H H Dalai Lama: Coping with Loss and Sorrow

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your holiness how is it possible to achieve inner peace and happiness when one suffer when one suffers great pain due to personal loss illness addiction depression anxieties or decimal loved ones again as I mentioned earlier you see look from wider perspective one unfortunate things happen but at the same time there are some good things still there so you lost your loved one very sad but then think what use to much that instead of said you should fulfill the wish of your cause of the loved one for example my own tutor I usually consider very solid rock I can lean read when he passed away I feel him felt now that lost but then I think now to myself sad or prayer will not bring him now I must sort of develop willpower to carry his to fulfill his wish dad this brings that hug Asli a death my very blood might it might teacher that brings in sort of sadness but it brings more inner strength and determination so you should you should do that way that that although is a one side of your mind sad but one side of your mind bring more sort of willpower determination to fulfill they say that that person logically if that person who passed away some way to know you in spite that that's all said event you still remain or City the happy person or some metal useful person then the lady or friend feel very happy if you to my set and completely demoralized too much worry or crying cry at mid late person feel very sad so Tim buddy's life I do that
Channel: Per Christensen
Views: 150,435
Rating: 4.8701859 out of 5
Keywords: Sorrow Sadness Depression Buddhism Loss Coping Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama (Religious Leader)
Id: bZ5jHNbtkmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 12sec (192 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 14 2015
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