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hacker versus hacker ability versus ability what happens when two hackers in bloom's td battles modded edition hack against each other and use abilities to the end of time that's what we're gonna find out today so what's up welcome back to another video guys we are here joined with of course my co-host what's up bro so you are we we're actually are we we're picking our own this time right we are we're picking our own so the idea with this is we have infinite ability so we can span the abilities as much as we want so the idea of this challenge is we have to pick three towers that all have abilities and just see who can pick the strongest abilities and just see how they can last from there so the idea is you can't have multiple towers down so you can have eat it's kind of like each tower is a hero you put one tower down and you can only use the ability from that tower one tower each freeze that actually that actually makes makes me feel a lot more comfortable ryan because of the map you picked park i we've never played on it so i'm very interested to see what i'm gonna do here but so one tower each uh are of the unique tower here so let's hear uh are you gonna talk about what you're gonna pick are you gonna no you're gonna you're gonna do do we keep but i think we keep it a secret first and then we just go we're interested to see if you're gonna go for like something that could get you money oh no we can't even do that we can't we can't even i mean you don't have that yeah i guess for the support you can do sniper because like once you upgrade them all the way are you gonna need the money yeah exactly so i don't know man honestly i i i'm not gonna say if i'm gonna pick money i'm thinking about it i'm thinking about it i uh let's see here i know all right i have i have my three towers that i that i want i'm trying to think of the abilities too and honestly it's like kind of hard to think of which ability is like an action it's really hard to think about which ability is gonna be a good one all right i have my three abilities i'm gonna just big take a chance i could be completely wrong though and then hate myself for it but yeah but that's just the thing that's why i love hacker versus hacker challenges because it's both of us stepping out into the unknown right it's about experimenting like is this even gonna work i have no idea all right i'm i'm taking chances left and right right now homie you know what no no i'm backing out of one okay now i'm taking it i am pretty confident with the setup that i have i got kind of a strategy in place for what i want to happen but i'm not entirely sure so and remember i mean you won one yeah and it's fine if your tower like pops that yeah yep yep let's see if we paint some of the same things here bro i mean i'm not going to place anything else down but i'm going to be very interested to see what your your towers are and the strategy you have we also only have one life right bro only one mistake and you're done so okay okay oh oh red balloons coming your way red blue come on always if you guys are enjoying these videos it would mean a lot to us if you guys did hit that like button subscribed and turn on notifications this channel has been doing so amazing and it's all thanks to you youtubers so if you haven't already subscribed and you are enjoying the content it would be great because then we could get to a hundred thousand subscribers by the end of the year and that would be the best christmas present i could ever ask for ryan ever ever literally ever straight up what up like this is all i want for christmas okay okay well all right other than a subscriber amount okay i'm talking okay oh okay okay i see how it is then carefully oh wait you're sending pink balloons i mean isn't that better so so the bottom okay so the bottom tier is sending balloons yeah is actually slower so they're stronger balloons but it sends less and they send slowly so i want always in black yeah you always want to send the top path because it sends faster okay sounds good bro sounds good good call or yes sir all right so i'm very interested though to see what your strategy is i see you i didn't go aircraft carrier you went you went for the you went for the monkey pirates yeah so i so here's my strategy i guess i can kind of explain it now so i i have a couple of ideas the first thing is i need to be able to deal damage right i need to be able to deal with like bfbs so that's why i took the monkey buccaneer because he could absorb anything that's not a zombie yup that's why i went that way too so now for my other abilities i need some way to deal with those omgs so that's why i went with a bomb shooter because the bomb scooter is about doing that and then i backed out because i just wanted to be able to hit more things and so i instead went ninja monkey but i was so i was about to go bomb shooter bro i'm i'm almost regretting it but that's all right that's all right so the bomb shooter has an ability called moab elimination that will allow me to deal with uh and like basically big class balloons like zoe mg's right because it does that ability is a