Guy Fieri And Jay Leno Show Off A 1968 Camaro Convertible | Jay Leno's Garage

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[Music] this episode is called over-the-top I don't want to introduce you to a guy who really is over-the-top and everything he does whether it's collecting cars whether it's having the greatest car bar and I've ever seen or whether its food or restaurants he was one of my favorite guests on The Tonight Show I think you have enjoy meeting them in fact he gave me the best set of steak knives I ever had guy all right brother nice to see you Guy Fieri is best known for his ridiculous love of food oh and his flamboyant sense of style haha but he's also got an over-the-top passion for cars the Guy Fieri is one of my favorites we combine two of my passions cars specifically American muscle cars and American food he does real food not little quail heads served on matchbook covers like when you go to San Francisco LA but let's go inside let's see what you got I'll show you the goods this place is beautiful tell me about it what do you think cheese that's amazing I just got finished building it last week really yeah it was built in 1891 oh is that right yeah yeah this is one of the last of the barns of this kind in this area but I figured this was a great place to store my own you know to put my horsepower sure I figured why don't we start with this car over here I just fell in love with Chevelle's when I was a kid you'd see him running up and down the streets in a little town I grew up in you'd hear all that great muscle power I haven't seen tiger paw GTS tires and how old are those tires are those new repos i they gotta be because I chased them and I haven't seen them either and this one this is 69 yep I bought this on my birthday at barrett-jackson I'd never been to barrett-jackson never bought anything in an auction and never bought anything in an auction on a phone call you know just the kind of customer they like I know don't I have no idea what he's doing even saying it on the phone and now here we have this is the crown jewel isn't the one you drive a lot yeah this is what we do on Triple D hey there I've got 80 and we're rolling out looking for America's greatest drive-ins and dives when the show got picked up yeah four full series the producer said well what do you want to drive in the show and we had to drive a convertible because we had to be able to have those camera stripes driving down the road so I said I want to build the Camaro I want to have the right Camaro I want to do it right so this again has that 502 and just did it all the way through frame off restoration 68 68 very nice and a Shelby Cobra over there the horse power to weight ratio is about the most ridiculous thing in the world you have to be so aware and clear on where you're going what you're doing and how fast yeah no texting while you're driving this this you can't text you can't even take both hands up there I think that you have to have someone shift for you because it is I mean you're happening and of course this is my first hot rod this is the first car I ever bought I didn't have enough money to buy it so I went I've had the car I promised the guy I'd never sell it and in the restaurant business there's a few times time I didn't need to sell right right this is it this is the beginning well what are we gonna drive today yeah I think we should take the one people Triple D come you know I think it'd be fun to do that one be that one could say I drove in that car [Music] so guys so people must really know this car now when you show up in town right they're looking forward to it when they're looking forward to me they look at the car then they look at you and they go that's that oh it's a guy yeah yeah this 68 Camaro has been through 28 seasons of diners drive-ins and dives but it's not just a pretty face for the cameras it's got a GM performance Z Z 502 crate motor a complete Hotchkiss suspension system and a Tremec five-speed manual transmission what else would you expect from over-the-top personality like guy so what came first the food the love of cars believe it or not Jay they were hand-in-hand so you eating in the car when a nap but I'm pumped it's worked out pretty good you know I've been able to achieve quite a few of the cars that I wanted but I mean you know with 150 plus yours like oh and you know I want to get that one while I getting that rolls explodes and makes noise [Laughter] [Music] I read somewhere I used to have a pretzel cart is that true you know there's big new york-style pretzels right right okay well in 1978 in Northern California there was no such thing so my dad helped me build a cart on the back of a three wheel bike and I had this business when I was in sixth grade and that's how I made all my money I was always an entrepreneur always trying to make some money I was trying to you know I paid for myself I paid my own way through college you know I had my responsibilities right everybody else had lemonade stand you had pretzels [Music] so you're sought to live in the American dream wouldn't you say J I am Bobby Mecca I am in it man it's it's a beaut to do what I love which is work and I get to help other people with what they love to do which is cook and at the same time I get to be this you're this sideline car and thrashed that was ever a point where he thought it wasn't going to happen you almost gave up anything like that because I imagine the restaurant business it's got to be debilitating I've been through the good the bad and the ugly yeah yeah but being raised by great parents and having that work ethic my parents with that phenomenal work ethic and my dad my dad's worked for me ever since he retired I mean he came to work with me well I was right as your dad work that's all life now you put on a war working with a great guy who's the giver but you know the great thing is is we built them a house right next to our house you spent a lot of time with my parents my kids got to see meat you know know their grandparents all their life whether it's my parents got to see their grandkids grow up but I'll tell you nothing is easy nothing's for free right but as long as I keep that balance between my family and my career and what I love to do to keep myself balanced it works out ya know it's great it's fantastic [Music] J I gotta tell you that was a blast man but I got to be honest with you I thought this was like over the top I mean this is the Triple D Camaro but well you got something else it's more over the top than this do you have a second yeah I think you're really gonna like this I'll be right back Oh anywhere No [Music] it's called the express lane [Music] so what used to go shopping all these restaurants I got to be able to fill it up with groceries well take me for a ride let's do it let's go shopping [Music] fantastic this is definitely over the top watch out we might hit the top that's right it's the only way to shop on dollar days we own it yeah looking for a big box store well guys thank you is a lot of fun I didn't think you would you would be able to go over the top from what we had but this this certainly certainly does it so thanks again great time go big or go home right Jake that's right you know the sad thing I didn't get anything to eat I got screwed I just came here for the food [Music] hey CNBC fans thanks for checking out our YouTube channel here you'll find videos from all your favorite CNBC shows be sure to subscribe by clicking right here click on the videos around me and watch the videos from CNBC thanks for watching
Channel: CNBC Prime
Views: 243,372
Rating: 4.9094672 out of 5
Keywords: CNBC Prime, news, CNBC, Jay Leno's Garage, Jay Leno, Cars, Jay Leno Cars, Motorcycles, Motorcycle Reviews, Vintage Cars, Classic Cars, Super Cars, Sports Cars, Race Cars, Restored Cars, Guy Fieri, 1968 Camaro, 1968 Camaro Convertible, jay lenos garage, jay lenos garage tour, tim allen jay leno, Jay Leno's Garage CNBC prime, Guy Fieri And Jay Leno, Jay Leno's Garage videos, Guy Fieri and Jay Leno, Camaro Convertible jay lenos garage, jay lenos garage camaro convertible
Id: 8U4Wrs8Qmr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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