Wideneck guy's criminal past?

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you guys won't talk about the net guy this is net guy that's net guy right there look I you can tell that he's called net guy by the size of his ears the Escambia County Sheriff's Department posted this and they said congratulations to Charles Deon McDonald date of birth 8:12 87 fortunately they put his birthday in here Ari wouldn't have been able to find his criminal record Charles Dion McDowell was arrested for fleeing eluding police with lights and sirens active so that part right there is kind of why I don't care bringing up his criminal history P wid myth P wit cocaine possession of a controlled substance without prescription so I probably had like oxy or xanax or some [ __ ] like that possession of marijuana possession of drug equipment and he was trying to flee from the police that's no bueno I don't I don't appreciate that the other stuff whatever you want to do dope you know so dope that's on you but if you're fleeing in a vehicle from police and there's chance you're gonna hurt somebody else who's not even involved in your [ __ ] and the funniest part about it of course is the comments there are 300,000 comments almost on this and it got shared 265 thousand times it went extremely viral what neck of the woods was he called in please sketch artist okay so what did he look like witness Nick sketch artist we got him boys let's roll I know he can't button the top three buttons he'll be out of jail Nick we I don't know about leg day but he didn't skip next day whether they charge this guy with necklace endangerment row gotta wear his shirts upside down so I didn't notify his neck of kin please pulled up like put your neck behind your back why I'll do this he was gonna turn himself in next week he's been living it up as an internet celebrity he's been doing collabs with annoying ass Instagram personalities like what's his name supreme paddy oh my the only reason I know these people is because Leon lush made fun of them I'm about to beat his ass with my snack I mean I mean that's funny that's a funny Club right there I I appreciate the hell out of out of his sense of humor I appreciate the hustle I appreciate it I just wish he could just he could stay out of jail a week and a half after he was arrested for like you know pea wood meth he would cocaine all that stuff he got arrested again possession with intent to distribute oh I'm glad he's finding a better way to make money too but like I said a week and a half after he went viral in that video he got arrested again this time in Alabama he was arrested for eluding police again running he ran from the cops or even he drove away from the cops secondary marijuana possession who cares driving with a revoked license reckless driving and improper lane use so he was this is an Alabama like a week and a week and a half after he went viral you guys know why Florida man exists right Florida has one of the some of the most lacks laws when it comes to government transparency which part of the government is of course the police and police reports in criminal history so I was able to pull his entire criminal record from the state of Florida not other places uh let's just say he's been arrested over 20 times by Escambia Sheriff's Department over the past 10 years nothing he did some serious stuff when he's younger not very much serious stuff within the past few years I will tell you though within the past few years he loves cocaine he loves not showing up for court and he really really loves driving with a with a suspended license I just hope that he can take his new internet fame and stop stop selling cocaine so much and stop running from the police and stop driving with a revoked license and try to you know try to turn turn his life into a legitimate line of work or something I don't know cuz he seems like he won't like he seems like a funny ass guy and he seems free down-to-earth with everyone making fun is Nick so I don't know turn your turn your life around Charles turn your life around stop getting arrested by the Escambia County Sheriff's Department we're talking about Florida I figured we could talk about some more Florida incidents and recent wins that have happened here lately because the headlines are absolutely hysterical Florida man reportedly stabbed woman in the head with a fork over an undercooked potato Kenneth Crumpton stabbed a woman in the head with a fork leaving her with stab wounds in a bloody face it's unclear when the alleged assault took place but Crumpton denied allegations he reportedly claimed an arrest warrant that he threw the fork and he glanced off the woman's head he's charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon officer 401 is 400 subs away from 500,000 I know I beat him they called me a [ __ ] on this degree Oh Florida woman accused of pulling a knife on man who confronted her about a loud fart a Florida woman was arrested after he allegedly pulled a knife on a man who was offended by her loud farting Ginetta Wilton 37 years old was arrested for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon she pulled a knife on a man who was offended when she allegedly passed gas while waiting in line the man got into a verbal dispute over her up with farting loudly while in line at the store that's when she pulled out a knife and threatened the man before leaving the location they gave my facebook readers but they didn't give it back to me man arrested after he repeatedly aimed and fired unloaded civil war-era cannon at New York neighbor's home he was charged with harassment for repeatedly firing an unloaded Civil War cannon at the home of his neighbors he fired the candidate neighboring homes on the Pennsylvania border 60 miles south of Buffalo deputies say the cannon was fired only with a powder charge and wadding they confiscated the cannon he had an ongoing dispute with his neighbors but no details were released he was arrested and charged with three counts of harassment and three counts of menacing that's pretty funny when you're running around LA looting and lighting Shawn fire and a Korean dude says and there's a John hey careful John please be careful John John John guys if you don't already head on over to twitch.tv slash wine op WI in EOP and follow her because wines gonna start her stream soon hey you foots on my fruitcake I didn't show you someone said yeah yeah someone sent me fruitcake all right we're gonna watch one classic grandpa video just because Chile potatoes recipe we've never watched that one here we go so what do we decide grandpa's background is he's a he's a Gurkha Gurkha special forces it's like Steven Seagal and under siege it's tired of all the killing now I just want to provide food for orphans Daniel says so this guy uses gloves