significant amount of damage to that then i was like well i need more damage for just simple like aoe so that's why i also went with the attack shooter because the tag shooter has the blade maelstrom that i can spam that just does severe aortic damage okay and then for my last ability i decided to go with the glue gunner because then i can get an aoe slow that constantly keeps all the balloons slow so now i'll be able to keep the balloon so you know what you ain't damaged what's that dude i went ice monkey no so i think ice monkey is inherently better but i randomed the glue monkey right and so that's that's why i'm happy that i got that so gotcha gotcha uh oh okay so i want this is it cannon ship yeah so we can get that i don't know what pack to go on the other on the ninja monkey let's see here does the ninja the n uh which one it's not the uh it's not the one that gives them more shurikens and you want to get the bomber one i went yeah yeah okay because that gives you balloon sabotage which i don't think actually is going to do a ton of damage yeah we'll see we'll have to see i don't know if the ability is that good for the record but you know what my random tower gave me which i'm actually glad that i got this random tower because that's basically going to clutch it completely okay what is your random tower i'd love to know well i'm going to figure out where i want to place him real quick and then i'll tell you okay okay reasonable understandable let's see here i'm just going to place them down here actually i want to be able to get as much i'm trying to cover as much of the path as possible straight up like that's what i'm going for actually i think you should put them up here no no i'm going to put them over here okay so now i have all four of my abilities actually so i have i have my glue which is like blue glue what the heck and then we have the moab mauler which i can spam and then we have the blade maelstrom so i'm actually pretty these are the four towers and abilities that i have okay oh the phoenix bro what a flaming donut dog i got this what a great idea yeah that completely split my mind that's just like holy cow why did i think of that that's dude it was my random tower so i'm so glad that i got it i'm so glad that i got it no that's a great random tower to have bro i'm actually kind of jealous that's the tower you have so look at so listen i can just keep all the balloons just like slowed all the time dude i wish i honestly wish that i subbed out my ninja monkey for the bomb shooter but hey who knows i'm obviously good on uh covering the camo balloons so i guess it's all right yeah exactly right like i don't think you're gonna have any big deal i really think that the concern that you might have is here's the main concern that i have right is i have four abilities that i have to kind of cycle through to deal with things right like i have to click i have to spam the moab assassin ability then i have to go and spam like this ability to absorb all the bfbs while pressing like that's just so many abilities where you can kind of just spam your your phoenix and then while your phoenix's are spinning around the map i just get yeah yeah i just spammed easier to execute which might just be my downfall all together hey we'll have to find out man i mean i think you put a lot more thought into it than me i think i might have just gotten lucky so i think i got luckier on my random wait so what was your random tower the glue monkey the glue gunner okay okay all right say the glue gunner's not bad it's definitely helping you can see it's helping but i don't think the glue monkey i don't think i can hit moab class balloons though which is really but not great but you got the bomb shooter to make up for it whereas i actually pick your glue gunner was a random i actually picked the ice monkey and my random happened to be something that could handle a bunch of uh that's so lucky that's so funny how that worked out like that actually yeah almost perfectly almost perfectly there we go all right i can keep spamming the i love these abilities they're so cool i know they are really nice yeah look at that what's your what's your eagle at my echo's at almost 6k how about you 7k though oh okay okay okay always holding down that button yeah i actually i want to make sure everything's all upgraded all the way right okay here we go absolute zero there we go you know i think i could be wrong but i think this map is called park path as well actually do i want absolute zero no i probably want the other path well you want whatever the whatever the ability gives you like the snowstorm one yeah that's that's the one that gives you the the the big one oh no no it was okay no i was right i was totally right okay i'm kind of wasted that's so sad that's that's a real that's a big bowl of cheerios bro cheerios dude i actually have a weird i weirdly enough i have a ziploc bag of cheerios right now saying right next to you right next to me there that's i mean i completely believe you because you're always just like munching on cherry i love you i have non honey nut cheerios i love them bro i love the bland taste i think i think there's