Gutter Ball

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so today we have four trees we know the factory rep Bret new door from Iowa from Vermeer that's a long way to travel and we got course Chris Stanley who is like the regular always here Vermeer guy see you in a couple days and then of course we got Damian and Adam and Joe me and Joe and Damian are gonna be climbing today we have four trees we have a big snag we have one tree that's kind of cut into the gut into the eve of the house and leans out over well that's a garage actually we have another one that's just really close then we got a cedar that's kind of jammed between two structures so we gotta figure out who's gonna do what so what are you ready for I'll do this either yeah Joe alright so I'm gonna play this game where I wear because none of us really wants to do anything because it's kind of wet I need an umbrella so I'm gonna right here snag I'm gonna write Eve like the one that's in the Eve and then I'm gonna write what's the other one I'm gonna write closed that's how there's three trees left and I'm just gonna randomly number these so one two or three Joe three snag snag thou hast chosen okay so Joe's gonna go up a snag and I'll guess I'll take one of the others and maybe two of the others so the problem we're having right now is we have to cross this drip line in order to get to the treaty's you guys ready yeah all right let's go okay checking in Joe is right over there that cedar comes out and also that for there ah [Music] [Music] okay now now I take the rope out maybe put one of those Vermeer's out there on the other side of that black stuff yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh your camera I've always had good circulation the steam is just totally rolling off my hands with that blows what's that I don't know let it down right down yeah is it gonna clear yes give me a high-five or something high-five there it goes I got room to pull up my big star now okay make sure your fingers are gonna get pinched by him let him tap it over need like two more people shouting orders its bottom now here it goes [Music] what okay pull it just a little how much holding wood you got Wow it's going it was an Oakland came down and destroyed the gutter it's not something we can fix that was cool that one was not on the house [Music] [Music] [Music] know that serious line there okay yeah take it don't get him let you turn left okay yeah that's your trophy for the day we're square Joe thinks we should shove this gutter under her Corvette maybe she won't notice you
Channel: August Hunicke
Views: 61,465
Rating: 4.9641075 out of 5
Id: kKm32g6B6Os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2016
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