Can we beat LYCH using only INSTA MONKEYS? (BTD 6)

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in today's episode of instapack vs instapack saber and i are no longer going to be enemies instead we're going to be teaming up to use our insta's hopes to beat the lich boss that's right everyone saber and i are going to be opening three t4 insta packs meaning we'll each have 30 t4 insta packs going into the lich boss and we're gonna see how far we're gonna be able to make it with this i i have no idea what do you think you know well we were talking about it before we started recording ryan and we're we're trying to see like would would six total t4 insta monkey packs like actually get us a dub against the lich and like i i i actually agree with you like i'm not sure i don't i don't think i have no idea we have to be really careful about it so the one thing that's really cool is we don't need to write our towers down anymore because yes i got a 402 spike factory that's actually so big yeah in a previous episode that just came out recently oh i got a 0-4-0 dartling gunner i'll take that uh you guys may have seen that we placed down all of our old insta towers and uh that is because we want to be able to do this stuff a lot easier and so it was basically for the insta pack for the insta pack series so uh please show the series some love subscribe to notifications if you guys are excited and of course we are going to be going off of the rule i'm just going to be slowly clicking by the way ryan i don't know if you're doing it yeah i'm i'm just opening i'm about to open my second pack right now i'm just like just going slowly through my first one um if we have two of the same tower uh two of the same tower t4s then we are able to merge those towers kind of like um bloon's pop and make it a t5 but we have to delete one of those towers so we can't make it just like we have two and upgrade one we have to basically merge them they turn into one t5 and it can only be the t5 of the t4 that power saber since we're working together can we do this for each other's towers too like merchants oh my gosh yeah we can work together but that one will be harder because we'll have to actually work together on that one yeah exactly dude i'm getting some crazy towers i actually think we might have a chance to to beat this oh man okay all right yeah i'm getting some great towers right now oh yo if you got a t4 druid bro i could get avatar of wrath i have a t4 troop dude perfect okay so we can do that oh i got another t4 druid so i can just do it myself if i want oh that's perfect okay i'm gonna wait what pack are you on right now i'm on my third now okay i'm gonna open i i was waiting for you but oh oh okay go ahead go through your second one let's see what you get let's see what you get all right i got through the second one for the final third one let's go through slowly and let's actually see what we can get i'm on the third one i just opened the third pack all right what'd you get what'd you get let's see what you got a monkey village what are you at wait what'd you get a 204 village 041 sniper monkey not too bad not it's all right i got a 104 drood let's go yo stacks yo this actually could come in handy since we are going to be doing the merging we are gonna need some money and so i did get a banana farm oh four one though so it's like middle path it's i'll probably put it down immediately we'll figure it out i did get a nice helicopter i got another alchemist we're going to be able to get a perma brew alchemist i got like four like good like brewmaster alchemists okay four zero zero mortar monkey over here not bad i got another monkey village i think we're gonna i want to try to get primary expertise on that bad boy okay uh monkey ace oh four two not bad not not two i gotta oh for one engineer monkey all right another zero four zero instant monkey our engineer wait ryan yeah if possible if we could get three t5s of a tower by merging like say you know six right six t4s could we paragon i'm down i'm so down uh dude dude if if we can make it happen i just got a dartland gunner i got a banana farm okay i got a heli pilot another heli pilot an alchemist boomerang okay all right that's it i'm out i'm out same i'm same i dude are you ready for this dude are you ready for this ask me the code man toss me the code oh i'm so nervous bro i'm actually so ready for this if you're excited you want to see us do more this like versus boss battles hit that like button subscribe turn on notifications by the way should we do oh we actually probably should focus on that i mean we don't need to worry about early games i'm going to go with i definitely think open because i think we want to kind of go around the magic monkeys especially our druids i think it's going to be a super solid i'm going to you know what i'm actually going to go i'm going to go at tien for the yeah global global camo you're a genius you're a huge forehead bro yeah yeah okay so we got a tn we got oben solid stuff we don't really need benjamin or anything let's see what we can let's do this my friend let's jump right into this oh we're getting some goosies dude dude i'm so scared like i actually hope we win this so much okay i'm gonna get a ten down i'm just gonna put him in the corner out of the way actually no no wait wait we can't put him down because he's not an insta tower oh my gosh you're right okay we gotta we gotta get ready for this though all right so the cool thing is is obviously