7 More FREE Gutenberg Block Plugins! Page Builders Go Bye Bye!

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a couple of months ago i published this video where i talked about 11 gutenberg blog plugins that will make page builders obsolete we've talked about cadence blogs stackable get with atomic blocks and all these cool awesome blog plugins and in this video i have seven more now if you don't know yet wordpress has been pushing its community to use gutenberg blogs and you probably heard people saying that gutenberg has limited features you can't do what elementor can do it is hard to use and so on and so forth and honestly those are old news [Music] if somebody would have claimed that gutenberg blocks can't do this or can't do that it simply means that they are still stuck in the past i've proven it time and time again in a couple of tutorials showing you how you can easily build beautiful web pages with gutenberg that passes the core web vitals and i will continue to create tutorials showing you how you can level up your wordpress site built with gutenberg blogs so if you haven't subscribed to the channel feel free to do so so you won't miss any of the videos and if this video did provide value to you i hope you can smash that thumbs up button for the youtube algorithm and if you did thank you now you definitely want to stick around to the end because i've left the best blog plugins towards the end and i guarantee that you'll be amazed by what you see so let's go hey this is jack and if this is your first time watching a video from my channel i share a lot of wordpress and online business related content i have an ever growing list of wordpress tutorials page speed optimization case studies affiliate marketing content and many more and i've left some links in the description that will bring you to those playlists and i hope that my channel will continue to provide more value to you anyway i don't want to waste your time let's get started with the first gutenberg blog plugin [Music] now my first impression of gutender is wow seriously let me show you what i mean you see from the wordpress editor they have these elements and then they have another section for modules and then the post types and terms and they also have another section for widgets and as you can see there are so many of them and if that's not enough they have a template library where they have 386 blogs 171 templates and over 20 template kits all for free so there are really no words to describe good under other than wow gutender is developed by the team from acme which has created cosmos wp and all these wordpress products it has over 50 000 active installs with a 4.9 out of 5 stars so this is an incredible gutenberg blog plugin the arm progress bar consists of circular as well as horizontal where most plugins will separate them and you can basically customize the text you can position the text accordingly and you can also play with the color if you want you can change the color of the bar as well for example this you can change the color of this as well so when it comes to customization this is quite flexible the same goes for other blogs such as the video pop-up where you can embed a youtube video or you can display a self-hosted video you can adjust the video pop-up holder change the icon if you want and what i like most is this animation because it grabs attention now the only downside to this is that when you embed a youtube video it doesn't automatically display the youtube thumbnail you have to manually upload an image but to be fair i haven't seen a gutenburg blog plugin that will display a youtube thumbnail automatically i hope some developers will solve this issue for us i think this is quite an important feature but anyway what i really like about gutender is that whatever basic blocks you require for example the counter the rating the google maps the accordion tabs table of contents everything that is commonly used on a webpage can be found here and whatever you wish to customize within the blog can be found here as well so the developers of gutender has really put a lot of thought and effort into this and they have done this all for free for the wordpress community so gutender thank you for that now as we know all the basic blocks that we need can be found in good under but if you ask me which is the most unique block from this plugin i would say it is this new sticker let me show you how it looks like but before that let me remove all these blocks and here we go this is commonly used in news and magazine sites where they'll display all the categories and you can basically set whatever posts or articles to be displayed so this is really cool and best of all these are all for free and they have quite a lot of vlogs to discover but i can't go through every single one of them so i'll just share with you one more unique feature they have which is this restaurant menu widget if you run a restaurant you can add this here set the price upload an image here and it will look like this so this plugin is really awesome you should go check it out and let me know what you think in the comment section now let's go to the next gutenberg blog plugin [Music] now this is a joke okay and don't hold this against me i installed blog spare on my site and i visited the blog selection pane and i immediately laughed because the first blog i see in the glance was bs call to action and i'm like thinking why the hell would anyone name a call to action bs and then i see other blogs and i realized oh bs means blog spare okay this is unintentional and please if i offended you i'm sorry i'm just sharing with you something i find funny but jokes aside they have quite a library of gutenberg blogs 27 free blogs to be exact they have the accordion blog the icon list post grid post lists and tabs which are commonly found in most blog plugins the unique ones i would say are the social sharing this is not your usual social profile links but it is for your readers to share your articles on social media this feature is commonly found on blogs now i know some of you may be asking do they have the sticky mobile social sharing bar at the bottom the answer is no and they are only limited to facebook twitter pinterest and linkedin and that's it i hope they will improve on this and maybe some other plugins can take reference from this and improve on it the progress bar is quite uncommon as well as it looks nice and clean you can change the colors of each bar you can change the color of the percentage but you can't change the color of this text as well as the contrast color of the bar now the business model of this block is a little different from the others others will promote the pro version as a way for you to get more gutenberg blocks it seems that their pro version is for you to have more customization options like for example the button block for the free version you can customize these few features but for the others like the border style icon on button icon type icon color you can't really customize them on the free version you need the pro version to customize them so i don't know what you think about this model let me know your thoughts in the comments i've left a link in the description to this documentation where they justify what is free and what is pro so if you are interested in using this blog plugin you