Brett Goldstein talks SHRINKING, TED LASSO, & Hercules! Happy Sad Confused

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hey guys thanks for watching my channel my guest is a man of many talents he's an actor a writer a podcaster a the brunette Oscar the Grouch he's been called uh it's Brett Goldstein welcome to the podcast thank you for having me how you doing I'm doing well I feel like I mean we've just met but you can sense it I know people should subscribe to the channel shouldn't they Brett I've been saying it for years I bought people at Dennis wait at the Channel's only been in existence for months yeah but it's I felt it in my bone and people would be like aren't there more important issues and I was like you understand the world you don't get it Josh horowitz's Channel um glad I love that channel they ask me what I'm watching these days ago the channel the channel the channel there's the channel uh Brett Goldstein finally on Happy SEC infused um I'm such a fan of your work man thanks for taking the time out today okay so thank you so we're going to talk about a great many things um the podcast Ted lasso shrinking is the new series yeah which I know you must have a lot of pride in talk to me first you you are a big movie buff yeah I know from the podcast Oscar nominations are out today yeah are you are you railing Against the Machine are you incensed are you happy are your favorites acknowledged are you about to reveal that I don't know what they are no because I've been I haven't had it I haven't had a second to look are you gonna spoil it for me uh save it like football scores like I'm like don't tell me that's cool I won't tell you if you don't want to know no who is after sending it Paul made it Paul Mezcal God best actor that is the representation the director no sure disgusting what about the film what an emotional roller coaster what about the film no discuss uh how about everything everywhere all at once ton 11 most nominations yes okay I'm happy with that okay what about band season a ton all the actors those are my three okay I'm happy there you go yeah it's it's a it's a about a a a TA Tara I forgot that that is this year I loved her tauren Top Gun the two T's Top Gun is that in it yeah amazing all right this is pretty good okay we're good okay so now that you're in a good mood my sense of you is you're a man that doesn't do well with downtime that you need to be overloaded to to acknowledge that yes you're still living you're still working has that always been the case or is this a recent phenomenon since you've like I was thinking about when I was at school like really young somewhere we were taught about I was thinking about how I was kind of taught that work was a bad thing or a like a like a punishment and I think it was because I was taught about the story of Adam and Eve and it was like I mean listen I'm not saying this is true but this was a story I was taught it was like Eve's fault because she ate the apple and then because of that we all have to work that was the story so it was like work was this punishment and I think I always thought oh God work sounds like a horrible thing and then I realized oh I just have to spend my life doing everything I can to never have a real job so I work all the time but it's not what I would call work right you have a lot of silly jobs that most people would think it's not real jobs yeah not real jobs but it does seem like look for us stupid Americans for a lot of stupid Americans yeah you seem to be the overnight success story at like in your late 30s which is not the case yes as any person that has look I said your Wikipedia entry can tell yeah but is there a sense like in the last few years like this is the time like I gotta just grab everything and make the most of all these opportunities for sure because I I never thought this would happen I was you know as you say I've been working for 20 years at a level that no one saw people but enough to pay the bills and I was working which is top two percent yeah I was happy because I like the work that isn't real work and uh uh and then you know Ted lasso happened which none of us expect anyone to watch and it's been this amazing amazing I you know once in a lifetime one in a million you know like winning the lottery like insane but it meant that I guess a little window opens and then people that had no idea who you are suddenly are maybe interested in these projects you've been working on for a long time and stuff like that I don't know how long that window's opened so you so I think you think [ __ ] up I had to do it if you you've made the most that Bloody window right at least someone would tell me because then you'd be like okay your window a three-year window or something you got one month mate make the most of it go but I do find look not to like this may not be good news for you because many of the actors and filmmakers I've talked to that have like Decades of high level work under their belt it never goes away look I always think but that's I guess I think about Spielberg and yeah you go you don't need to do anymore mate get close man you can just do have a nap have a nap et5 you're just like and I and I guess that's