Moist Meter | Hades

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initiating moisture welcome to the moist meter today we're looking at hades hades is a game i thought came out a long time ago but only just recently was made aware that it fully came out only a couple days ago this game absolutely bangs now like i said my risk of rain 2 moist meter i used to not like rogue likes but after playing risk of rain 2 that must have just [ __ ] reprogrammed my entire taste because now i like green beans and roguelikes so right away i just want to compliment the style of this game i think the aesthetic is fantastic all the art is wonderful to look at as you would kind of expect from supergiant games they kind of have like a signature style and this kind of falls in line with that it looks fantastic all the gods all the environments the enemies it's all just really beautiful to look at i'm a huge fan of the art direction here it's just it's great it's absolutely great in addition to the great art style also has great music the soundtrack here absolutely slaps it will literally just squeeze the [ __ ] out of your dick for you with every power chord just milking you every single time you get into an encounter just an absolutely huge fan of the music in this game there's really nothing about this game i dislike i'll just go ahead and say that right now i can't really think of any negative aspects of the game except for maybe it's auto aim with controller which i'm pretty sure you can turn off i was just too [ __ ] stubborn to on stream sometimes that would just get like messed up on itself would have you like looking in directions where there's nobody there unless you're fighting like invisible [ __ ] enemies like ghosts or something it would just be kind of a battle to get auto aim to go where you actually want it but like i said i'm pretty sure you can turn that off and i was just being too stubborn to even bother trying i like a real man i just went ahead and rubbed some dirt in my [ __ ] and just put up with it and it really wasn't that bad it would just be sometimes like if i tried using a bow and tried to line up a shot with an enemy sometimes it would just jerk itself to the right or left of the enemy out of nowhere as if i just got hit with a really strong gust of wind that knocked me off balance but like i said even though that's not always great it is an option i'm pretty sure so it's not like a huge complaint or anything that's like the only negative thing i could even kind of nitpick about this game it is just really really good so like i mentioned it's a roguelite game you're trying to escape from hell you're trying to go from the bottom floor all the way to the top level going through hordes of enemies along the way getting power-ups through different gods that you'll interact with i also really like the lore this game's got a pretty strong narrative its cast of characters is super interesting and i think they're very well written every single time you die you're advancing the plot and the narrative itself is pretty [ __ ] well put together i found it very interesting and learning about the escape and every single run's going to be different every single time all of it just plays wonderfully into each other and in between runs when you do inevitably eat some [ __ ] and die you do go back to like a hub world where you can talk to all the gods around there you can give them gifts which give you a permanent item that you can incorporate into a run but you can only equip one at a time they give you different bonuses or different effects there's just so much here there's just so much depth to it more than i was expecting to be honest you have renovations you can do to the area which can give you other kind of bonuses and power-ups there's darkness that you collect that can also give you other power-ups for your runs there's weapons to choose from take on your runs it's just it's a lot to do there's a lot to digest and there's a lot to explore and it's just a really really fun game the replayability here is super high it'll probably take you like 12 or 15 hours just to get one successful escape run going and then you still have like another 24 hours worth of content to just keep exploring and keep going into just so much [ __ ] here every single door has a whole new set of toys to play with and a whole new layer of depth added to the game whether it be narratively bosses changing and adapting getting stronger you getting stronger more keepsakes to choose from it's just all so rewarding and it's just such a fun game so many potential builds so many high risk high reward play styles and boons to go for boons being of course the power ups you get from the gods is just so much to min max and just play around with it took me around 15 escape attempts before i finally finished a full escape a full run and put together a crazy [ __ ] build with a chaos shield let me just say chaos shield has to be one of the strongest items in the game one of the strongest by far just so consistent so many different builds and they all kind of function the same way spam bull rush just go absolutely [ __ ] wild and slap and dick on everything around you it is extremely powerful i was speed running the game with chaos shield and once you beat the once you beat the first escape go through all levels and all that then the game really opens up even more there's just so much content in haiti so much content it's a great game so many builds i absolutely love the game plugging hades into the voice meter i'm giving this bad boy a 90 percent now let me explain why it's not a 95 it's because i gave risk of rain to a 95 and i still do think risk of rain 2 is a stronger roguelite game and the only reason for that is just how different each character and risk of rain two plays it's fundamentally completely [ __ ] different you'll have a character that charges his fists and just goes around fisting everybody you'll have a robot that just shoots spitballs you'll play as a ninja that flies around and uses a sword it's just completely different when it comes to actual play styles of those characters whereas in hades it's still the core gameplay mechanics they don't change the only thing that changes is the weapons and how you approach the fights based on your builds so i think risk of rain 2 is a little bit stronger which is why i can't really give hades in 95 since it wouldn't make sense since i do think risk of rain 2 is a bit better but hades is an outstanding game it's an extraordinary game really you can't go wrong with risque rain 2 or hades they're both [ __ ] great and they're both very different they're not like the exact same game doing the exact same thing they are very very different and they're both extremely good that's about it so yeah
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 791,192
Rating: 4.9676237 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 48sec (348 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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