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this video could change your life in fact it's going to change my life and i think it's probably the biggest video i've put out to date now let's get into it i think hair is a huge part of my identity i'm alexandra and i think a lot of people would probably notice my hair as a very identifying factor in my appearance now i think hair is going to affect how i feel on so many levels and i've used it as a tool to boost my confidence but it hasn't always been easy for me to love my hair in fact i have a very uh difficult hair texture to manage and i've gone through a long journey of really not enjoying the way that my hair looks now i don't have hair that like is easy or effortless and that is why i've done so many things including a keratin smoothing treatment and really since i've had this hair texture that is smoothed out and a little bit more straight i've never done a video with all of my tips and i've got a lot for volume cleansing properly growing it long and like a million other tips these are hair secrets every girl should know if you want get a snack because this video is kind of long and i'm going to go over everything so i want you to be comfy cozy give this video a thumbs up if you enjoy and if you don't then give it a thumbs down because i'd want to know that as well let's get into the video i want you to know where my head's at like when it comes to my hair i have a vision and staying in my natural color range has been a big change that i've made and like a commitment to myself that i'm going to keep i looked back on photos and i was like damn i used to lighten my hair a lot and i actually realized this is a bit of an addictive pattern with me i would go really really light and then i would see a photo and then want to go dark again and then i'd be like oh my god i gotta go light i would see a celebrity do it i was like 18 in these photos and i look so old like i feel like it just made me look worse and my hair would always look even worse when i went back dark because the blonde would like peek through and when i really realized this never actually looks good and it's also something i can't really afford i could never afford to keep it not brassy i couldn't afford the salon visits so i've realized here's where i'm at i'm going to optimize on what i already have i'm going to use some cool styling techniques really double down on what i have and optimize it every single day every single week and year by learning more and more it's a big reflection of self-love to be able to like have my natural hair color but it doesn't mean that i don't change the color i still do that for example i did a season shift for my hair and i've lightened it up ever so gently i go from a flat brown color which is very close to my natural one and then i get something done that is very intuitively placed a very low volume bleached highlight and i make sure that i tell my stylist every time make sure this looks really natural as if it's done by the sun and not a stylist i want this to be almost an undetectable and this shows up on iphone for some reason really really well i don't know why i'm bringing that up it's just like camera and lighting can totally change things but i think you guys can see that i look a little bit brighter a little bit fresher for the season change and that's cool i like it so i've made it my mission to go from day one to day five but look really good not have to use hot tools every day and i realize willpower is a tool a tool not a means to live your life by you're not supposed to be using willpower at every turn in life because you will exhaust yourself this goes for your beauty regimen as well by the way all the products these are going to be in the description below and i wrote some stuff that you might want to read too okay what i'm saying with willpower is essentially it does apply in your beauty life as well you might want to look beautiful and amazing every single day but if you are using willpower to style your hair every morning and it becomes exhausting it's not sustainable so what i've realized is i need to adapt my routine to extend my style make it look better for longer with less effort we want to work smarter not harder in all areas of life okay we're on the same page that was like a four minute really powerful intro i think because i really want you to understand where i'm coming from now hair oils are the first thing i want to talk about because when i think of hair especially when i go online and i try to purchase hair products the first things that are kind of like suggested as great solutions for dry damaged hair are hair oils and i really find this kind of funny you know why it's because hair oils cannot fit into the hair shaft most hair oils will not fit the molecule is too large to actually go inside the hair so it'll sit on top which is going to give the user a false sense of hydration and hair health now for some reason when it comes to hair oils we're really comfortable as women buying such a small amount of product for a very high price point so it's a very appealing product for brands in terms of profit to create but uh i don't find them functional for that reason of course greasy hair is actually a really great time to use hair oils i find this so counter-intuitive but it makes a lot of sense when i started to think about the logic i came up with this because i was thinking my hair gets so greasy by day seven like there's i mean dead cells that i can