guy in vrchat talks about being a soldier for hire

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Also here for the obama chat

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/OGOriginalGamer 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

someone said he interviewed obama? where is that?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AbleRequirement02 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

furry with a coyote fursona and a hyperdick yiff fetish is responsible for deploying hellfire missiles

We truly live in the best timeline.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
whenever you shoot a Hellfire missile at someone and you kill them this is just in general at least in Afghanistan they only have like so long to bury them according to their religion I don't remember what it is but generally how it would go is we'd be you know flying above and find our target shoot the missile explodes people die and then like immediately after that explosion would happen the town villagers would come running out gather up all the pieces that were left and then immediately have a funeral and the first time I saw that was like the first day of the job as a military contractor and that was a holy moment like what am i doing but yeah that was a weird thing that I didn't know and I don't think a lot of people know that yeah it's like all the villagers they come running out gathering body parts you'll have a funeral area and then that's your standard practice like that happens enough to where about another missile shooting them they just don't pick up the body pieces have a funeral and then that's just everyday weird did you ever have to use a sword gun in the military no not really not doesn't really come up I guess there are technology that hasn't advanced that far yet recently after iMessage I wouldn't look at your stuff in it I like it it's kind of like a humans of New York type thing we got going on the arch at that is essentially my life right now you can see that's doping hell what were you doing before you join the Army Air Force excuse you we don't talk about the army that is an insult if you know we do someone I mean when the Air Force actually split off from the Army in like 1947 or whatever it was but I mean I'm probably gonna send this if anyone hears this but at least a couple people the army requires about here Air Forces I don't know if that's lifted up or not but up here currently I'm 28 I think yeah I'm 28 and it kind of you know you stopped we stopped remembering I feel like does that not happen to everybody I think I'd come about 210 yeah you know I had like these big dreams and aspirations to like go off to college and I got accepted to like my dream College or whatever and then I got there and I went to go pick up all my paperwork and they gave me the bill and it was like 50 grand for a year and there was no way I was gonna be able to pay for that so I went and talked to a recruiter that day and I always wanted to get like a top-secret security clearance I was like my main goal and I was like and I'd be cool you know learn like the nation's secrets you know like some edgy little teenager you always wanted to join the airforce Lee since you were a kid no no no not at all I mean I was a super hipster emo kid like I graduated in 2008 whenever like Taking Back Sunday was all the rage by the way a great band still one of my favorite bands but I flat ironed my hair I had a lip ring and we're skinny jeans and so I was probably one of the furthest people you would ever expected to join the military and most of my close circle of friends they were they were all pretty shocked what if I told him I was joining the military what did you originally apply to college for like what was your college it was a Texas A&M University I wanted to go to the school of architecture that dream was kind of crushed I never really thought about doing the Air Force but I also always kind of like had these like ideas of being like a badass you know which I thought at the time that's what the Air Force was spoiler it's not you get to play volleyball honkers we had a huge family I'm like I'm one of seven children so while my parents made a lot of money it was split very thin across you know a lot of kids that was one of the reason I couldn't pay for school because they made too much money for me to get financial aid but they didn't make enough to actually help me pay for school all your friends are going off to college they got accepted and everything and then you're like well [ __ ] first I actually originally go to the Marines but yes I was going to join the Marines I was in at the recruiters office and this complex that were in the recruiters complex there's an army a navy of Marines and an airforce all like right beside so you know it's like in a mall so they're all like right next to each other I was talking to a guy a old man and his daughter come up and sit next to me while we're waiting for the the recruiters office to open up and he asked me he was like are you joining the Marines they were sitting in front of the airforce door and I was like yeah I'm gonna think I'm gonna join the Marines pretty soon I have a ship date I'm ready to go he said well I used to be in the Marines and I was like okay and he's like I would never let my daughter here join the Marines because the Marines treat you like [ __ ] and I about to join the movies you know I'm like oh my god tell me more and he said whenever he went to whenever he would deploy and he would go to like a military installation like an Air Force One the Air Force you left your