Guy in VR talks about being a street dealer at the age of 14 - VRChat Stories

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there was somebody i was selling to so i would go to her house and that was fine for a few months but she of course she ran out of money why wouldn't she lost her job um but she still had a daughter she was so desperate for another pill that like when she was out of money she would call me over there try to try to wheedle me down try to try to get me lower and she would eventually you know start offering me her daughter everything i talk about in this video do not do it uh do not follow in my footsteps this is not an instructional if you try to do any of this stuff um it will not end well for you you will you will get caught you will end up in jail the reason i got away with it it was a different time i i got lucky i had the right talent and the right appearance and the the d.a had cracked down on it as hard as they do now don't don't do this this is not this is not about showing you how to do this this is about showing people what it's really like so don't don't i'll just start with how i got into it uh basically like most people like most people did i i got into this through family uh i was like 14 my mother had so many disabilities she had a lot of oxycontin and that she got prescription every every month and she would sell them and because she wasn't strong enough to go out there and sell them herself she would just send me on a little bike so 14 year old kid i knew what i was doing i knew that i had envelope of pills take them down three blocks over to the other people other elderly disabled people who in town who needed them more or had more money or whatever the hell and after about a few months of doing that i kind of met a lot of people like two or three dozen people in by by the time i stopped of of elderly people you know disabled people who ever had these pills and was either willing to sell them or buy them usually sell because you know they can't make any money can't live like that um here's my language but they also didn't really want to associate with the criminal types and i don't look like a criminal type at that time i'm 15 year old blonde hair blue eyes totally innocent looking kid never even got never even spoke to a cop while i was doing this and because i had that innocent look they trusted me it didn't feel to them like like they were doing something illegal it kind of blossomed from there really really quickly uh i because i had this big source essentially of getting these pills i could get them at pretty good prices i pretty quickly came into contact with people who do sell them on the street because i couldn't i couldn't sell all those on my own there weren't enough you know people in this little three dozen community that i worked with so i would go to these people like one a day sometimes two a day so it was always opiates those were the only things i really sold at the time the prices were kind of high so it was like i'd pay them 12 i'd take it to the street dealer and he'd pay me 15 16 and he'd resell for like 20 per pill and that's that's kind of how the chain worked you know by the time i'm like 17 18 i i kind of i've kind of turned this into a little business i was making like it didn't seem it doesn't seem like the margins are that large like i i would make like three four dollars off every pill but i was moving like hundreds every month so i was making at least a thousand a month i got a little deeper into it i i would um i would start selling myself to people because i had the you know cut out the middleman right and that's kind of where the the worst i saw the worst stuff because opiates will never do an opiate even if a doctor especially if a doctor prescribes it to you because it just it totally destroys you you can't if you if if you take it like an oxycodone on one one a day for like two weeks you just can't feel joy anymore nothing feels good except more pill and that just makes people so desperate it gets really bad actually the things that people will do for for one more hit one thing that really stuck out to me was i there was somebody i was selling to so i would go to her house and that was fine for a few months but she of course she ran out of money why wouldn't she lost her job but she still had a daughter um and she she was so desperate for another pill that like when she was out of money she would call me over there try to try to wheedle me down try to try to get me lower and she would eventually you know start offering me her daughter and i'm like no at that point i walked out of her i told her you know i know a guy who can get you heroin if you really need to go cheaper but i don't touch that stuff myself i don't deal in that that's that's on you um and i there were a lot of situations like that where these people were so controlled by this drug it was the only thing that they cared about anymore and people have tried to rob me people have been desperate enough that they feel they have no recourse but to you know point a gun at me and you know i'd like to say i'm hardcore and that i i fought back on those times um there were times i tried uh i'm not a good fighter i'm not i'm not hardcore i'm not the the picture i'm not the stereotype of a criminal drug dealer i i lost i i gave up my stuff i lost a lot of money that way and like again you can't ask the police for help so i was visiting with somebody who was selling to me and their i guess demented husband like busted down the front door and started just he had a shotgun i don't know what it was and he just started opening up into the into the the building like a like a maniac and uh i was like stuck right next to the door is this guy was starting to come in and um i made the dumb decision to lean across the doorway and try and grab the door and slam it closed and i i