Gutenberg vs Page Builders (Old School) - Are Page Builders Slow and Bloated?

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so today we're gonna do a very interesting test we're gonna do a fair and objective speed test on gutenberg versus old school page builders by old school i mean elementor seed prod dv beaver builder drive architect teamify and side origin these page builders has been around for a very long time and i'm not forgetting new school page builders like oxygen breaks breezy and live canvas the only reason for me to separate old school and new school is because i want to do a side by side comparison of all page builders like this and i just can't feed more than 8 page builders on the same screen so if you're interested in seeing the comparison for the new school page builders then subscribe to the channel and hit the bell notification anyway if you are new to my channel i share lots of wordpress and online business tutorials and my primary focus is on gutenberg and if you have been following my channel you know that i'm always very critical about page builders because of speed concerns i have much experience with page builders in the past and i've spent thousands of dollars hiring a web developer to optimize my site but the result is still dismal and today i'm trying to prove that point so it's probably much easier for me to prove that point by segregating the new school from old school because i think the new school page builders are built on faster platforms and i think that they will perform better but we'll see about that so without further ado let me share with you how i would conduct this test and how i intend to make it fair and objective the first test we'll do is the build test which means the extra page size javascript and css they are added to a blank page so what we'll do for this test is just to add a header and a button to a page using page builders and we will compare it with the result of a blank page and see how much of a difference it makes the second test which is the most important test we are going to create a simple landing page like this from scratch and i will create them right in front of you so you know there is nothing to hide although i'm critical with page builders i want to make this experiment objective and not based on my opinion transparency is the goal of this video then for us to have accurate results instead of running three rounds of tests on speed testing two such as google pastry insights kingdom and gt metrics at the same time period we will do a total of 10 tests over 12 hours i would do a test at these timings on those speed testing platforms and if you're curious why i'm not doing a test at 8am and 9am it's basically for daddy duties so with this 10 test intervals we'll do an average and then compare the results i think this will allow us to get a very accurate result that is fair and objective to make this test fair what i'm going to do is to install each of these page builders on a separate domain but all these domains are hosted on the same server we will not install any caching plugin and any external elements used on a page such as the images and fonts will be exactly the same also we'll give these page builders the best advantage meaning these page builders will be installed on their own wordpress theme so for example elementor will be installed on the hello theme developed by elementor beaver builder will be installed on the beaver builder team site origin will be installed on the vantage team dv builder will be installed on the dvd team drive architect will be installed on the trive team builder teamify will be installed on the teamify ultra team the only exception will be the seed prod because it does not have a specific team made from the builder so for this case we'll install the fastest wordpress theme that i've tested which is generatepress if you're interested to know why i say generatepress is the fastest wordpress theme then you can check out this video right here i've left the link in the description as well and finally for gutenberg which is our main test subject we'll be installing the generatepress team as well and to help me build the landing page we'll be installing cadence blocks so this kind of gives gutenberg a disadvantage in the sense of compatibility just like cpron so these are the conditions to make the test fair and objective let's start with showing you that all the domains are hosted on the same server so as you can see there are eight different domains installed with the default wordpress theme so to find out if they are hosted on the same server let's use a third party tool called who is hosting this dot com and let's do the test and here we go they all have the same ip address and the name servers are the same as well they are all hosted on the same server which is siteground siteground is one of the fastest mid-range web holds i recommend for speed if you intend to change your web posts maybe you can consider this i've left a link in the description for the latest discount if you're interested anyway let's do a base test on all these domains before we install the page builders that way we will have something to compare it to but before that let me show you what's on the back end as you can see there are no plugins installed on any of these domains [Music] and as you can see i've deleted all the other teams and the only team that is installed on all domains is the 2021 team so let us do the test and i will fast forward this and these are the results and it will be our point of reference for each domain for the bloat test now let us install the themes and page [Music] builders so we've installed all the themes now let's install the page builder