Gutfeld on Hunter Biden hosting media bias course

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[Music] he's taking a crack at something else besides crack dulane university go worms has invited hunter biden to be a guest speaker as part of a 10-week course in the fall the title of the course why cocaine is awesome [Laughter] it's really called media polarization and public policy impacts and why meth is awesome the good news is he will be spending 10 weeks in new orleans where there's never even the slightest temptation to drink or do drugs they were going to offer the class this semester but they didn't want hunter on the faculty during spring break so many kids so many kids showed up to register for this class hunter said it was one of the longest lines he's ever did i mean [Applause] the class is described as focusing on the current state of the media landscape in the united states and how media polarization fake news and the economics of the new business impact public policy making in washington d.c so they're asking a hunter to speak about fake news but wasn't hunter's problem that the news accurately describes his behavior which lucky for him they don't do that often remember this is the guy who recently admitted he loved crack so much he forgot often forgot to wear pants sorry the only fake that bothers him is when his lunch is cut with too much baking soda ryan i have no idea what that joke means i mean like i i don't have the interpretive arts yes well what you need is you need a pan uh it's it's complicated it's two betty crocker he is actually very good with a bunsen burner he's probably should have done a chemistry class yeah i don't know ryan right by the way is this such a bad i'm i'm not going to be like a leftist and say he shouldn't be allowed to speak i want more speakers i think this might be fun i don't know you know i used to teach at a university i still teach university classes and it's a very common practice to have certain courses where you bring in guest speakers right and there's generally the way we would do it was it's a little complicated because it's academics and everything but you try to find someone who actually knows something about the topic and there really is nothing in hunter biden's public record statement behavior or anything yeah suggests he knows anything about media polarization yeah and here's the thing there's like lots and lots of people out there doing really really interesting research on this topic i can tell you like if you have so many friends of the same kind of race and ideological you know composition you're more likely to believe this rather than this and more likely to be conspiratorial and you could bring all those people in and actually offer a really great class yeah if you really wanted to have someone from the president's family there you might have someone who's taught in college you could have dr jill biden for instance yeah you know uh kat i think students might try to kiss his ass by leaving a shiny eight ball on the desk [Laughter] so yeah just like when i was in college uh she hasn't been invited to speak yeah yeah which is insane i know me neither emerson hello i have friends emerson is not a real college okay fine you got me there i mean look it's like there are a lot of people who would be more knowledgeable right but they're not famous and i think that's what a lot of people go for with guest speakers i agree with you greg i don't ever want to try to cancel a college or say that i am you know it has to be shut down because i am so afraid or all these and you notice that you don't really see that you see people kind of just making fun of how funny it is but not saying this is unsafe right this can't happen or i can't go to school excellent point like nobody there's nobody like if if it was a conservative counterpart to this there would be a whole group of people saying i can't be around him i can't go on i can't be on campus i cannot be on campus because he might to me i can't be in my zoom class yeah tyrus what do you think like when he was there what he asked for or like what's he planning on doing after the speech okay first of all i think the photo says it all looks like a scary dehydrated tim robbins right there but the the issue that i'm having with this is i don't believe anyone else is seeing this he's doing it again except this time it's not an oil field he's sitting on the board he's going to dad's got him going to colleges now yes he's doing it again his nepotism you know i mean what is he going to do during the q a right what that's going to be like when a student raises a hand and i have a question crack or eight ball which way do you go you know thanks for asking me afterwards and we'll figure it out i got a guy an alley like this is this is bad he's not an expert on this at all what he's not an ex didn't they ask him that in the interview and he i made great decisions when i was on crack well here's one of them again well i mean you got to admit uh for a crackhead he's gone pretty far but to be i i think he when he when they said that there was going to be a q a he probably heard tna oh yeah yeah that happens sometimes when you get up there hearing problems go julie yeah what's your take on this you would you would actually enjoy this i would not i think it's ironic that he is going to come up to the stage and talk to a bunch of college students who are obviously not going to go very far if this is what they look up to um but you know he's going to talk about fake news after he spent all that time and exhausted his efforts in in decrying his fake laptop um but i don't understand how they choose this and what again makes him qualified because he doesn't have any oh i'm sorry i know i know because his dad's the president oh yes yes that is true but there are students at this college in fact that say that they've been discriminated against for being republicans right so they're saying that the college is clearly tulane it's no surprise here are playing to the president's pocket so to speak the school costs more than 50 000 a year that's elementary school in new york city so not really it's kind of a drop in the bucket it certainly is well i hope that's humble brag julie i don't live in new york city anymore
Channel: Fox News
Views: 110,052
Rating: 4.9022703 out of 5
Keywords: hunter, hunter biden, fox news hunter biden, hunter biden tulane, tulane, fox news hunter biden tule, tulane media bias, hunter biden media bias, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news gutfeld show, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, greg gutfeld, greg gutfeld reacts, greg gutfled monologue, gutfeld, gutfeld monologue, gutfeld monologue tonight, gutfeld panel, gutfeld!, gutfeld! tonight, kat timpf, kat timpf gutfeld, tyrus, tyrus gutfeld, tyrus murdoch
Id: xpCQqcJyzp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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