Guy In Blue Creeped Up To The Piano...Then THIS Happened!
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Channel: Brendan Kavanagh
Views: 8,967,652
Rating: 4.8956776 out of 5
Keywords: Boogie Woogie, Terry Miles, Prank, music, funny, learning the piano, playing the piano, Jazz, Rock and Roll, classical piano, piano technique, reading sheet music, Thomas Kruger, London, fun, amazing, global talent, street music, piano lockdown, lockdown, Eeco Rijken Rapp, Albert Ammons, the best boogie woogie piano, Meade Lux Lewis, amazing piano peformance, social experiment, piano prank, pranking the piano, London Life, culture, public piano, street piano, Vinheteiro
Id: QVeTmh9IrT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 48sec (348 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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