when you know like he's a real I don't like I I we're always nervous is the word artist but let's say he's a real you know he doesn't need the money no he doesn't need the accolades but he clearly likes telling his stories and it and yeah you know Ridley Scott is 400 and makes three films a year like and like the hardest movies on the planet yeah I'll just I'll just bang out a war movie in in three months like but I get it I very much relate to that and I don't see it because anytime I go I do do too much 100 and I'd say once a week maybe one in seven days I think someone said oh this is slightly too much I'm slightly overwhelmed with other things but only one day a week and then it passes and whenever I've had a night off I'm in despair you know I'm like [ __ ] yeah no yes you know there's always someone new they're gonna oh no it's not that it's just that I go I don't know what to do if I'm not right uh making stuff I'm probably watching stuff yeah I'm watching films so that's the that's the foreign work can we talk about films to be buried with yeah we can I love the podcast man thanks um and it feels like this is this podcast unites correct me if I'm wrong your two favorite Wubs which are film and a preoccupation with death this is this uh yeah you're not wrong and and you know and I'm interested in people's lives and I think what the podcast did by accident that I didn't necessarily know it would it ends up being quite a good way to talk to people about their lives because yes by talking about films you're really talking about them like as in what what film scares you the most is really what scares you yeah you know what makes you cry and you know it ends up being I've had so many conversations with people where you're like wow I really got we really got somewhere it was really interesting like Beyond yeah I like that film you know it's a smart way look I mean like when when my dad passed away a couple years ago no I appreciate that but like I had my brother on and we talked about the movies that we watched with our our dads man and that's kind of everything you can look at your life through yeah these five movies and that's kind of what you're doing week after week yeah so what is the most telling question you found like the the the question you feel like unlocks a lot of your guests I think it's it's Pro it's those two probably well the three the three big ones for me otherwise it's what scared you the most what made you cry the most and the experience you had at the cinema that will always be special to you regardless of the film yeah those three will get you sewing are they are the guests always aware that you're going to drop the bombshell that they're dead because sometimes I'm listening and I'm like wait have they not been briefed because they're so deadpan and you're still gonna bury the uh I won't name them but I did have a very high profile director at the who told me at the beginning I'm a huge fan of podcasts and then when I told him he was dead he looked so shocked and I thought you've definitely never read this book you genuinely look panicked and I think even one point he said why are we talking so much about death and that's like big fans huge fat it's funny because the last couple years when we went into pandemic mode or whatever and I was trying to figure out like how do I continue to do this podcast I started asking folks for their comfort movie and doing kind of a deep dive with folks on that do you have a comfort movie do you have like a go-to I mean imagine you have dozens but like I mean look Singing in the Rain is is always brilliant and a favorite I mean maybe my favorite uh and school of rock is a five star Stone classic that you'll be happy to watch anytime yeah uh grease 2. it's funny because like you can go any different way right because like Zachary Quinto said like Magnolia to me and I love Magnolia but I get it I get it it's not wrong I once was on a plane and Magnolia was on the list and I watched it and then I watched it again because I I sort of was like until seven hours yeah the opening 40 minutes of Magnolia I'm like I don't know how you made this it is all the setups alone yeah you know like guys just so you know this is really hard yeah so hard I love that film that's one of my top ten so when is Harrison Ford coming on the show have you made the ask uh someone asked me this the other day you're gonna get him on the podcast and the truth is asking him to be in this show was such a ridiculous thing and then he said yes but I'm scared to ask him anything else because I don't want to pushed my luck I have no followers I'm like I don't ever want him asking for anything again he said yes to the show I don't like I don't want him to regret it um the show is shrinking it's on Apple TV plus um uh I very much have enjoyed it I've watched the first four right uh this is from you Bill Lawrence um and yes Jason Siegel fantastic and somehow some incriminating photos whatever happened you got Harrison Ford really amazing what is like the is that what kind of day is that when you find out Harrison Ford is in because he's never done yeah he's on TV and he is so good in the show and it is really it reminds