Simon STOPS Her and Asks to Sing Acapella!

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Okay, auntie are you like a comedian or a dancer want a singer? Are you a singer? Yeah Okay, auntie, what are you gonna sing thank my right there Franklin oh, you're gonna do a redo Franklin haha at 12 Yeah, okay, you sure Okay, the stage is yours Okay, okay Ansley Ansley, sorry, babe. I don't think this backing track was working with you. I mean, it was a horrible horrible backing track So, I don't think we can judge you properly on this, oh really dad we really like you but that was terrible If you're gonna sing Aretha you've gotta have a great track I'm just wondering whether we should just do a verse and a chorus maybe a cappella You want some water Yeah, I don't commit commit I Haven't had any of this This will help It it's like magic waters yours Well that just happened Okay, Lister come on you could do this Ansley You better think about Yourself I didn't even know you could've been too much
Channel: Viral Feed
Views: 96,282,381
Rating: 4.8620248 out of 5
Keywords: simon stops her, simon stops the singer, she shocked everyone, how she could shock everyone
Id: kvzStHWKKM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 21sec (201 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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