BTD 6 but EVERY Round at ONCE?! (Compounded Rounds Mod in Bloons TD 6)

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hey everyone i just want to let you know that today's video is sponsored by the walking dead survivors in balloons tower defense when you beat around well you move on to the next round where there's more difficulty more balloons maybe different types of balloons and it becomes increasingly more difficult as the rounds progress but what if instead of that every time the round went up you had to face against every single balloon from the previous rounds including the new balloons can we even win the walking dead survivors is a brand new survival strategy game based off the world famous ip the walking dead coming to ios and android the walking dead survivors is an awesome unique survival strategy game that brings back some of your favorite characters that you can use to build up your own base to defend from other players as well as walkers survivors are the main characters of the walking dead survivors each survivor brings a unique skill set and abilities to your team that allow you to have different strategies survivors originate from the comic you can see glenn rick and many more live through classic and awesome moments and explore fan favorite locations as you gather resources build up your team of over 80 characters and defend from players and the walkers you need to be a community manager making sure that all your resources are accounted for you're gathering supplies upgrading buildings so that way you can defend yourself but in order to survive you're going to need to build up a strong defense walls barriers that kind of thing walkers are just the beginning of your trouble though negan and his clan of saviors are the real threat team up with other players from around the world to form clans to grow your empire and make yourself strong enough to defeat negan another big thing about this game is exploration you're going to have to explore new areas to find resources characters and all these other amazing things who do you send what do you do when you get there those are the decisions that you have to make as a leader make sure to download the walking dead survivors for free in the description down below ideally we want a hero that's going to be able to pop lots of balloons and just do absolutely insane damage and i think sada is going to be the best for this just because of her sword charge ability which wipes the entire screen colleen of balloons so i think that's going to be a big bonus and it's going to help out a lot so we're going to go ahead and we'll use soda do i where do i i feel like putting soda here is going to be like a really good spot for her so she can just like destroy the balloons so as you guys can see there's a bunch of extra balloons here so every time we go up in rounds we're gonna have to fight this entire round again plus round four so as you can see the balloons are getting even crazier and it's going to just keep getting crazier and crazier and crazier so the first thing that i'm thinking about is like see how many of the balloon like how much the balloons are stacking up on each other that tells me that we're gonna want a lot of just aoe damage we're going to want a lot of bomb shooters right like we want to be able to just do a ton of just aoe damage so we're going to want tack shooters i also think a super maelstrom is going to be a really strong thing because that has infinite pierce so things that have abilities like that that are going to help us out and pop oh my gosh like look how many balloons there are like there's so many already let's get bigger bombs and then we can go oh we can also get heavy bombs and recursive cluster so this guy like look at this he's already at 1300 pops on round nine this is only round nine guys he's already gotten nearly 3 000 pops and what's gonna be worse is like by the time we around 40 that means we have to deal with one moab every single round right so every time we have to deal with like moabs or like bfbs or ddt's that means we just have to deal with them continuously for forever literally forever guys this bomb shooter is doing wonderful right now i do we want to get i don't think we really want to get actually what i want to do is i know this might seem uh i really would like to go ahead and get monkeytown because there's gonna be so many balloons that we have to pop that monkeytown is actually not a bad idea to get because it's gonna make everything just get us more money that's within the radius of the village and that's good i think monkeytown's gonna be a really good upgrade guys i know it sounds weird but think about think about it so allows monkeys give extra cash per balloon pop and if there's more balloons we're gonna be getting more money and i think that's gonna be this is gonna be a better investment than like any type of bank or anything right look at how much money we have again we have our 10 we have ten thousand dollars again like it's we've already gotten it back so that works out perfectly for us i i know this sounds a little bit silly but i probably do want to get another village with mib just to be safe do we want to put it right i think this is a bad spot to put another village right here though i guess we can put the village here and then we can get bigger radius jungle drums and then now we can get mib i know we're getting like a little bit of a weird setup going on here but i think this is look we already have 12 000 pops on this guy i think the next play is we get a super maelstrom and having a super maelstrom down is gonna be wonderful and then we can put the super maelstrom right here this is going to be our friend and now blade maelstrom and then i just want to save up for super maelstrom just because having this infinite pierce especially on cubism is going to be wonderful