Mother Stabs Her Three Children To Death Before Lighting House on Fire

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a Georgia mother is spending the rest of her life Behind Bars after stabbing three of her children to death inside their home then setting in Ablaze after the brutal slayings the killings happened in June 2022 the paing County Sheriff's Office says that night they received a call of a domestic disturbance and house fire according to authorities it was reported a woman was attempting to stab the young children that were inside that woman was later identified as then 40-year-old Darlene Brer according to police seven children lived in the home two of them ages three and just 9 months were pronounced dead on the scene three children ages 5 9 and 11 were transported to a hospital with stab wounds the 5-year-old later succumbed to their injuries and the two remaining children were able to escape the Blaze and thankfully were able to flee to a neighbor's home a few days after the murder's body cam video shows detectives returning to the scene to speak with neighbors about what they may have witnessed on the night of the deadly stabbings one neighbor who lived nearby described hearing some of the young children and jump out of the window to escape the fire hi sorry you I know it's early and who you home last night when all that happened um did you mind giving us a statement I I done a written one you did a written one already yeah me and my neighbor over there cuz he came and got me when the the girl jumped out the window the detectives then asked if he noticed anything out of the usual on the day of the fire and he said he noticed the children's father and Darlene's husband pack up in leave I know him a little bit the man the dad I mean he'll come over here and talk to me sometimes but you know I don't know him that well but uh I know Sunday I was out here drinking coffee and uh Sunday morning he was packing all his stuff up like all his clothes shoes everything he he threw the baby car seat out on the driveway and the stroll cuz they got a mini B he was taking everything out it putting up like all his stuff and I noticed he was gone all week he wasn't here all week long and that's that's rare because they don't work or nothing they're usually there all the time neither one of them work not that I know they're there all day every day and so I figured you know and see back I think it was I want to say around December I I probably wrong on that the cops got called out here and they took her away and everything and he came over here like ler that evening or the next day and explained to us what was going on and saying that uh she she had got a knife or something threatened to kill all of them and stuff like that I was like manam and he said that's why they took her away because it was going to have her evaluated or something yeah and uh you know then a couple days later she was back you ever seen the kids come out yeah yeah they'll play out back all the time yeah you see them out that back playing all the time we know how many there are I think that my wife says there's seven that's correct okay I just I just wondered yeah I think I think my wife said I I said she works she's a prpr at school so she's big with kids and so she said they're s okay I think four four boys three girls I think she was saying last night I just knew there was a bunch of them I never really counted them or nothing but she did he adds it's not the first time he's heard a commotion coming out of br's home have you ever heard him fighting or arguing oh yeah I mean but like it would never be like nothing like I would say like aggressively but you would hear them bickering back and forth you know but never know slamming or you know breaking stuff or cussing or nothing like that you know but you would hear him you know going back forth you know not often but I did hear him highp speeed chases we got a unruly suspects I will kill that mother tase me no do it stay in the blue box I like K dramatic DUI I'mma pass everything that she trying to do and shocking body cam footage hey kill the girl get on the ground law and crime presents body cam the place for real raw and wild police videos you should have seen it it was good it's on body camera I'll show it to you catch the action and subscribe to our new YouTube channel now detectives then head to another neighbor's home hi it's a sheriff's office uh I'm not really decent I'll be right okay no problem while waiting for her to return the two detectives are directly across the street from the crime scene and note just how much damage was caused to the home by the fire set by Brer pretty much everything the inside's torched really mhm do they know what she said off I heard gasoline the neighbor then returns to speak with detectives and tells them she never expected anything like this to happen in their neighborhood no problem no you're fine I'm detective hering with the um right now um so we are canvasing the neighborhood trying to talk to everybody that's around these that is near this house right here um after what happened on Friday okay um did you hear about it you know what we're talking about I watched it you watched it okay do you um do you know the family that lives in that house not very well but they did come and ride bikes all the time and they were very nice it was very weird to see that happen the kids used to ride bikes the kids the mom the dad talked to all of them they were all nice and the little boy d used to come up here and play all the time okay the dad on the back fortunately for like 30 minutes watching us done play so I didn't expect that to happen Okay do you had you heard of any or did you know of any history of any domestic abuse that happened in the house or um but with her having seven kids of course you hear the kids and her and everybody yell all the time I mean I yell at my kids too yeah so it wasn't something different I've never her her scream anything rude or mean something like that okay um did the kids ever complain of anything going on in the house I asked my son that yesterday and he said no I've never heard the kid say anything but I asked my son cuz he plays with Dante a lot and he said that he's never said nothing mean that his mom bought him toys all the time okay um did you ever speak with the mom personally yes but no she was with her kids and the husband and we would just talk about how the day is go and weather things like that it was nothing different I've never been to their house or anything okay when detectives asked if she saw brist on the night of the killing she said no but suggests something terrible overcame BR to cause her to kill her own children did you see anything personally when the when the situation happened um yes but no the mom was in the backyard and I did not