Gypsy Rose Blanchard Revelations: 6 Shocking Bombshells and What Her Tell-All Series Left Out

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you know the murder just happens again and again and again in my mind I'm free physically but I'm not free from the trauma after serving 8 years in prison Gypsy Rose Blanchard a convicted murderer turned social media sensation is finally telling it all from sexual abuse allegations to a prescription pill addiction a prior murder attempt and even a voodoo hex with a supposed curse here's all the bombshell Revelations we've learned since Gypsy Rose's release and what her six part series left out hardest thing was to watch everyone tell my story and you know get it wrong and speculate and everything but now I'm I'm free I have a I have it's my turn now Gypsy pleaded guilty to Second deegree murder back in 2016 in connection to the death of her mother Claudine Dee Blanchard this came after gypsy's alleged years of abuse all at the hands of her mother because she controlled every aspect of my life Gypsy was sentenced to 10 years in prison but was granted parole before that decade long Mark she was released from Missouri's chilicothe Correctional Center on December 28th having served eight years behind bars since then she's become something of a social media icon amassing millions of followers on multiple platforms hey everyone this is Gypsy I'm finally free followers get Snippets of gypsy's life through her own personal VIs videos but with the release of her newest series the prison confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard they're given an in-depth account from Gypsy herself after a lifetime expired I finally get used by void to share my story and Pete my truth throughout the docu series Gypsy discusses her relationships with her mother saying quote she never wanted me to find love or be happy initially after her mother's murder Gypsy says she didn't have any remorse in fact in fact it wasn't until several years into her prison sentence that Gypsy began missing Dee at all gypsy Blanchard is the only victim of munch Housen syndrome by proxy who has killed their mother gypsy's case shed light on the terms Munch Housen and Munch Housen by proxy after years of living with what she believed were real illnesses Gypsy realized she was perfectly healthy her sickness was a false narrative all created by her mother munch housin and Munch Housen by proxy are kind of antiquated names for what we could what psychologists call a conversion disorder essentially when we take Munch housings the person believes themselves to have some kind of illness and so they'll do things to make themselves ill in a way to get attention or to get accolades or to get something right there's some external Source Munch hous by proxy is when the individual puts that sickness puts that illness on someone one else that's the bioxy part so it's not Gypsy that has Munch housings it's her mother that has Munch housings right that's the conversion disorder and so when it's by proxy though the individual doesn't know any better they don't know that they're not sick or maybe as they grow up they end up realizing that they're not but the caregiver has purposefully done things to make them sick has injured the person purposefully to make them sick in order to get the attention that they crave according to gypsy's new series she got into a motorcycle crash with her grandfather when she was about five she had a few scrapes and bruises but her mother took it to the next level forcing Gypsy to use a leg brace and later a wheelchair that was just the beginning why were you in a wheelchair in in June of 2015 because my mother forced me to be in one do you know why you were forced to be in a wheelchair no sir she just forced me to be in one and how long at had you been in a wheelchair as of June of 2015 since probably I was about 8 years old according to testimony from Gypsy herself her mother used medications to create symptoms in her daughter then she told others that Gypsy suffered from multiple illnesses including cancer muscular distrophy and paralysis Deee maintained Gypsy had the capacity of a seven-year-old forcing her daughter to use a wheelchair for more than a decade was there a time between when you first were put in a wheelchair and June of 2015 that you figured out that you really didn't need to be in a wheelchair yes when was that I always knew that I didn't need the wheelchair and how did you know that cuz I could walk did did you and your mother obtain any kind of Advantage by you being in a wheelchair yes sir what kind of Advantage did you obtain Financial um attention charity financially mean money yes sir did you obtain money as a result of you being in a wheelchair yes sir how' that work out how' that Happ experts later determined Dei used Gypsy fake illnesses as a way to cash in on everything from make a wish trips to a home built by Habitat for Humanity uh I asked you why you attained an advantage for being in a wheelchair and he said people gave you money and then I I think my next question was why did they give you money because they felt sorry for me they believed the LIE they believed the fraud the docu series revealed that