trays on the table and they had people come and pick them up for you and when we deployed you slept in air-conditioned tents which was true and at that moment it was kind of an easy choice I wouldn't talk to the Air Force recruiter that day and started that whole process there's a whole thing about how a recruiters lie and it's 100% true they will try to tell you everything and to try and get you on that plane or on that bus to go to wherever they're trying because you're just a number to them you know you're not anything this is from the marine side whenever I was going to join the Marines originally you can join the military under what's called a guaranteed contract meaning that when you get done with your bootcamp in whatever branch you're in that you get to pick your job beforehand and that is going to be your job no matter what at least for your first enlistment I didn't that was a thing at all when I first started this whole journey and when I was going to go in the Marines he said that no we just put you in there every Marine is a rifleman first and we'll pick your job for you you'll get to pick from a list or whatever afterwards that was the biggest lie like that's a life-altering decision that is that a lot of people don't understand another pretty big one is that whenever you are given when you're about to join the military you're in what's called the delayed enlistment program it's short for a DEP or DEP and legally deaf doesn't mean jack [ __ ] you could you could quit literally a second before you step on the airplane or the bus or however you're getting to boot camp and you have no legal repercussions at all they don't say that very much because obviously they would have a lot more people quitting their job is to try and like you know hook you in and they get rated based on how many numbers they get so yeah they don't mention that very much but yeah you can if you're never going to join the military if either of you are ever interested you can say [ __ ] you up until the moment you get to boot camp pretty much is everyone a tomato on that cereal okay I will say this the Air Force has the most back maybe Air Force and Navy have the most weebs I would say I there was a furry convention on base one time which was super weird I mean this is like mm and like 11 so this is like peak furry you know and like peak Prairie hysteria so when that happened everybody on base was like oh my god did you see all the fairies imagine being on a submarine with someone for six months and all of a sudden all of them are free very involved process you have to like go to all of these meetings you have to go get checked out at a place called MIPS which is like the military entrance processing station or something and you got to show a guy your butt hole and the whole thing you getting that twice too it's a doctor like he has to check your butthole and when mine was an English guy so I guess that was nice was he offering polite to you yeah you don't know this going in there like I didn't know I was gonna have to show this guy my butthole and so I'm like standing there naked and that was already kind of weird and then he walks around behind you and he has a pen in his hand and goes place your hands here and here and spread and bend over and that's what you do and it's it's [ __ ] weird did this come up later in the airforce like is this something that they need to know the chair for this is something that's like set arounds the talked about the English guy about that doesn't even American accent I don't know if I would have went through with it that day my parents are very I don't know if you've ever met a Southern Baptist but my whole family is very Southern Baptist so during the military is almost the same as Jesus coming back for the second time during those hey y'all got your [ __ ] hero you think you're doing the best thing in the world it's a fantastic choice he'll get in to die for your country holy [ __ ] what better thing could happen to you it's a great town they just old-school country rednecks my church oh they were so proud to you it was great it was fantastic I had three really good friends that were in my dorm we have dorms in the Air Force we don't have barracks they call them dorms they're essentially barracks and they were all gay and they were some of the coolest people I ever met yeah that just like kind of blew my [ __ ] world because being where I was from Muslims gay people we had gay people but not a lot I was like Who am I to say that this guy is wrong and I'm right they seem to think that they're right so no I met a lot of people you know I've made a lot of friends that were Muslim or you know just all this random these random balloons I'd never heard of because I'm from very small town Texas you got to hang out with some really cool people and meet some really nice you know like people that are good you can just tell when someone's a good person regardless of their religion or whatever and it probably sounds really weird coming from someone wearing it England suit no this is par for the course now you're gonna be more disturbing to talk about this with a real person that was some crazy [ __ ] it was a gay guy two gay girls this is something about the military that is different from how at least the US military from now Outsiders perceive it given the military don't give a [ __ ] no one gave two shits that they were gay everyone [ __ ] knew it like that least the guy the guy super flamboyant no one cared about everyone loved him he was a pig after this job you could depend on him for work and he always came through with all of his [ __ ] so people in the military did not give two shits about if you were gay this was kind of way before like the trans kind of kicked off so and I kind of missed that whole boat whenever that started becoming in the news in the military I mean I'm sure there were some that did care I'm not gonna say there wasn't but from the group that I knew in my small area I guess that's kind of the point of Don't Ask Don't Tell though isn't it like and do you don't ask and don't tell but everyone [ __ ] do but certain groups find their ways into certain jobs at least in the Air Force your good ol boys they all end up being mechanics or working on helicopters are working on airplanes as like a mechanic girls tend to end up what females in the going into medical career fields a lot of time people that do well enough on their tests end up in Intel right here tell me something enlisted side on the officer side it's totally different they their [ __ ] does not stink if you were to ask an officer you want to go into your opinion of officers uh my job was to train pilots how not to get shot down best weapons to use and all these other different things so it required me to have more interaction with an officer than your normal rank-and-file airman would and whenever you come across an officer the enlisted member has to salute first and then the officer renders the salute second I've run into an officer before where I forgot to salute early on in my career and the dude flipped his [ __ ] on me I also had an officer thump my stripes before in front of a commander and thankfully the commander stood up for me which was pretty cool your wife was your best friend before you joined the military and you proposed after you got out yeah that's actually that's one of my favorite stories I joined the military and she was like super guy like mission trips she was super into mission trips so much so that she did this program called mission gear which is like a program in States you basically go and live in an impoverished community for a year and she wouldn't lived in Georgia for a whole freaking year after she got there with that I would come home and you know we visit and hang out and stuff eventually we had a we had a really really close friend of ours ended up like passing away we came back and we were hanging out one time we were just talking and stuff and you know we started kind of I said like talking about future and everything we I don't know just kind of worked out that way like things uh things went great it was awesome I wanted to marry her since I was like 16 yeah it I tricked her into doing it and it's been pretty great ever since you're in boot camp for eight weeks that was some [ __ ] I had super long hair going into it you know and like I my hair was like down to my shoulders right and that's when they shave your head off your hair off your head off yeah that's when they shave your hair off so that was a shock and it was gonna happen but it still sucked and yeah then you get you get conditioned is the nice word and how to be a soldier you have to get all these kinds of shots and [ __ ] and it's it's pretty I mean the penicillin feeling when that really hurts but yeah that sucked but no yeah boot kiss uh overall it was it wasn't a bad experience I thought it was it was fun like in a way they teargas you at one point that's a fun time you're all like dressed up in your gear right it's called your MOPP gear and you have like a gas mask on you have like this super [ __ ] hot Kim suit on that protects you from chemical attacks gloves little booties that cover your feet you go into a room with like all your friends you're like in a square right and sitting is this like little pit thing and they put tear gas in there and yes you have your gas mask on one by one you have to take your gas mask off try to say a reporting statement in the gas you only make it to like two words before it hits you you know it's just to get you to see what it feels like essentially which honestly I don't know if that serves a point it doesn't really happen so much in the Air Force because all Air Force boot camps are in Texas but in other boot camps Marines and the army one of their favorite jokes to say about people from Texas is there's only two things that come from Texas steers and queers and you ain't got whatever the [ __ ] they say it's so [ __ ] dumb I'm still in Texas oh if you can like handle someone yelling at you it's not that big of a deal because I mean that's what they do they yell a lot and they try and like to like get you to break under pressure like screaming at you and you're firing a rifle or loading a cleaning a weapon or giving your reporting statement it's all a mental thing right it's only a mental getting really there is the physical aspect of like you just have to be in like generally good shape when you first get there and by the time you're done you'll be in pretty good shape as long as you can handle a grown man screaming at you who camps not that bad I know and there's gonna be a lot of people that are gonna see this and they're gonna be like that's because you went to chair fourth boot camp you didn't go to the Marines marine boot camps way harder watch oh man this is I forgot about this story there was I mean there's always someone who tries to commit suicide at boot camp like every time okay so in the Air Force dorms we have to use these four polishers to clean the floors every every Sunday you have to take all of the bunk beds out these are 60 man bays you take every single bunk bed out of these 60 mm bays there's two of them and you have to strip the entire floor of