we have all of our ins towers are the ones that we just got because we used all our previous ones so we don't have to worry about which ones we got or not yeah exactly hang on let's just purposely lose this don't don't worry about this turn auto start off okay actually will that matter with the litch no i think it just goes i think we just got to go now let's just use this real quick and see what what do we want to do like do we want to try and merge some things because we don't want to place them blindly because what if we could emerge them i know we have to be kind of careful about this i want to well i guess we can merge them if we already have them down yeah we just have to delete one we just have to delete yeah we just have to okay i'm going to work on this top right area and then you can work on the bottom left circle do i have this so we can like work in these these two different circle areas as well i don't have a video uh by the way i do have a village but none of them are i don't have any camera detection you don't need cameras yeah you do no no i have this one village but i have two other villagers that do not have camo detectives wait wait wait wait could you merge them no i can't because they're both just like the bad path so like gosh dude that's fine all right i'm gonna start working on getting these bad boys down then yeah i'm just gonna can i use some of your village area there like the bottom part yeah yeah absolutely if you can fit something in there please be my friend be our guest and then i'm gonna go ahead and get i'm just gonna maximize placement here and i'm gonna get i have a two i have a two zero four super monkey and i also have another one so we can actually get legend of the night if we can make the money for it we can get the money we need the money i oh oh let me get my banana farm down i have three literally i have three banana farms crazy oh my gosh it's correct here i got here i'm gonna put down this i got a monkey bank which is gonna be really nice yep same same i got a monkey bank down okay i've got every type of the banks dude look i got all three of them ones that i got were every single path that's so funny hey that's actually awesome i guess yo i could actually probably sell the bank eventually and just get banana central on the other one uh soon that's that's up to you i need 100k for that 100k yeah i need a hundred oh it's banana central dog okay i got overdrive down on this tax shooter so that's nice that'll be good not bad we take those i got my my little drood making us some money here uh we gotta really start thinking about the like the strategy oh we can't use the tax shooter or i mean the spike factory bike factory is banned on this so we're not allowed to use it oh no i think we should put our avatar of wraths around this area for sure like around this around the village yeah i think so all right i'll get i'll start getting those down right here i'll put that's the only druid that i have so i'll put that just smack that where's the druid right there it's right there there where is he i can't see how much is the avatar wrapped upgrade it's like forty thousand dollars i think okay you wanna um you wanna upgrade yours or i upgrade mine here i will just we'll see we'll put we'll put all the the druids and then and then we can start merging afterward yeah i'm down yeah i think we start like slowly methodically like putting down the right towers tonight so don't forget i can only place there's a line dividing so try to only place your towers like on the top part of your village because i can only place on the bottom part of that village all right sounds good i will keep that in mind smiley views oh i definitely want to put this guy down because this guy's gonna be really strong oh wait i just realized that the alchemist is no good for the lich right because he's gonna actually oh with the buffs yeah so we're gonna have to get rid of this yeah you're gonna wait wait wait no wait wait no oh yeah yeah because every single time he throws it down it's about it's a it's activating the buff huh yeah yeah yeah you're right killing him constantly so we actually can't wait wait do i have another alchemist that i could merge for oh let me see if i have an alchemist i have an alchemist i don't we're bottom patterns yeah that's huge bro i have three alchemists we can get a um okay we can do this we can definitely get you from c5 alchemist okay so i'm gonna sell my alchemist wait not yet not yet because i can't even um i can't even get that yeah we're gonna need oh wait i totally forgot i can just collect from the bank thank you oh good call do i wanna go into debt is that no it's not worth it it's not worth it joe are we gonna go for the bottom path of alchemist because i mean it's not like i mean i guess it's all right it's not bad you have a middle it's all right you have a middle class it's that important no i don't i wish i did have a middle back that would be so nice then we should just go my path oh no wait yeah my alchemist already has acidic mixture drip isn't that already gonna give a buff oh it is oh all right we gotta just sell them there's just sound just yeah just get rid just get rid of the outfit oh that sucks dude that's sad i know i know that's so devastating so literally can't use the alchemist and we can't use our spike factory can i get like wait can i put um can i put a monkey farmer down i guess that's technically an insta right because it's like yeah you can put a