Prime Crime: Young Boy Left Home Alone With His Evil Stepmom

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on Prime crime he was going to go to play with his friend and um he didn't come back The Disappearance of an 11-year-old boy the whole Community came out in full force everyone wanted to find this boy turns into a devastating Tale full of lies and betrayal the guy was in there he had one of the guns I was terrified so terrified the investigators started to see that something didn't quite fit here something was [Music] off hey there everybody I'm Jesse Weber and welcome to Prime crime where we break down some of the most compelling and memorable True Crime cases in our next story about The Disappearance of a young Colorado boy you need to hang on because this story goes in all different kinds of confusing and chilling directions 911 my son was supposed to be home at 6:00 and was almost 7 he's only 11 okay what's his name Jon it's January 27th 2020 Colorado Springs Colorado 36-year-old Leticia Stout who's married to husband Albert Stout is calling to report that her stepson 11-year-old Ganon has gone missing one of you maybe around like 3:30 maybe has this ever happened before uh no no 11-year-old children don't just disappear off the face of the Earth that automatically put everybody on edge so we went to the neighbor's house my daughter just went to see Ray Park and he's not there and who was the last person to see him uh I guess me our assignment desk gets the notific a a 11-year-old boy is missing in this nice little Community called Lon Ranch there was a lot of fear there was a lot of concern of where he could be hey can we come in hours later police arrive at the Stout's home to talk to Leticia her daughter Harley and ganon's sister Lena while Albert ganon's biological father is out of town for work he supposed to be here at 6:00 cuz we were going to eat dinner and his dad I already told him he could play with his friend and um he didn't come back at 6 so we drive to the neighbor's house and they're like uh no he's not here it didn't seem like there was enough urgency in her voice it seemed like she was not scattering in terms of her thoughts of what's going on my stepson is missing it was more like she was trying to piece it together you have talked to all of his friends parents my husband did he's been on the phone with a bunch of them he's Oklahoma no he said he's talked to everyone that he knows of we had heard he went to a friend's house but all of the community couldn't find him anywhere at first we had heard rumors this boy could have been a runaway the next morning Albert arrives back home from a training session with the National Guard he and Leticia meet with detectives at a coffee shop to gain some insight on where Ganon could have gone he told her he was going to play which they do all the time maybe he's 10 minutes late but you know nothing like this big deal here is he's a home body he would rather be home playing his little Nintendo or you know watching cartoons so he's not one just to walk off we're talking about January in the Colorado Rockies it's cold in fact there was a pretty heavy snowstorm that occurred in the days following gan's disappearance the likelihood that an 11-year-old child without substantial help from somebody outside the home could survive during that period of time greatly diminish the chances that we were going to find him alive and return him to his family when was the last time he talked to his mom his biological mother he talks to right they talk almost I say five times a week not to add any confusion to it but like the mom's married to a guy that's got a lot of trouble with the law and that was one of my first instincts it's worth putting down but I mean I don't know if it's anything legit there'd be so many tips coming into the sheriff's office they had to have a separate line so many people thinking they seen him turning out not to have seen him this boy's disappearance was gaining not only Statewide attention but quickly worldwide Nationwide online social media and there was just so much mystery so much curiosity so much concern then the day after Ganon disappeared Leticia tells an investigator she has something to share so initially you didn't tell me some things because Albert was there and Leticia saying she wasn't able to speak speak freely while Al was around comes into the police station to talk once more but this time she says she wants to tell officials what really happened take me through Sunday into Monday and be as detailed as possible Sunday gon had started a candle the fire thing went off it started saying fire fire fire fire so then I see smoke coming up from the downstairs so then I ran back downstairs to get G there's this story that kept being brought up about a candle what we heard was that he was maybe playing with his Nintendo switch by a candle and maybe he shouldn't have been on his switch and that his stepmother came downstairs and he got scared and knock this candle over the fire was on the floor over here then on the sof there was covers everywhere I take a whole bunch of them and I go and like basically Smash down on the sofa in the fire to put it out honestly we were going to fix the carpet and try to like not say anything Albert freaks out about every