me of like oh yeah in addition to being like the leading man of my youth he is has the comic timing of just like top percentile one of the best 100 I think and we've all said this on set in person everyone is that you we offered it housing forward I almost did like a joke like let's waste a week right while we try and get out of support and he says no then we'll move on to the realistic right getting over to those and when he said yes it was very quick as well like it was almost too easy and he was so lovely and he was so interested in he loved the scripts and he loved the character and there was a lot he related to it and he wanted to you know he he's a real actor like not a star like he he wasn't interested in there's a thing in in uh the Mike Nichols biography where he talks about work and go and he says housing Ford said to him just tell me how to serve the story and I'm like that's him that is like he he's there to make the thing work not to yeah get the most shots so you know and so he was so lovely so brilliant but having a year or however many months later eight months nine months later don't think there's a single person cast crew or writers who aren't still like [ __ ] I know it's horizontal despite how he is just normal and lovely but we're all still like oh dude oh sure no but it's funny you say that yeah now I'm now I'm going back in my mind of all the interviews I've seen with him over the years and you're right he always talks about like yeah and we all know like yes he was a carpenter and like how he can be of service to a crew and how he helps out the crew and it's astonishing he's part of this Ensemble like it's Jason Segal is the lead in an ensemble and he is part of the ensemble he's he's fantastic I also think because I kept thinking why is he why is he said yes he just kept saying he loved the scripts and I can't be like are you serious but when we did the first read-through for the pilot episode I could see in his eyes getting big laughs in the room he was buzzing yeah like I was like oh he hasn't done a big proper comedy yep and I think he's really excited to be to show how funny he is so let's talk a little the concept of the show so these are these are Jason Siegel and many of the characters the actors rather are play therapists and Jason Siegel has suffered a horrific loss um and is kind of trying to come out on the other side of this boss in his life um did you and Bill like Workshop this like how how does this like what's the elevator pitch on this and who has it and who comes to who like how did this develop in the first place weirdly it was something we sort of both had separately the idea my version of it was much darker much much darker and his version was possibly lighter okay and we would talk because we'd done a pilot together before Ted Lassa right and he like my writing wanted to do something with me and he said what what are you working on and I told him this idea and he said I've been working on a similar thing blah blah and we talked about it we were like well if we put these together that's probably the right tone right for this show and uh and that's yeah and that was it and I think in terms of I'm always you've probably heard me say this on a podcast but I hate the only thing I don't like in films are films where the message is what's the [ __ ] point right everything's awful there's no point because I go I think that anyway like if you give me I don't need that reason yeah so I think and I also think it's bad a bad observation of life if it doesn't have any humor in it yeah that's not how people are people who knows people laugh at funerals people laugh on Death Beds people yeah find jokes and things like it's how we get by and so I think making a comedy about grief and Trauma is interesting and and not unrealistic is without prying too much into your personal life is therapy something that you generally think is useful like yes uh you can ask I'm a huge fan of therapy I think it's I think if you have access to it everyone should yeah I wish and hope everyone does because I think it's essential and it's definitely saved me and done been very very good for me and uh and I think that's true of everyone involved in drinking yeah certainly you know someone said one of the writers said about the writer's room she said she was talking to a friend of hers and they were complaining about their writers from on their show and everyone wasn't getting on and she said oh our writer's room is amazing because everyone's therapist like it's just a really good group of people who at least understand how to talk about their feelings and process stuff and you know well the good thing about you is you you're fixed you're perfect now I'm absolutely fine as you can tell by my insane work realism and Terror of being in the quiet for a second that's if I'm cured um Spielberg absolutely exactly it's a good group um I I'm not gonna obsess over Harrison for the rest of the conversation but a little one other aspect that I did find really interesting is he plays a man with Parkinson's yes yes um no correctly no wrong and I can cut this if you want but your dad has he does yes yeah my dad had Parkinson's for many many