something to be said about blanta like simple flavors and things it's so nice i think it's nice it gives me the appreciation for the simple simple taste of things i think so i i think especially with like today there's so many things that are just covered in you know sugars and fats and to give them a better flavor and so like slowly we're kind of becoming immune to like these these flavors so we're always looking for like us yeah you keep ramping yeah and it's just not it's not good for you and then you also lose an appreciation for like you said the simple like flavors yeah but it's hard it's really hard to like okay do i want you know honey nut cheerios that just tastes better or do i go for the healthier option right and it's it's well i struggle with that so here's what i do is i get i get a ton of bland cheerios not honey nuts and then i get another cereal that's like a little sweet and i make like one tenth of it so like 10 of my cereal i mix it in with the regular cheerios so yes i have a little bit of sweet in there but most of it is just the bland cheerios and i like that no i think i think that's a good place that's like that that works out you know and i'm already just past 10k eco i've really got nothing to do except spam my i know that's what i'm doing like just for the mess that's about to ensue oh and it will be a mess to keep no no doubt my mind brother man it's gonna be a mess no shot you win this who do you think is going to win i already got my first dub on hacker the first zacker other than oh other than when obviously the games crashed and i got the dub but i got my first legitimate full-on dub last game will i be able to follow it up and get a two out of three on ryan right now i would be kind of terrifying not gonna lie because like that's like oh okay you beat me yeah good job but then like you beat me two times like oh wait i know you and i are just building this eco up right now building this equipment 13 000 eco right now thing is though usually we get into the round like the 40s right for the rounds and stuff and then that's when we start sending but we only have four total towers down so we uh we don't technically need to wait until then that is true that is very true and it's just kind of a matter of like who pulls the trigger first right i know i know as soon as one starts it's over right it's just hoping i'll be able to hold off longer because i know that you're like a grand ahead of me in eco so i am technically behind so i just gotta hope that like i can pull forward just because i can hold them off better but i i'm worried that i can't yeah i don't know i think it really comes down to the difference between the phoenix and the moab baller that's what it comes down to right yeah and this is why i i'm confident that the moab mauler though will always target the strongest balloon so if i have the ability to spam these properly i think i might be in a good spot but you could never be too sh you can never be too sure my friend you know what who knows i'm actually going to set some stuff to strong here do you think it actually affects the ability like if if it's the tower's supposed to attack strong that is a great question i don't know but i'm gonna try it i'm gonna i think that's i mean because that does that changes some things right like that actually changes some a couple of uh hooja bobbers you know no it really does like if if the phoenix can target the uh the moabs like if it targets strong then that i actually think i'll win like i'm not even kidding i think if if you can set it so the abilities target strong and phoenix can target strong i think i win yeah speaking of speaking which good reminder i actually put my moab mauler too strong and like look at how fast it attacks like it does a lot of damage and the fact that it's able to like abs oh here's some whoopsies all right let me uh snap those up real fast oh yeah just just what i wanted all right here we go there you go all right six turn eco oh man okay yep you're still keeping a solid lead against me right now i don't want to lose how much money overall do you have right now 450 000 we take those okay six hundred thousand i know uh oh i still think that's so much money that like in the end it doesn't even matter oh man you think you can do it do you think do you think you got what it's taking takes in the big leagues bro i don't know again you're still like a hundred grand ahead of me total so you'll be able to send a few more z omgs but all it i just have to say don't sleep on my moab mauler bro do not sleep on this pick okay this thing will me it'll mess you up if you're not ready for it okay [Music] here it comes no i mean i hey man i almost picked it but then i backed out so we'll have to find out we'll have to find out what happens is it isn't that the worst feeling ever when like you and you have some like something you need to do and your gut instinct tells you right off the bat do this thing right and you go okay and then you you overthink yourself and go no no i'm going to do this and it turns out like in the end you're good i should have just trusted my gut instincts bro should have she should i coulda bro shoulda