little thing so that's where Sunday kind of like stopped and everybody went to bed but as Leticia gets to the day of ganon's disappearance her story couldn't be more different than what she originally told police as now she says someone else was involved and I know there's two things I got to fix number one I need to fix the carpet and number two I need to figure out does Gana need to go get like some burn cream or whatever L Ranch is a bunch of new builds like construction so I pulled up and I was like hey do you know where you can get the carpet that is in the lon Ranch model home so we got the carpet from the guy in the construction area well I didn't get it then he said he was going to bring it to me so I gave him the address this is where I messed up I gave him our code to get in cuz he was going to go fix it and me and Ganon left we went some places around town initially we had heard he had left to go to a friend's house and didn't come back then after days and no one finding any trace of that ever happening there was news stories that someone came in the house we started to head home as we got inside I heard something and I just started walking downstairs open the storage closet and he was standing in there and he had on gloves he had one of the guns and I was terrifi so terrified and then he just knocked me down and he was hitting on me he was trying to like rap me just all my fault cuz I gave him our code to fix the carpet okay and I shouldn't have this is where we hear the story of her being attacked that someone broke into the home attacked her and attacked Ganon and then took Ganon and here's another layer to a different story that she's now providing investigators I swear to God I don't know what happened from there I really don't know I kind of like blacked out just a little bit investigators begin looking into what Leticia is telling them but in order to do that they need to examine Leticia herself for evidence something that appears to get her agitated we had talked earlier about whether or not it would be able to take action at this point as far as like Gathering evidence whether it had been too long and I told you that it wasn't is that something that you're willing to do yes definitely I would do anything for you to figure out who edguardo is we'd like to get you over to the hospital for that I I would totally do that but I really am I just want to get some some food and take a minute and I can drive myself to the hospital the investigator started to see that something didn't quite fit here something was off okay you said I was free to go are you wanting to leave right now I'm really hungry I'm thirsty my look at my lips they're chaed can you give me just a few minutes she said that that I would be able to go and I'm not saying that you can't I'm asking if you can give me a few minutes as all I can if you can you just call me or I have to maintain my my my mental my mental health in this whole situation investigators need to work quickly to find Ganon but now they aren't sure what to believe coming up the search for Ganon Stout intensifies Ganon comes in to like jump on him gon was aware that someone was was trying to harm me that was when he had the gun to gon everything from then is a [Music] blur hey everybody we're going to get back to the stal episode of prime crime in a minute but I wanted to highlight our partner and sponsor of this video Morgan and Morgan because as a lawyer I know one of the most unsettling things in life is if you get hurt right you don't know what to do you don't know where to turn well Morgan and Morgan is actually the largest injury law firm in America that's right I mean over 3 million people call them every year they have completely modernized the process to make it super easy for their clients you submit your claim you sign contracts you upload documents and you talk to your whole legal Team all on your phone that's it an attorney is going to review your case in just eight clicks not to mention they also have 4,000 support staff that can help you through the process too which is just incredible to think about and in terms of price you only pay them if you win there's no upfront fee so if you're injured you can submit a claim at for the Prim crime or by dialing pound law that's pound 529 on your phone all right let's get back now to the Leticia Stout [Music] case the whole Community came out in full force we're just trying to find any clues as to where this boy is if he's okay if he's in our state if he's in the country if he's alive it's January 2020 11-year-old Ganon Stout has been reported missing from his El Paso County Colorado Home ganon's stepmother Leticia Stout initially reported the boy went to play at a friend's house and never came home for dinner but a day later she meets with investigators and changes the story saying he had actually been kidnapped and that she had been sexually assaulted by a construction worker from a new home being built nearby then when I get downstairs he has the gun and he has gon and then he was like on top of me again and then I kind of lied out again cuz he just hid my head but towards the end of the interview Leticia starts getting combative when being asked to submit for a sexual assault examination it would be better to get the forensic exam done I'm not