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Channel: Terry Miles
Views: 9,142,573
Rating: 4.8791261 out of 5
Keywords: Boogie Woogie Piano Tutorial, Boogie Woogie Piano Lesson, Gospel Music, Terry Miles, Dr John, New Orleans Piano Tutorial, New Orleans Piano Lesson, Amazing Grace Piano Tutorial
Id: Ox-Ay6jnEGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 7sec (247 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
That's not an airport, that's London St Pancras Train station.
I wanna learn to play the piano just to be able to do this. This is so cool!
Tommy Wiseau is moving on up in the world I see
shit i dont like it
I don't know what's up with this guy. He posts dozens of this videos - some where he's dressed up as a police officer, or an old man, or a construction worker. Every single time he just plays the same old boogie woogie style. It's like yeah it's kind of cool to see someone playing piano well in public, but what's up with all the gimmicks. Oh look, it's thanksgiving and he's playing Amazing Grace. Except he's in the UK. I know he's desparate to go viral but it just seems incredibly transparently attention seekerish to me.
I never heard Amazing Grace played like that. What a fine gift to have to play like that.