"Off you pop!" Ted Lasso's Brett Goldstein and Hannah Waddingham on biscuits, muppets & Britishisms

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this video contains Roy Kent level undeniably adult language you have been warned [Music] important Pulitzer wise prize-winning question here but do people offer you shortbread biscuits more or less these days right and what is your current relationship with no word of a lie yesterday on the flight over here the captain of the ba flight I was on came and found me in my seat and you know those little pre-packed little shortbread biscuits he came over and went I just thought I'd do I can't do Scottish I just I just thought I'd offered these up in case the biscuits on the show don't taste nice he didn't say hello he didn't tell me what his name was I obviously saw from all his piepage that he was the captain of the and I was like should you not be flying this plane thank goodness for co-pilots thank goodness for autopilots because yes that is a bold gag yeah I mean seriously didn't tell me what his name was or anything just launched into a biscuit gag I love the idea that in that moment you had your laptop out and you just quickly shut it because you know it's what you like to do quick laptop shirt yeah yeah I'm hoping for at least 12 in this new series you can pick a favorite episode of Ted lasso or is that too cruel a question on a personal level in terms of Rebecca's journey through it it would have to be the funeral episode for me um because not only Rebecca being very honest with her mother also the Rick Astley eulogy which was literally a thorn in my side and then I loved it but also everyone else's little kind of vignette scenes throughout it like Danny Rojas in his sore feet and Roy and Keely talking about the Apple you know I'm I'm avenge me Cooley and eating an apple from the tree all of that I thought it was the most beautifully and lovingly romantically shot funeral episode I've ever seen um but then to be in I would say the gala episode from season one because it's when you really well it's the first time Rebecca sees Rupert and the audience sees Rupert and he is the reason why she has become how she's become I've got a friend who's Obsessed the show as well and her questions she was desperate to ask you is why is Rebecca's ex so shitty to her when he was the one that was the [ __ ] all caps right all caps you right because some people what's your friend's name Helen because Helen some people are just [ __ ] could go and they bring everyone down and their toxic energy ripples through your bloodstream until you say no more and get it the F out well said um I'm Gonna Leave You with a silly question again which is do you have particular British terms of phrase that you love to Fox Americans with classic ones like chuffed and bodged and bagsy and playing a Blinder I mean I feel like we do that all the time on this show in fact Jason got me to keep one in at the end of a scene he and I were discussing how the theme is going to go and then I go and then you pop off at the end and he was like keep that in so he walks down I go go on off you pop I do he and I are constantly keeping little bits and pieces in like that I say them and he goes off you pop you pop up put your pop off yeah I feel like there's there's quite a few waddingamisms that have come into Rebecca welton's and and now I must pop off so um you can make it sounded quite intimidating pop-off mate why don't you pop up oh come off it don't believe you for a second um can I just say how proud I was of you not only for winning the Emmy but for the speech because the double privileged thing I adored but also a couple of perfect f-bombs I was uh very very specifically told I'm not allowed to swear so um this speech is going to be [ __ ] short um thank you so much that means a lot I mean as long as I can bring some math problems to the world have an idea and the important work so that audition tape you sent to Bill Lawrence that went well turned out all right did it or they just couldn't be bothered to keep looking yeah that's the beginning of any great career how often do you get people on the street shout at you he's here he's there he's every effing where did you get that most days or just some days do you know what I don't get that as much as you might think I've had it quite a few times when I do stand up I've had it quite a few times when I come on stage it's sort of uh I get it less in supermarkets but I have had I have had a couple of weird interactions where someone I had it once where a guy walked past and he went [ __ ] off as he walked past me and at first I was like what's happening and then I realized oh this is a fan a really big fan one that thinks it's going to really work I've got to say whilst I do love the swearing my favorite little sort of Roy beat is him growling at the kid when he's getting his ticket [Music] well that moment is like we talked about that it's like Monsters Inc it's like everyone's scared of Roy kid Roy camp but kids zone they they see him that's nice yeah I like in in season one when Hannah is singing Let It Go that Roy without knowing it is modeling along because he knows it so well because of Phoebe yeah stuff like that I like so cute and you must have seen it and just to remind you of it of this Venn diagram of he's here there yeah everything where Roy Kent yeah really it is amazing all this [ __ ] isn't it there will be tattoos of that on people yeah I hope they look good me too I've got to say there is no better photograph on anyone's Instagram page than you in a bin next to Oscar the Grouch that is there's no greater moment in my life I did Sesame Street and I genuinely think like it was the best day of my life and I and I've thought about it a lot and I do think if ever I have kids and my kid says to me was the day I was born the best day of your life I'd be like yeah it was nice but have you ever met [ __ ] Elmo it's a close second yeah I love it I was wondering though what other surreal moments must be up there for you because FIFA alone being in FIFA 2023 that's incredible he's a great manager and an even better man and if you tell him I said that I will brain you [Applause] the fact that Nike are now doing the shirts other massive Sports companies are available yeah I I can't quite believe it you know I mean there's so many there's been so many it's really really wild particularly because genuinely we thought no one would watch this show and I really mean that that isn't like being humble like me and Jason on the last day of season one were like well if I want to probably watch it but we had a nice time you know like yeah we did a thing in season two when we filmed at Wembley Stadium and we had the we had [ __ ] Wembley Stadium to ourselves there's a scene you've seen the scene where we all walk out on the into the stadium and all looking around that was like real like people cried like it was really quite powerful you know what I mean like I could believe it I fully can believe it I also love that West Ham are now fully on board and there's this whole crossover it's just amazing yeah um my last thought for you is how happy are you to see people get really confused about britishisms because seeing the likes of Rob mcelhenney get confused by squeaky bum time is fantastic what are your other go-to words that you love confusing Americans with like chuffed or bodged or bagsy or uh we I think it's taken a while for them to get on board with fit oh look guys not meaning uh well toned it's taking a long like I I often use the word fit and people like oh they go to jail like they don't have to go to the gym sometimes you've just got it sometimes you've got that Brett Goldstein alley plum Fitness we gotta go thank you so much Brett always nice to see you man nice to meet you thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe and click the Bell icon to keep up to date you can listen to my radio one movies and TV podcast screen time on BBC sounds and you can find these interviews in full on BBC iPlayer by searching movies with Ali plum
Channel: BBC Radio 1
Views: 531,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BBC, RADIO 1
Id: c2btD9ht48s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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