going over there like before you shower not like clean I'm not doing that that's disgusting I'm not doing that but I will gladly go but you realize that's how we gather evidence right so if you go take a shower right now and I understand that you're like uncomfortable I would like to get you over to the hospital to get the exam done okay well I then I'm driving myself there she was transported to the hospital so that a sexual assault examination can be conducted but at the hospital refuses to undergo that sexual assault examination she's really trying to set up this idea and yet she's not willing to give up any evidence that would help us find that person sit down on the couch sir I'm I can't breathe I'm just asking you to open the door she portrays undergoing a very severe anxiety attack to try to get out of the interview now we're going to have to call you an ambulance because you said you you got chest pain it's I just told you I have chest pains it's claustrophobic I could bre so we're going to call you an ambulance yeah well you claustrophobic and until no no I excuse me I take lorasa pram every day and if I don't take it I could have a panic attack that requires them to bring in paramedics and they find that she's perfectly normal she knows that the investigation is starting to zero in on her Leticia has now told authorities multiple versions of what happened to Ganon and rumors about what occurred begin circling the neighborhood you were the last person to see him is that right correct Leticia agrees to speak with a local reporter saying she wants to clear everything up but it seems it only complicates things further what did you see when you last Saw well I'm not allowed to talk about anything with the case I would more so be willing to talk about how the community needs to have faith and continue to work together and not make these false accusations like the things that have been said that I've disappeared from the community I haven't been there to help there was just some weird things that kind of stood out based on her demeanor and all of that you're speaking with someone that is in the center of the most heartbreaking situation you could imagine that might have known some answers and couldn't tell the public to try to help I've took care of Ganon for the last two years in our home because his mother didn't want to do it and I would never never ever hurt this child they have all these theories on how um Ganon is dead he is not dead we are going to find Ganon and that's the main goal that we all have my family has she would always say that she really loved Ganon and that Ganon was the favorite stepchild of hers but it's very clear from the way that she would treat the kid that in fact he was the least favorite child in the house Ganon was by all accounts of Mama's Boy and that caused Leticia to be jealous of that relationship that Ganon had with his biological mother any message for Ganon Ganon when you get here you'll be able to truly tell what happened and then I really hope I get a sincere apology from everyone we love you and miss you and we hope that you come home soon in the middle of that interview she's talking about Ganon as if he's going to come home and then she switches and starts talking about him in the past tense he was always so helpful with the dogs around the house he was always like a person I could say gon can you go do this and he would do it right away he was so sweet and such a kind heart that was a big for us and it it did sort of put the investigation on a different track detectives still aren't totally clear on what happened the day Ganon disappeared yet they suspect Leticia might know more than she's letting on at this point even alout leticia's husband and ganon's biological father tries to get answers out of Leticia I'm trying to do what I can outside of the law enforcement because you don't freaking trust them anyways did you trust him not based on what I've seen so that's why I'm going straight to the last person that saw him if I would be the last person that saw him then I would be the person that has him Al expresses concerns that Leticia is holding back information so he agrees to allow investigators to record their phone calls if you know that's an accident are you going to stand by me yes absolutely tsha I'm sorry for all the stories I just didn't know what to do so we were going to get your look at to get your bike I was letting get ride it was really big so guy was helping and he fell off it h she comes up with a story about looking for a bike to buy for Al and how she and Ganon had gone up there to look at the bike she she describes in very elaborate detail Ganon test riding the bike crashing hitting his head he was weding where was he bleeding from his knees his head there was a piece of wood with blood on it found in a remote area uh ways away from the house that was a huge part of the case when we found the board up in southern Douglas County she had to explain why G 's DNA would be found on that board and what we learned throughout those phone calls is one the level of lying that she was willing to undergo to deflect the investigation away from being pointed at her but also she was giving us little Clues throughout where she would actually include small Snippets of truth but she would do it