Reacting to IMPRESSIVE #chloetingchallenge results | Get Inspired BEFORE AFTER Journeys

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We’re doing Chloe Ting’s ab workout! It hurts, everything hurts. I'm scared, I’m scared! I feel like I’m dying. I am clearly dying. This has never existed. If I can do it, you can do it! It hurts to cough, it hurts to laugh It hurts to breathe, but it feels good. I want some abs, but I want some booty too. Welcome back!!! It’s another results video. I feel like it's been such a long time since I've been, you know, able to sit down and chat to you guys. but anyways, thank you guys so much for subscribing, liking my videos and commenting. It means so much to me!! Alright, let's jump straight into it because this video is gonna take me about 1 to 2 hours to film. Although it's probably only gonna be about 10 to 15 minutes for you guys. I might cut it short a little today because I'm actually moving houses! So this is the last time you're gonna see this set over here. Oh my god, I'm gonna talk about it in my next video and let's get on with the results!! A few days ago I woke up, got ready to go move out of my apartment and noticed I was getting a couple of messages and then all of a sudden I was getting like hundreds of messages and then thousands of messages. *chloe's voice over top* have you guys been spamming her? I was confusion. It quickly was brought to my attention that the Queen herself - Chloe Ting reacted to my phat a$$!! I'ma try and show you guys some of the moves that i didn't show you in my last video *struggling* *slips in hard workouts* *yes bitch i got this* You see guys, she can do cross-body mountain climbers! Stop complaining! *toad pose contemplating whether or not to quit* *huh i'm getting the hang of this* Oh wow, look at her moves. You're doing so well. Love it! *whoop, this rug* *why am i still doing this* I feel you on the rug Situation happens to me every single time *It's okay to take breaks* Always take a break if you need to okay, it's just based on how you feel. The up and down plank is nothing for her she did it perfectly. Guys you can do up and down planks. Oh my god, look at her form! She's like better than me. Guys, oh my god! Definitely do your stretches after the workouts. It changes so much after I started doing cool down stretches. I'm staring at it. Here it is the moment you've all been waiting for how I went from this (* more results*) to this. Just kidding! It's more like how I went from this to this *Oh my god!* in two weeks I feel that it was really good. Good job There you have it folks I don't have abs, you guys are super impressed that I could like do some of these moves, which honestly like, thank you I didn't know I could do them either. Some of you guys were expecting me to get abs in two weeks. If you were expecting me to get abs in two weeks, I would like to know your logic. Yeah, I think most of you guys are smart enough to know that it's just a feel title You know, it depends on where you are at your fitness journey. It's like two weeks abs. It's not gonna guarantee you that you're gonna get as in two weeks or summer. Sure. It doesn't mean that you can only do so much right during the summer. You can do it anytime during the year. It's just the title of the video. The whole point of this 2 week shred was to get people to get started on their fitness journey. In the very beginning my first video I made about this. I said that I wasn't weighing myself. I wanted to feel better I've started to feel the effects that all of my binging has done to my body. So that was the purpose of this prior to starting this challenge the most exercise I would get would be Me walking from my bed to my couch to the fridge to my bed to the couch the fridge and that was for months. I hadn't worked out. I don't think a single person out there should get discouraged if you do not have abs in two weeks. I can guarantee you that Chloe didn't make the program thinking every single person that did it was gonna get abs in two weeks. Yes girl! In the past I've like dove into things too quickly it triggers my eating disorder. Tendencies I go from eating way too much and binging to eating nothing and not exercising. I was so weak. I was so out of shape that I think my biggest change is my endurance level every day I would be able to get farther and farther in the workouts without having to take a break there were moves that I could not do in the beginning simply because my body was not physically capable of it. I think putting effort into taking care of myself is really really really really really helping my mental health I would eat And not do anything. Like I said, I didn't think anyone would want to see this doing burpees I felt like I was doing this with an army of people. I wouldn't have gotten through it without you guys guys This isn't the first time I've heard this I've been getting so many comments out of changing lives But you guys you guys are doing a lot more than you think like you guys interacting with the comments You know other people's videos like you guys are helping them to stay motivated Whenever someone reply to your comments and motivate you like don't you feel a little bit more motivated? that's why I'm saying you guys are really helping one another out in the community and I really Freaking love it. You guys are such lovely people anyways, feel free to check out Sam's upcoming videos Luca Luca what do you mean what I'm trying to read your grunting ridiculously loudly right next to me I'm training dad Yep, I