know that the whole time we were standing right there at my neighbor's Back Fence but it was also like right there at their back fence and she was in the backyard the whole time we didn't know that until the police officers were telling her to get down the ground or put her hands up something like that okay what did you witness before that like when it when it All Began oh I didn't witness nothing before that okay yeah if you just um wres a wit statement about her character with the kid kids and so like that just like he told us and then what you saw that's not going to help her right because she needs to be there no that's not going to help her we're just we're just saying that her character before and then her character now yeah pretty much exactly what you just told us yeah um just to show the court system that you know how how the neighbors saw her act before hand with the family um what I don't know if they religious but I honestly thought she must have been possessed or something she's it was a complete turnaround mhm she's like been insane or something and understand she's homeschooling seven kids but that's a mental breakdown not to do what she did iFish R witness statement would be great D may do I are here or uh yes because we have to um sign it at the bottom you can write it on top of there no C if you'd like so detectives head to another neighbor's home who told authorities while she didn't personally know Brer she saw her children playing quite often hello good morning morning we are detective at the PO Sheriff's um we're coming around to speak to the houses in the area um in regards to the situation that happened yes on Friday night okay um did you know that family there by chance no I'd see her walking like her kids and the dad but I don't know him I know Lisa had the woman up there she said she was her best customer like when she did all her yard sales okay so that house right which house she's in the white house right at yeah okay we'll go speak with her as well then um so you said that you saw them riding or walking around together yeah I just walking their kids okay did you witness anything Friday night no okay no I just seen all the stuff out there and I heard about it this like yester yesterday morning gotcha yeah okay okay well thank you mhm no problem detectives then speak to br's neighbor named Edward who mentioned to them he knew the family and he said it wasn't the first time Brer has threatened to kill hello hello sir good morning how you doing good good we're with the p County Sheriff's Office uhu all right we are coming around speaking to Residents um in the area because of what happened on Friday night with that house right there um did you know the family by chance yeah I don't you did I know a little bit about them okay um how how was the how was the household the Family household they stayed together this speak call nobody R is the only one really spoke well that's only briefly only briefly mhm okay um did you know of any any arguments or any domestic uh violence domestic abuse that happened I know um she U she to come over there and get get her out of there because she was trying to kill everybody about October November something like that when was this about October last year October last year who was it that tried to that had to come get her the Sheri sh yeah got know she stayed calm for about couple months a couple months something like that they came back they said she was all B CU she felt better then know this P not this Sund Sund before that they got the AR but she got AR with him again and say she going to do the same thing she she want to kill them when asked if Edward saw anything unusual on the night of the stabbings he told detectives he noticed her car was suspiciously parked down the road instead of in front of the garage did you witness any did you witness anything or see anything Friday night no only thing I seen St Friday the car us to be parked right there in front of the garage is that the car was parked in front of the garage no I said used be parked in front of the garage okay and it was strange she parked way up here I don't know why she parked where she pass the mail pass all the okay so the car was past the mailbox and that's first time you ever seen it there never seen it before whose car was that that's the burg car was it her car I live her car okay and um and the kids us to be out playing they us be I hear the kids play all day they been back and forth in the store though but they a outside and play all day strange I heard about it and they thing I know I was looking at wrestling and it see like really 3D because I glass and everything got and I know she look girl right oh my God I know she trying to kill the kid gave my mind was exactly what it was the girl say mother cut the newborn you know the youngest one stab the youngest one so she said know no she dead and then she know told everybody take Sleep p go to sleep m she B down the girl told you that told they told oh I heard it though sound terrible that though the first thing CU he came back the night of when all this over with and then I said everybody want me to shut up I just I just want know I'm like why I'm just saying you if you leave why you leave the kids W you just call somebody because I I thought they was arguing I thought will come back saying why why you leave kids there especially me know she will kill them you don't know you know saying she they snap like that all theid I should be talking like how it is though saying Bo you you the only one you I don't know I'm wrong no but I just hat K man I can stop crying I hate that after detectives continue their canvas coming across the home of a retired police officer hi hello good morning good morning we're detectives with the PA County Sheriff's Office yes ma'am we are coming to speak with um houses well to people in the area um near the house that of everything that occurred on Friday okay um were you guys home when that happened yes ma'am my husband um he's a retired police officer he went out there and let me get him okay thank you once her husband comes to the door he tells officials he heard close- range gunshots and told detectives some of the children came to his neighbor's home escaping the terrifying ordeal hey how good how are you sir pretty good sorry I was asleep you're fine you what they come in yeah Y come on in okay thank you the mess you're fine me no problem at all all right so I'm Detective hering County Sheriff's so we're just coming out to speak with anyone that's in the area of the house right there with everything that happened on Friday night um I was told that you were outside I came out I heard um one of my next door neighbor I worked with Douglasville you probably see for 27 years I just retired in January okay so uh we were in here watching TV and stuff