in a way that would explain a way why that truth existed and why somebody else was responsible for that truth I have a phone to call supposed to be taking him back go 911 so the guy took him to take him to 911 the Craigslist guy Quincy brown or whatever I swear to God Quincy's real there were several names we heard Eduardo an Uncle Mike a Quincy Brown this was someone with a criminal record what I'm trying to work out with you here is just the freaking truth Albert I'm telling you he h gon I was fine okay well who is He Who tied you up who did this you didn't do it who did it who hurt Ganon who has gon they're going to kill me who is they these are the questions I need to know they first told me his name was uo but it's not it's quiny brown there was really no connection though I got the same stories and there was never really full context to these stories so so Quincy Brown is the one who has him he's coming after me I know who he is quiny brown is the one holding G for all the money and you didn't tell me so 3 weeks now you've known who has my son the Dynamics between her and Al were I think at the very heart of what this case was about prior to G and going missing the relationship between her and Al was deteriorating rapidly in those phone calls she's constantly talking talking about and trying to talk alen to supporting her through this entire thing she felt like Ganon was the key to draw Al and closer to her and to keep that relationship going did you talk to attorney and F for a divorce I have not filed anything yet I'll give you the straight up honest truth where at the same point now unfortunately 3 weeks later I was not getting the whole truth even yesterday when we were talking wasn't adding up and it still isn't there's three or four different versions neither town or investigators are fully believing leticia's accounts of what happened to Ganon but coming up next new information comes to light that may be the key to solving this whole case he calls me back and says you're going to want to come back down here I found the video and that is what we believe is the last sighting of [Music] him you know where an 11-year-old is and I am here telling you we could go find him and you are not giving us his location alive or dead I did not hurt my child okay it's mid-February 2020 officials in Colorado have been searching for weeks for a young boy 11-year-old Ganon Stout while initially reported to police by ganon's stepmother Leticia Stout she's been providing several versions of what happened and they don't seem to be adding up at one point when speaking to Al ganon's biological father who's working with authorities Leticia brings up another possible player in the case someone was following us there was this pregnant lady so I agreed to help the pregnant lady and I realized she's not pregnant once she gets in the car I just was supposed to walk in Petco look around be normal go drop this lady off somewhere she told you to walk in who she forced me it's just being caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time with people who are money laundering wanting me to deliver paper to these Mexican restaurants and you're supposed to get packages back from them and I wouldn't do it you want me to believe you but I feel like you're just telling me something to make me feel better about gandon misson kind of like the Quincy Brown thing I mean now it's a pregnant lady with cash in her belly I'm innocent it took a lot of strength on Al part to go through those recorded phone calls he had to keep his cool and not let her know that the Noose was tightening that she was quickly becoming the focal point of the investigation what is wrong with you what's wrong is my son's missing and you keep lying to me okay that's what's wrong again okay fine give me my son back tell the truth give me my son back I don't have him where's he at then ridiculous who has him you haven't answered not one of my questions you're not doing nothing but lying to me and sending me in a different direction what you know is the truth but then detectives learn new information that changes the course of the whole investigation one of the first days I covered this little missing boy the neighbors were doing whatever they could and I got to speaking with rodri Drayton he said you know what I live just a few doors down and my camera faces their house he calls me back and says you're going to want to come back down here I found the video I found him in the car with Leticia he was lethargic early on the morning of the 27th the way he walks out to the truck clearly showed that he was under the influence of some sort of drug and one more thing points to Leticia Stout evidence is found at the Stout's home suggesting Ganon was possibly killed there when Leticia calls 911 the police actually go out to the scene and walk through the house and there's nothing immediately apparent that would suggest something bad had happened it really goes to the idea that she did an extensive job of cleaning up the crime scene and then when we go into ganon's bedroom you could see very fine blood staining on the walls so small that it was hard to see with the naked eye the investigators they find blood and DNA all over the home and the most chilling part of where they find the blood in his bedroom is it's