can see that Luca you just calm down a bit. Yeah Don't call me skipper and what are you even doing? I'm doing Chloe Ting's ab workout. What? I'm doing Chloe Ting's ab workout, that's my video. Calm down big boy we can both do it You could just stop *Grunting* No, because you're three and your head is half the size of your torso *oooooo* someone's jealous. Why would I be jealous Uhm, because I'm shredded. Technically, I mean yes, you're shredded but your weight like 14 kilos, it doesn't really count Tell that to my six pack baby You don't have a six pack. What do you call these then? Luca you've clearly drawn those ABS on. Yes you have Well That looks pretty real - anyways, I for some reason I've stopped training out I've asked up literally train them three or four times and two of those times to get videos for Instagram post So after much deliberation of the lion literally decided to do this five minutes ago today is the day I'm gonna turn it around today I'll be making up for all of that lost volume because I'm gonna be doing Chloe Tings 2 week ab shred in a day. We gonna diet as well because you know, I'm doing today I'm doing Chloe Ting's 2 week ab shred in one day. First um, the video is called Chloe Ting's 2 week ab shred. Well, I'm gonna be doing is the app portion of that so I've gone through I've seen the ab workouts It's one ab workout you do it 12 times over 14 day period that means I'm gonna be trying to do 12 hour workouts in one day probably a terrible idea Get your form right, look at Luca just like judging your butt. It's rugged annoying How's this an exercise guys like the best personal trainer out there I Wasn't too bad just like Tiring and sweaty at this point. I'll be honest. I'm not particularly positive about doing to a halt because however ridiculous amount These are Japanese pancakes, basically Not supposed to be Japanese pancake my basically watch Chloe Tings most recent day of eating and I'm just gonna eat the thing she ate in that day to be fair She's pretty six. That's right. Also, once you eyes for a small girl, shoot some big portion anyway Yeah, like in her video they were super they were like literally like this was literally one pancake there was super thick Jimmy imagine you got a chrome tip and then I painted it and then they had intercourse and then bread like this is Snack time alaa Chloe ting and on this occasion all my god My camera's wonky his protein jelly Luca was your experience with protein jelly light? Thank you, so here it is I don't think I've ever eaten protein I think I don't recall ever having eaten protein. Gel you before says in forces or is it? Protein jelly I mean it meets the criteria as far as texture goes. I'm quite nervous. I'm not a massive fan of creamy things and Sue Ellen Or How humans threw up then? Okay That isn't very nice. It tastes it does. Yeah, that is reminiscent Imagine scrambled egg, but just with no taste that's what it tastes like Freakin love my protein Jeff. You could add some sugar some sweetener We are left with the final three workouts today ten eleven and twelve And trying to smash these free workouts out and one go back to back horrendous Good news and bad news good news is I have some raw chocolate but is Closed it's not dairy free book. Let's read lose him. Anyway bad news is I'm done for the day I'm calling it quits. I'm sacking it off I've got two workouts left. But yeah, it's been like almost two hours. It's the last one I have like extreme Dom's in my ABS. I still don't feel I feel a bit weird like a low-key sick Just yeah kind of uncomfortable. So I don't recommend you to try to do Ted all my ab workouts in a day Matt did 10 because he's insane and he's also really really big some people can do the workout twice some people once or some people can't even You know finish some of the exercises know what that's okay, like it's completely fine Don't feel like you have to follow through what other people are doing. I have to train up for some of my programs like Train to be strong. So yeah, I just want to tell you guys to not compare yourself to another person Thanks for making the video Matt. That was fun. And next Possibly her greatest challenges, don't worry That's a good intro no am I watching Trailer Hi guys and welcome back so this week I did the Chloe team victory shred challenge and hikes I did not know. Chloe teen was before and you guys Recommended her videos to me and she is so fun to watch I've binge watch all of her videos because she has such a cute personality. I just really enjoyed watching her by the way hi Chloe, if you end up watching this video, which hopefully you do because Now it was time for the dreaded weigh-in I was just about as excited to do this weigh-in as Ellen is to let nikkietutorials use the bathroom I ended up weighing a whopping seventy nine point eight kilos Kidding. I wasn't too unhappy about that. Here's some before shots of my body I definitely wanted to work on the fact that it goes around my stomach and on my back You guys let me know that you'd like to hear my measurements in my next video So I've put my measurements up on the screen for you guys to look at now that we know what we're working with It's time to start the challenge Yeah, I'm pretty sure that Chloe Ting was sent this workout by Satan himself to torture unfit people for being lazy My entire body burned burned like it had never burned before After this video, I actually felt like I needed to vomit No Which just made me feel even more like I was a contestant on The Biggest Loser as you can see I