monkey farmer down we i approve of that um let's see what else we got here oh man dude all right the first one hasn't even shown up yet the first uh tier box first boss literally dude i feel like we're just getting ready for this bad boy i'm just gonna start putting some ice monkeys down right nice monkeys are very good do i have three of them oh my gosh i have three of these guys here i'll put another one that's gonna be like my sacrifice tower but i'm just gonna put them down there for now uh wait oh you have a support chinook so you just move whatever you want anyways huh oh that's true i didn't even think about that wait can i do that i gotta see what i have i have a support chinook perfect dude oh my gosh we can get the door gunner we can go and get uh special operations then do we want that or do we want to make it so we can just move our towers because i won't be able to do mine yeah that's true we'll okay we'll just you're right i think that is definitely the play for that one let's see i'm trying to get everything in the range of this of this village dude oh thank god i have a portion of two that actually like makes me feel a lot better because now i'm not worried about having to like just sell things to move them out of the way i can just move them and keep them yeah fair enough i could try to get a ray of doom or i could oh i think i can get the bottom path darling gunner which i think is going to be like super shoot i actually already have another heli pilot so i can just i can merge that i can either get comanche no no i'm going to want special operations because i still want to be able to move things oh my gosh dude okay that works this is going to be more more sacrifice sacrificial towers i'm just gonna throw over here dude all right man do what you gotta do this is actually we we're getting quite the defense coming up here we're doing pretty good right now i feel like we might be getting a little too confident because we haven't even thought bought the first tier yet but you know we'll see what we got yeah how much money do you have um i have almost 100k do you need it i was actually getting yeah yeah okay i was actually going to just sell my oh i have it i can sell one of my banks and just get banana central oh that is not bad yeah so that's not bad at all i'll let you be the decided okay that all right here we go here's the boss oh then i can't sell anything yeah right i gotta wait yeah don't sell anything this is good oh he's getting whisked oh bro he's getting messy no this guy's getting clowned on bro this guy's why was he healing what's healing him yeah i don't have no idea what healed him oh my gosh well something is healing something something is healing them i don't know what's happening it did it barely though it did it barely what just healed what was that i have no idea like something right at the very end of it heals it i don't know what it is though something like this is getting messed up yeah but someone's throwing a buff down dude if it gets down to the later boss and it does that again that could be a problem i i just don't i have no idea what that's supposed to be is it avatar of wrath i don't think no we don't have an avatar wrath yet i have no idea what the buff is literally i have no clue oh god no i don't know why that's for free can you send me like a tiny wait wait no never mind you don't need to send me any money okay i hear i'm just gonna i'm gonna sell this farm i'm gonna sell this bank and get the i got balloon exclusion zone and i'm gonna sell my darling gunner so now we merged that guy all right i merged my banks just now very nice i'm actually uh i'm gonna also merge my helicopter and get special operations yeah i think getting the special operation is gonna be huge huge huge bro got special operations who should i add on to it right can't i add someone onto it uh oh that's true you can add like a door gunner dude who should i throw on there maybe the overdrive like the tack shooter that would be nasty i'm i mean i'm down well hang on i haven't even put other things down what would be just in general nasty to have on there i mean my i mean the super monkey the dark champion guy that i have is probably oh yeah but he's a thank you i can't do your towers yeah you can't do my towers so you gotta you gotta think about which one you to use for that i could do i have wizard monkeys i have a dart monkey a 2-4-0 that's kind of garbage though yeah that's kind of that's kind of doo-doo engineer monkey honestly yeah i actually think the uh tax shooter is probably the play there is the attack shooter good on a on special operations though is do you have pursuit on it no i've got it no i've got nothing on it we got nothing on it oh okay that does change that's what i'm saying yeah it's been a hat pursuit maybe but i could get a bomb shooter on it i have a 420 yeah i think that's you yeah that's that's a solid choice that's got a stun on it yeah you'll slow balloons down it'll be a way to like slow things down i like that a lot all right he's on we're good why is there no money in this oh because i have banana salvaged the bank automatically collects that's so nice that's so nice dude that's really nice that's big nice okay how many instances do you have left um i saw a solid amount dude like i'm talking about at least like 12 or something okay that's do you have a mortar monkey uh i do i have two i have two of them you want me to get them we could get no we probably don't want to get popping