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today we're going to be attempting to beat an infinite money hacker in balloons 10 defense battles however we are also going to be using a hack where all of our towers attack at 100 times speed so let's see if we can win well these are the three towers we are using and i think we have a real chance to win this game even though david of course he is going to have the infinite money hack on his side and i mean he's probably going to get up at tempo in a couple of rounds because he has infinite money but i think these three towers being hyper stuck him by the way this is what i mean by hypersonic just look at this a hundred times speed literally everything and not only that we have hypersonic abilities and that is why i think we're gonna win this game because we have the two best abilities in the game for doing damage to late game stuff and we have the ballistic missile we have the ground zero i'm going to be able to refresh it instantly so i can just spam this ability over and over so i don't really see how we could lose also we're playing play with fire so every single balloon i sent to david is going to go to me because i do need to get the eco but once i get like 10 000 i'm gonna be able to spam the sniper ability non-stop because of course we don't have any cooldown and i'm gonna be able to make infinite money as well so basically i pretty much have infinite money because of the ability and yeah david is gonna get up the temp right there which is really good obviously but we're gonna have basically infinite money and we're gonna have hypersonic towers so i don't really see how we're gonna lose this unless of course david has the ice tower he has the ninja he has the supermonkey he can store everything to a quarter speed and then demolish it with the temples that could be pretty hard to beat but we have hypersonic towers we have hypersonic abilities i don't really see how okay wait no this isn't good guys this is not good david has the ice tower and i'm pretty sure he showed the ninja as well which means that wow he is gonna be able to slow things down to a quarter speed anyway i'm gonna get some more upgrades on this ace i don't think he's gonna rush me with anything because i think i mean if he does i'm just gonna be able to absolutely demolish it because i have seriously good tires actually i'm gonna sell the ace i know it looks really cool but i want to just test out the sliders of course this is not a normal sniper look at these red balloons now look at these red balloons they're gone and this usually fires super slowly also it looks like he's got the tie shooter for his fourth tower which is honestly really good for us because of course lots of this map is the water if you've got like the sub of the boat that would be kind of annoying but he only has the tag shooter a pretty bad elite game tower so i'm pretty sure we're gonna be able to absolutely demolish david the infinite money hacker and also let's get a couple more upgrades and stuff on our side because i have so much awesome stuff to show you in fact let's get a sniper right over here and then let's get a saab let's get the advanced interval on this thing because this is gonna have basically infinite map range wherever there are towers unfortunately though the snipers are just demolishing everything too quickly okay i'll just let the balloons come to us so you can see how good this is because it is seriously good look at this we have seeking hypersonic projectiles right here and of course david is just getting up a whole bunch of temples on his side which of course he's gonna be able to go pretty late game with her but i think with these hypersonic towers i'm gonna be able to beat him anyway let's go for the airbus darts as well this thing is just absolutely insane while we're on round 11 oh my god no what is that no that is the evil temple no that is not just infinite money how what that is not just infinite money that is the evil temple which is in b25 that is not even meant to be in this game david oh my god he's sending me the camo regen reds okay guys this is not good he doesn't just have infinite money i mean you can see he has the infinite money he has tons of temples but he also has the evil temple which you're not meant to get in this game and we're only on round 14. i mean he could go for a region rainbow rush against me i'm pretty sure i would just demolish it with this sniper so i'm not really concerned about that but i do need to get money so we're going to go for this upgrade and we're just going to generate ourselves literally infinite money just look at this if i just click it once this is what the ability is meant to do and it's probably meant to have like a 60 second cooldown you know it makes me 1715 715 i mean that's pretty good considering our eco is only 582 every six seconds however i can just spam this as a much as i want we are summoning a whole armada of these aces and just look at that money we i mean it's technically not infinite money because as you can see all of those abilities only gave us 86 000 but that's still 86 000 also david is going for a kind of rush right there so let's get the spy plane up let's actually send a couple region rainbows of our own and let's see how good the ace i mean we can't even see how good the ace is because this sniper is absolutely demolishing everything that is absolutely amazing okay so what if we send an absolute ton of these can we i can't even see okay we can barely see them because this sniper is so good and this is not even the sniper we want to get we want to get the moab sniper because that thing is going to be able to literally infinitely store every single z omg coming in like there is absolutely no way a zomg is getting anywhere on my screen when i can just spam a ton of these hypersonic snipers and infinitely stole it anyway david hasn't really shown any more of those evil temples i'm hoping that that's the only different thing about the hack he is using because i thought he would just have infinite money he doesn't just have infinite money he also has the evil temple well our camo detection isn't really that good so we're gonna get the react to sub so let's get the submerged and support there we go i mean this sub is pretty nice like what happens if we submerge it okay that is that is definitely hypersonic now i don't know if this actually changes the damage on the reactor let's get the reactor right there yes oh my god something has definitely gone wrong with this reactor for it to look like this i mean i can't even see the map in fact if i put more down am i even going to be able to see the map like literally let's put one there let's put another one right here i'm i won't even be able to see