Laughter] but on your sunday clothes there's a lots of world out there get up you brilliant team and I'm single we're gonna find adventure indeed evening girls in white in a perfume night with a light supper right as the star but on your sunday clothes we gotta ride through town one of those horse toward open will see the shows at Delmonico's and will close the town in a world [Applause] [Music] but on your sunday clothes when you feel down and the straight down the street and have your people dress like a dream your spirits seem to turn exhibition is a certain sign that you feel brand new down [Music] they closed down Street and have your picture [Music] let's unleash shine is a certain sign that you fearless [Music] meet your bowler brim the world a simple stall a lovely little bat makes you tell time [Music] once a little ninny [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Sunday time is a certain sign that the girl [Music] [Applause] we're gonna take New York bus tour [Music] [Music] Thunder clothes from the goggle number the full chorus of the main of our singers joined by the entire company of soloist Carolina product Sarah square teal and lead the John Wilson that conductor John Wilson to mention should go to the marvelous work at available singers tonight and their poorest master Christopher Dean as the audience cheer so loudly here I suspect we might just get an encore [Music] hooray for Hollywood that's where we ballyhoo we all in the office foyer young mechanic can be and with just us good-looking man [Music] the tired actors he mr. factor he'll make the kisser [Music] [Music] ah that bony finger Pony from Chillicothe Sandra Duke coats with their pursuit best to get their makeup in live all armed with photos from low Rodos with their hair in ribbons and legs in time they were you have no way of knowing who you'll be another papa [Music] on if you get luck yes buddy you'll arrive if you can top is fine [Applause] [Music] [Music] they hire Cowboys and then hang their Maps all right now wait me they pay so what you can do with your heart [Music] like men yeah [Music] [Music] it had to be that as an encore didn't it that was the rate the hollywood's from the 1937 film Hollywood motel it's quite at the film industries and permits played at the Oscars and award ceremonies around the world [Music] there's no that's why small business [Music] yesterday they told you next thing you're not dressing [Music] a costumes you see read the makeup the pros the audience that lives you when you're down the headaches the heartaches the pancakes the flops the sheriff boys sparks you out of town the opening when your heart beats [Music] get word me call the school [Music] [Music] people tall people smile [Music] so you wouldn't render class [Music] [Applause] [Music] like [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and I need to tell you that was there's no business like show business reason behold Carolina see the romaine [Applause] we get the gun the John Wilson Orchestra on their feet towards them taking yet another bow what a nice it is Ben and I'm afraid that brings us to the end of this incredible evening here at the Royal Albert Hall if you'd like to find out more about the musicians and the artists performing tonight but then there is more information on the prompt website do take a look at that now sadly there's just one week left of this year's prom season but there's still lots to enjoy you can listen to every Braun live on Radio 3 and you can catch up with any concerts you may have missed on the BBC iPlayer BBC for being here tomorrow evening for a performance of Beethoven's music so then there's given by the London Symphony Orchestra and chorus conducted by the Colin Davis we'll be back next Saturday on BBC 2 BBC One and BBC HD for the grandest of grand finales it's the last night of the Proms dazzling chinese pianist Lang Lang soprano Sousa bullet will be getting the party started before the traditional celebrations of Rule Britannia Land of Hope and Glory and across Jerusalem I do hope you'll join me then but until then for me Katie Darren thank you for watching I hope you've enjoyed it have a very good night
Channel: Jose Almanya
Views: 383,892
Rating: 4.8167715 out of 5
Id: i8KC-ZmwtOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 51sec (7131 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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