off because i think that's another ability like i think that'll heal it well here i'm trying to get them down i can't put them down within range of the village so i'm just going to get them down all together put them over here out of the way i want to get if i we need to get legend of the night i need two hundred thousand dollars for that um i have a hundred and eleven kills that might i think that might be like a worthwhile expedition for us to get legend of the night like that's such a strong tower to have all right i just put down my mortar monkeys i can send you my money you can just yeah send me some go ahead and get that all right i need like thirty thousand dollars twenty five thousand dollars and i'll be able to buy it okay okay i can sell this super because i think getting a legend of the night is gonna be like super strong dude uh we're gonna be perfect are we gonna do avatar wrath because yeah yeah we can do avatar that's pretty cheap right so after you get that maybe i just sell one of my druids or do you have a garbage druid you can sell which one do you least care about which one do we lease care about cause i have two t4 bottom pack t4 druids oh here it comes no i mean look i have this one druid that has thirty four thousand pops okay we're gonna win yeah we're gonna we're gonna be okay uh yeah we're fine we're okay we're okay like they're they're not even getting in range because they haven't even gotten to like the doom circle yet bro yeah legend of the night brother oh you still can't okay i can't i need more money i got you okay here you go oh thank you okay oh i can't i'm not gonna sell it though because it messes with the uh it heals them yeah not yet not yet just wait just wait real quick you didn't upgrade this guy i have not upgraded okay i was gonna say you can't upgrade till you sell other ways so yeah you gotta sell them first all right perfect t2 all right we're gonna sell super monkey and now i can upgrade and get the ledge of the night wait you know what i should have done ah what should you have done dude i need to get this other bomb shooter down so i could just t5 it then put it back on the the special operation no you it can only be up to t4 for special operations oh oh well then that works out oh my gosh i'm glad i did yeah it works out perfectly i'm gonna get a bomb shooter down just near the in the beginning here actually no i haven't is there any more oh can i i could have sworn i could have put like a tower right here okay you got legend of the night that's good um i'm gonna get avatar of wrath can you sell your your bottom oh okay this is yours actually yeah can you sell your bottom path through it the avatar the blacklist and then i'll just get out drivers okay cool thank you you got the money for it nice avatar frat that's huge fortunately we don't have any other druids to put around it but kind of sucks but now we are getting we're getting a little bit more range here oh i do have some for like i guess we don't want the can we get portable lakes down is the question i think so i i'm i'm for it okay all right cause i was gonna say i have some buccaneers that could do some damage dude yeah i have two i have i can get an energizer i have two of those which is going to be huge oh that's actually massive dude that's massive so i'll i'll work on getting that up and running here can i fit can i fit three portable legs on here yes oh my gosh okay so that's for us that's for us if you want to get something down i guess can you only play something on the bot on the top one though yeah that's fine so just play something in that top one i'll play something here i'm gonna eventually sell one of these because i want to get the energizer i'm actually really i'm actually just going to take out a loan to get the energizer oh dude dude i've got merchant ships bro dude i should have put those down immediately i shouldn't put those like there we go i got this i got our monkey sub now on submerged so that's even more damage for us dude we're actually like kind of we're kind of doing it bro we're doing all right we're doing all right we i mean well we've done the first two tiers right yeah okay it just gets harder and harder from here on out yeah i have engineer monkeys i don't want to do that i could try to get i have an engineer monkey if you want to do some submerges yeah i think let's we can get a uh xxl trap i've got a bottom path i have oh dude i how many wait how many engineers do you have sorry what's up i think we can both get one because i have three i have one i only have one that's fine yeah yeah so so okay should i place mine near the uh near the end like near the back yeah put yours right near the end put it right all right let me just put him in his farm i just put down this this engineer monkey where'd you put him oh this guy's a top path by the way so oh i feel lied to all right that's fine wait i could have sworn that he was a bottom factor no that's fine that's fine i'm going to sell this engineer monkey so now you can get the paradigm not the paragon but the century champion um okay but hang on we have oh okay yeah but i placed them so far away let me just move them real quick bro oh that's so wait can i not move you should be able to move them wait but if you have special operations you can't wait what no no it's just a picture of the chinook oh no i just no it goes away but i have to i have to disembark my uh the thing that he's carrying so let me just drop okay and then yeah and