and I heard what sound like a gunshot which people hunt out here and stuff I hear them all the time out here but it sounded close and so I went outside trying to see what was going on and I just saw the the um fire trucks and I think one police car up the street at that time cuz none of the cars that were in front of my house were here then and uh what I did was is I just went outside and was trying to figure out what was going on CU I was like you know well like iall would do you know I did this a long time I I want to know what's going on around me you know so uh I just kind of sit out here by my truck and just watched as the officers were in the front yard I never saw anybody other than the three children that he my next door neighbor had already brought over to his house which were the three girls um I think he said 11 13 and 15y old or something it was the older children okay um had you did you see anything did you see the fire or anything I just saw the I saw the officers going in to the house and then searching around the perimet of the house um I never even saw her um because well I never left further than my tree line right there by the neighbors so that distance at night time yeah I couldn't really see much of what was going on and uh you know I've been doing I did a long time so you know I know I'm not going to go up there and trying to get in the way or anything cuz I can't do shit now you know it's not like when I was working or something but um so I just kind of stood out here and then my neighbor came over and talked to me for a few minutes and told me he said that uh that basically um he had heard yelling or something and he saw the girls over there and one of the girls was hurt and he saw the smoke and so he ran over there and helped get the girls over to his house which was that right here Trey right next door 801 yeah okay yeah I believe I think that his wife might have been the caller um because he said that uh basically he he said that they he'd had a previous incident with I guess the lady's boyfriend at some point over his dog getting in the trash and so he said I thought oh shit my dog got loose again when he heard the yelling and so when he went out there that's when he saw the girls I guess they were coming out the window because I had uh he said that they jumped out the window and that's how the one little girl hurt her ankle the neighbor said he didn't speak much with br's family but like other neighbors noted he saw the children playing in the neighborhood several times did you speak with the girls at all when they were next door I didn't no cuz uh while I was standing out there talking to him one of your officers was out talking to the girls okay so but I never spoke to the girls at all I've never spoken to the family at all um I used to see the little ones out there playing all the time like playing in the front yard but I've never talk to the family that lives there did you ever see the family out besides the kids plan just the kids plan and I would see like the mom every once in a while in the front yard and I think there used to be a guy that lived there um but I don't like I don't know their name or anything like that other than what I've SE in the paper now yeah okay do you mind writing a statement for us just of what you witnessed or anything yeah not a problem at all give me just a few minutes okay no problem let me run I'm going to grab a pen out of the back I'll be back up y want the truck y want to water tooke anything like that you sure thank you okay all right um y y'all going to have SE or you want to we just have to wait for the cuz we have to yeah yeah yeah yeah I was going to bring let me let me grab a pin real quick and I'll be right back no problem the next neighbor detective spoke what says she and Brer did speak from time to time but like other neighbors was shocked to see the tragic events that took place just days before so we're calling um to speak to Neighbors in the area um are we aware of what happened at the house yes okay um one of the neighbors um that live on that street told me that that the lady that lived at that house used to come by over here did you know her well they used to they would walk around the neighborhood and like I'm sorry I'm asleep I I could sleep after all that it's like I really have a hard time uh my grandson had like a bunch of books M and I was saving until I saw them out again and I gave them to her but I didn't we didn't ever speak to them very much because they didn't come out very much okay they pretty much just stayed inside okay and it just breaks my heart it does it breaks my heart because I I thought that they were good Christian people you know and the father he used to work at Dollar General and I mean he don't work there no more he work there for a while but I spoke to him whenever he was there you know and he seemed like a real nice guy and I pray for him right now you know couldn't imagine what he's going through SP to her a couple of times checking on PR no's not here they're checking on the talking about the about the house that all that well all right well we were just cheing to we didn't really we didn't really know her I mean you know like I said I spoke to her a couple of times but nothing like I knew her okay if I knew her I would I wish I did know her I wish you would brought the kids instead of doing all that well if you hear anything or say anything you know any other neighbors that might might have saw it just give us a call maybe witness to what happened or anything like that or knew them any better like that I don't think anybody did they stay to okay all right well thank you so much for your time sorry for interrupting oh it's okay thank you father the father wasn't there right I mean he's doing what he can oh yeah yes sir have a good day Darlene Brer was arrested and has been behind bars since the day of the tragic stabbing and the subsequent fire in September 2022 prosecutors filed paperwork seeking the death penalty against Brer but after a later plea deal the death penalty was taken off the table and she was ordered to serve three consecutive life sentences without the possibility of parole br's husband and the children's father who reportedly was not there on the night of the stabbing told local news stations his wife was battling mental health issues at the time of the attack in the fire it's unclear if their surviving children are currently living with him meanwhile Darlene Brer is serving out her triple life sentence at the Arendelle State Prison in Georgia reporting for long crime I'm Elizabeth Milner
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 142,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network
Id: aFVjvyib4ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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