for years multiple members of de's family say they knew Gypsy could walk and was healthy but still didn't question her her wheelchair use on top of that Gypsy revealed her mother's family kept another darker secret that her grandfather de's father sexually assaulted Gypsy for years Gypsy said quote I feel like releasing all of that would be very therapeutic for me she alleges her grandfather Claude Petri brought her to a Woodshed behind his home and forced Gypsy to touch him she said quote at 9: I don't think I knew it was wrong her grandfather told her not to tell anyone in quote I didn't want to get him into trouble so I kept quiet Claude Petri denied these allegations and instead said Gypsy tried to touch him he has never been charged with sexually assaulting her but Gypsy doubled down saying quote there is no part of me that questions if this happened or not this 100% happened he can take this to his grave if he wants to but the one person that is not going to visit him at his grave is me Gypsy says she only made this bombshell revelation to her stepmother Christy Blanchard after she was in prison Christy who married gypsy's father Rod Blanchard when she was still a child believed for years her stepdaughter was chronically ill Rod told documentarians he believed the same saying DD's facade was too convincing to dispute what illnesses did you believe you had cancer muscular distrophy I needed glasses I needed hearing aids seizure disorder and I can't remember what else and when did you figure out that you weren't actually sick I started to piece things together when I was about 19 years old then I didn't understand the full extent of how healthy I was until after I got arrested de's family explained she grew up with a heart murmur which they hypothesize could have led to her forcing fake illnesses upon Gypsy for years Gypsy herself believed she was really ill I thought that I was going to die like I thought that I was a dying child throughout childhood Gypsy underwent multiple unnecessary surgeries including the insertion of a feeding tube that she didn't need and the removal of her salivary glands that led to Gypsy losing multiple teeth right now she only has 16 real teeth in multiple current photos you can see her dentures dei's insistence that her daughter was Ill was only exacerbated by Hurricane Katrina in 2005 she claimed gypsy's medical records were destroyed in the storm this led to De fudging the years of gypsy's birthday to make her daughter appear younger than she really was Gypsy now says she realizes her mother was suffering from a mental illness people often get wrong um that my mother was just an evil person um and then that's not the case she suffered from mental illness um so I don't think that she was ever purposely trying to be mean or hurt me um I think it was maybe something that she just it was out of her control um you know it is called a a disease for a reason it is called mental illness for a reason um so you know I want to bring awareness to that the pair moved from Louisiana to Missouri in 2005 and soon the Missouri Department of Family Services visited Dei and gypsy's home a doctor reported Gypsy as a potential kidnap victim after getting wind of the discrepancies in gypsy's medical documents and was concerned still Gypsy lied about the situation why did you not tell doctors that you knew you could walk or you didn't believe yourself to be heill during the time that you were doing this I didn't think that anyone would believed me I thought they would eventually tell my mom and that would make my home life even worse for me I feared her more than I feared anyone else this stress led to a new habit of vaping and later smoking something Gypsy said she did for about a year but the real bombshell came in the form of a prescription pill addiction Gypsy says she developed after stealing her mother's vicadin it happened when she was about 16 years old and she called it a quote escape from reality though she didn't know it was addiction at the time Gypsy went on quote I knew it was a craving it was all that I could think about for the first few years of her prison sentence Gypsy explained she used drugs to cope She chased the same high by using suboxin a drug used to treat opioid addiction she even begged her stepmother for $50 to pay for her habit at the time Gypsy lied and said she broke a fellow inmate CD player and needed to repay her I'm reprogramming myself and it takes a minute I don't think I'm like my mother at all I try actively not to be at one point Gypsy met a man at a comic book convention and snuck out of the house to meet him when Dee found the pair Gypsy says she was chained to the bed for weeks with handcuffs and a dog leash she took me back home she smashed my computer and my cell phone she chained me to a bed for two weeks in the docu series Gypsy reveals that her mother put a voodoo hex on her at that time burying a jar in the backyard with a cow's tongue and menstral blood cursing Gypsy to a life without love according to her family members Dei dabbled in spellcasting and Magic but all this made Gypsy even more desperate who initially brought up killing your mother I did a bombshell reveal in the docu series shows Gypsy