underneath his mattress underneath a carpet underneath the carpet pad and and soaked into the concrete below and that tells you how much blood came from this young child through the blood through the forensics through the ability to track her movements in the time frame of when Ganon was supposedly lost they to piece together that she had a lot more in connection to this case than she initially told law enforcement do you know why you're here did they inform you why you under arrest I'm under arrest yes for what just over a month after Leticia reported Ganon missing she's arrested while visiting family in South Carolina I'm getting charged with what now we found enough you call it probable cause okay for a warrant to be issued okay a warrant for what though it was for the murder what Mur count and staff so Theon is murdered that's what the evidence shows okay she's interviewed yet again this time by the FBI there's a lot of stories out there so if someone truly took Ganon though we need to know the real story because you put out quite a few different stories the FBI agent tells her we heard you telling multiple stories on the phone without Al and she says oh I knew you guys were already recording she says she was hurt he wasn't trying to work with her so she purposely gave him multiple different stories I don't think you intended at all something bad happened in his room if you didn't do it and it helps me find gon I didn't do it okay well then help me find out who did who did what that toon in his room to don't what toon in his room there's a pool of blood in the corner okay that's ganon's blood where do you think that I had any involvement with gon and where did he go you're the last adult with him you told a lot of lies he would lead her down a path and right at the point where she's going to make a statement that would potentially incriminate herself she's conscious enough to know that this is occurring and then she would then pull back if you can point me to a different person then I can help you if you trusted me to talk to me you would tell me where Ganon is right now I don't know where gon is you do if you would have told police the very first night that he was taken forcibly everything would have been different the agent then confronts Leticia on something that raised red flags earlier in the investigation here I even have what you entered in your phone the stuff that you've entered and deleted like lettu us burning from an arterial bleed direct pressure not controlling do what I didn't look this up somebody did from your phone I don't like my stepson no I don't like my stepson should I get a divorce how to get blood out of sheets out of sheets mhm her Google searches were massive in this case how long does it take a body to decompose face transplants find people who want to go to jail if you did something by G could you ever admit what I didn't do anything bad again right now you're the last person with Canon I don't do bad things to people I don't I don't think you do bad things to people I don't do bad things to anyone and didn't do anything bad again why would I hurt our child at everything in the world why I have no motive none but investigators come across a recording from the night when Stout says Ganon accidentally caused a fire from a candle that sheds a chilling light on their relationship Canon I promise this the last time I'm going to ask you I'm just freaked out okay are you sure you didn't didn't do it on purpose he did it okay you promise not you promise on purpose Pinky Promise pinky there was one video where she was manipulating him on that Sunday night we're going to have to sell stuff to fix it okay so we figure out what we got to sell we can sell the sofa we can sell whatever cuz we got to get it fixed so lady don't be mad at us and kick aside the house okay you got it you got it I'm just worried about my okay sh listen listen listen listen you hear this little boy's voice and the fear in his voice and she recorded him you hear that recording and it's this little boy I promised I didn't mean to do it and just his voice shaking and he's crying while authorities may know who's responsible for ganon's disappearance there's still one major missing piece Ganon is still nowhere to be found that's when a case- changing Discovery is made hundreds of miles away we're here at the bridge next to scam keny line and reference the suitcase it was a heartbreaking day we got the news that 1300 mil away Bridge inspectors in Pensacola Florida find this suitcase and everyone's heart sunk we're expecting the bridge found that suitcase down there decided we'd open it to see if anything was in it body rolled out along with what appears to be a comforter investigators discover Leticia rented a van and drove 1,300 miles to Florida with her daughter just days after ganon's disappearance they were tracking her there was trackers in that rental car and the way she was going where she was going if your kids's missing out of a town in Colorado Springs why are you leaving we later found out why Hotel records right near that bridge from February 4th that gave us answers authorities believe Leticia tossed this suitcase with Ganon dead inside over a bridge in the middle of the night while her daughter Harley slept in a nearby hotel room ganon's