guys oh my gosh look at round 20 look at how many balloons there are what the heck i think another bomb shooter is definitely going to be something that's going to be worth getting there we go and it's in range or both of them yeah that's going to be really good the reason i want to get a mortar tower here can we put hmm i guess we could put a mortar tower there we go the mortar tower is now in range of both towers we can go ahead and get the big one now do i want faster reload or bernie stuff damaged balloons are set at blaze momentarily with each hit i think it's probably better to just get faster and rapid reload and that way he's just going to be doing tons of aoe damage to all the light balloons that are spawning right i think a ray of doom is actually going to be really good the reason i think the ray of doom is going to be so good is because again it's kind of like infinite pierce right it's going to constantly be popping everything all the time that tries to get past the ray of doom so we're going to go ahead and i want to put down a ray of doom i don't have enough money for a raven obviously but that doesn't mean we can't get a plasma accelerator which we also want to get faster barrel spin which is going to be the best for this guy and then we can just lock him right there and so now he's just gonna continuously get more and more pops i mean it's not gonna be that great because he is gonna be getting us a little bit less money just because he's not in the range of the village but i don't think it's that big of a deal honestly and we put this guy down and then we max him and then we get spear to the forest i think spirit of the force is gonna be a really nice little upgrade to get here right because he's constantly just gonna be dealing damage and he just gave us a thousand dollars what the heck that's a lot of money look at all the bombs he's getting now guys that's what i'm talking about that is what i'm talking about now we're just popping all of the balloons getting a glaive lord right here is definitely going to be the play and then do i want i think i want red hot rings because it just does more damage overall and it makes it just stronger i is it better i wish you could change it like if you swapped from left hand or right hand it changed the direction on which the glaives turn right so you see how they're spinning counter clockwise right now it would be a really cool i mean if you just push the button you swap them from left hand to right hand if it starts turning it clockwise 16 000 pops this is gonna get out of control really fast guys i know it might be kind of hard to see all the balloons right now here let me i'm actually going to move this guy back here and then we're going to go ahead and get the biggest one oh my gosh there's already so many explosions going on i love it guys this guy is 17 000 yeah guys we have a hundred and twenty thousand dollars we could literally just buy the ray of doom right now if we wanted to around 38 that's because that's so many balloons spawning constantly honestly i thought this challenge might have been a little bit difficult but i guess since there's just so many balloons spawning all the time you're just getting so much money that you can defend it way easier because it's just a bunch of weak balloons right it's not like you're being sent like a bunch of bad boots okay that was the first moab guys so now every single round we also have to deal with a moab that's gonna be bonkers so we can just put this like right here and then it's just gonna melt every look at this look at his pop count eight thousand and that was another moab see the more moabs are going to start showing up it's going to start getting crazy guys i can't wait to see what like round 100 is gonna look like because one 100 is going to be every single wave put together and just like launched at you at the same time imb and then this and then ready what if we just upgraded it to the inferno ring and then we can just do more attacks ring and then it just gives it more damage 1000 who's getting the most pops there we go this guy is still getting just look at that look at his pop count look at how fast the pop go on it just absolutely incinerates all the boots he has a hundred thousand pops okay i want to sell this guy because i want it i want to see just how many look already 18 000 pops like on one round guys all right round 49 okay i can't wait until we have to deal with like every balloon like literally every balloon because once we get past i'd say round 60 and we're having to deal with like 50 moabs you know 10 bfbs and all these balloons that's when it's gonna start getting absolutely crazy yeah this guy's already got 48 000 pops i mean it's kind of amazing that we're able to deal with all of these balloons using just like these three towers like the mortar monkey and these two bomb shooters are just look at look at how many balloons there are though this is around 50. we're gonna have a million dollars before like around 55 even just because there's so many balloons here guys i'm glad we have like the these regen like reducers right so the regen balloon because every round you have to deal with a ton of regen balloons right engineer monkey what happens if we get like an xxl engineer monkey and he just throws that out does he just like oh my gosh this thing can absolutely take on so many balloons there we go thank you and he just pulls it out again see already 10 000 pops he just absorbs all the balloons absolutely absorbs them thank you is that ten that's ten thousand dollars by the way that is look at that he's already thirty thousand dollars he's getting us so much money how i didn't know it gave you ten thousand dollars pretty much every single time that's so good thank you thank you i want to sell it now these towers are too good there's destroying everything oh