can go check it out other than that i think this is quite a decent block plugin just that if you want to use the free version take note that you have to live with the customization restrictions [Music] so gutenbee is created by the team from css igniter it has more than 5000 active installs and a 4.9 stars out of 5 reviewed by 13 people one glance and you can see that there are quite a number of gutenberg blocks but i'll be honest with you most of these blocks are quite common and some are rather the upgraded version of the standard blocks from the wordpress editor for example the video embed block you have these controls here and you can determine the start and end time this is an upgrade from the native video embed in the wordpress editor the gooden b paragraph gives you some customization options rather than a plain paragraph block from wordpress the other blocks are quite common as well such as the icon box the divider gallery the accordion tabs and some of these blocks are kind of redundant in my opinion because they can easily be created with layout options such as the banner block you can change the background color the text color they have this parallax i'm not sure what this is so let's go check it out i think it is nothing special or maybe i need to add an image nothing is happening maybe i'm doing something wrong i'm not quite sure like i'm clicking and hovering to it but there's no effect at all so it's a little buggy in this sense but most of this can be done with layout options except for the effects that didn't work in this case the other redundant one i feel is this image box as you can see you can put an image here and they have some heading and text here this can be easily done with layout options as well now the blocks i think are quite unique are the review block where it can show the rating here and you can rate a product by different categories and i want to say the food menu is unique and it's better than the one you see from good under and i would say the most unique blog of all is this image comparison blog so maybe your business needs to show a before and after effect maybe some weight loss or acne before and after images let me show you how it works let's add an image here let's say this is the before and let's add another image and let's say this is the after image and let's update this before that let me clear everything else and here we go you have this slider where your site visitors can see the before and after this is quite cool now there is another blog plugin that has this i will show it to you in a while and you can decide which is better but for me this is really good enough i really like how this works but the only thing is you can't change this before and this after i guess this is meant for that but if you want to use this for something else you can't really change this and you can't adjust the overlay and how these look in general i would say this is an above average plugin it has all the necessary features but i feel the need to work on the customization and now let's go to the fourth plugin now post x is the only blog plugin on the market that is laser focused on helping you build magazine style websites and i have a separate tutorial showing you how it works and how you can create a beautiful magazine site in just minutes if you are interested in checking that video out i've left a link in the description anyway this blog plugin has over 10 000 plus active installs and a 4.8 star out of 5 review by 84 people so you know this is good in the free version they have this four post list styles as you can see they will generate a preview for you they have a post slider which looks great they have a total of seven post grid styles and the layouts look really great you can find all these grid layouts in popular magazine sites and now you no longer need to rely on a wordpress theme to provide you with the magazine layouts simply use a free plugin like this and you can do wonders and they have all these standard blocks now what's great about this plugin is in each of these post greets you have full control over how the post grid works whatever you wish to customize they have a setting here so the developers have really put a lot of thought into creating this and the cool thing about this blog is that their pagination are ajax powered which means that whenever you click on the next page the entire page will not reload it will stay at that position just imagine you have a very long article and at the bottom you have this page nation if you click on it and the page reloads you will be brought back up to the top and this is very standard for wordpress blog roll i had this issue with one of my tutorials where i shared how i designed this category page which takes a long scroll to the bottom and when i hit the next page it brings me back up to the top and if i want to go to the next page again i have to click on this and it will bring me back up again so in the user experience point of view this is not good but with post x the ajax solves this issue also the full block library gives you full page templates if you're using the free plugin you have three amazing looking templates and if you want to go for premium you have a lot more options any magazine layouts imaginable they have it here plus they have a lot of ready-made block designs in the free version you have all these cool looking ones and in the premium they have a lot more and the awesome thing is you can customize the category pages if you decide to get the post x pro by default those pages such as the blog roll category pages and archive pages are only customizable with hulk elements or you need a magazine team to do that but now with post x pro you can customize those category pages easily it is like an essential plugin if you are running a magazine style website so if you own a magazine style website or you intend to create one go check it out i've left the link in the description i think they are running a summer sale right now but if you are watching this later on when the sale is over don't worry about it they will always have promos throughout the year and if you want to get notified when they are running promos you can subscribe to my email list in the description and now let's go to the fifth plugin [Music] now this blog plugin is made for affiliate marketers who owns a blog i think this is probably the only blog plugin that is not amazon focused it is made for you to promote any types of affiliate products they have quite a few blocks such as the pros and cons you can control the title tag so this is good for seo they have segregated the pro settings from the con settings where you can change the icons and you can change the title as well and you can change the typography and even the colors so this block is very handy for affiliate marketers something like this is very commonly used in the flat sites just like the star rating and this single product block where you can write a review summary of a product and if you want something more like the comparison table which is commonly used in affiliate sites this is mobile optimized as well which is really awesome or this top pick with specifications which is mobile optimized as well all these are in the pro version so basically whatever an affiliate marketer needs for their wordpress niche site or niche site whatever you