body was just discarded as if it was trash he suffered from not only stab wounds but also a gun shot injury the bullet that was recovered from Ganon was able to be connected to a gun that was found in leticia's bedroom the handgun that was used actually belonged to alout what was really eerie about the way that it was found is that as it was sitting on the dresser it was actually pointing at a photograph of Ganon it looks like he was trying to defend himself and fighting back but it was a brutal brutal attack back he was stabbed 17 times he was hit over the head four times and then the final injury that he sustained was a gunshot wound to his jaw he was also given hydrocodone so he was poisoned by a very strong drug it really speaks to the horrific hours of ganon's last hours here on Earth alive Leticia is accused of the murder of 11-year-old Ganon Stout but the twists in this story are quite over with yet when we return a roadblock in the case she felt like she could manipulate the court system she was trying to Fain incompetence not a monster a [Music] moner you asked me did I kill game that hurt it hurt me to ask it cuz you're my wife wife I'm begging you I want to help but I can't get trouble for it I do it and I'm not a criminal I don't kill people it's March 2020 and investigators have Leticia stal in custody in South Carolina they believe she stabbed and shot her 11-year-old stepson Ganon to death 2 months earlier in January out in Colorado letian authorities arried back in Colorado where she set to stand trial however now there's even more delays there was always something on her end to delay there was letters to the judge wanting to represent herself changing her plea she went through at least two competency hearings and even a third closer to that trial date competency is a person's ability to participate in their defense and to be tried after more than 3 years in in April 2023 Leticia Stout goes on trial for first-degree murder tampering with the deceased human body and tampering with evidence as for Stout's defense she entered a plea of Not Guilty by reason of insanity January 27 2020 ganon's home turned into the stuff of nightmares the one place a little boy like Ganon should have felt the safest is in fact where he was brutally murdered evidence in this case will show that she could distinguish between right and wrong I felt very confident going into the trial but there's that unknown you're bringing strangers into the courtroom that have to sit and listen to evidence that's very difficult to listen to having to get over the hurdle of proving that she was sane is an added element there was an overwhelming amount of evidence the timelines the locations of the GPS even the recordings it did come up during the trial that Leticia may suffer from having multiple personalities and from from an insanity defense standpoint if your client has any kind of mental disease or defect you throw that all against the wall and see what sticks it was an awful awful thing that was done to G in the court of public opinion and the media he's guilty this is going to come down 10 s the issue for that both for the defense and ultimately the jury in making the decision is whether or not she had that multiple personality disorder the stal was dealing trauma and abuse that had been going on since she was a toddler the troubled childhood that's where the fragmentation personality comes in the big thing that stuck out to me was leticia's demeanor in the courtroom all eyes were on her when they're giving the defenses opening statements that was the only time I saw any reaction and it was her putting a tissue to her face when they were talking about alleged abuse she went through as a child nothing about Ganon it's insane go from teacher loving stepmother loving mother being a killer of a 11 yearold boy there was some major psychotic crack much of the state's case focused on just that leticia's mental state at the time of the crime even calling her daughter to the stand had you ever seen your mom change personalities into someone she isn't no had she ever been treated for any mental illness in your lifetime no if there was one person that knew the defendant best it was Harley hunt her own daughter and having her come in and talk to the jury and the manipulation that she suffered at the defendant's hands went a long ways to show that she was a very sound mind that she knew exactly what she had done did you ever ask your mom what are we doing why are we leaving no I didn't really question her a lot I would be told that I'm being like disrespectful or like talking back and what would happen if you were being disrespectful or talking back to your mom sometimes she would like backhand me the conscious decision to drive ganon's body all the way down to Florida how many times Leticia must have been able to think through her actions and and maybe having opportunity to change course but she didn't I'm still in shock I defended her for years and I just feel like manipulated and led to you could see how hurt the family was that this was even a argument brought up that she was insane they knew her for years and years and she was totally fine they trusted her to take care of their kids and now it's just suddenly a switched argument oh she's insane did Miss Al ever give you any