then i have to garrison my engineer monkey and then and then i move my engine oh but i can't because oh no i didn't upgrade him yet oh thank goodness i didn't have gmt5 yeah that's perfect that could have been we have three rounds so we wanna we gotta get we gotta get moving i'm just waiting for this guy to be able to be garrisoned here okay how long is that gonna take he's getting him right now he's getting him right now okay perfect drop these guys should i drop three questions i'm actually gonna put him in the beginning there we go yeah i approve of that okay all right now you can upgrade under the century champion i already i already made the sacrifice for it sorry good yeah perfect thank you all right uh anything else we got two rounds left there send me send me some big yes give me big money spend your big money thank you i'm gonna put this down and i'm gonna put this and i can sell this guy i'm gonna and then boom i got an i got xxl trap oh snap okay yeah that's huge dude do you have a boomerang monkey yes one uh we should put that down and then i want to get yeah put him down and sell him so i can buy moab domination yeah i put him down i sold him good okay and boom i got moab domination so we got that t5 now all right i'm down to one that's huge bro that's huge i i have nine towers left i have nine towers left by the way what are you what are you working with i'm working with three wizards i've got three wizards yes and then i can get a wizardlord phoenix i can too actually but i also can get a necromancer dude how good is necromancer against lich though i don't know if that i don't know does it does not matter wait wait wait wait wait was it lord things doesn't matter because we can't use the buff oh no he'll always be up right yeah if we get the if we get the wheels he'll always be up all right i have i have a garbage now i have two necromancers one zero four and a zero zero four so after this we're gonna do this are we good i no no i'm confident i believe i believe we can do this i'm just stay confident okay we can't place anything can we no i don't do we can place things we just can't sell anything oh well you can't sell anything okay yeah we just gotta i have nothing of vouchers we just have to believe i think no we got this we definitely got this okay are we on three right now we're on four this is this is the third third this is about to get so difficult dude i i'm worried we're not gonna be able to beat five i'm worried we might not be able to beat four bro oh this is this is spooky dude oh man cause like we're starting to hit that like the peak yeah do you have any darling gunners uh yeah but no i have one t5 i already merged them oh okay okay it's okay i've got i've got it i've got a middle path t4 can't really use the ability we got the tier three popped so we're on to the t4 now all right let's get let's do the the wizard stuff so should we try and get two just just screw the the necromancers and just get two phoenix's yeah i think that's huge actually so you want to put one down and then sell one and i can i'll get my uh phoenix yeah well here i'm just gonna put my phoenix down as well so i don't forget about him i'm putting him within range of the village as well and then the choice and then how much is the phoenix upgrade 54k 4 000. we have enough for both so i'm just gonna place both of my necromancers down and sell them immediately nice all right go ahead and upgrade and i'll upgrade mine yep nice phoenix's very very nice i've got a zero four two uh monkey ace do you have a monkey do you have another tack shooter could we possibly get the tax get the tax zone no no i don't that's it that was it that would be so nice bro that would be so what about ice monkeys we don't have any super brittle i have um i have a zero one four ice monkey i haven't placed down yet a zero one no i want we need us we need a super and brittle but we don't have that yeah i don't have a topic you know what i just realized oh i'm kind of a clown what's that i have this one sniper monkey down but i actually can sell this sniper monkey and get crippled moab you want to send me some money i have two sniper monkeys as well that i can place down for some money yes so i think what i can do is i can sell this guy and i'm going to upgrade this guy to moab and put this guy on strong i can get a lead with by the way i can get elite sniper i can yeah that'll be huge i can get a lead sniper elite defender um or i can just put two t4s down but i doubt that matters right now i doubt that would be good right uh yeah i think we go with uh i don't know the elite sniper could be good for my sniper no i think do we go with the defender i think you just got the bottom path yeah if that'll work out that'll be fun yeah that one was a zero two four as well so that that one will be able to do more oh yeah that thing's gonna shred then seven rounds until we got this guy next bad boy okay all right i got elite defender let me make it okay that's huge wait doesn't have elite i thought i thought elite defender also got a leak oh autumn automatically no no elites elite is only on the elite sniper uh okay and that grants you should we be targeting all right should we be setting something to target strong by the way some of these guys target strong yeah like should i like maybe the avatar of wrath and stuff right like target strong yeah i have i have my sniper monkey i got my boomerang monkey i'll do my sniper monkey on uh actually my t4 druid that i put down