spent most of the time during this workout laying on the floor and wondering how on earth I'm gonna do this. I'm pretty sure it got stronger See again stronger Gonna leave that in right? Today, I started with me trying another Chloe Ting recipe this time I tried her sweet potato egg cups Of course, I will link the recipe down below with all of the other recipes. I tried throughout the weight. Yeah, I want that now I have leafy mint that way and put them in the oven Ten out of ten that it delicious! You have no idea how excited I get when I see my recipes out there. You guys, trying them and telling me that it's ten out of ten. It doesn't have to be ten out of ten. I just genuinely get so excited to see my recipes out there and I'm definitely definitely gonna make more food video soon So let me know down in the comments if you guys want to see that regardless of what you're gonna say in comments I cook them to make them because I wanna share them I finished the Chloe Ting 2 week shred. It was hard, but we did it now. Now it was the final weigh-in and I weighed in at Seventy eight point nine kilos. What was it before? Honestly I was expecting to lose more weight than what could it just goes to show that this girl isn't really what matters Fortunately, I did see a change in my measurements, especially around my stomach and just in the overall look of my body and physique I definitely could see a massive difference when you look at my side by side comparisons I look so much better in the second job so much slimmer and so much more toned when I press down on my stomach In my life I was thinking that what I in weight I gained in muscles. I was so excited to keep on going with my weight-loss journey Okay. So now that the challenge is finished I want to talk about something I would do differently and some advice on guys. She has video with what you have done differently So check a full video out. But you know when you do the high intensity workouts, there's a chance You're gonna grow a little bit more muscles So that's the reason why sometimes you don't see a huge drop in your weight And that's not a bad thing because muscle is I have said this a million times of a muscle gain is a good thing Especially when you're trying to lose weight because they are metabolically more active and just gonna help you increase them up metabolism Gonna get you stronger and push through all my workouts. There's a good thing. So don't just measure yourself based on your weight Very important. Alright, that's all for today's video. I really need to go pack I'm gonna grow some more results and also shout out to some of you guys who made amazing videos So definitely check them out. But yeah smash that thumbs up button leave a comment down below Hope you guys enjoyed today's video and I'll be definitely making more videos at my new place because it's gonna be a lot easier So yeah, I'll see you guys in the next video If I didn't do this group chat with my friends I probably wouldn't have made it this far I probably would start to stop on day two and that's what a lot of them said - They said that they probably wouldn't have finished But since we were all in it together, we all had to do it together. So here are my results So, yeah, I really Enjoyed this challenge looking great obviously contributes to feeling great But I don't feel like it should be the end-all and Beall just because it can be really demotivating You don't see a lot of progress and everybody's body and metabolism. It's different and everybody's diet is different and health concerns are different So I don't personally think that that's a really good measurement But nevertheless I did see quite a bit of physical Transformation in general this line here the obliques You know, I still am not completely solid, but I just feel really strong I've been so excited to meet some of you guys through the hashtag on Instagram it just made me so happy that we have like this kind of little community all doing this challenge together and it really Motivated me to keep going and make sure that I saw it through to the very end even though I didn't see a huge change In the overall physical appearance of my body. Hey guys I just wanted to pop on really quick and say that once I actually put my two Videos from my video from day one next to my video from day 25. I saw a huge difference in my body I think I was just having one of those typical days where you wake up in the morning and you just look in the mirror And you feel like you don't look any different But then once you see like your progress photos or anything like that side by side you're like wow They're actually really is a big difference. I wanted to work out because I wanted it for health benefits That is also the reason why I didn't measure myself and I also didn't weigh myself because I just wanted to look good and feel Good, and that is what happened?
Channel: Chloe Ting
Views: 7,349,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abs, Abs results, Abs workout results, Before after, before after results, 2 weeks abs, 2 weeks abs results, 2 weeks challenge, Abs before after, 2 weeks program results, I tried Chloe ting, trying chloe ting, chloe ting 2 weeks abs, Chloe ting workouts, Chloe ting workout results, chloe ting results, transformation results, transformation photos, Transformation videos, Abs transformation, motivation, weight loss results, transformation journey, fitness journey
Id: 7Hy9o6e_TiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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