to peel potatoes but he leaves chicken at room temperature yes for several hours covered in dairy blonde lady cops pretty funny too a homeless man who was complaining about the cold said seeing me made his pants a little warmer and he referred to me as his Valkyrie so at least I have that going for me so I'm called a refrigerator box but he calls it a tiny house and in an urban setting congrats on the new romance [Applause] [Music] alright well there's your GoPro where the did they just come from the skylight okay so they just jump down what Tim feet at least are they doing an operation right now cuz they just walked up to that house right in the front yard in front of the front windows you got three idiots standing in front of the door right here I don't need to point out why that's dangerous is they not have at least one person who used to be a police officer on this and helping out a photo of your badge has been uploaded to my cloud storage officer we're looking for your son Pete is a year no idea I don't need to cooperate with you then why did you let him in the house you close the door on him do they have a warrant or not but the guy's like I'm not cooperating with you but then he just let him in the house I'm not cooperating you but hi come in my house and wonder around the house I feel like they to do this they would still it would still be safer to go get a search for it to get a judge to sign off he says I'm not gonna cooperate with you but then he's given them permission that like take his guns and the searches house it gives sued boy I am NOT going to cooperate with you but then he's like my guns and that nightstand over here the other gun isn't the nightstand over here under feet here two o'clock stay casual he's watching it's the captain's description of the shooter she's like stay casual but she's staring at the phone guy look stay casual is that their car so are the the LAPD SWAT team are they are they like investigators now what are they doing you know what plate carriers weren't good when there's plates in there they didn't call out when they got on the car and they didn't call the plate in the suspects car go over there looking for they are super SWAT detective AIT's a special task force SWAT team they're the road pirates 9,000 dia it's why it shows up to a scene where it's clearly set up for them to find and they just start digging around the [ __ ] instead of calling like forensics cuz it's a bank robbery you're gonna want forensics to go over this they just start digging around [ __ ] it let's just mess all these it up and start touching it yeah I know it's SWAT si si si D CID traffic FTO motor they're everything these guys got hockey pads on this is awesome Oh Greg it looks like that dude that your your your [ __ ] friend smoked that one day that's exactly what these guys look like Yeah right green tip they're just setting themselves up for so much paperwork if they work this way then they probably spend more time doing paperwork and actually doing anything else and that's weird the bad guys have the same mp5 setup as the good guys you RAM those mothers what are you doing don't stop until they're underneath until every single one of them are underneath it yeah let's move the thing that has the most protection out of the way so that the charger is just right that guy's in plain view what kind of shot are you mr. SWAT operator like the guy's not even behind cover technically none of them behind cover because vehicles suck for cover oh she's got like Max Payne shots like sniper video game shots one shot to the engine block Duke you shot her in the hula and killed her the hockey paths that you can't penetrate there there's no soft spots in any of them you got to skip a bullet up somebody's vagina in order to kill them didn't you know that's how robberies work you're off-duty need to drive that car all off-duty should you not move them and list the cars on fire because of neck and back injuries it's fine come here you're gonna be okay got her don't shoot a gun on it shoot him he had a gun shoot him shoot him shoot him assault plates shoot him can is it's what what's their policy on use of force here at this department people can hit you in the face with a glass throw things that you try to stab you and he still can't shoot him did that 120-pound woman just throw that 200-pound man can you shoot him yet can you shoot him now what about out can you shoot him now can you shoot him now you have a gun sweetheart I saw it now she gets the gun now the bad guys are hijacking a ship and one's got a gun you're gonna head and he asked if you're a cop what do you say a millipede e-swat no the pigs what just happened now they're negotiators it's he the chief of police now are they like he can make these decisions look at me I have the chief what the [ __ ] is this the old camera on a stick wait wait wait wait what just happened what just happened what was that the door was hacked he still got his fingerless gloves on what are you doing actions in person they wouldn't even allow me to be present when they picked up the Finnish trucks did the criminals in this understand that like they don't have to talk to the cops cuz I don't think they understand that like they have the right to remain silent so they're investigating this place and they just walk up in there start asking them questions the guy just freely starts answering them these are terrible criminals these are regular cops there's SWAT that means there's CID there forensics everything I guess this is one of those fully armored trucks concentrate 20 rounds in the same spot you find guys couldn't hit a man standing out of cover from 10 feet away you're gonna concentrate 20 rounds of whatever you're shooting in the saint's yeah hey every Hey my whole team hell a team move out of cover everyone everyone go to the open where they can shoot you move forward sweat detective sergeant mayor governor CSI parking of course that don't forget motor did he just pull out a Taser Batman's was just shooting at you okay kind about to get served smackdown yeah did it or did a random earthquake just happened in the middle of a hostage situation where someone has a gun to the kid's head shoot him here's your chance 9.0 earthquake calls by terrorists that only the LAPD SWAT CIS motor narc cops can get tier-one sweat 1 shot through the terrorists block one shot through the earthquake block [Music]
Channel: Donut Operator
Views: 807,164
Rating: 4.946589 out of 5
Keywords: donut, operator, neck guy, neck guy meme, neck, guy, arrested, arrest, crime, criminal history, arrests, real name, wideneck, wide neck, jail, damn wide neck, damwideneck, damn wide neck song
Id: judfTwhRy5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 10 2019
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