has 150 000 pops that's disgusting the troops t4 druids are like the craziest strongest thing like of all time bro yeah these wizard lord phoenixes around your smash four rounds four rounds we can do this i have a dart monkey but he's just kind of like worthless so i'm just gonna put him down just to like have him down oh we can sell him and i can get an ultra truck or not oh please okay i'm putting him down i'm selling them yeah that's way better i have super monkey fan club i'm just gonna sell them yeah no all right there yeah sell them and now i got the ultra juggernaut all right i've got a uh i've got a dartling gunner i'm just gonna go ahead and get him down and just have him kind of shoot across the entire map yeah which one is it dude we i think we should get that oh but you already got the t5 right i know but would we rather have the mad or the balloon exclusion oh like sell the g5 and downgrade but be just have it be worth yeah and have it on the and have it on the mad that's true because you have a balloon it's not even you're not even top half you're not rave doom it's not i mean it has 100 i think the mad is just so crucial for fighting like boss okay okay i'm done i'm done you want to sell it all right i sold it yeah i did i did it i did it nice okay i'm actually just gonna yeah yeah dude this thing already has 50 000 pops it's literally already caught up to how many pops it has that was the plate that was definitely the big brain play there this is this is the tough one dude this is a really tough one so basically between this and the next one because we we have one more if we can beat this then we only have the final one right we got to get the rest of our insta towers down which for me is only two more and then we just have to optimize and try and merge and do anything we can i have i have some ice monkeys i can merge like i already got i got multiplied two i have two alchemists to merge but they're only brewmasters so that's not gonna do anything i got two villages but that's only for like the top half villagers so those aren't gonna actually do anything so i i really can't put any more towers down this is gonna be a close one dude this is gonna be really already a close one bro guys you youtubers thank you guys for watching if you have gotten this far in the video then you obviously are an avid watcher of this channel or you just enjoyed this video it's your first time but either way hit that like button subscribe to our notifications if you are down to see more content like this let us know and it looks like we beat that no problem he got like halfway so okay so i could get nice we have we got these mortar monkeys maybe we merged the mortar monkeys maybe we get the biggest one on the mortar monkey you think that'll be better i don't know i think so i i could sell my artillery battery and put it on the biggest one yeah actually that might be the play right there yeah i'm gonna sell mine all right go ahead and get the biggest one yeah cause i was gonna say the other one is shattering shells so that should still help a lot you know yeah we and it's already it has 270 000 pops like we don't want to be getting rid of that that's doing so much for us and look at your engineer monkey your engineer has like almost 700 000 yeah he's killing it that was some good placement over there too yeah um i've still got maybe let's get i can sell this my recursive bomb shooter and you can get the balloon crush on that bomb shooter okay wait wait wait wait on which one oh the one that's over where's my cursor dude all right there you go right below that your i'm down i'm down all right i saw i just sold them okay let's do that uh do you have a monkey guys anywhere at all i do not have oh what else we could have gotten star bomb but bro yeah i got no monkey aces all right that's all right all right so we'll get that down i got 30 towers and not one monkey ace that's so sad all right i've got i've got multiple things going on here do you want to sell your ice monkey and i can upgrade mine we're both bottom paths uh i can get icicles do we want do we want to put it on i mine has the top path and he's in range of the village oh oh oh my gosh you're right oh my gosh yeah yeah i sold mine go go ahead did you okay nice all right i just got the icing yeah no that was the play for sure bro for sure yeah all right we got icicle and pale what else can we go about this i've got two of the same path ice monkeys but they're middle packs right saber what's up sell one of your monkey buccaneers and buy the t5 aircraft carrier carry our flagship oh my gosh you're j i totally forgot that those were the same thing brah i literally forgot about that i got you bro so this one out here genius should i sell one of these ice monkeys i mean it's only for absolute zero though and we can't really use that ability anyways so maybe it's just better if we keep them both yeah we'll just hold on to them for that i think that's right is there any other merges we can do because yeah actually there is i'm gonna put down this village and then i'm going to sell this village and then i'm going to go ahead and upgrade and get homeland defense oh so we have the big boy buff wait but we can't even do that no no i'll use it right at the start because if it has full hp yeah i don't think it matters so we'll use all of our abilities right at the start okay oh you're right dude we'll just use our abilities like right before it starts yeah yeah and just full sentences