literally see and the oil cleanses the only thing that i've noticed really lifts the oil while simultaneously hydrating the scalp before you're ready to wash take a couple pumps of a natural hair oil that you like and put this into the roots of the hair while massaging the scalp nourishing the skin on your scalp will not only encourage longer hair growth and faster hair growth but it's also going to help those oils from the actual shaft of the hair lift off during the shampoo process thinking on why greasy hair happens often it happens prematurely because the body is providing protective oils since we've stripped them during the shampoo process but when we add oils before we go in with shampoo we can assure that the actual oils from our hair will be lifted but the scalp will remain nourished and hydrated extending the life of your hair after your wash give this a try and let me know how it goes just come back to this video oh and thumbs up if you're enjoying this so far one real pillar of my personality is like identifying patterns and taking action to change those patterns if i don't like what the result of the pattern is and i noticed that i was always feeling like one really high energy way about my hair or i felt like complete crap about the way that my hair looked and so i have made a change in my life which means i invest in blow dries regularly no one really told me this in life but like once you become an adult there's really no getting around doing things like emails and like paying bills like it can literally take so long to get the most mundane things done but it all like i look at life like time is money right because i could be working i could be doing something that feels good for me but if i can double down and get something done while getting something done i'm like holy this is the best this is a really great time for me to go get my blow dry yes it might seem pricey but i have things to do on my phone regardless as somebody who works you know i'm self-employed so there's a lot to do and this is a really great time for me to be massively productive and then like look up in the mirror and be like wow my hair looks amazing now the trick with these is that i'm not doing it for a special event or anything in fact the day i get the blow-dry is not the day i usually love it the most this is like third day after my blow-dry and it looks like it hasn't been brushed and that's because it hasn't i wake up with hair that i really enjoy and i really don't have to do anything to this is coming back to the willpower thing because i'm not the type of person to style my hair every morning the reason i don't have to do anything to it is because i sleep on it properly i think that there's some things i could be doing better i could sleep on a silk pillowcase i could put it in a scarf or something but all i do is wrap it into a bun on top of my head every single night and this maintains not only what we have done with the hot tools during the blow dry or like the blow dryer rather but it also encourages your natural body heat to maintain like this squirrel one direction do people still go crazy over one direction should i say bts okay listen you just want the hair to stay the same so that when you wake up it's got a natural loose wave that looks amazing this is something not everybody is aware of it's called the golden triangle it's that area in the middle of your face including the eyes lips and nose and this is where you want the attention to be drawn anytime we can draw attention to the golden triangle the middle of the face we are going to automatically look more attractive and be able to captivate with our natural the hairline is the number one way you can distract from the golden triangle and this hairline that i have is rather asymmetrical it's uneven and it's a little bit sparse so i use hair powder this is my favorite beauty secret by far i bought this like six years ago i'm still using it i love hair powder so much because it transforms the way you look in a subtle way check out the darkest shade that is in the range of colors that are in your hair most people don't just have one pick the darkest and find a hair powder that matches now i'm going to blend and diffuse this into the hairline to make it look more rounded check out the areas where it peaks up and then focus the powder in that area until it looks natural using your finger to buff away any excess color that has gone on to your forehead this is really really soft and just like eye shadow you use a soft fluffy brush to diffuse color but if you have a lot of hair coverage that you want to add or a lot of shadowing you want to add use a dense brush that's what i used to do when i had that big bald patch on both sides of my head not only does this make the hairline look fuller not only does it make the golden triangle the main focus when people are looking at your face this is also a great way to look better in photos for some reason it's a much less i guess for the same reason distracting element and it really does make your face look more beautiful as a whole so something i notice with myself is that since my hair texture is very coarse and i am mixed race so i think that this does mean i do have some differences in texture now if you have hair that is not fine and straight naturally you might notice what i'm talking about in yourself that you struggle to create the same hair texture from root to tip and i always notice that stylists will take like big sections of hair and they