plugins so i've installed all the page builder plugins the dv builder and the teamify builder are not necessary because they are built into the team so now let's create a blank page and we will add a header and a button to it [Music] so we've added the header and the default button from each of the page builders now let's do the bloat test so these are the google php inside scores and with just one look you know that which page builders are bloated so now remember we started off on a page size of 40 plus kb on the 2021 team and as for gutenberg where we install the generatepress team the page size is actually smaller than the 2021 theme and from here you can see that dv is the most bloated page builder based on the page size and when it comes to the number of requests elementor has the most and remember we've only added a header and a button and that's it so as you can see from here gutenberg is the only one that is css heavy and the rest are javascript heavy the highest page size is again dv followed by thrive teams and then ranking at the third place is elementor and when it comes to the total request elementor is at a top position followed by thrive teams and then site origin and other than gutenberg none of the page builders have a single digit total page request and when it comes to the total page size gutenberg is on a different level so in terms of the bloat test dv is ranking at a top position in terms of the most bloated page builder so gutenberg vs page builders on a bloat test gutenberg wins and this concludes the bloat test [Music] now let me create a simple landing page and make them look almost identical but i will not make you sit here for hours watching me build up those pages so i will fast forward the process and i hope that my hard work earns a simple thumbs up from you i really spend a lot of time doing this so that you can see for yourself a true and accurate test between gutenberg vs page builders and if you can help to share your opinion and experience with these page builders in the comments section i'll really be grateful for that honestly this entire process took about five hours to complete because i'm not familiar with quite a few page builders and some of them were not very intuitive i've experienced with elementor and tri funky tech so they were easy to navigate around and although i don't have experience with others i found that beaver builder was quite intuitive teamify and dv were a little challenging but manageable once i understood the platform cpr was actually quite easy to use but it is lacking in some features such as the background image overlay and a two column mobile layout and at the end of this process you will see that those features are lacking i've searched on google but i can't find any information but the worst builder of all which i'm gonna drop out from this test is site origin because it is just too hard to navigate around and the live preview isn't really helpful and there are just so many roadblocks in between i spent like 20 minutes trying to figure out how to add the top section and i still couldn't figure it out so it is not intuitive at all and it just doesn't make sense to have this builder because it is 10 times easier to edit with gutenberg blocks so i'm dropping site origin out and i hope you don't think less of this test now i know there are a lot of people saying that it is hard to switch to gutenberg because it is not intuitive there are not many features you can't really see the live view of the page which i totally understand but take me for example i used to work with tribe themes and elementor because they were easy to use and at that point in time the wordpress editor wasn't that robust yet i was always looking for an alternative because i knew with page builders i could never get a google page speed insight score of more than 90 even if i have the best hosting the best wordpress team and search so when wordpress decides to put their focus on gutenberg i started to work on it for a couple of hours and if you have worked on a wordpress editor before it's kind of intuitive and of course there was a learning curve but after a while it gets easy it is all about getting used to it every page builder of platform has a learning curve it might be a little uncomfortable at first but once you get a hang of it it gets easier and easier much like anything you do in life and in this page building process it was a learning curve for me to get to know other page builders as well it's all about getting used to it and honestly gutenberg is not lacking in features it is a misconception i would say gutenberg can offer up to 80 to 90 of what page builders can do so it is so advanced now that i'm confident recommending it to people who own a wordpress website so the reason why i emphasize so much on using gutenberg is because of the benefits to it firstly in the past you could never create a professional looking website without investing some money on either the wordpress team or a page builder but now with gutenberg having a professional looking website for free is within grabs and the biggest benefit of all is you can finally have the opportunity to achieve a 90 plus google page speed rating considering the fact that google is going to take into account the web vitals of your site anyway this was a tedious process but i felt it was necessary and that's why i'm going through the process and now i'm done the next step is the final test and i'm gonna wake up at 5 00 am to do it so let's go [Music] so let me give you a brief what i fast for this process again there are a total of 10 tests conducted over 12 hours and this will give us a very accurate gauge on the performance of each page builder and if