the map oh my god if he sends me a rush i don't think i'm gonna be able to see the rush i'm gonna send him the cry oh my god this is absolutely terrible anyway david has oh how many temples does he have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten temples and he's oh no he's sending me the bfb he is sending me in a bfb let's go for another sniper let's get the crippling wild sniper and just look at this this thing is absolutely insane look at the popcorn on this thing let's set it to strong as well actually no let's set it to first just in case we need it uh let's also get the ballistic missile because of course this is going to be hypersonic as well it's going to shoot ridiculously fast i'm going to start spamming a bit more money because of course wait is he setting z oh my god he's sending cmgs i couldn't even see them i told you this sniper is absolutely broken let's actually set it to strong right there because i couldn't even see that he was sending me oh no actually the balloons might be an issue because of course the sniper is amazing against the cmgs but against just regular balloons i think i need to get something a bit better against the blues and i'm actually going to go for the spectre for now now the unfortunate thing about the spectre is of course it already shoots really really fast in the original game or like the basic game so unfortunately being hypersonic oh no is he he's tower blindness to me oh my god okay i mean we're absolutely fine because of course even though my towers as you can see look at that range right there because we we have a terrible range but the sniper has infinite range in it so it doesn't even matter that he's using it i'm gonna go for the ground zero ability just as a fail safe just in case these rushes actually get somewhere just look at this guys look at this i can ground zero as much as i want right here and of course i can use as many sub abilities as i want as well so we can demolish the cmg layer and then we can absolutely annihilate the bfbs the mobs all of the ceramics and everything else inside the mobs and yeah i mean this is just the perfect hypersonic strategy i can't think of a strategy better than this hypersonic maybe i could have replaced the sniper with something else but i really wanted the infinite money that it brings well it's time to see how good the sub ability is so let's spam this sub ability literally like a hundred times right there oh that is pretty laggy oh my oh that's actually bad we may actually crash the game if i spam that sub ability too much no no that is not good at all okay so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna sell that because we don't want we don't want that many projectiles on the screen at one time we'll just have this sub and all of these amazing i mean surely the snipers will be good enough right they they they fire so fast right here uh we should be able to deal with all the balloons well we are increasing our sniper army and you can see i have quite a lot of now i'm not going to fill the whole map with snipers because i think that would just be ridiculously unfair because i will be able to store things to literally round 100 the zmgs are getting so far in his sight i mean they're not really getting that far at all it's only around 35 they are actually full health and full speed out and there we go there are the evil temples look at that okay that is just absolutely amazing looking oh my god i'm pretty sure they are more than double the power of a regular temple he is setting it as zmg rush on round 37. can you even see them barely they literally only the tip of the bfbs and the zmgs actually even gets on the screen and i'm not using any of my ultimate abilities either which is just absolutely unbelievable yes when he does get that ability up with the temples they are pretty good i mean no they're not just pretty good they are amazing but they're not as good as my strategy i think he's actually gonna lose this well i didn't hack the balloon chipper but seeming as we got the balloon chipper as our fourth tower i think it would be very offensive to the balloon chipper if we didn't actually use it a tiny bit of course it is not hacked it it is the regular balloon chipper which honestly it's not that good late game but we're going to spam it regardless because i want this defense to look really cool also remember when i said the sniper was the weakest link or something like that of this team well i don't think it is anymore i think the sniper is actually the best thing we have like seriously it is putting in so much work to stalling everything actually i feel like the balloon shippers are making my defense worse i swear they're actually making my defense worse right now okay let's spam a billion ground zeroes right now but i feel like yeah look at this okay okay maybe not maybe not it looks like the ground zero does work on the balloons that are being sucked in by the balloon chipper but i'm pretty sure goes comg's got way further and the bfb's got way further with the balloon chippers attacking them than when we didn't have the balloon chippers attacking them the balloon tripper is literally it's making my defense worse well i'm just gonna keep them because it's kind of funny i mean it's not really making it worse i know it is making it worse it is making it worse it's fine we're keeping the balloon trippers i will sell them if it looks like we're literally gonna die because of them but right now we're around 42 by the way round of 42. he has such a good defense over there with all the temples and the evil temples he's slowing everything down he's got the sabre ability he's got the ice ability i'm actually going to spam a bunch more money right now i really need more money actually i don't need more money but i do want to start actually we only have 18 how do we only get 18 000 i guess i have spammed a lot of the snipers and the balloon shippers which aren't that expensive i can sell that for 9 000 i could sell it for six thousand that's really cheap actually but yeah i i mean i'm running out of money so i do need to spam a bit more but that's okay we're around 42 so that means the first natural cmg yep round 43 there is the first natural zmg did you see it i mean only because i pointed it out like it was at the very start and as you can see on david's side well it is getting quite far inside right there i mean yeah he's using the big balloon so actually that is a really good power to have because he can slow things that look how slow oh my god they are going so slowly on his side because of course he has the ninja slow down so it's half speed he has the ice slow down so it's a quarter speed he has the big balloon slow which i don't know how much that does i'm guessing it's