its current polish which is an insanely difficult task to do this is just a long way to tell you that we have a floor polisher and it has a really really really long cord because it has to go around these two giant bays while you're polishing one day one day we're exercising underneath and our brother flight is next to us and a floor polisher drops from the window and crashes next to them and just shatters I don't know if this is a common thing I was only there once but they would happen they ran right up there and there was a 18 year old kid who had tied the extension cord or the cord from the polisher around his neck trying to throw the polisher out the window to hang himself because it weighs a lot but the codes really long and the drops not that far so there was a lot of slack so he didn't do it like he he failed thankfully but yeah so that happened another kid tried to kill himself in a locker he might trying to suffocate himself in a locker or something but that was just like hearsay we heard from the other people there that was some pretty terrible [ __ ] that was that happens let happen pretty early on and we were just like holy [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] did I sign up for I guess for some people it is bad I guess I should probably clarify that some people it is pretty bad for a lot of people I don't think it's very bad I know that UFO isn't necessarily now I don't know oh by the way I meant to ask you this at the beginning of this but how do you say your name is it sire more is it sir more I leave it up to like artistic interpretations it's like any job really you wake up like I look up at 6:00 I had to be in the office by 7:00 so that I could do my morning Tod brief which is a thread of the day briefing so it would be like oh hey mig-29s this is what's cool about mig-29s they can shoot you from this far away you should stay out of their range that would be like that's what I threat of the day briefing is it's basically recognizing an aircraft's knowing its capabilities avoiding getting shot down what to do if you do get shot down I mean you tuck your head between your legs and kiss your asking back always comes back like the military probably has more licenses for PowerPoint than anywhere else in the world because that's all you do trillion dollars Microsoft's homes how many that is one line we do not cross my role is to be there for pilots just I worked in what's called the mission planning cell most of the time which is where the mission gets plant and you would be there to say hey no that's wrong you don't want to fly this route because this thing can see you from this far away so you want to avoid this thing and go that way instead and then also it would be like what are you trying to do here do you want to go down this far into the ground with your bomb or do you want to go this far into the ground with your bomb and then have it blow up and so my job wouldn't you say hey you want to use this weapon that'll get that job done for you I got to do cool [ __ ] and not die that's what everybody's trying to do yeah I guess so after active duty Torres up I get out and now I have this top-secret security clearance as a civilian and it's good for like two years after that like it you can get a job within that amount of time and you need to keep your security clearance so that was the goal I was like hell yeah it's time to get a job we're gonna make the big bucks and I got hired on as a military contractor working with the Predators the UAVs you know I didn't have to keep my hair shaved I could grow as some semblance of a beard and I could wear normal people clothes which was like probably the best part so is this like the same as being a mercenary that's another name that people call it yeah those contractors are mercenaries or mercenaries are military contractors you're killing people for money for hire as a civilian your job still the same we worked hand in hand with active duty we shot missiles at people every [ __ ] day it was [ __ ] insane so is this like a private company you're working with how does it work now private company hired by the government so yeah and are you able to see the company's name probably not gonna say that why would the government hire this private company as opposed to just having their own men to handle the job no [ __ ] idea but they pay you so much money for it so I didn't really care because my job definitely could have been done by an enlisted person that was active duty I didn't ask questions cuz they were paying me a bunch of money so it was you know I didn't want to ruin a good thing I mean I loved the military military was dope military contracting though was some crazy [ __ ] there's definitely been some things that I wish I wouldn't been part of when I was a contractor my job was to get to know these people that were hunting down and to learn their lives and learn their patterns of life and all that [ __ ] and I relayed that to my pilots who then shoot these people with Hellfire missiles and yeah I mean that's just millie around that if you're a human being I feel like that's a pretty shitty spot to be in you're killing people there's no way around it yeah that's uh it just it just sucks all around but they pay you a lot so maybe that's enough to assuage your your conscience enough to keep doing it for a long time how do you all that away with sort of your very religious background and you clearly have a good perspective on this sort of push your mind my job is to kill people for a few years oh no I'm not very religious anymore at this point anyway you just have to ask yourself