DeSantis: Silicon Valley aligned with media, Dems is 'like state-run media'

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all right the oxford dictionary defines liberty as freedom to live as you choose without too many restrictions from the government or authority well the red state governors you see right next to me on the stage tonight they understand the meaning of liberty they understand why it's necessary to have freedom to go to school to practice your faith to worship to run a business to choose how you want to act and live so why do those who espouse those traditional beliefs increasingly find themselves just the subject of ridicule and cancellation attempts and how do you prevent those same americans from being purged from the workplace universities and even the military governor desantis you've recently pushed back on this issue through legislation a bill you support would punish big tech companies for de-platforming conservatives and other traditional americans you kind of see this coming i mean the effort to purge the military of extremists which means traditionalists but how do how do americans out there very demoralize about this how do they fight back well we're fighting back in florida so i'm gonna the bill's passed i'm gonna sign a bill that will hold big tech accountable it'll allow you to sue big tech if they your urge to platform you and also produce protections for political candidate speech but here's the thing we cannot let the discourse in our country be controlled by leftist oligarchs in silicon valley and that's what's happened over these last few years silicon valley allied with corporate media and quite frankly the the party in power it's almost like state-run media and conservatives are seeing we're on the odd side out so we've got to fight back and i think this is the strongest piece of state legislation anyone's attempted and i think it'll make a difference and so we look forward to signing that very soon governor reynolds a lot of people that you chat with they're like i don't want to say i don't want to talk about my friend's teacher my daughter's teacher my daughter's coach i can't speak out people are afraid yeah i've never seen anything like i see now in the climate in this country so to all the people watching across the country i say don't be afraid it's your truth don't be afraid speak up we have to take it back that's what they're trying to do is to shut us down by intimidation and we need to stand up for what's right we need to stand up for our rights we're driving free speech on our campuses we've talked about diversity of training in iowa and uh we just need to encourage people to step up do the right thing and um and and fight back it's worth fighting we have to fight back governor ricketts when you see people get de-platform for no reason on these big social media companies i go back to the time that republicans had the house in the senate and they did nothing they did nothing to rein in big tech i think they thought they could cozy up to big tech maybe get some campaign uh contributions along the way that didn't work out well no it didn't and when you see companies like facebook actually editing the wall street journal like that is a that's wall street journal like that's been around forever right isn't that like a regular mainstream kind of news source that's a real one right and their facebook thinks they should edit the wall street journal i think what we have to do is recapture the house and senate the presidency and then there has to be regulation on these companies at a federal level because what they are doing is making decisions that have impact all of us they need to be treated more like the utility that they're acting like governor abbott you agree completely uh i think that these high-tech companies social media companies they need to lose their exemption protections matter right but we're working on a bill in texas sb12 uh that will allow individuals who've been de-platform to sue these high-tech companies to get back on it's structured in a way that will avoid the preemption that these high-tech companies think they have so texans will be empowered to sue big tech to get back on the platforms all right i want to get to another issue governor desantis um the issue oh actually we're going to go to a question first then we'll go to that other issue charles hart from orlando right here in orlando has a question charles well first off governor i'd like to thank you personally for keeping florida free a question i'd like to ask though is this is many people are beginning to believe that america is no longer exceptional or great so what can we do to reinvigorate the belief that america is too great for small dreams well i think it's a great question and uh i was very disappointed after the 2020 election but i told people um when you're when your back's against the wall americans respond and i think we're responding here in the state of florida not only are people coming from all over the country to live here to visit here i get correspondence from people in other countries in europe saying we're now looking to florida as the focal point of the free world because they're suffering under the yoke of lockdowns so we have the ability to lead here people in florida have responded in people throughout the country and even i mean very humbly to see this throughout the world so i think we're doing it right i think greg and kim and all these governors are doing it right and we will have a resurgence of freedom in this country and 2022 i think is going to be a great year for us hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 117,513
Rating: 4.9299808 out of 5
Keywords: abott media, big tech, democrat silicon valley, democrats media, democrats silicon valley, deplatforming, governor desantis, greg abbott, ingraham big tech, mississippi governor, silicon valley, silicon valley democrats, tate reeves, desantis, florida, florida governor, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news desantis, fox news gov ron desantis, fox news media, fox news network, fox news ron desantis, gov desantis, gov ron desantis, governor ron desantis, ron desantis
Id: dhizGe-l3TU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 23sec (323 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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