run a hot tool through it as if that's really going to smooth it from the edge and the root and that's not the case you need to be taking paper thin areas of the hair when you have a mixed hair texture and using a rat tail comb can really help you get specific so what i'm doing here is taking these tiny little sections of the hair and with a really hot flat iron i'm going to go in as close to the root as possible and just straighten it in any direction it will naturally fall and this is a really great way to make your whole entire face actually look more elegant with a very subtle subtle change that just makes all the difference for me this is something i'll always do after my blow dry and i'll do it again and again throughout the week as i wash my face because i always get my edges wet now as i've started to take a more actualized research approach to beauty hair skin i've realized that masks i used to not really know i mean i used to buy a lot of hair products and be like is this working like is this actually doing anything and then i realized when i kind of shifted my focus away from using hair oils that masks are actually a very important and very very easy way to nourish the hair that is no longer being nourished from the body when the hair disconnects obviously and and ends up being kind of just dead growing out of the scalp yes there's an opportunity for the roots to get some of that nourishment but we need to add it back into the ends and the mid shaft of the hair because if we don't the hair essentially just gets more aged day by day now these are really great to apply to wet hair in the shower that's a really great way to make these absorb one of my favorite things to do since i don't like to wait in the shower for 15 minutes and i hate the idea of not getting my money's worth is i'll apply this to my hair dry and then i'll take a t-shirt and get it wet before putting it in the microwave for 30 seconds depending on your microwave i'm using steam to penetrate the mask into the hair shaft and letting it sit while i do some computer work and then i wash it out at a later time this really gets the mask working well now to really grow your hair long you want to support the scalp you want to support the scalp because that's where the hair grows from and using an exfoliating shampoo is a really great way to add a skin care practice that we know is functional and works but adding it to a place that we don't normally treat which is the scalp in science you learn that every six weeks is what you can expect for a cell to turn over in the skin and when i look at it like that i think okay doing this once every six weeks is going to support my skin in that cell turnover process and encourage my hair to be on a six week growth schedule so it's growing every six weeks and this helps that happen so i'm going to massage this into the scalp and then i'm going to move on to my best friend this is a shampoo brush i love this this is something i used to see online like photos and i'd be like oh that is so not gonna work for me because that looks hard and it looks like it's gonna tug on my hair and it's like why would i use that i'll just use my fingers but then i'm like wait no that's actually one of the biggest problems in my hair life like since i was a kid i could never get my hair clean like it would bother me so much because i would spend so much time like trying to shampoo it and then lo and behold dry it and i'm like oh my god it's still kind of greasy and it's so annoying so i love these silicone hair uh shampoo brushes because they actually work and they don't tug on the hair they're really good okay so now i'm gonna talk about volume a lot of people ask me about volume for me as the week goes on and it comes closer to wash day my hair naturally becomes more sleek and greasy and that looks really great when you want to wear it nice and sleek and shiny so this is the only time when the hair is really greasy and dirty that you can do sleek polish styles and really pull them off so use that time for that but midweek and early in the week i want a ton of volume i want a lot in fact i always noticed hairdressers would always do this back in the day they like put their hands to the side and like push the hair up as if that does anything that bothers me so much because it like literally doesn't do anything and the hair is just gonna fall back flat what i like to do is create these little crayfish hands and i scrub the roots of my hair i literally put my hands into my like roots and i like almost scratch at the roots so that i can really really cross hatch the hair this gives the hair a really effortless lived in sexy very like almost bridget bardot like i just love this look i don't love hair that looks too perfect i love the way that this just gives that elevated volume but it looks like you didn't try and it really is effortless the next step in like pumping up volume to like the next level i mean this is something i've always known about because it's an old school product this is a powder volumizer and i feel like i should include it in this video because if i really really want to add some grit and like dirt to the roots to really volumize the hair i will use this it's not like an everyday every week thing but i don't know sometimes i'm feeling it and it really does work so i definitely use this as part of my routine on a special occasion if you have made it to this point in the video you're going to see something that i've never seen somebody talk