around 50 maybe 66 maybe 33 but that's probably an eighth of the regular speed that is absolutely unbelievable so he does have a really good infinite money strategy over there also he only has the temples on his side he hasn't spammed his tech terrors or anything on his side maybe he needs like extra room for the evil temples i don't really know but i think it's safe to say that it is looking like we are going to win this if we just keep on spamming our abilities we've hit round 50 and as you can see he has a lot of cmgs on his side right now and i think that means it is the perfect time to go for a rush against him because he actually he is really struggling right now he has not got the evil temples up he is not going to stop i think he's gonna die i actually think he's gonna die right here if he doesn't use his abilities he he really needs to use that okay there we go there is the ice slow down ability are we gonna see the evil temple blast but i saw him placing a tower right there oh no oh no it's like he almost heard what i was saying but he is spamming tech terrors everywhere on his screen and of course i only have one sniper ability and in normal situations this would be absolutely terrible because i only have zero eco and two thousand dollars but actually can we make it go down to zero can we make it go down to zero okay no we can't not quite but look at that wait let's send that there we go we've only got 15 eco and 11 right now but all is not lost look at this we can just spam and ask the ton of these abilities and get all of our money back however our side is looking a bit dangerous right now i think it may be time to start selling these balloon shippers i mean david is doing absolutely amazing over there with all of the evil temples and stuff which by the way they are so powerful that is literally unfair i mean i guess we're both hacking so nothing's really unfair but let's sell every single one of these balloon chippers i'm pretty sure they were making my defense worse let's spam a bunch of those let's spam an absolute ton of these and remember every single round that goes past these omgs every single balloon well not every single blue red balloons aren't getting stronger but comgs mainly are getting stronger they're getting faster they're getting more health it's going to be really difficult to ability span fandom of course and also i my hand is no good right now like i don't want to have to be spamming all these abilities but we're gonna have to do it regardless i mean we have an absolute sniper army right here but even this sniper army it can't actually handle the sheer amount of balloons right now oh his defense looks so cool right now with all those tank terror abilities however and also with the evil temples as well with the slowdowns that is honestly one of the best looking defenses i have ever seen in this game just look at that there is so much going on on his side but i don't think he's going to win this we're around 57 i still can barely see the balloons on my side that's still not coming out in full and of course if i just spam a couple of these abilities just look at that absolute demolition yeah we're around 58 by the way this is seriously late game like we're not even playing in vanessa of course we don't need bonanza we are hacking but this is so far i decided to get some more reinforcements as you can see look how many missiles there are right now and they are absolutely demolishing everything and as you can see david's side is they're getting pretty far on david's side right there and actually i don't think he's paying attention because look at this he's not using any abilities i mean technically he doesn't really need to use them but i'm just at a quick rush right now never mind no he just used the ice ability he knows i mean we're around 63 how late is this game gonna go i mean you can kind of expect it because we're both using hacks and they are really powerful hacks by the way but yeah i mean we're probably gonna go to around 80 at this rate like this is insane this is extremely close i'm still spamming the abilities right here i mean we're probably going to be able to defend against this because the sniper not only is it doing good damage it's also stalling them but there are so many blues though i see the bfb's at the very end let's keep on spamming this ground zero right here i mean it is doing such good damage but they're getting so close we're at 68 right now this is insanely nice game of course if david wasn't rushing us right now we would have gotten even further and no it looks like no they're getting so far on our side right now i can't believe we were able to defend against that rush my hand it's not a happy hand but we did defend those emgs are so far on his side right there like i i'm pretty sure he's going to die in within the next five rounds i don't see him defending against anything else but i have to rest my hand like i can't keep defending against all this stuff he can just sit there and click an ability every 10 seconds i can't do that i have disability every single second no he's going for another rush right now this is i mean this has been like a half an hour game already unfortunately guys i think this is the end of the road i mean i am smuggling this as fast as i can i mean we are actually doing good damage to these bfps right oh no i need to keep clicking no i mean it's so far on his side as well but the problem is i i don't i just don't have the stamina to keep clicking this right now and i i mean i think we're gonna go down he could definitely last for at least like five more rounds especially as he has the ice door he also has the big balloon slow as well so i i don't have any of that i just have to poor sniper to try and stall everything and i mean no they're getting so far i think we've lost this but big shout out to david check out his channel the link will be in the description of this video he's an absolutely amazing guy and he makes really good mods as well yeah i hope you guys enjoyed the video and i will see you in the next one peace
Channel: TrippyPepper
Views: 2,329,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hacker, hacker versus hacker, hacks, hack, pro player, bananza, lategame, bananza lategame, lategame bananza, lategame molt, hacker molt, masterov hacker, bloons td battles, bloons, btd battles, btd, btd 6, bloons td 6, world record, temple, temples, 100x, hypersonic, hypersonic towers, hacker vs hacker, hacker vs, infinite money hacker, molt hacker, masterov, banana farm, world, record, stack hack, masterov temples, masterov temple, temple hack, lategame hacker, lategame hack, alukian
Id: XxX4frG3LDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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