years so yeah I I'm sorry as well it's a yeah so that's a big part of the pool character is uh and weirdly it's in a way it's like a nice thing for my dad because I get to sort of say to him by the way Harrison Ford's playing you you know me like that's amazing that's not a bad treat yeah uh but yes so I think again I think we're all very lucky so lucky to do this and lucky to be able to put all of the things that are difficult in your own life into stuff and try and I guess process some of it that way or at least share some of it I don't know you know this show is sponsored by betterhelp I don't know about you guys but when I feel my best that's when I can really achieve and accomplish great things I know life can be hard sometimes I feel bogged down I feel overwhelmed I feel like I'm not showing up in the way that I really want to for work and for friends and for family and that's where something like better help can help because working with a therapist can help get you closer to the best version of you because when you feel empowered you're more prepared to take on everything life throws at you and I know it can be overwhelming at times and it's not a bad thing to get some help so if you're thinking of giving therapy a try better help is a great option it's convenient it's flexible it's affordable and it's entirely online just to fill out a brief questionnaire to get matched with 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could play Roy uh so I left it till the end of the writer's room and on the last day I sent a self-take that I'd done and I said if this is embarrassing pretend you never got it and I will never ask if you got it but if you like it I think I could do Roy so if they had taken you up on that and they'll run I never said anything I well I guess it was like yeah I mean I sort of had nothing to lose the only thing I had to lose in hindsight was they might not ask me back for season two registering because it's too too awkward to ever let me know again which was a big risk but if you're watching that show now in season three and yeah Tom Hardy is playing Roy hilarious yeah well I don't know you you I'm used to you know I do as hard as it is oh so having been on the other side of it you know as someone who's cast people as well there's that whole you must have seen Brian Cranston talk about it but it's very true that you as in you you show your your interpretation of this character and then you have to leave yeah because your interpretation might be brilliant but it might not be right for this it might not fit I know it's a you do your best and then it's a lottery right and so I I don't know it but Roy was different that is a kind of lie because I'm normally like that but with Roy it was different I did really felt very strong calling to it was getting even the writing gig on that show a big deal at the time again you've been working yeah solidly but like you hadn't necessarily cracked into the American U.S market and was that a goal or was that an aspiration or was it no I I've never had a plan I've realized I never I've never had a five-year plan to you when you're playing right because I've always been like well you just just keep making stuff and things take you in certain directions so I never had a I always loved American stuff everything I was watching was American and most of my favorite films are American so it was like I guess subconsciously I'd have always wanted to do that plus having worked so long in British TV where there's no money at all to and I don't mean to get paid what I mean is in terms of like production and stuff yeah you want to go like can we can we get a bottle of milk for this scene they're like wow I don't know hey let's get everybody bags yeah um but yeah so and then one one thing I heard you talk about which what's really I found I'm using it interesting and it kind of keys into another conversation I had recently was there was this Gap where like you make the show yeah and then you're sitting around for like a year yeah and I had this conversation with with speaking of everything everywhere who like made that film and then waited forever oh wow and he was like wondering if he was any good if it was going to change anything and like living in this whatever this limbo for you had you moved on have you kind of like made your piece with whatever it was going to be I forget because I have it now with shrinking I forget that it's such a weird thing that you make a thing and you kind of make the thing in private you know particularly with Ted lasso we're in we're quite removed from everyone and everywhere we were in this little bubble we made this show it felt magical we all did this thing together but I genuinely thought no one would watch it so it was almost like this was for us yeah like we got to experience this but no one's able to see it and thank you for a lovely time and then and then it's sadly gonna come out and you realize oh God it's so exposing and vulnerable and scary and like the whole world is gonna oh no I know however it's gonna work you'll suddenly get your your thing that's been private is suddenly out of your hands your baby is gone and people will do tell your baby [ __ ] or whatever and you're like that's my baby so that bit is really it's quite shocking every time it happens it's shocking because you forget oh yeah we have to go through that bit where you have to let go of the baby and how quickly did it feel like it turned because like my recollection from the outside looking in was it wasn't like no it's not gone Avatar like it was like the world's funnel McDonald's it was a slow burn that first season yeah that's why I think the Ted lasso thing is I don't know what it tells us about this business or anything what it tells you is no one [ __ ] knows ending because was a genuine Word of Mouth slow build hit which is not a thing that happens much and yeah it came out it was very quiet I'd say we didn't hear much you know then we made season two then when we and season two was in lockdown and then when we came to New York where we are now to do the premiere or something for season two me and Hannah Whittingham went for a walk and we were mobbed and I was like oh this world has changed like everything has changed and how do people do people expect to see Roy like do they like when you're a gentle voice comes out of your body or they're like wait what happened yeah I mean I don't know I still haven't worked out if it would be better if I just told everyone to [ __ ] off I don't know I mean it's a good outdoor yeah yeah you're when you're associated with an [ __ ] yeah yeah I might I might have to cultivate that a bit more yeah I mean you could always tell somebody to [ __ ] off and be like I was just doing a bit yeah anything in character what yeah I forget to change my voice it's really rude do people ask you to do to go into the voice some I've had people to ask me to sound this [ __ ] off uh and do you and I oblige I was just trying to take a look um are there strange um offers to officiate weddings bar mitzvahs and character uh no I have not had that or maybe I haven't it hasn't got to me yeah what are the current rules for cursing in front of children what's the main any child children on Set uh uh listen I I'm I don't know if it's obvious I'm very price swearing and don't think there should be any boundaries between yeah uh language for I mean within reason I don't know what the reason is though I don't seem to be able to I swear in front of children sometime yeah yeah give them their vocabulary we're in the list of accomplishments does appearing in FIFA 23. [ __ ] out I'd say that being in FIFA 23 it's only just below being on Sesame Street Sesame Street is was the Pinnacle that was a but then it's [ __ ] amazing and so surreal and playing against my nephew as myself on screen and being scoring a goal as Roy can against my nephew and having Roy Kent on screen cheering and me cheered that's pretty great no you broke through the Matrix wild because it really does look like us yeah it's very it's very surreal every time we play I'm like what is it any cheat codes do they give you any like inside uh Durham how to dominate no you just have to get good we're just gonna use everything going well I better be good at this because he's representing me this guy is um is the voice taxing do you find that like it takes it out uh that's a fair question I would say truthfully you know not being a proper trained actor I have no control over anything so I don't I'm sure there's a way of doing it that wouldn't if I have big days of shouting right then I'm I'm sort of [ __ ] at night so you're not you're not taking care of your instrument you're not talking about no idea no it is always nice to tell me we need to get you a vocal coach just to preserve the the money maker yeah that's true um okay here's the here's the tough part of the conversation looking ahead it's head Alaska season three yeah what can we say is this the end we can't say anything and we can't say anything and partly because I'm not allowed to say anything but also genuinely my part in it in terms of because I get everyone sort of wants to know stuff but then I also go don't you wouldn't it be better if you don't know anything like I there's so few surprises and and if you're into it like how wonderful to discover it again in a new you know what I mean like I want to spoil anything here's my question are we gonna know though it's the end before it's the end like are you just gonna drop an episode and be like peace out guys when the the uh majority of the main cast die in this show you I think you figure unless they're going Supernatural right this is the end so this this is Game of Thrones style this is definitely we call the red the Red Wedding match [Laughter] but there must be discussion whether it is this season or two seasons or five seasons from now of like there's so much discussion on how shows end yeah hasn't happened we spent a lot of hours like debating how to make it satisfying for you guys in the audience Non-Stop I mean you can because of course okay like yeah I think maybe it's a weird thing to be like we're fans of this show like we I love all these characters and and wants it to end well and but you know Jason has a very clear vision and always has and there's we no one's phoning it you know right there's a long story history of