about before and it's something that we all engage in like we all wear a ponytail sometimes but i don't think i've ever seen anybody really bring this up now the high pony is a really hot ponytail a lot of people love it a lot of celebrities wear it a lot of people when they think of wearing a ponytail that should look good or would look good for an event or something they automatically put it at the crown of the head they put it at the highest point which is uh right you know almost on top of the head the problem with the high pony is that it actually doesn't suit everyone's face in my opinion and i have a very macro eye i mean i see things very detailed and precise and i see a lot of mathematics in visuals so for me what i see with a very high ponytail is that it would optimize a very structured face but since it creates a very intense amount of contrast it can actually create a contrast that draws attention to the lower half of the face and by low points of the face i'm talking about having like a double chin or having softer cheeks look at ariana grande for example she's got a very structured face and at the lowest point of her face it is extremely structured the chin is very pointy and it's very very sharp so a high ponytail is only emphasizing how much structure she has and how beautiful she looks most people for whatever reason are going to have softer faces maybe they have fuller cheeks or you're like me and you have a mix of some structure but you'd rather lift your cheeks rather than draw attention to the lower half of the face in order to do this when you're choosing your ponytail height follow the line from your cheekbone and go all the way back to the middle of the head this should create a line and it should essentially continue the cheekbone that you naturally have and emphasize it by placing the ponytail there not only do i like the subtle lift effect that this gives i also love the effortless and kind of almost sexy curve that this gives the back of your head it gives you a really pretty profile from all angles random underrated tip that not a lot of people do uh it's just really awesome and i think the natural hair community really alerted me to the value of doing this a really clean part can literally make you look so polished and put together and it literally takes a second when your hair is all cross hatched in the part it just looks lived in and that can be a really cute look but try out parting it in a very specific and precise way using your rat tail comb this pairs really beautifully with pin straight hair which can bring so much drama or a low polished pony so since i know and coming back to the whole willpower thing i know i'm not going to style my hair every day this is not a product i think everybody should go out and buy i don't think it's something everyone's going to love but i think a lot of people might love it i don't know it's just the thing that i've found and you're going to find things in your life that just work for you for me not brushing my hair not restructuring it with a hot tool is definitely on the agenda because i just can't be bothered but i like to depend on a product that can refresh the hydration level of my hair and make it look its best today i'm on day four and i haven't done anything to my hair in days but it's looking really good it just looks a little dry and what i can really depend on with this hair elixir which is actually a combination of oils vitamins and other liquids that can really nourish and replenish the hair i can mist this into my hair and it's so fine that it will evenly distribute so i don't need to like brush through it or do anything like that because i again can't be bothered i think what i've noticed in my life is that ultimately my hair brings me a lot of feelings regardless of if they're positive or negative my hair has a lot of power over my mood and how i feel about myself and coming back to the willpower thing the sustainable force behind me learning more about my hair but like doing my hair making it look good is the fact that i am curious to know more about feeling good through beauty feeling good through practical tools that we can do in our morning routine because i really think of it as a meditation to style my hair or to have it done or to make it look good it really does make me feel good on some deeper levels and real inner beauty can be achieved through uh practice with outer beauty and i really commend you guys for being here and learning more about your own hair and learning how to you know refine your look it really is something to be proud of and i appreciate you guys spending time with me for that reason thank you so much for watching this video i love you so so much thank you for 3 million subscribers i am so over the moon and i can't wait to make more videos for you guys love you and i'll see you soon you
Channel: AlexandrasGirlyTalk
Views: 4,972,455
Rating: 4.9054561 out of 5
Keywords: hair tutorial, hair hacks, hair tips, hair secrets, hair hacks every girl should know, hacks every girl should know, keratin hair treatment, silk press, hair straightening, how to straighten your hair, how to curl your hair, hair curling tutorial, curl hair fast, how to blowdry your hair, blowdry, blow dry, blow dry tutorial, hair tips for thick hair, curly hair, coarse hair, diy hair mask, split ends, alexandrasgirlytalk, jeffree star, bayalage
Id: eab9r7pdvNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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