Gypsy Rose Lee TV debut 8-15-63

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as you know most of the material on fractured flickers comes from films which were originally made without dialogue or sound effects as a result we've developed a great interest in the art of pantomime the ability to tell a story or convey an idea without the use of words with us in our studio this evening is a lady who in her illustrious stage career has been able to capture and hold the wrapped and undivided attention of audiences all over the world without speaking a single word ladies and gentlemen the eminent authoris and entertainer and the first lady to merit the term ecthesiast instead of strip teaser miss gypsy rose lee oh thank you so now i'm an expert on pantomime well it was as good a reason as any to have you on our show it's the first time in my entire life that i've ever been compared with charles chaplin i was thinking more of harry langdon actually your pantomime plots may have been simpler and more direct than theirs but uh they were certainly just as appealing and effective oh i think my music was better too uh gypsy your career has been the result of a long tough climb to stardom can you tell us what it was that kept you going through the bad days well darling there were several things my mother for one you know mother just wouldn't admit there were any bad days and then of course there was always that need to keep eating but more than that i'd say it was the audiences themselves it was always very nice to know that regardless of what was happening the audience was with me miss lee in many cases your audience was way ahead of you in in recent years you've turned from treading the boards or should i say the runway to uh quieter pursuits writing lecturing as a matter of fact you've written two runaway bestsellers the uh first book was a whodunit the g-string murders then of course there was your sensationally successful autobiography gypsy yeah but tell me why did you decide to uh to write books instead of performing well for one thing hans there was less danger of catching cold then most important i think was the work schedule the work schedule is much easier writing you might say i preferred the one a year to the two a day so as i remember you did star in a one-woman show called a a curious evening with gypsy rosemary oh how nice of you to mention that honey tell me this what was it that was so curious about that evening well most people thought the most curious thing about the evening was the fact that the entire evening i was fully clothed that seems a shame in tonight's role as an expert on pantomime have you any sage advice to offer young aspirants in the theater yes i have hunts i think that actors should always avoid the obvious they should always leave a little uh something unrevealed they should stick to the tradition of always keeping just a little um mystery about their work that's very wise and tell me do you think that we on fractured flickers live up to that tradition is there something uh mysterious about our program oh i'm afraid not hans it's quite obvious darling that you are all completely out of your mind thank you that's the nicest thing any guest has ever said about it and good night miss gypsy rose lee and good night to you hunts and thank you for the opportunity of spending a very curious evening with hans conridge i remain fully clothed too
Channel: BetaGems Lost Media
Views: 868
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Betamax
Id: F-3k22g8R80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 46sec (226 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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