What's My Line? - Gypsy Rose Lee; Gig Young [panel] (May 31, 1959)

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what my mine brought to you by Kellogg's the folks who bring the best to you each morning the widest choice of cereals in the forum's you like best yours from Kellogg's of Battle Creek now let's all play what's my line now let's meet our award-winning panel of What's My Line first the popular columnist who's voice of Broadway appears and papers from coast to coast Miss Dorothy Kilgallen last week miss Debbie Reynolds proved an extraordinarily charming and delightful mystery guest on this program she's playing in an equally delightful picture at Radio City Music Hall called ask any girl and co-starring with her in that picture is our guest panelist for tonight mr. gig young and on my left that star on Broadway show once more with feeling a girl with a heart as big as the breadbasket Mazhar lien Francis thank you figure now our lovable publisher whose column in this week magazine makes about thirteen million families chuckle every week mr. Bennett sir I just like to say worried before I introduce John Playa Sunday night we had as our mystery guest as Debbie Reynolds and I'd like to say I think she's a most charming most humorous nicest kid we've had in that position in nine years meanwhile our panel moderated John Daly has learned six new five syllable words this week and he's promised to use every one of them this evening period John Charles good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to What's My Line we're up to our usual tricks have some interesting occupations some nice people who brought them to the theater and we hope to give the panel a rather rough time of it because mr. young needs to be thoroughly indoctrinated into the travails of sitting on what's my lines panel will also have a famous mystery guest before the panel a little bit later in the program we'll meet our first challenger after this our first contestant will you come in and sign in please 5-horse parley I would think how do you do oh I think I can provide you with a good deal of information we have five young gentlemen from the Pingree School in Elizabeth New Jersey as their blazer insignia to testify here before this great multitude since you know where they come from now let's all go over here sit down let us then ask if you're familiar with the way we keep score yes good Matt vent let's let the folks at home and our friends here in the audience and the theater know exactly what your line is all right panel being helpful as always we will tell you that these young gentlemen are self-employed and we'll begin the general questioning with Arlene Francis well I take it that whatever you do is you all do the same thing it's really nice is that correct yes yeah uh is this a temporary kind of work that you do yeah yes uh-huh can you do this work both winter and summer yes uh then I can assume you're not all beautiful lifeguards that's right yes uh do you do the work indoors when you do it yes uh is it in a place that might be considered a store you know one down and nine to go mister going right over to the supermarket yeah well my son crests up at Deerfield as as a group like yours it plays a lot of gone music is there any music connected with the job but you boys don't know dude on a date to go mrs. Kilgallon uh do you work with your hands at all yes would you say that your work is more physical than mental yes can both men and women enjoy your services yes yes uh if I were in your neighborhood could I employ you oh yes is something or someone better off because of what you do yeah yeah is anything cleaner or prettier I think we can only answer that by saying it would depend on the circumstances I mean it could be cleaner couldn't be clearer got it straight ah and you do it in doors are all five of you ever in the same place at the same time no three thousand seven to go gig yeah that was my question uh that was you you perform the same duties a service only in separate places apparently yes um do people come to see you perform this service no four down and six to go miss Frances could you do what you do in someone's house as well as in any other kind of interior yes yes uh-huh is there any do you do any wrecking of any kind while your you dig up anything no five dotted five to go mr. sir is there anything either alive or has there been anything alive and the things that you take care of yes would the alive things be smaller than dogs yes some could be might they be members of the insect world no I don't think we could say they're members of the insect word although sometimes you might be constrained to feel that way well six dotted four to go mr. girl live things ever members of the human family yes yes are they what might be described as little children right off the bat we throw the rest of the cards often I would announce immediately that the young gentleman had wanted me to be sure to say that what they have taken away from the panel tonight is to go to the science expansion project of their school which is as I told you the Pingree School in Elizabeth New Jersey hard by Newark Academy oh no I'm not supposed to mention Newark Academy I'm sorry but they organized the elizabethtown babysitting agency and they get was it 60 cents an hour and 75 cents after 12:00 75 cents after 12:00 oh boy you did rise young ladies do you babysit how's business pretty good this is pretty good fine I think you're a guy just way to identify who started a big pardon what is the average age of the girls they baby said usually babysit for boys oh you only do it for boys no that's the way it's worked in usually better tough okay well now why don't you all identifies giving you dave and go one two three four five I want eight Gilbert I'm Dave