like we'll send everything we got at this guy we have seven rounds is there anything better that we can put together have you put all of your instances down yeah pretty much i have a village i could put down but like it's not gonna do anything do i have a sub or anything i didn't get i mean i i guess i i'll put it down just because it gives like an extra like attack speed boost wait what what what were you putting down another video i just put a village down so yeah why not like put everything down just put everything you never know dude just put it down i can't i'm not going to put the alchemist down because oh yes you're going to come back and bite me yeah dad don't see your druids we've maxed out pretty much actually wait wait wait you have jungles bounty i can get super storm if you get rid of that what do you think should we keep two t4s or should we get rid of that super storm is pretty good dude should we get there or spirit of the forest or spirit of the forest which one wait where where is your dude right now he's below the village oh super storm this guy is 300 000 pops though but i don't think he's gonna do that much against the bosses yeah he's just getting all the other ones which i don't think we really are too worried about right yeah i guess we let's get super storm i'm gonna sell it i'm so sorry goodbye all right got it nice i think this is it dude i think we maxed everything out this is so fun i'm not gonna lie dude yeah wait when you play elite can you do winston towers maybe we might be if you can maybe we do elite stuff with insta towers we do so that would be fun bro all right here we go this is this is it it's been an honor yeah use all buildings not yet not yet not yet wait what why not if the boss isn't showing up yet now we do all the abilities oops that's fine uh oh this thing is really tanky i don't know if we're gonna be really yeah hang on he's just that just healed it what just healed i didn't do anything what's i have no idea what just healed it dude what i have no idea what healed it okay let's just hope that right and it stunned all of our towers for a second i know that was weird that was really weird oh man this is going to be really cool i don't think it's actually going to be i don't think we're going to get this i don't think we're going to be able to get this wow we like this completely oh my gosh this thing is really tanky bro we got one of the skulls down but there's still like five more skulls to get come on dude he's taking forever come on stop being invisible let's go yeah stop being invisible when he comes back is it going to take bro why is it why is it invisible for so long there bro i had no idea why it took so long i'm literally manually like aiming at this guy with the m80 right now i'm trying to max dude the m80 was definitely the play though it has almost like that's 1.7 million yeah the mag is like crucial for this come on come on luckily it will do another pass through with a majority of our towers so maybe we can you know do a little catch up here yeah i'm not gonna i'm not using any buffs right because i have the ability you can't just you can't okay yeah that's what i figured see the reason i thought we should use our buffs right before he actually shows up is that we we actually don't even um have to worry about like the him getting even any uh any health at all right and then they already got right it did not unfortunately i don't think either of our strategy work bro i think you went too early and i went too late and just kind of like tripped over each other that would face down on it i don't think it actually would have mattered though i don't know if there's actually anything that we could have done differently i mean we just had we worked with what we got you know like i don't know we are almost halfway but we're past halfway on the him on the lich actually being on the path yeah yeah there's the buffs but i don't think come on please no there's nothing we can do it's already at half dude should i just try to use the buffs as like a last hoover i mean it doesn't even we've just lost because the thing got passed anyways it doesn't matter oh my god no no no oh my god that was really hard i'm honestly so proud that we made it this far i did not think we were going to make it this far just with insta towers dude yeah if we didn't have the merge mechanic then that probably would have been totally different as well yeah 100 yeah 100 so let us know what did you think do you want to see us do more of these teaming up insta versus instapack you think we should keep it as the competitive side let us know you're all a bunch of beautiful individuals thank you for watching i hope you have a great day we'll see you tomorrow for some more awesome tuber videos peace
Channel: Tewbre
Views: 2,214,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tewtiy, favremysabre, sabre, gaming, games, game, showcase, challenge, modded, mods, mod, gameplay, vanilla, playthrough, comedy, video, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, no cursing, no swearing, video games, let's play, lets play, cursed mods, bloons, bloons tower defence, bloons tower defence 6, btd 6, can we beat lych using only insta monkeys, btd 6 insta monkey, insta monkey vs insta monkey, insta monkey pack, btd 6 lych boss
Id: IENzznj_fj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 38sec (1838 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2022
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