Hair Salon ! Color Changing Style Dolls - Cookie Swirl C Video

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cookies world hello cookie fans and welcome to the Barbie hair salon studio you've got lots of appointments today so get ready to do a whole bunch of hair oh here's the first customer so here is the very first Barbie come on in and have a seat in the chair below wow your hair is gorge so what are we gonna be doing today I want some fierce rainbow coloring like I just want rainbow rainbow rainbow right so Barbie wants a rainbow hair so let's turn her around in the chair let's take a look at her hair oh it's long and pretty let's give it a nice little brush because the hair color is a lot lighter we should be able to get the color to stick in very very nicely to her hair kind of change up the color a little bit she's got a few little tangles here just brush them brush them brush them out yeah the card rearing all right cookie we've got the color tool right here ooh perfect so this may look like a straightener but really it's got a whole bunch of rainbow colors on it right there now we're gonna actually be using this color cartridge to color her hair whoo this is gonna be so cool we're actually gonna be adding color to Barbie's hair using a real color cartridge ooh look at that that's pretty cool now I don't want to throw this out this is how I'm gonna keep the color nice and fresh since this is a real color right here can I kind of touch it what's up oh it's kind of coming off on my finger just a tiny bit there now we will snap the cartridge into the tool by removing out this little cardboard piece and pressing this one now into the place there we go snapped it all right here we go we are going rainbow rainbow rainbow we have a little section of her hair that we want to colorize to put the rainbow I'm so excited to see this work kind of fan it out a little bit now we're gonna take the color tool that has the color loaded and easy peasy all we have to do is now press oh maybe we can get a few more strands in here because I want it to line up perfectly with the color see how it kind of overlaps it there we go now it should line up a little bit better there see how that kind of lines up fan the hair out and press and drag Oh colors all the way down to the tip okay she's gonna love it okay let's turn her around add even more color in have another section and brush smooth it out get all those wrinkles and crinkles out smooth line it up and press same thing take it in pull it hmm this is amazing this is amazing Wow all right do you want me to keep on going or you just want me to leave just this side of your hair colored oh no go ahead do the whole thing rainbow all right take it section it brush it press and color way down this side take it and press whew here's all that color alright let's check it out let's check it out look at Barbies rainbow hair is rainbowed I think she's really gonna love it alright Barbie what do you think oh it's beautiful excellent I just I couldn't be happier oh here comes our next client hi we'll be right with you well her hair looks absolutely amazing I love the rainbow streets in there now we just have to remember to put away the little color cartridge in here so I'm just gonna pop it out there we go I can easily just pop it out now and I do want to keep this nice and fresh so I'm gonna put the color cartridge right back in here just like that and keep it filled perfect great thanks cookie for the color I can get you all checked out right over here and if you would like to make an appointment in a few weeks to get a touch-up oh great thanks alright let's get our next client in the chair hello have a seat right here and what can we do for you today well I would basically like to get my color touched up it's really been fading in the wash so I'd like my hair to color change back to a darker purple please okay cool so we're gonna be doing a color change at hairstyle on this doll give it a brush Oh her hair is so pretty oh and it's really soft too it's all that coconut shampoo that I use okay so you want your whole entire hair to be color change into a darker purple yes please all right we can easily do that so I'm going to attach my color-changing hair blower tool right here so right here on the side of the style chair I can just plug it in then now in the back of my blow dryer here I can open this up and it hasn't been a spot back here for me to insert one of these ice cubes get it out come on IceCube just a little piece of ice nothing special oh I got it I got it I got it put it right here in the back of the blow dryer now of course this is a specially made blow dryer that is made for ice now I'm just going to take her hair and turn the blow dryer on and now it's gonna start blowing it some cold icy air over her hair Oh see a color change now we're color changing her hair to dark purple [Music] [Music] it's a little bit harder to get the roots here just gotta give it a little bit of some time with the blow-dryer there we go that's looking good a little bit more right here in the front and on this side it's just a little streaky we'll just fix that and a little bit right here oh right perfect turn it off okay the blow-dryer color change worked really good there's a few little spots right here that we could do that we just kind of touch up so I'm just gonna use the ice cube that was in the other chamber here just kind of hang on to it like that try to hang on to it and now just do a little root touch-up here just kind of put it on here we go oh yeah color changes it a very very dark and very very quickly all right we color change the purple to a much darker purple than what you came in with what do you think here's the mirror I love it it's exactly what I wanted a darker purple perfect her hair looks so beautiful just make sure you give it a little bit of some time to dry here at the roots since I did have thieves and ice cube to color change it okay you just want to make sure it dries all right you got it I'll be back at my touch-up appointment I can ring you up right over here and get your appointments scheduled Oh perfect hello welcome come on over here to the chair go ahead have a seat and what type of look can I help you with today well I had pink streaks in my hair but I went swimming and then it just washed all out so I like that those pink streaks back please all right take a look so you can see a little bit of the evidence of where the pink streaks were before it got washed out in the swimming pool water so we can easily just add those back in no problem actually I think using the color-changing hair dryer should work so check on our little ice in there oh it's kind of getting melty but it looks like it still has enough ice in there to color change close that up so let's just add those streaks right back in here we got power changer time kind of working yeah I can kind of see the pink streaks oh here we go oh it's everything okay why did you stop well the colors not coming in as strong as I would like so maybe we should change out our ice cubes I'm gonna open it up and just in a little bowl just dump out that icy water yeah see look at that tiny piece of ice we're gonna add this one back in in that second chamber put that in close it up all right try it again there we go yep it wasn't cold enough but now it looks like it is there we go we got half of the color put in now this side oh is it not as I see any mark see did we melt our ice no it's in there it's adding that other little ice piece here we go keep it nice icy cool as we can all right perfect all right her hair is looking pretty good I even added some streaks right here in the front just for a little bit more of some color effective see right there like right when she turns around you get this nice coloring a pink here all right so what do you think I love it I love the coloring that's exactly what I wanted all right cool we can make an additional appointment for you if you would like to get other colors added in oh great thanks whoa it was fun helping customers today yay hi cookie fans where are the customers had a rainbow chocolatey chippy cookie that they were eating while they're getting their hair done did you see who had this rainbow chocolatey chippy cookie I'm customer one two or three [Music]
Channel: CookieSwirlC
Views: 8,436,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doll, cookieswirlc, cookie swirl, dolls, fun, barbie, cookie swirl c videos, salon, hair, style, color change, color, change, changing, color changing, water
Id: yqc96irlXgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 18 2018
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