GW price rises? Make your own minis from junk! #darkmechanicum

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we are forged Souls bound to the will of the god machine flesh and metal intertwined our existence obedience our directives fabrication maintenance Annihilation designation heretic of the mechanicum heretic purpose to serve the omnis to destroy the false Emperor hi my name is guy you're watching midwinter Minis and in this video I'm going to show you how you can kit bash models from junk to represent the dark mechanicum probably the biggest faction in the Warhammer 40K universe that doesn't really have any representation in the tabletop game I'll also show you a really easy to paint and pretty unique color scheme for them and where to find physical or printable Alternatives if you don't fancy making your own so first off let's quickly talk about what they are the dark mechanicum is as you probably already guessed a chaos aligned faction in Warhammer 4000 where the loyalist adeptus mechanicus are basically a religious order that venerate the Emperor of mankind as the embodiment of the god machine the dark mechanicum see that same God machine embodied in chaos undivided in the same way the countless armies of the Imperium are maintained armed and armored by the adeptus mechanicus the forces of Chaos in the 40K Universe well those with guns and armor anyway are maintained by the warp Twisted dark mechanicum innumerable Fabricators Tech priests engine throlls Artisans and Mei who abandoned the rotting deity the soall Emperor of mankind in favor of the very obviously alive and omnipotent chaos Gods I've been in the hobby on and off for about three decades now and while there have been a couple of older admec models Tech priests servitors battle robots they were always ancillary support for other armies in 2015 the admech got its own tabletop Army and a slowly been growing in size since and now is a fairly common sight at tournaments and gaming clubs now while the concept of the dark mechanicum has been around for almost as long as the adme they've barely had any models with the few exceptions being the negga volt cultists from the Blackstone Fortress board game and more recently Vash the arane a monstrous winged demon of Twisted flesh in metal now right now he's usable in the chaos Space Marine Army but I think everyone is secretly hoping that vasor is a hint of an upcoming dark Mech Army announcement if that is the case what I think we'll most likely see is a couple of unique units and then just a repackaging of existing admech kits with dark Mech upgrade sprws just like the genan stealer cult Brew brothers and to be honest if Games Workshop do introduce the dark Mech as a playable faction I don't think they'll call it dark mechanicum they'll probably give it a more copyright able High Gothic name like mechanicum the same phrase I used in the intro time will tell I suppose anyway you're here to learn how to build cool looking Warhammer models from junk aren't you if you've been doing Warhammer for any time at all you'll know most infantry kits come with quite a few spares to stop you making more models than the box would ordinarily allow kits limit you to a set number of legs or torsos which means you're usually left with dozens of arm head and weapon options that if you're a hoarder like me you'll keep squirreled away in a bits box for projects later on well later on is is now I've grabbed a few spare unused parts from various katari and nekron kits I've built over the years some arms some robotic dangly bits some weapon parts nothing super special or rare the other thing we're going to need for this project is some aluminum foil tear off a little section about the size of a decent burger patty and then scrunch it up and smoosh it into a kind of fat tadpole shape or a teardrop or sper the other thing you're going to need is a regular boring old paper clip open it up like this so that one of the arms is curved forwards into the air and the other arm stays on the same level as the main bar to give it a nice triangular shape to stick to your base and keep things nice and solid and yeah glue it to your base with some super glue for this project I'm also going to be sprinkling on some baking soda to make the glue set faster and also fill some gaps when we're sculpting now let's glue the metal tadpole to the upraised arm of the paper clip keeping the curves aligned sprinkle sprinkle solid and now we're going to need some broken wires anything we'll do really broken phone cables wires from broken Electronics guitar strings even those little flexible hairbands will do the more textures the better to be honest all we're doing here is layering up a little collection of random stringy wiry gobbins coming out from the bottom of the metal tadpole body to make it look like weird floaty disconnected electrical tendrils how is it flying who knows that's Warhammer baby now you've got the lower detail sorted you can start adding any body details you like I'm going to put on these little bony tails and spines these are spares from the necron lichu guard kit because I didn't build them as triy out pretorians now never be afraid to bend and stretch parts to fit your designs if it breaks oh well just glue it in separate parts get a suitably spooky head I think this one is