you notice within each test i had to do multiple tests on google pagespeed insights because i want to eliminate the issue with reduced initial server response time because i think this has nothing to do with the performance of the page builder if i was testing the server speed i would have taken that into account so to make this test fair i had to do multiple testing and make sure there is no such issue on the results so this will not give advantage to any particular page builder in case you're wondering and i noticed that the results from gt matrix is not very accurate i mean when you look at the final result you will see that trife architect is crowned the fastest loading page builder even faster than gutenberg which is impossible and this reminded me when i was using thrive teams products exclusively when i questioned them about why my site was producing a poor result on google pagespeed insights they told me to ignore those results and focus on gt metrics and this is probably the reason why anyway that does not matter anymore because with the coming google call update they will look at the web vitals on google php inside so no matter the results on gt metrics i think what's important is the data from google [Music] so here we are at the final results and we'll start with the results from gt matrix and as i said trife architect is getting the best score for loading time and beaver builder as well and they are faster than guttenberg which is kind of weird and there is a reason behind this if you look at the results from gutenberg the fully loaded time for gutenberg is hovering around 900 plus milliseconds 800 plus milliseconds and there is this one seconds over here and if you look at this there is this 700 plus milliseconds and this result as well and they are the fastest recorded timing for all the results shown here for all page builders but the one result that caused gutenberg to slow down a lot is the last test over here is getting 1.8 seconds and this brought down the overall average and that's why you're looking at this so whether or not you take this as a reliable test result i'll leave it up to you the reason why i say it is weird is because with a small page size and a low request count it's kind of weird that the fully loaded time is so high i mean if there are a lot of web requests it makes sense for the server to take a longer time to fulfill those requests but with a small request count and a small page size it just doesn't make sense that it takes 1.8 seconds to load i hope this makes sense to you and that's why i will not focus so much on the results from gt metrics and i choose to put more focus on the web vitals from google php insights which we'll look at in a while anyway the total piece size for gutenberg is half the size of those popular page builders or even three times smaller than those popular page builders and the total number of requests is the smallest as well and when we look at pingdom gutenberg has the highest overall grid and you might be wondering why is it not getting grade a and the reason is because it is not optimized otherwise you can achieve grade a easily with gutenberg like my website it is almost the size of the test subject and it loads much less requests because it is optimized for speed i couldn't say the same for page builders though i think they will not get a grade a even if they are optimized because innately they load a lot more requests than gutenberg but anyway this unoptimized good my page has the smallest page size and it loads the smallest amount of requests and finally the most important test of all google page speed insights and as you can see here gutenberg is the only one that achieved the result of more than 90. and when comparing the results of this versus the data from gt metrics the difference for trife architect is heaven and earth trife architect got the worst result of all followed by dv and elementor of all the old school page builders beaver builders seem to be one of the best performing but overall gutenberg trumps all page builders in all aspects of the web vitals so gutenberg vs old school page builders you know who wins the next question is will these new school page builders perform close or even better than gutenberg we will discover that in another video so if you haven't subscribed to the channel yet please do so with the bell notification so you won't miss any future videos from my channel anyway thank you for watching this video if you are using any of these page builders please seriously consider switching it to gutenberg because the next google update in may will be focused on call web vitals which simply means page speed if you want to know more about the google update i've left links in the description also if you struggle with switching between page builders and gutenberg you can check out this video at the top right i think this will be very helpful to you and if you need a gutenberg tutorial you can check out the video at the bottom hope to get a thumbs up from you if you did thank you all the best to you stay cool and stay safe
Channel: Jack Cao
Views: 4,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gutenberg vs page builders, gutenberg blocks, gutenberg blocks vs elementor, page builders, wordpress gutenberg, gutenberg wordpress, best landing page builders, fastest landing page builder, gutenberg blocks plugin, wordpress gutenberg vs elementor, gutenberg vs elementor speed, gutenberg vs elementor, gutenberg vs elementor 2021, gutenberg vs divi, gutenberg vs page builder, gutenberg vs beaver builder, gutenberg vs elementor vs beaver builder vs brizy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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