attempted to kill her mother prior to Dee's death Gypsy admitted to pointing a gun at her mother mom and firing multiple shots even hitting her mother with the pellets it wasn't until after she pulled the trigger that Gypsy realized it was a BB gun when she was treated for the injuries Dee told doctors she was robbed at gunpoint in a Walmart parking lot as a way to create more space for herself Gypsy created a Facebook page she hid from her mother where she would communicate with her secret boyfriend Nicholas go to John how did you meet him on an online Christian meeting with s do you remember the name of that site Christian dating how old were you when you met Nick about 21 in June of 2015 what did you consider your relationship to Nick to be what kind of relationship we were boyfriend girlfriend and when did you become boyfriend and girlfriend in October 2012 when did you first meet Nick in person March um 2015 so between October of 2012 and March of 2015 you hadn't actually met Nick in person that is correct how did you how how what type of relationship did you have during that period of Time online relationship and by online what do you mean strictly communicating through Facebook any other ways other than Facebook um instant text messaging emails prior to March of 15 when you indicated you met Mr go John for the first time in person had your mother met him no sir did she know he existed no sir why is it she didn't know because it was a secret relationship and my mother would never allow me to have a boyfriend why not because she controlled every aspect of my life did you and Nick ever talk about the fact that you were not allowed to date yes how many times do you think I don't remember did you and your mother ever have any discussions about whether you were ever going to be able to date yes sir did you and Nick talk about that we may have what did your mother say about your ability to date going forward she said that it would never happen that she would never allow it what about marriage did you and Nick ever talk about marriage yes did you and your mother ever discuss whether or not you'd be able to get married someday yes what did she tell you she said that she wouldn't allow it Gypsy confided and go to John that her illnesses were fake and explained her mother's abuse was only becoming more frequent I was growing in increasingly desperate to get out of my home life did you tell Nick that yes and what was your mom doing that caused you to be more desperate things are getting physically and more physically abusive the hitting was more the starving was more now you mentioned you were in a wheelchair uh were you required to act any certain way when you in a wheelchair yes sir how was that she would have me stay very quiet and pretend like I couldn't talk Gypsy feared others may not believe her about the abuse and fake illnesses together she and Goa John theorized ways to free Gypsy why not just tell somebody rather than kill your mother why was that not an option I truly didn't believe that nobody would believe me if I told anything my mother had legal documents in place saying that I was incompetent and I thought that meant that if I went to anyone the police or told anyone she would just have them condensed that I was making the everything up who talked who into killing your mother I did I talked him into it in the end the pair decided it would be go to John who would kill Dee he planned to take a bus from his home in walk a Wisconsin to the Blanchard's home in Springfield Missouri had you discussed alternative methods of killing your mother yes what other Alternatives had you considered poison arson gun why did you not consider poison it was too hard to find an odorless tasteless poison why didn't you kill your mother I didn't believe I could do it could you explain what you you mean by that I don't like blood I don't like the side of blood frankly I'm too sish so I just honestly didn't believe I can do it on my own a bombshell reveal in her docu series that Gypsy recorded a to-do list for go to John prior to her mother's murder leading the camera on a path throughout their home and pointing out when go to John should stab Deee Gypsy told interviewers she was high on vicadin at the time of the videoos recording you could hear your mom correct yes sir okay and you heard her scream yes sir and and she screamed your name yes sir when Goa John arrived at her home Gypsy hid in the bathroom but heard her mother scream her name as Goa John stabbed her to death you know the murder just happens again and again and again in my mind I'm free physically but I'm not free free from the trauma after that Gypsy says go to John raped her the pair stayed in Missouri for several days before taking a bus to go to John's home in Wisconsin after writing a cryptic message on dei's Facebook account investigators found the crime scene and later Tracked Down Gypsy and Goa John in this series Gypsy revealed Goa John wrote to her in early 2019 saying he wanted to be with her and did not regret her mother's Murder She Wrote back though saying she does not want a relationship with with him Gypsy accepted a plea deal in 2016 while Goa John was tried and convicted of first-degree