from puppets War but even a cheapo Citadel skull will do the trick here and get that glued on to the front of the teardrop now don't worry too much about the arms as they're going to be pretty shrouded anyway I just snipped some spare necron arms and glued them to the wrists of these spare weapon options I had from building my skari kits hm this angle is a bit weird but no worries as I said the arms aren't really going to be visible anyway they're just going to be lumps under the Shroud so uh snip snip and stick stick and that's kind of it for the detail bits add anything else you want at this stage I'm going for some spindly necron wraith bits and some swinging admech sensor things uh now comes the painstaking process of sculpting a textured realistic flowing shroud from milliput only joking I'm going to use bog roll now depending on what kind of look you're going for kitchen roll toilet paper tissues they all have different textures and will act in different ways so do some experimentation before you decide what's right for your models the process of shaping and hardening it is still the same though cut it into a vaguely shroudy shape don't worry if it's a bit small cuz we can add a bit more later and cut out any peekaboo holes you like if you have any sticky out details on your models like the spines on mine now I'm just going to dilute some PVA glue with water about 50/50 and soak the kitchen paper in it I chose this kitchen paper because it has a pretty cool scale appropriate texture that will hopefully show up in the painting stage and it's also pretty robust when wet so it'll be pretty good for sculpting now it's moist lay it on your model and using a soft fat brush start pushing the Shroud around making folds and trying to evoke some movement with the shape [Music] I'm also going to lock the top in place with some superglue and baking soda now once that's dry it'll be a bit more robust and it'll be stained put we can shape the Shroud with some scissors and tweezers snipping and pulling and ripping adding some character to the shape and making it a bit less like a necron wearing a bed sheet for Halloween now don't be afraid to rip off smaller strips of paper soak them and lay them on top to anim layers or control the shape of the Shroud a bit more and once you're happy with the shape and the look add another two or three coats of the same water down PVA mix letting the model dry each time I stuck mine in a sunny window and it dried up enough for the next coat in just 30 minutes so you can pretty rapidly race through these especially if you're making a whole Squad now let's just add some texture paint to the base and yeah why not let's stick some on the Shroud too for some bonus dirty texture and after the fourth coat of diluted PVA it's yeah it's pretty solid and now we've got a very serviceable model for Warhammer 40K and depending on what load out you give it they're a great swap out for infantry models like scari or rust stalkers and if you only use GW made parts and crafting and sculpting materials they are official tournament legal too now before we get onto the simple paint Scheme let's take a quick look at some of the third party models and 3D printable options if you don't care about playing in official tournaments for physical stuff you can buy War Games exclusive pretty much have it nailed with almost an entire Army's worth of spooky chaotic adme proxies that would work per perfectly for a dark Mach Force um some of the models are a bit uh not safe for work just a heads up if you want to get your hands on loads of models to Kit bash with existing Games Workshop admet kits check out the wild west Exodus starter set it has loads of weird and wonderful models that could be augmented and customized to fit a darkmech theme you should also check out some of the more bizarre Walkers and vehicles found in warlord games conflict 47 if you're after alternatives to stuff like the June crawler and castellan robot if you're just after conversion bits there's quite a few places that make awesome physical things last year I customized my adme St collecting Box by just cutting off The Capes and swapping out the heads with bits from puppets War so I definitely recommend checking out that video and also their website zinge also make loads of flexible pipes and parts that will help you customize your models to make them look the part as well as flexible castellations that you can cut off and apply to any models to give them that mechanicus feel now if you've got a 3D printer or have a friend a local hobby store library or Community Center that has one you can use your options are a bit more varied again War Games exclusive have a great range of models that fit the bill here realm of Gears makes some awesome more industrial looking models that would give the dark Mech a more brutal feel in the traditional admech but if you prefer a more spindly creepy look the covenants of astery by Soul white might be perfect for you now obviously there are tons of models out there that are basically just ripoffs of official Games Workshop models so while you might find them and love them I'm not going to show them here because a that's not something I'm interested in and B it would shine a spotlight on them and I think games shop would probably pretty quickly have them all removed