picked the wrong millisecond to do that i guess and it was a super weird feeling of i could it was like somebody turned on or like opened an oven right next to me and i could feel that the hot air passing over and i i knew he had hit me then but i just closed the door hit the deadbolt with my now good arm and uh booked it out the back door and got like two blocks before i even like stopped and but oh my god holy [ __ ] that's oh god that's hang on a second i'm fine just i'm gonna sit down a minute uh you think it's easy to talk about until it isn't okay [Music] yeah there's there's a lot of stuff like that that um stuck with me pretty hard that just um like i said it it feels easy to talk about uh especially in this where it doesn't it doesn't feel quite as real you got all these nice shiny distractions but uh stuff like that was the motivating factor in me really getting out uh that was like i i realized i was in over my head i was i was still that 14 year old kid on a bicycle running around and i was just pretending like i was more than that my mother she was one of those people who went off the deep end way before i started help trying to help her she you know there was nothing in her life anymore but drugs uh it was just all about you know i want to be high off my ass and land laying on the floor somewhere where i don't have to think and uh i i could try and argue with her but there was no point um once once it gets in gets control of you like that it's over nobody takes drugs for no reason they they get addicted to these things because they they feel terrible in the first place they're depressed they're uh they're in a stressful situation they can't handle life um and the best way to get out of to get out of drugs is to get yourself out of that situation make it so you don't need drugs anymore and that's that's the best trick to getting out of that there was a moment uh just like a little after i was turning 18 or like not a moment but like a period of a few months where i was starting to get sucked into the the wider world i was starting to to get to know a lot of people that maybe aren't that great to know and kind of getting involved in some of the wider black market criminal community as i like to call it and i saw some very terrible things there but i don't know if i'm comfortable mentioning them for multiple reasons i could sell somebody five pills 60 bucks 100 bucks whatever it was that that time of day at that time of year and they would just immediately and like that's enough to overdose what can i do but walk away like do i do i call do i call 9-1-1 and tell them i just sold somebody pills and they they just overdosed on them no that's that's a quick way to go to jail and a lot of people don't realize that's kind of the dilemma in these communities when you're doing this for a living you can't you can't rely on the police anymore you can't rely on 9-1-1 the famous phrase snitches get stitches uh that's that's not because criminals will mess with you if you if you tell the police the police will mess with you if you tell the police anything there's like a 50 chance they they do nothing like a 20 chance they they you over instead they arrest you and uh the rest is just maybe they do something maybe they don't but are you really making a difference so it's just there's never any benefit in it for you to to snitch to talk to cops there's never any benefit in it for anyone and that's why that phrase exists but then it got twisted all out of proportion by rappers by media by everybody and now it means that like you gotta stay quiet or the gank squads will come after you that doesn't happen everybody minds their own business most crimes have no victim i they're all about people trying to make ends meet and working together to make that happen that's the reason gangs exist kind of for that back up to replace what you lose when you can no longer trust the police you can no longer trust ambulances and fire to come to the rescues whenever you get in trouble you need to get friends that are willing to back you up like that um i never really got that i never you know i had i had a couple of people i could count on like that and that was that and that was one of the big reasons why i couldn't stay around i couldn't really go big time and i had the opportunities like i knew people and they were like hey you get around you clearly know a lot of people you clearly have that again that that innocent charisma i always had and they would try to get me to buy in bulk and resell it and uh i think i made the right choice in staying out of that i did my thing where i would i kind of don't what i did for the most part was buy from people who wouldn't have been able to make ends meet otherwise they were they were desperate they needed to make money somehow and i would help them out there with i would you know keep them safe they weren't getting involved in all of that themselves they just worked through me and that part i don't think was bad really because although of course it's illegal to do that i i don't think it was [Music] morally wrong because those people needed help they had no other choice and i gave them the help they needed and i know i always gave them a fair price always kept them safe they were never in danger at any point like who why why would you ruin that when that pays your bills and it pays my bills and nobody's getting screwed right but uh the part of reselling it i'm not proud of that i had had part in you know the trade of what i still genuinely believe to be the most evil on earth which is opiates um but again i was a kid i couldn't work normally i couldn't go find a job throw in newspapers i was i was too young for even that and i had to find a way to help my mom pay the bills and help her get the pills she needed to not you know be miserable my mother there was nothing more i can do