would have yep hundred percent but um and this has been nice great video at all but it's time for you to go uh-oh this man's gonna go for it here we go it's time for you to go it's time for you to go i've had a great time here this video with you but it's it's time for you to it's good it's no more no more for you let's see what happens let's see what happens let's see what happens oh my gosh i can't even see this omg's bro you're popping they're still going though they're still going we're still gone they are still going we're taking those are you not sending anything nope no you're oh i know you had the lead on me i can't i can't send anything yet i have to wait okay i respect but i mean they're moving they're they're moving on bro if you can't deal with them you're in trouble you might want to be on the offense bro ah we'll find out we'll find out oh man this i don't know if this is like arrogance or confidence coming for you and it kind of terrifies me here we go here we go okay come on come on come on i gotta freeze it all over i gotta freeze it all over it does the glue oh the glue does affect them nice oh that's actually really clutch for you dude that is big news that is big news okay that's that's a gamer moment okay that's what that is dude i'm like i don't want to jinx it but i'm like loki not even struggling against these omgs right now bro i'm oh okay so i'm i might need to take a chill pill for a second to try to build my ego back up this is why i this is why i should i i actually might just wait i actually like even though i just sent a bunch of zmgs i actually might just wait i just i don't know you guys seem to be big struggling bro i'm not i'm not struggling in the slightest i'm doing fine whatever you say dude don't say that that makes me doubt myself bro no that makes me stop that stop that it makes me bigged out bro come on come on but you're running you're gonna run out of ego bro i i am but they are still inching forward i just have to hope that i don't run out of eco by the time see you i gotta you ran out didn't you no i didn't i didn't i saved i still have 300 000 left okay okay so i i'm not it's not over just it's not over yet it ain't over but we'll see what's happening bro we'll see what's happening oh man i'm kind of spooked right now i'm not gonna lie i'm kind of terrified right now oh this is going full defense this man's going full on defense i don't want to lose come on come on come on come on please i only need one thing one balloon to get by bro one balloon that's literally all you need come on please please i'm completely in big due to trouble though if i don't make this i'm full sending i'm taking the lead i know you're doubling down i know you're doubling down and i can't have that so oh man come on come on come on come on come on come on please bro please no shot you're winning this game don't mess with me homie no no you're no you're being messed up you're being messed with you're being messed with okay oh tower boost bro okay okay my tower boost so i can attack faster all right use this all right use the glue come on oh no shot this is so he's going for it he's going for it ladies and gentlemen he's going forward no no chance bro oh no she's going for it no chance you win this come on come on inch your way out inch your way out please please please i i'm terrified right now no come on i'm either i'm so dumb bro [Applause] [Applause] i'm glad i don't have any regrets about the the bomb shooter i'm glad no that was good no that that was definitely the bomb shooter was just not enough it just did single target damage and after all i don't think it actually went after this omg's because like i'd be i don't think so because i was spamming it and like it just it did not feel good to use right like i and so i was just like i couldn't deal with these omg's properly interesting but with with the phoenix's they just so broke them dude the ice monkey down i was just spamming its ability and then i would just follow up with the buccaneer and just rope that one no you played that very well friend that was a well deserved i still think i got pretty lucky with getting the wizard monkey i if i didn't get the wizard monkey i think i would have had a whole different experience but either way who knows i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you youtubers did enjoy this video hit that like button subscribe turn on notifications thanks so much for the support recently as always we're tuber your youtubers and this has been a hacker vs hacker bloons td battles video see you next time bye
Channel: Tewbre
Views: 89,259
Rating: 4.9218607 out of 5
Keywords: tewtiy, favremysabre, sabre, gaming, games, game, showcase, challenge, modded, mods, mod, gameplay, vanilla, playthrough, comedy, video, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, no cursing, no swearing, video games, let's play, lets play, cursed mods, bloons, bloons tower defence, bloons tower defence 6, btd 6, hacker vs hacker infinite ability hack challenge, modded btd battles, hacker vs hacker
Id: -DBK5w4XmKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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