from whatever site they are on the things I've shown here are all very obviously unique sculpts maybe inspired by or similar to but obviously entirely distinct from any Games Workshop intellectual property all that being said my absolute favorite 3D printable models in this style have to be from dog Factory I was born in the mid 80s I fell in love with Warhammer 40K in the second edition when the art was still weird and Bleak I cut my PC gaming teeth on Quake 2 so there's something in dork Factory's twisty biomechanical strog Vibes that yeah that just works for me and I just feel like that's what I want the Dark mechanicum Army to be I even printed off one of their models in my recent video about the benefits and Hazards of 3D printing at home and long story short dog Factory saw that and offered to sculpt a dark Mech inspired model for this video how cool is that even cooler the printable 3D STL will be available for free for all of the Channel's patreon supporters you can get access to that our Discord server and just generally help us make cool hobby videos at the link in the description and massive thanks to our most recent signups Willer 727 saurin Peterson Robert garide Ben Parker Benjamin fo MJ Pegasus golin beans Amanda Gareth Barry horse burner Lord hesus Julian Bria sha Patrick Martin wedge ski Alex Gibson and red dusk how insanely good is this print by the way again this is using my uniformation gk2 printer and faux hamers wargamer resin not a layer line Insight Bonkers there's links in the description for all this stuff too if you fancy getting hold of this stuff for your own setup so we've got two models both quite different in terms of features but let's see if the same paint Scheme will get them both looking good fast first things first let's Prime the models black give them a quick dusting of Gray from above and a dry brush with white to see see what kind of details and volumes we're working with here these are going to look so cool now in terms of a unique color combo for the D mechanicum given that the primary color of the admech is red I thought using the classic goody baddy computer game color scheme for the opponents would be fun so going with blue as the dominant color instead Ultram Marine's blue contrast paint might seem like a bit of a rogue Choice here but when you paint it over a darker toned base coat it gives a much creepier midnight blue appearance which I think will work great I use this to paint all of fabric Parts as well as all of the main armor panels on the Dork factory model for metallics I'm going with warm but still desaturated colors a warm steel and a cool brush should do the trick the weapons chains and techy bits got over brushed with silver not much paint on the brush so leaving some of the darker Shadows untouched and then the heads and the body parts of each model got painted bronze not being overly careful here and not applying too much paint it really doesn't matter too much if the coverage is scratchy and rough because I mean I reckon it'll fit the Vibes of the models nicely any skull and bone details were picked out with a bony off-white and the Bas is painted with a simple muddy Brown to shade everything I mixed a brown wash and a black wash together in equal parts thinned it with a tiny bit of water and then applied this all over every part of the model after a little while that'll be dry and will have given everything a nice grungy dark feel also the successive layers of paint will have hardened the paper shrouds even more so win-win now if you want to add a little more spice try try mixing in some of that bony color we use for the skulls Into the ultramarine Blue contrast paint to make a soft highlight color either pick out the top facing parts of the folds manually or do some soft dry brushing if you want to bring out the texture or both using just the Bony colored paints on its own you can also add some painted on details like striations on the horns and highlights on the skulls and bones a fierce red base coat on the eyes and lenders would also set off the color scheme really nicely and then just finish it off with black room on the base and yeah there we go two totally unique examples of some dark mechanicum infantry one totally scratch built using junk and spare bits and the other one 3D printed I hope you enjoyed this video let me know in the comments if you found any other awesome third party creators that make stuff you could proxy as dark Mac whether it's physical stuff or 3D printable I'd love to see it and by the way I also noticed that dork Factory just finished a successful Kickstarter to make big Stompy robots the size of Imperial knights in this style too so uh let's say if this video hits 5,000 likes I'll print one off and paint it on the channel too uh that'll easily be the biggest most complex thing I 3D printed so I reckon it should be a fun challenge be sure to like And subscribe if you want to see more of this kind of stuff in the future and thanks so much for watching and I'll catch you next time bye for now [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Midwinter Minis
Views: 58,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark mechanicum, warhammer 40k
Id: X4OfWoz8dLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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