call it they have all the suitable gutenberg blog for you if you want to check them out you can use this link to find out more about them [Music] now this is one of the plugins that was highly requested when i posted the previous video a lot of people have been asking why i didn't include cubely in the list so i'm doing it right here honestly i think this is one of the best blog plugins in this list so i kept it till now but i know some people say that their support is not responsive etc but regardless of that they have some of the most unique gutenberg blocks and even with the free version it provides tons of customizations to make your website look modern i'll give you an example if you use this info box let's change the background a little so we can see the effect and let's go to the advanced settings and let's go to interaction and let's enable mouse movement and when you click this live button you can see that as you hover to the info box it has this cool effect and you're gonna publish this post before this effect will be effective if your post is in the draft mode i don't think the effect will work but if it's on a live page it will work just fine the next unique block is this image comparison it works similar to the block you see from gutenbee let me add that to the page and let's upload the same images and once done let's check it out your site visitors now have this awesome feature to play with you can customize the text color you can change the typography the vertical alignment the slider color you can even add retina images in case you want to let your user zoom in for a clearer view so there are a lot more customization options than the one from gutenbee personally i think this is much better because there are a lot more customization options but what do you think let me know in the comment section plus they have this animated headline which i love and as you can see it works like this if you use elementor they have this typing effect and now you can have that on your site it is highly customizable you can change the animation type to loading bar to scale to twists to delete typing or whatever and you can add the animated text change the text after the text before you can control the heading tags control the animated fill color change the typography so this is highly customizable and i think this is the only blog plugin that provides this feature correct me if i'm wrong and on top of that they have a lot more features as well there are some common ones like the icon the button google maps accordion but basically i think they have one of the most unique features what i'm excited to try is their advanced table blog and the form builder because you can create very detailed forms like this so cubely is really awesome in my opinion and it is developed by the same team that created tutor lms that allows you to create a marketplace for tutors just like udemy and wp crowdfunding where you can create sites like gofundme if you want to check them out you can use this link with this code to get a 10 percent discount honestly i think cubely is one of the top gutenberg block plugins on the market and i hope to see more from them [Music] this blog is very interesting and it is created by some very talented modern web designers because the elements that i put into these gutenberg blogs will make your website look modern for example this parallax slider you can put whatever image on this blog for example this as you hover around the image you can see that the parallax element in action you can control the title color the style of the button and the typography and another interesting block is this interactive promo let me add an image let's say this it looks very common right but as you hover can you see the effect and you can basically change the promo effect to all this like the bubar chico dexter which is really cool duke goliath jazz layla lexi this is really cool and just imagine you put this on your page it will make your webpage look very modern especially this moses effect i've never seen such effect in gutenberg blocks but again correct me if i'm wrong so there are a lot more customization options as well and best of all this is free this is really good for call to action elements such as a button or an info box as you can place a link to this interactive promo box but some things that i'm missing i would say are the ability to make this a full width block otherwise this could have been used as a hero banner for home pages and you can't really control the overlay of the block for example if i use the oscar effect you will see that there is this blue thin overlay on the block and there is no way that you can adjust that if we can adjust that that will be amazing each effect comes with different overlay colors so you just need to select the right effect that matches your site branding other than that this is a great gutenberg blog a very interesting one indeed plus there is something that a lot of gutenberg blog plugins that created the pricing table miss which is the ability to toggle between two pieces of content so for example you want this to be a monthly payment plan and you want the second toggle to be yearly plan you can toggle between that and you can add a pricing table for monthly as well as yearly a lot of blog plugins have the pricing block but you can either have your customer pay monthly or yearly you can't toggle between the two you'll probably need to display a separate pricing table elsewhere on the page or on a separate page whereas in the essential blocks you have this toggle feature that solves this problem for you so overall i think this is a great plugin and they have a lot of others that you can play around with and best of all these are all free the developers and the owners of this plugin are really generous and they have put a lot of thought in the ux design and functionality so you should really check them out honestly so what do you think which is your favorite gutenberg blog plugin have i missed any more awesome blog plugins i believe i've covered every one of them i saw a few others they are not worthy of a mention but for the promising ones i believe i've covered them or if i miss any let me know in the comment section i would love to hear from you anyway thank you for sticking around i hope we get a thumbs up from you and if you've done that thank you also if you want to learn how to build amazing wordpress sites from scratch with gutenberg blogs i have a playlist at the top and if you're trying to optimize your website for call web vitals you can check out the playlist at the bottom all the best to you stay cool and stay safe [Music] i'm thirty feet off the ground
Channel: Jack Cao
Views: 6,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gutenberg wordpress, wordpress gutenberg, gutenberg block plugins, gutenberg wordpress blocks, wordpress gutenberg blocks, gutenberg wordpress 2021, best gutenberg blocks, best gutenberg plugins 2021, best gutenberg block plugins, best gutenberg builder, best gutenberg plugin, best gutenberg addons, best gutenberg page builder, gutenberg blocks plugin, #gutenberg, wp gutenberg custom blocks, gutenberg blocks for wordpress, gutenberg blocks free, gutenberg wordpress review
Id: A55fMmGBpgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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