Ehrlich Richard de Basque sir I'm Tony's tan white Barnum and there we are and gentlemen congratulations on your initiative and also in being fine gets than What's My Line thank you all right panelists we can do with the second challenger would you come in and sign in please bring in busting out all over Monique be annoyed or Benoit anger advices are not done in Washington DC they have a section of the city that is lived wah park and I got in a lot of trouble cuz I used to keep calling it to dois but is the droit where are you from is it miss or mrs. mrs. mrs. Bennett Benoit way tomorrow company from Paris are you working in the United States yes I do and where are you in the United States when you were laboring in San Francisco in San Francisco handled by MAME and would you join me over here now mrs. Benoit do you know how we keep score have you been here long enough to become familiar with that process but what's my life yes fine and it's not the people and audience here and those at home know exactly what your line is we'll tell you that mrs. Benoit is salaried and gigs since it's a couple of years you ought to get the rust off your scales there you start things off tonight well I hope mrs. Benoit is in a it's a service yay you're doing services could either men or women avail themselves of your services yeah Oh could I yes have your service you I beg your pardon I just wondered if you could hardly wait you do you go to people no they come to you but one down nine to go miss Finch the people come to you then no no you don't know I think if we use very general terminology in this case I think we will have to agree that to take advantage of your service the initiative must be taken by the person who wants to send us right oh do you work for a non profit making organization its profit-making no it's two down a date to go mr. City mrs. Benoit does the service that you perform require any kind of physical dexterity no three thousand seven to go mrs. Kilgallon mrs. Benoit San Francisco was such a gay city do you have anything at all to do with entertainment or amusement or even food no entertainment amusement or food poor down in six to go mr. yahoo you do you deal with your with the people mentally as against physically just said so you would say so it's in very general terms we would have not except that um it's not clear to me though whether they come to you you go to them the initiative to take the service must come from the the people who want i see and you have a place of business it's a very good question would you define what it is you want to get at in terms of view everybody i wanted to find out if she paid rent somewhere you mean the chevy face of businesses where that's where his missus conducted solely and rental is paid thereon etc so forth and so forth that's five down and five to go miss Bentley uh would I be correct in assuming that there is no product connected with what you do know there is no product that's right do you have anything whatsoever to do you get around in the job that you do rather than remain stationary you mean as a necessitated by the work itself well alright if you want to put it that way John is moving around from place to place not area to the proper functioning and the provision of that is here it's nicely that's fine that sticks down and four to go mrs. Ben want Sam Cisco was a mecca for tourists or the great cities of the world do you have anything to do with the people who come as visitors to San Francisco no that's seven down and three to go mrs. Kilgallon have we established whether missus Benoit works indoors or outdoors no it hasn't been established do you work inside anything whether the thing is indoors or outdoors are you in any sort of an enclosure however yes strange or a milk we'd have to agree that you're in a in closer yeah is it something other than an office building yes is it something other than a department store yes it is something other than a hotel yes does it move no no I take Donna do to go mr. Kiki yeah I'm gonna pass miss Trenton are you in any way associated with a sports world no nine down and one to go mr. Sirk we've eliminated entertainment we will eliminate sports we've eliminated physical dexterity and it's a profit-making organization I haven't say uh is it connected in any way with money no an outdoor bank then down and no more go peddle missus Benoit writes an advice to the lovelorn column for the San Francisco Examiner Oh John I would like to say that I asked if it had anything whatsoever to do with sports the title of the column is Entre Nous oh uh huh that's gross that doesn't explain anything but other than tell you anyway cocaine helped you write that town mr. Kane would like to herb when we all know would like to help you right there tell him I'm sure but you just stick with it don't let him do that well I say it's a great pleasure to had you with us because they haven't done this to the panel for a while all of them over there and you can see by the pained expression on their collective visage is yes Dorothy chained and puzzled could we have one more question where does this has been wall work at home oh nice to have you and what and now we'll meet tonight's mystery guest in just a moment but first here is a word from our sponsor click under the special feature of our program the appearance of our mystery celebrity for which my friends on the panel blindfold themselves blindfolds all in place panel did when you come in mystery Challenger and sign in please all right panel as you know with our mystery celebrity we go to a different form of questioning you asked one question at a time in turn moving clockwise and we'll begin with Miss Dorothy Kilgallen I don't know why that's so funny sounds like the bamboo curtain sounds like a roulette wheel from