spin-off shows yeah from Fraser on the high end to all with all due respect Joey on a different end with ojiri space yeah yeah is there gonna ever be a Roy Kent spin-off show that's again none of these things are in my hand I I would do a Roy and Mindy show where Roy appears in an egg lovely lady [Music] Were You Raised on Mork and Mindy was that yeah so that's a lot of vocabulary so good Jonathan Winters I didn't know who Jonathan Winters was at the time and I'm like now in retrospect welcome in these notes no Kevin is Jews no it's not shown I haven't seen it like must Billy Crystal you know yeah yeah Masterpiece Susan Harris Susan Harris greatest TV writer all time discuss I want to talk to you guys about performance apparel and our sponsor this week viori because guys I have become so sick and tired of the traditional old workout gear it's not comfortable it's not functional it doesn't look good that's where viori comes into play Everything is designed to work out in but it doesn't look or feel like it it's so comfortable I guarantee it's more comfortable than whatever you're wearing right now plus it's versatile it works with any activity running training swimming yoga whatever 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gravitated yeah yeah I guess so um because my sense again from listening to the podcast is and I again I appreciate this about you because I I feel the same way as like I can go like PTA but I can go like Vin Diesel like I can go everywhere is that pertain to you as well 100 I saw a skin in my ring this morning no so how it works very good it's hard work it's it's hard it's the sort of film I really admire where I go like wow you you're not [ __ ] about here like it's very slow very demanding but it is also I've never seen anything like it and I will always respect that do you have aspirations to write features I heard that I heard Jason Siegel has written or is writing a space ghost movement I believe I I wouldn't talk about it yeah okay yeah yeah have you read it no I've not read it actually that's intriguing yeah uh yeah I'd love to make films I'm a film guy yeah so because you have you've already done a superhero film for those that don't know it was a super bomb yeah right so but I could see a Brett Goldstein meeting with Marvel or DC to like Marvel because I think he would be very funny in that world I think we just need to get 25 billion people to see super up and then that could be a viable option although I guess you can't beat two characters in the Marvel Universe you blew it man [ __ ] all right okay all right guys sorry I don't mind how did how did Hercules happen set it up for me so you appeared in the post credits of The Last Story film is that a Kevin feige text phone call do you have a relationship no no okay completely out of nowhere I just got an email saying that Marvel producers would like to talk to you about something obviously I wasn't allowed to know any of it and then I had a zoom and they they literally just explained hey Brett we we're making this still 11 Thunder and at the end of it blah blah this happens this happens and then the camera spins around and it's you and I went are you [ __ ] joking you're looking on your phone IDs yeah it was literally there and then they they they're already done the artwork like they've drawn me as haganies and it was really impressed I mean it was FIFA 23 impressive I was like wow you really done this so yeah I mean that's probably about all the things that was the one that was most completely out of nowhere left field like never considered it it wasn't on my radar just a wild thing and do they like when you had that initial meeting say like look we can't guarantee anything but look we could see you popping up in other places like is there any promise or talk of that there must be something I can't say anything because they put a chip in your head so I hear yeah there are a lot of trips going around because everyone's in the Marvel movie yeah yeah that's why actors are weird you should be so well adjusted but now they all do it electrocute every time they're asked about okay he's like yeah but safe look you have I think two words that you've said in the MCU so far yeah yes Father yes Father well done thank you thank you was there a monologue that was cut was that literally it it was three it was an eight page monologue that they got down to two words we've rethought the role yeah yes Father works the rest it's better if you say less no it was just that but look with all due humility can you take on Chris Hemsworth the man is a beast he's he's a big boy in there dude Without You Humanity he's a big boy but does he have a massive muscles yes he does wait yeah does he have incredible unbelievable yes he does we can find something wait but does he have the ability to look like a god yes no yes we gotta find something what's your advantage you have to have something hair hair body hair you got great body here thank you maybe that's the way I be so you can out curse him probably yeah he's not a swearer he wouldn't know what to do freak him out yeah you said before you don't do the two or five year plan and we don't know if Ted lasso continues or not