Gypsy Rose Blanchard speaks out after prison release

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do you miss your mom Dei yeah I miss my mom when you look back do you think there are ways that this could have been handled differently absolutely absolutely I look at things um in hindsight and I realized that there were other options besides murder but I was so sheltered that I couldn't I couldn't see them at the time she's the face of one of the most shocking crime stories in memory this is the house where CL daa Blanchard was found stabbed to death Gypsy Rose Blanchard portrayed by her mother as a chronically ill girl unable to walk with that signature baby voice right now I'm in Cinderella house but it was all a lie her mother deei was actually the one who was sick with the psychological disorder Munch Housen syndrome by proxy where parent seeks attention through their child's madeup illnesses your mother controlled so much m many people just can't understand why you didn't just get up and walk out of that wheelchair you weren't sick it's mental it's emotional it's physical all these reasons combined together is what prevented me from just walking out of that situation give us a sense of the fear that you felt I feared more than anything that if I ran away that things would be worse for me at home Gypsy becoming the Mastermind in her mother's slaying after a lifetime of abuse I actually didn't even want her to be killed I just wanted out of my situation and I thought that that was the only way out so I think that there is this judgment on me that I killed my mom because I hated her and that's not true at age 23 she plad guilty for the role she played in her mother's brutal murder guilty stabbed 17 times by gypsy's then boyfriend now after nearly 9 years in prison she's a free woman are you ready to join the adult world I am um I think that I have gained enough life experience Behind Bars speaking on camera one week after walking out of a Missouri prison on December 28th when you look at these pictures now M of Gypsy Rose do you recognize her I don't like I know that it's me but at the same time that isn't me anymore in many ways this is not gypsy's second chance at life but her first at 32 years old with a new husband and a social media star with millions of followers hey everyone this is Gypsy I'm finally free gypsy's first Tik Tok going viral posted just days after her release you're trending on Tik Tok people saying things like I'm tipsy for Gypsy how do you explain this I honestly I I don't know myself I consider myself just a normal woman but I think maybe my story resonates with a lot of people her Allure bolstered by documentaries and by Hollywood portrayed in who award-winning miniseries the ACT my mom is my best friend all she wants to do is keep me safey so many people are embracing you out there do you feel any conflict with that you've got Fame even though you participated in a murder of course I feel conflicted um Fame is not what I'm looking for um I always said I think I'm infamous and then I came out famous but that's not what I want I want to be an influence for change she's beginning by offering details of her life in prison in the new lifetime series the prison confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard I share my story to be a cautionary tale so that the next person that might be in a situation like mine where they are an abusive relationship or they are feeling trapped they don't take the route that I did by the time she was 8 years old life for Gypsy was non-stop pills and procedures she was confined to a wheelchair where are you going today I'm going to Children's Mercy hospital to see my dentist for my tee my mother told me and told the doctors that I had everything from luk emia to muscular distrophy paralysis from the neck down was one of actually in the medical records and the doctors see me moving my arms so how could I be paralyzed from the neck down were you ever tempted in any of these medical test to say I can move my arms I can walk of course but my mother was always in the room with me she never left my side not once Gypsy forced to undergo numerous procedures including eye surgeries a feeding tube the removal of her salivary glands what is your health situation now how were you permanently affected by all that you went through I did see a doctor in in prison and I'm completely healthy like I have no health problems whatsoever grown up Gypsy revealing for the first time now that she was hiding a dark struggle in the docu series you revealed something pretty surprising you say that you were addicted to painkillers how serious was this addiction this is really hard to talk about um because it took me down a really dark path but I felt like it was my only way to cope for a time she says she'd had enough after two decades of abuse we have breaking news the body of 48-year-old cladia Blanchard has been found inside her home in Springfield on June 14th 2015 police find Dee Blanchard stabbed to death in her Missouri home authorities discover Gypsy plotted with a boyfriend she met online Nicholas go to John to kill her mother um your mom's dead she's deceased all right now what I want to ask you did you have involvement in this the two even having sex in the Next Room near her mother's body Gypsy would eventually plead guilty to Second deegree murder go John was convicted of carrying in out the stabbing death and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole Gypsy now revealing that drugs played a role that night did your addiction have any connection to this crime I think a part of it did I would get high to stay numb to not feel emotion so when you made this decision to take part in the killing of your mom were you high yes I was I was actually arrested with the pain medication in my bag and do you blame that for your decision no no um I don't blame drugs I don't blame anything I don't make excuses there's no excuse for committing Murder Your former boyfriend Nick go to John is serving a life sentence is it fair that he is incarcerated for life for killing your mom and you're out well I'm sure that we both have a lot of regrets all I can really say is that I did my time he's doing his time for his part um and I wish him well on his journey strange as it sounds she says prison actually freed her she's now sober and has earned her GED how much do you think about your mom I still think about my mom from time to time after all she still was my mother um no matter what she did to me I wish that that I can go back in time and change things was she a monster I don't believe my mother was a monster I want people to know that she was she had mental illness um she had a lot of demons herself that she was struggling with she was just a very sick woman prison brought another unexpected change to gypsy's life you got a lot of letters from A lot of people I started getting a lot of support letter one of those letters from her now husband Ryan Anderson a middle school special education teacher from Louisiana he just said I would like to get to know you and I support you and here's a little bit about myself he sounded like a total sweetheart and I'm like I'm going to write this guy back the couple married in 2022 while Gypsy was locked up Ryan there to pick her up the day she was released but you're really together physically for the first time yes we call it newly together with what are your plans do you want to have children we've talked about starting a family we just don't know when at this point we're just trying to focus on our marriage and establishing a good marriage before we put kids into it did you get your happy ending I think I did time time will tell I I think I think I'm a Prince Charm Gypsy says she knows she still has a long road ahead much of your life with your mom was built on essentially getting the sympathy of the public how do you convince people that you're not manipulating them now as you and your mom did so many years ago I don't think I can convince anyone anything all I can do is be myself put myself out there and in the truest form I'm not setting out to manipulate anyone um I'm just myself our thanks to Deborah episode one of the prison confessions of Gypsy Rose Blancher is now streaming on Lifetime hi everyone George Stephanopoulos here thanks for checking out the ABC News YouTube channel if you'd like to get more videos show highlights and watch live event coverage click on the right over here to subscribe to our Channel and don't forget to download the ABC News app for breaking news alerts thanks for watching
Channel: ABC News
Views: 2,172,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blanchard, Deborah, Gypsy, Roberts, Rose, abc, abcnews, abuse, alleged, crime, mother, murder, nine, p_cmsid=2494279, p_vid=news-106154745, prison, served, us, years
Id: FRmtwvREfLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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