self diagnosis of potential mental illnesses that she felt she had she talked a lot about being manic slipping in and out of reality did she ever bring up anything about having another personality or multiple personalities she did not she was reading books and was picking up things that she could do or say that would support an insanity defense and she did those things during different evaluations she was clearly trying to manipulate that process did you or Dr Gray ever consider the fact that she could just be making this all up yes and then comes Maria a different personality of Leticia she talks about going into protection mode and she often references Maria as the protector someone who has this associative identity disorder are they going to be able to recall what happens as a different person I would think that if Miss sta had dissociated into Maria there would be a lack of awareness or understanding or memory the biggest hurdle I think was really the gravity of the injuries that Ganon suffered it gave us some concerns that it wouldn't be too much of a stretch for a juror to say the only reason that somebody would carry out an attack on 11-year-old like that is if they were crazy that they had gone insane that's exactly what the defense argued not that Leticia didn't commit The Killing but that she was insane at the time and not criminally responsible when I was uh interviewing her over a period of time suddenly it seemed to me that she was speaking Russian someone was in the home we don't understand someone was in the home it looked as though she had switched into a different entity did she describe any alars to you or other personas she referred to somebody named Maria Maria apparently was a a physically abusive entity and when I first saw that I thought have I just met the aspect of her personality that killed Ganon you don't understand I had to protect the people go in the house okay because if someone was in the homeall they were going to rape someone they less them did not kill them I had to protect them all I did and I fired the I did not know didn't have a safety I'm train to kill that's what I do kill her living I took the gun I fired the gun and some they had cap look like a man killed the M did whatever to I kill the when she was speaking in that Maria voice that gave me goosebumps cuz that was the first first time I think I heard anything of any admission really of guilt but it's in this other voice their job is to put doubt in the juror's minds right and those videos were certainly compelling the case is then delivered to the jury as leticia's future is placed in their hands to decide when you turn a case over to a jury for deliberations you sit there and you think about well could we have done this differently did the jury pick up on the things that were important for the case or did they miss something were they paying attention you just never know until you get that verdict there was that feeling of fear what could happen but there was just that hope it would be a result soon and there would be Justice served after nearly 8 hours of deliberations the jury comes back with their decision we the jury find the defendant Leticia Stout guilty the jury found that Leticia Stout was was guilty of all crimes straight across the board it was not surprising to me after all of those lies and all of those calculations and miscalculations that the jury thought you weren't insane you knew what you were doing and this is murder in the worst possible way you have shown No Remorse throughout this process instead you've made a choice to build a Web of Lies because you didn't want to face the consequences your conduct in this case deserves the maximum punishment I remind you to the custody of the Colorado Department of Corrections for the remainder of your life with no possibility of parole I remember ganon's Mom telling me after the verdict and this it it hurt to hear that she and her heart knows that Ganon loved this woman in his final breaths it was just incomprehensible how someone could hate a little boy who loves you the idea that a little boy could suffer this sort of horrific attack at the hands of Somebody That was supposed to be caring for them is unimaginable it's something that will always be on my mind but most importantly I'll never forget the smile that Ganon had the stories of how happy he was and how much of a fighter he was and just the love that he had for his entire family this is a tough one it really really is thinking about what happened to ganet at the hands of a woman who was supposed to protect him and based on what we saw with Leticia stal I wouldn't be so hopeful that we'll ever get the straight story of what happened now at the time of this recording we've actually reached the 4year anniversary of this young boy's death and to imagine where his life could have been and what he would be doing today that to me is the saddest part thanks for joining us here on Prime crime I'm Jesse Weber and as always stay [Music] safe
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 855,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network
Id: 0wFdlSqISZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 36sec (2616 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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