murder in 2018 now almost a decade after the crime Gypsy walks free experts say it will be a challenge for her to acclimate to life on the outside it's shocking for anyone honestly we're the prison system is setting up a lot of people for failure uh a majority of people end up just getting back into prison simply because they can't meet the criteria for parole right they can't they find it difficult to get a job they find it difficult for housing family members if any even exist probably have ostracized them because of whatever the crime was I mean it's very difficult for these individuals to come out of incarceration and then find success it's it's very very rare but according to her social media Pages Gypsy is doing just fine in that department hey everybody so we are in Time Square look at this isn't this epic oh my God I'm so enjoying my time right now um we're just walking Time Square and doing a little shopping I bought an I love New York t-shirt which was on my bucket list so that was pretty awesome multiple videos show Gypsy on a press tour in New York where she's seeing the SES hey so we bought tickets to Harry Potter and the C child on Broadway and we are about how many minutes away starts at 7 and it's like we are 10 minutes 10 minutes away so we'll tell you how it is it's going to be amazing I read the book love the series and it's going to be an amazing show we got great seties yeah we got look at these right right on the B look at these seat oh yeah that's real real nice I opened up the windows and I'm like I've never seen tall buildings like this she's also seemingly embracing her new sense of style showing off her outfits and makeup hey everyone so this is my outfit of the day everything is Sara my top my shorts my shoes and my makeup was done by the lovely Miss Isabelle so I think I look pretty cute get ready with me for my lifetime press day when they film the dock did they bring people in to do your makeup I wonder but what Gypsy may be most vocal about is her husband Ryan Anderson a sixth grade social studies teacher in Louisiana I mean here's the thing I'm newly married she don't play Gypsy and Ryan got married back in 2022 while she was still serving time the docu series also gave us insight into the relationship that went on for more than a year before they ever met in real life Anderson told reporters he first quote learned about Gypsy while watching her story and felt quote sad for her I felt like I couldn't judge her for that he also said when his former employer learned of his relationship with Gypsy they asked him to resign saying that the relationship posed a danger for students he since found a new job teaching the first time he and Gypsy met in person they spoke for 4 hours straight Anderson proposed during their third visit and they were married after their seventh in-person meeting on July 21st 2022 I'm here for the Long Haul like till death was part gypsy's stepmother and father told documentarians they had doubts about the marriage which is why Christy Blanchard suggested the pair get annuled about 3 months into their marriage this came after an argument between Anderson and Gypsy about one of her ex-boyfriends when the pair started therapy they decided to stay together they now plan to have a traditional wedding that her friends and family can attend in person the pair noted that chilicothe Correctional Institution did not allow conjugal visits but they have not shied away from discussing intimate details on on social media and the D is fire experts say though the pair have been together for several years it will be a transition as they begin to see each other in person regularly yeah it's it's hard to say because we don't really know the type of relationship that they actually have yes they're married but does she even know what marriage actually means does she have a marriage relationship or a marriage type relationship that any one of us would see as being conventional or even unconventional just anything that would make kind of logical sense in terms of intimacy there's no guarantee that any of that is there and just could actually be another source of exploitation either from Gypsy or towards the husband and while several new Bombshells were revealed in the tell all a few things were also left out to start the series breezed over gypsy's relationship with onetime fiance Ken who reached out to Gypsy after the premiere of the h o doc about her case called Mommy dead and dearest Ken proposed to Gypsy back in 2018 and even gave her two engagement rings before the pair called it off Gypsy told interviewers the fame was too much for Ken but didn't go into much more detail the doc also breezed over gypsy's other ex Nicholas Goa John just last month his defense team filed an appeal for a new trial citing ineffective Council during his first goar around they alleged go to John's first team team failed to highlight his autism disorder saying a neuroschistosomiasis
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 321,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network, gypsy rose, gypsy rose blanchard
Id: 3SDdYgTPDpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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