but like we also said that you balance six different jobs at once you like to do that sure so like when you leave here and you do you're done with the Press yeah are there three scripts you're working like what are you doing uh yeah yeah well I do stand up most nights do you really use like still prioritize that yeah uh because I love it and I really it makes me I just think stand Up's like heroin like I need to do it to feel normal sadly it's in the end talking about your heroin problems a hobby yeah yeah and uh yeah it's you can't give yourself one treat it's uh don't deny him as heroin guys that's how I met him heroin there you go you can cut the C words don't worry the kids will love it uh what's the question I don't know how busy yes writing scripts and working on five different five different uh things and ideas and TV shows and films and trying to also use this window to help other people get some stuff made that I think are brilliant that I haven't had the opportunity you know that's the other thing too yeah that is a nice part of it is being able to kind of uh give back and help people that you think of amazing they haven't had a window open and for something like shrinking were you on set at all did I read correctly I was in crazy I was in London making telescope so what was what was sort of a great thing about shrinking for me is I saw I was on Zoom at night with it and I would see all the rushes when I got home and because this casts are amazing and they also have good improvisers there would be like Easter eggs in the takes I'd see like there's a moment in the pilot where Jason Goes release me when he's in the bush that wasn't in the script like stuff like that you're like oh this is [ __ ] great yeah yeah I'm like I shouldn't have said that I wrote that no that was some action yeah yeah I feel like I mean does the experience on Ted lasso make you a better everything better writer better producer better collaborator for sure for sure I think look your man Jason Sudeikis is really a very clever man he's a smart man he's a very clever man and he's very very good and I've certainly learned so much from being there and from watching him and and that I keep using this word and I don't know if it's an actual word but intentionality is it it sounds real sounds like it's an English major let's go with it yeah that that that thing of which I think is something kind of instinctive but it's worth checking whenever you're making a decision with a joke with a move with a story beat any of it that I agree with Jason I think he thinks this that funny is easy if you're funny people funny is easy the the decision is why are you putting this joke in like what is it for right I think everything has to have a meaning like because you could just do laser jokes you could do yes very easy to pile on jokes on stuff it's just why are you doing it like what's the point what's the theme what does this mean for the character all of that that's just the stuff you need to think about you know what I realized coming full circle as we wrap up um so you've given many actors great roles in this but speaking of Harrison Ford Obsession potentially he is now your biggest competition so you're the two-time reigning uh I mean winner in your category yeah good dude yeah Harrison Ford could take it from you he's very very good he's I mean you I mean you can't really he's this is a disaster destroy the tapes cancel the show coming out he's never enough it's never coming out oh well trust us guys the show was great you'll never see it it's really powerful maybe that's going to give it real currency in the decades to come that it was a show that was never seen except by yeah me yeah we'll just keep talking about the release me Jack people but I don't get it just despite Harrison Ford what a story yeah worth it worth it intentionality why did you shut it down for a very good reason let's buy it it fuels all of us um this has been a real pleasure man such a fan of everything you do um as if people needed uh to be reminded shrinking is the new series on Apple of course titles is coming pretty soon yeah that's the word on the street and guys check out I don't want to you know advertise another podcast but you can also do another podcast once you've watched everything on the channel the channel and you've subscribed to the channel you check in with the channel every day and you listen to what the channel tells you to suddenly sound like um who's a character mentoring candidate must listen to the channel the channel nice best the channel will guide you um will not hurt you the channel is good the channel is pure anyway do that and then then check out films to be buried uh Brett thanks for the time man thanks for having me I appreciate it
Channel: Josh Horowitz
Views: 157,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josh horowitz, happy sad confused, interview, brett goldstein, ted lasso, roy kent, shrinking, brett goldstein hercules, films to be buried with, brett goldstein interview
Id: HTB-YktKuZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 40sec (2440 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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