Proxmox Backup and Restore with External Storage to New Node

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foreign [Music] welcome back to another video today I'm going to show you how to back up and restore with external storage to a new node in proxmox so we're going to be demoing the backup feature today which is another great feature of proxmox and I do really like it and we use it to actually make the templates for our videos um so it's a brilliant feature so without further Ado let's get into it so all we're going to do is run for Xbox here as you can see we're going to basically go over to our node and then go to disks right there you can see at the bottom I've got a USB drive plugged in a 32 gigabyte one I'm going to select it and click white disk at the top click yes make sure you format in the right disk of course otherwise it will wipe it and if there's any data on that USB it will be wiped so next we're going to go to the directory create directory and then select the right disk here because otherwise it'll be formatted click on that ext4 for the actual file system and give it a name so you can put USB make sure our storage is ticked and then click on create shouldn't take that long to create um unlike some lvm Thin volumes of using that that takes quite a while we can see now at the bottom it's actually here so we'll click on that you can see the storage capacity um but basically we've got these at the side so if we then go to storage double click into USB and then select make sure all of these uh unticked except from the backup file because you don't want to be selling VM disks on there um just make sure VZ don't backup files selected then we go on the VM that we'd like to back up which in this case is a new template that's coming out and then we're going to create a um a folder on the desktop if we click shut down and then obviously shut down the Mac osvm um it'll take a second to Shortline but once it's shut down um where you can see that it stopped if we go to backup backup now select the USB obviously and then that's all so we can change the thing to fasting good that's the best compression option and then click backup now depending on the size of the backup and the VM it can take a varied amount of time so we're going to actually wait for this to finish because I won't leave you waiting on there so let's do that so you can see it's now I don't know you can see it says task okay which means it's finished so now we can just close out this window you can see that the file is there basically uh now all we need to do is um go back to our dead center remove the USB which will just remove it from your web UI then we need to go here to proxbox click on that in the directory click destroy and then untick both them boxes it's very important to untick them and then just type in the name of the USB and click on Destroy so once that's done we're ready to actually uh boot up a proxbox installation so if you're doing better metal you just turn it on but in this case I am doing a um one in a VM so basically we're going to wait for this debut now and um then we will get on to actually uh restoring it which is a great thing so you can see we've got the IP but I'm just gonna I stopped the VM again and uh added the USB device because I forgot um so make sure you do that and make sure the vm's shut down when you add that USB so I'm clicking add now and then I'm just going to start with the VM again um if you don't do that um it will be um it will uh orange out the USB so that'll uh stop it from actually plugging it in until you stop the VM um but basically once this is booted we're going to go to the UI and then interactive credentials as normal you can click OK and then we're ready to go to the actual node and then you can see the node here and you can see the partition so we open up a new shell and then go um let me just grab the command real quick all we're going to do is do mkdir forward slash MNT forward slash PVA forward slash and then whatever you want to call it then mod that directory using that command on the screen thanks to tall for doing this video by the way all the commands will be in the description below and then Mount the um disk using FS tab again uh it will be in the description below I first tab allows you to uh reboot the system without losing the mounted disk so you can see there's quite a lot of commands but you can just copy and paste them in um once this video is live of course once you've done that you're gonna um control X Y enter to serve and then we're ready to do Mount Dash here and then there should be no libraries if you've done that correctly we can just close that shell go to dead center at on the storage directory and then name it USB then do follow slash MNT follow slash PVE followed slash and then whatever you name that made point then we're going to unselect that and just do vz.backup file like before once that's done you'll see it there and on the side too um and you can see that we have that backup file there so we'll click on that and then just do restore and then select the Right Storage the VM ID and all the properties at the bottom just click restore and now we're going to just wait for that to restore and then I'll show you uh it fully working so you can see it's almost done there you can see it says task okay so if we click close you can see it at the top and if we go to the actual Hardware section you'll see it's all the same if we go to console click Start now will actually be able to see if it actually reboots um so if you're getting a new product spot system or you just want to move it to a different disk this is how you do it um this is where we met the templates the Monterey and Ventura templates which another one is coming out soon and we're actually using this as a demo right now um but basically um that will be it soon in a video will be out soon uh on how to restore that and all the new updated features with it but you can see we're almost booted into Mac OS Monterey um and basically if this works we should have that folder on the desktop so if we enter the password and then wait for the desktop to load we should have that um backup test folder on the desktop so let's work the desktop to load you can see the backup test so that's just the exact same as when we backed it up which is absolutely brilliant so if you enjoyed this video and please leave a like if you do need any help with this please visit our Discord server um thanks to Tom for filming this uh part of the video because I was very busy uh this week with exams so many thanks to him um if you did like the video and want to see more of this content uh with the proxbox and not as much Hackintosh please do leave this video uh like and consider subscribing thanks for watching goodbye
Channel: Harvey’s Virtual Environment
Views: 5,767
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Id: iwRkWAylGxs
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Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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