guys around 60. this is where we're gonna have to deal with our first bfb balloon and then after that we're gonna have to deal with more and more bfb blues oh my goodness this is gonna start getting all right there we go here's round 60 guys so normally this is just one vip balloon but we have to deal with that on top of all these other crazy balloons i bet we're gonna have like probably like four million pops by the time we hit around 80. it's gonna be something really really crazy just because it's like every all right i want to use this ability look at how many pops it gets the super maelstrom is such a good ability if used in the right situation because all of the projectiles just have infinite pierced so no matter how many balloons are there it's always going to be able to do just a crazy crazy crazy crazy amount of damage i just had an idea and it's going to be the best strategy ever so the first thing we need to do is by the way this guy is 700 000 pops we're selling everything hey our boomerang monkey finally got some pops but we don't need we we're selling everything everything everything has to go guys everything has to go it's fine we have two million dollars we will recover it it's going to be okay so first things first is we need to put ourselves a we'll put a village down right here this is going to be our village that's going to do all the cool damage let's put our brewmaster down this is going to be our lovely brewmaster i promise this this will work this will definitely work so let's just put down a ton of bomb shooters guys this is definitely 100 going to work possibly maybe probably not okay let's see let's see exactly how this works guys so i can only get like a couple of them i mean we could probably fill up literally the entire screen if we wanted to with bombs do you think this is gonna be enough i think this is still gonna be enough let's see is this gonna be able to deal with all the balloons oh my gosh there's so many moabs we have so many bomb shooters go go go are we gonna need more i don't know i think this is gonna be okay for now look at how many balloons there are guys because this is literally rounds one all the way up to 72 just combined together guys all of them absolutely all of them and oh wait i totally forgot we have this bank up here there we go let's collect all thank you thank you we gotta make sure we're not losing out on any money guys we're money's a little tight right now as you guys can see we only have uh 1.9 million dollars it's definitely definitely not a bad strategy guys okay it's kind of a bad strategy but it's still really funny let's ultra boost it wait yeah we can get a we could get an engineer monkey just start ultra boosting him we're on round 75 and it feels like we're on round 100 i kind of want to get sada again and see how much damage soda can do with her ability like let's get sada let's put sada all the way over here and then let's max her out and then i want to do one round where like i want to see the last round like round 80 and i want to sell all the towers and then i guess we could have some backup towers just in case some some things go horribly holy wrong so we can put this right here as well and then we can make this the um the supermind wait i totally there we go and then we can level this guy all the way up to superminds because superbinds are so good let's sell let's sell all of our towers again guys i'm i'm sure it'll be fine okay so let's start it oh my gosh look at how many balloons there are all right ready wait remember she has zero pops and uses it oh my gosh holy cow go go go go go and then one more and with one alt she got a hundred thousand pops with one ability guys what the heck here let's put down the legend of the night how old does legend of the night do can he deal with all of it he's dealing no way is the legend of the night dealing with all the balloons he's actually dealing with every single one of them that's insane some t5 towers are crazy guys what happens if we just sell all of them and then yeah because this is like the last round no i mean this is like the second the last round right and this is this is kind of hard to believe it just gets crazier and crazier and crazier guys let's see if our defense can hold against this let's see do you guys think we can beat around 80 using this oh my gosh the balloons are so fast let's see how well sauda does oh my gosh go there's so many balloons here here we can use this ability there we go i'm trying to hold them off for as long as i can and i want to see if just sawta and then these towers can hold them all off it's gonna be interesting ready oh my gosh she literally like cleans up the whole map she already has 400 000 pops just from using her ability a couple of times like she gets some amount of pops from here but really not that many right like not a crazy crazy amount was that guys we won wait we got 4.2 million i actually called it perfectly guys if you enjoyed this video please hit the like button subscribe turn on notifications thanks for being awesome thanks for being you have a great rest of your day and i'll see you guys tomorrow for some more awesome content bye guys
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 411,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, Bloons tower defense 6, Bloons, Bloons TD, BTD, Hack, rage btd 6, btd 6 hack, Tewtiy, BTD 6 mod, Bloons TD 6 hack, Mod, bloons hack, BTD 6 Tewtiy, Bloons 6, hacker, hacks in btd6, Tewtiy mods, Tewtiy hacks, btd 6 compounded rounds mod, BTD 6 hacks, Random Towers, modded bloons td 6, bloons td 6 hack, bloons td 6 mod, btd 6 mod, modded btd 6, btd 6 stacked rounds, btd 6 every round at once, stacked rounds, bloons td 6 round 999, bloons td 6 every round
Id: UDse4oFls-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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