do I think this is right does this you know just make me a bad person and if the answer comes to yes then I think you quit no then you can keep doing it something kind of weird though you know I don't know if I remember like call of duty modern warfare 3 you know like the predator cam whenever you get like a 5 kill streak don't number that that is like spot-on like it is it looks so similar and I think that's how a lot of people actually kind of get through that process is because it looks like a video game on the monitor scope you're watching right it's really dehumanized a very dehumanized detached version of reality of what you're shooting a missile at oh yeah not of my own volition at first I was doing one of the government shutdowns that Ted Cruz your guys's native that he caused and thank you yeah he can alter the shutdown and all the military contractors got on hiatus for a month or two or whatever during that time you know I had a lot of time to kind of like reflecting me like holy [ __ ] is this what I want to keep doing this is some heavy [ __ ] right but that was when I [ __ ] with my wife and I decided I would rather go to school not do that anymore it just it wasn't worth the money not for like my mental health or anything like that it's just a it's a hard thing to tell people like it [ __ ] me up a little maybe but I don't know I understand I've never seen anyone about it so I'm not a hundred percent sure it's definitely something that's stayed with me you know I think about a little bit a lot because how can you not I was going to ask because you mentioned someone should continue with if they think that they are doing the right thing and they should stop if they do not have the capacity for it and I wanted to know did you consider yourself a good person oh no I mean how can you consider yourself a good person if you're like killing people it's just like it's a weird place to be in like I don't know it's a that's a hard question I don't know if I can never like atone for being part of a murderous military complex there's one specific story about we had been tracking this guy for like a few days at this point we've been trying to get him every day and he was a bad dude like super super bad you did terrible things to uh to civilians to American soldiers planted IEDs had this whole network under him not a nice person right we've been trying to catch this guy on this day we had him the previous days we did not have what's called a plus one a plus one is whenever you're signed off to shoot your target that you can shoot him plus one other person that's with him because he's known to be this bad chances are this collateral damage isn't going to matter that day we had a plus-one and we shot a Hellfire missile at him and killed him and his like 10 to 11 year old kid who was with him and that's probably the one that I think about the most because that's like that's some [ __ ] up [ __ ] like you I definitely played a hand in this kid dying who had nothing to do with anything and so that's a really hard thing to reconcile with yourself and right after that is whenever the government shutdown happened and that is what weighed on my decision to not return back to let my clearance lapse and to go back to college and get away from all of that [ __ ] this is sounds so typical but a graphic design so I like art basically you know do you feel more satisfied with your life right now or back when you are doing a lot of us definitely now like it's way way more lighthearted and way more fun the good thing is like I don't get nervous very much in school when I have to like present stuff because when your briefing general is about nuclear capabilities art school doesn't really measure up in terms of like how nervous you would be I guess if you had a kid and they wanted to also join the military what would you be telling them and I would tell them it's it's a it can be very rewarding I hope you don't ever feel the need to have to join some people just aren't made for it like some people are made for the military at the end of the day I don't think I probably was made for it I think I faked it long enough to where I made it out of it if that's something the my child would want to do it would be a hard thing for me but I think I'm a big fan of letting people make their own choices I think so I wanna tell y'all a funny thing so whenever you're like getting out my security officer the guy who reads you in and out of all of these various pop secret programs how you read into he had nothing from men in black the flasher yes he had one of those like like I mean from the movie it was a prop but it blinked and he did that like after you read you out he's like alright you officially do not know any of this stuff anymore legally you don't know any of this classified information and he pulls up there's a little the little [ __ ] flasher and he bleeps it I was like oh my god that he had but god I mean that guy it loved his job like I bet he loved getting to do that if you could tell everyone in the world one thing what would it be don't be a dick to people and that includes killing them probably your avatar is very fitting you're a bird who never falls Oh goddamn that is deep
Channel: Syrmor
Views: 2,994,983
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Keywords: vr, syrmor, vrchat, virtual reality, vrchat stories, people in vrchat, guy in vrchat, girl in vrchat, anime, avatar, vr funny moments
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 25sec (1825 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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