for her you know she was um she was really you know abused drugs her whole life every kind of drug you can imagine and uh or her body was just totally falling apart she needed all kinds of help one day in my early 20s i i had invested in a vehicle in a i had enough money that i could go in with a house on some friends in another state and i just got out of town didn't tell anybody i got my got my mom set up somewhere and uh an elderly home because she was [Music] she was gone at that point i couldn't do nothing for her um you know just left town through my cell phone my old cell phone out the window and just split to another state and never heard from any of it again and that's how i got out of it the store the whole story from when i got into when i got out i kept up with some of the people i worked with on like facebook um i didn't interact with them i just i just kind of watched them from afar and i i don't think anybody i worked with directly is still alive so i definitely made the right decision in getting out huh but um the guy i worked with primarily is it was house i was that was what everybody called him the house tattooed across his chest prison tattoo obviously been a prison like three times he was always high on something he would always have a bottle of vodka with him and like like six years ago he just drove a car straight through a house and died and that's how he went out yeah house died by driving a car through a house ironic right nobody ever came after me nobody ever looked and i've talked about this before in pretty public places and not gotten anybody coming after me for it i never got the police and now i now i feel like i'm confident enough to talk to you about it and maybe maybe get a little bit of a platform maybe let people know what it looks like that all these criminals these drug dealers these car thieves i i knew some people left who did that they would scrap cars all of these people are normal people that were trying to pay their bills right they weren't they weren't born criminals they they're stuck there because they can't get out there they can't get a real job they their families hold them in it their gangs hold them in it and um but they're they're still normal people they they they got rent to pay they have to buy food for their kids and that's how they do it because of the way that this stuff works with the guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy all the way up the chain it's practically guaranteed that you know like everybody who watches this knows somebody who's who does that who is involved in that and that person is probably scared to talk about it even though they might have had some horrible experiences some things that mess them up but they can't talk about it because how do you ask for help who do you talk to about that stuff you know people are everywhere doing this stuff trying to make ends meet and um you know it's it's not a great way to make ends meet but you gotta pay your bills somehow don't you so yeah if you have a friend like that who's in a bad situation who's doing bad things then you could make a difference by extending an olive branch like i wouldn't have gotten out of there without my my friends who i still live with we all went in on a house together and you know paid half the i paid half the down payment and they paid the rest and we all go in on the mortgage and that that's without friends that were outside of that circle i couldn't have gotten out so that's part of what i'm hoping for is maybe i can humanize people like that and you know get him a little more accepted i don't make as much money now as i did then which is you know not a great thing to say about yourself when you were 14 years old but uh you know it's it was the right choice i i would say that most people don't get out of it and um i was smarter than most people who were in it but it's not about smarts it's just um it doesn't when you're when you're all the way in on it it doesn't feel like you're doing something illegal it doesn't feel like you're doing something that's risking your life that you could get caught tomorrow and go to jail in your life now you're just stuck being a criminal because nobody else will hire you um and that could happen at any time but when you go on such a long streak like i like i said i never got searched by cops i never got harassed because honestly because i'm white um blonde hair blue eyes i look innocent like picturesque innocence um but that was lucky and if i didn't have that that trait then i would be i would be screwed i i would definitely be in jail right now and probably not have gotten out of that it it really pulls you in like that because once you once you get that that hubris that oh i've got a system going this is never going to go wrong it always it always does um even even the people who were like me who were white clean cut looked innocent um the ones that the people like that that i knew they didn't they didn't stay out of jail either so i got super lucky lasting for 10 years and i shouldn't have tried i should i should have gotten out as soon as i could if you want to help support the channel then please consider subscribing it only takes one second and it really does help a lot and if you enjoyed 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Channel: MetaMike Gaming
Views: 94,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: regret, regrets, vr, virtual reality, sad, inspiring, motivational, depressing, vrchat, gaming, wholesome, life, oculus rift, htc vive, virtual gaming, story, stories, vrchatstories, vrstories, chatstories, vrchat stories, vr stories, motivate, inspire, inspiration, advice, heartbreak, heart break, ilisten, vrchatstory, virtualreality story, loss, death
Id: RhBlCgtk2Yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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