here ah are you a performer who has anything to do with music the CL I couldn't hear that yes I am was the reply she something to do a music um are you female hmm are you a female I am distracted yeah never been a help before do you have you anything to do with a play that is now appearing on Broadway in what way you say but did you have anything to do in any way yeah yeah mister sir I did I didn't get this is a female we did get a yes yeah do you appear on the stage during the course of the performance of that clay no oh no 1.92 go miss Kilgallen what doesn't appear on stage but you have something to well there aren't any lady conduct you obviously don't ride the trolley as much guy uh are you behind the scenes when a performance is going on that makes it two down and eight to go was the this particular production was it written about you yes the war yeah it was yeah then it has to be Gypsy Rose Lee yeah it's not very often in these 10 years that I ever wanted you to get something but I've been as nervous as a cat on hot rocks because miss Gypsy had a mouthful of agates here that it really drops so these are my cattle I marvel that boggle I'm sorry you're just dropping your beam you know they say Ollie that you put a mouthful of you put a mouse on easily become a strip tease you say you fill your mouth philippe's and everyday you remove a marble and when you've lost all your marbles yours ladis to say what finally gave it all away is that there has opened in this past week believe it is this past week in plasters yesterday a musical called gypsy which those who know a great deal more about these things than I do say threatens to outdo even my fair lady and it is ah a musical written about Gypsy Rose Lee which means played brilliantly by Ethel Merman by Miss fu beautifully by Haywood Merrick and we could go on down the line it's a wonderful wonderful show oh thank you and thank you for all the nice things you said about on the air Dorothy oh you deserted oh they're wonderful the whole show is marvelous Sharon I was so thrilled I got up terribly early in the morning to hear you and just loved every minute of it I was so excited I couldn't go back to sleep again what time was it oh good heavens they do it in the middle of the morning you know Don eight o'clock or something a terrible hour ma'am thank you very much the bigger you'll have another contestant after this word from our alternate sponsor well let's see we can do with a final contestant will you come in and sign in please right there please Francine tiga right Teager would you tell us where you're from from brooklyn little bigger the panel can you join me over here now please do you know how we keep score miss Teigen alright then let's let the folks at home and those here in the theater the audience know exactly what your line is a little bit rushed for time so I'll tell you very quickly that mrs. tiga is salaried and let's begin the general questioning with Bennet sir mr. t get you know that William Blake once wrote a poem about you tiga tiga burning bright young man we had any time left the door go ahead sir the product connected with the work that you did yeah is it a product that we might term useful no no I don't think we could call it useful that's one down and nine to go miss killjoy a luxury product something that we could live without but we'd like to have is that it would you think that perhaps uh I might have one of these in my home might do you think Bennet might have one Oh right now critic all the time I'm here in something that would be on view when guests were present if we used it would be it wouldn't be tucked away in a drawer I know it on a show is it solid rather than liquid yeah ah is it something that is decorative yeah you wouldn't dare let stood on a date to go gig young is it used more by men than women so that gives you a no I'm sorry seven down three down and seven to go miss Frances does one touch it with one's hands in order to use it yeah uh is it is it bigger than Steve Allen's breadbox no no that would put us out of business I'm sorry we've run out of time because there's been what is it alive is it live be very difficult if it was because mrs. tiger is a bubblegum tester Oh mrs. Kealey works for tops chewing gum company and she has to when they make a batch she has to chew on it if it doesn't blow bubbles in five minutes through the whole batch oh that's our motto No thank you very much I'm sorry we didn't have more time now until next week and gig was nice to have you back after this long absence next till next week good night Miss Dorothy Kilgallen good night John and I want to correct a boo-boo it's Shirley MacLaine who was in ask any girl I was thinking of Debbie Reynolds in connection with his other picture I'm sorry good night see I didn't hear you it was a credit right thank you very much good night friend Arlene you can call me good night what's the name again John Donne this is New York City and thank you ladies and gentlemen for being with us on what my life transportation for contestants on what's my line is arranged by United Airlines What's My Line is a CBS television network production in association with Mark Watson and Bill Kaufman this is Houston this is George who is inviting me to join him for name Mattoon tomorrow night on most of these stations you
Channel: What's My Line?
Views: 139,428
Rating: 4.8542805 out of 5
Keywords: What's My Line? (TV Program), Episodes (TV Program), Game Show (TV Genre), John Charles Daly, Arlene Francis (Author), Bennett Cerf, Dorothy Kilgallen, Gig Young (Theater Actor), Gypsy Rose Lee (Author)
Id: 31veZyzwYsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 9sec (1569 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 02 2014
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