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it is so raining outside if you can see out there and I think this calls for a fresh batch of bone broth oh that's a tongue twister and so I'm gonna take you guys along with me today and show you exactly how I make my own broth in two hours and the instant pot hey guys welcome back to my channel and for those of you who are here for the first time my name is Madeline lemon and before we get started go ahead and hit the subscribe button below to see more videos like this I'm gonna be making a video every single Friday for you that has to do with health wellness and fulfillment okay let's get started so I've had a lot of people reaching out recently asking me for my bone broth recipe because I make it in the instant pot and so I figured I would just film it so all of you can have it so normal bone broth takes 24 to 48 hours on the stovetop or in the crock pot depending on whether it's chicken bone broth or beef bone broth but regardless it's a super long time and when you're drinking as much bone broth as me which is like 5 to 6 cups a day yes I know it's a lot I want a really intensive gut healing protocol right now so I have to drink a lot but a normal person should really be drinking a cup of this a day anyway and having a bone broth cooking on your stove for hours upon hours or in my case it would be like 24/7 it's just not realistic so you probably have an instant pot if you're watching this video and if you don't you absolutely need one they're the best it can be done in two hours yes two hours and series it's so crazy takes like five minutes to put everything in there and you have the exact same quality of bone broth as you would get for doing it for a super super long time so if you're not already drinking this freaking powerhouse that is bone broth let me explain to you why you should be drinking it so bone broth is full of tons of vitamins and minerals lots of electrolytes for those of you on keto and thinking about that and it's full of collagen which is so good for your hair skin nails joints if you want that glow the collagen is absolutely the way that you get that so it's also full of l-glutamine which is important to heal and seal the gut lining so if you have IBS leaky gut irritable bowel disease I have Crohn's disease you really want to focus on healing and sealing that gut lining and so this is going to do a great job at that which is going to allow you to absorb your nutrients allow your beneficial bacteria to grow and thrive and also to help support the reduction of inflammation which is so so important so like I said we're gonna make this in about five minutes we're gonna set it in the instant pot for two hours strain it and it's done and then you can freeze it if you don't want to use all of the liquid or you can drink a ton of this a day and get the amazing benefits okay I'm going to switch my camera around and set it up so that I can show you exactly how to make this okay so we're ready to get started on our build broth now and the main ingredient of this bone broth which is a chicken bone broth is something that you might have never used before and that is chicken feet so I know these look totally crazy and like some kind of witch's brew ingredient but these are full of collagen all of these joints are the best sources of collagen that you're going to get from the chicken as well as the legs so we're actually going to put some of those in at the end as well from our chicken that I roasted just the other day okay the other ingredients that we're going to use is an onion celery carrots and parsnips these are my non-negotiables when I make a bone broth I always use those and then I kind of vary the other ingredients depending on what I have in my kitchen so for this bone broth we are going to use ginger and turmeric which are two of my favorite anti-inflammatory ingredients so these are going to be really really tasty the ginger especially in the broth is really really good and the tumeric you won't taste very much at all and then we are also going to put in some bay leaves and some apple cider vinegar which draws out the minerals from the bones and then at the end gonna add in some Italian parsley but we'll worry about that at the end okay so the first thing that I do is just super roughly chop these vegetables now a great thing about bone broth is that you do not have to peel things you don't have to chop them small like this for example I'm just chopping one full onion into four pieces and then I'm throwing that right in the pot and the same goes with celery and I just chop this up into you know an inch and a half size pieces and put all of this inside and then I'm gonna do the same with the carrots and the parsnips so I really like the carrots and the person in the crowd because they add a lot of nutrients and a depth of flavor that's a little bit sweet and I don't know if you guys ever use parsnips in your cooking but this is a very underrated vegetable it is one of my absolute favorite vegetables it smells so so good oh sorry cut oh but if you cut up in a parsnip and you smell it is like heaven so this one's really really big so I'm just putting it in a little bit smaller chopped mussel presence but you can still I'm just gonna throw in big chunks and then for the turmeric we're just going to cut this up a little bit smaller so that it has a chance you can see this gorgeous gorgeous orange color be careful this will stain if you're not careful and you can actually use this to make tumeric lattes or add it to any curries or things like that that you're making and it'll bring a super amazing anti-inflammatory component to any of your dishes now I'm cutting these ginger up and as you can see I'm really just eyeballing all of this that looks like about enough I like to put a lot of ginger in there that's probably I don't know three tablespoons worth of ginger and then I'm gonna put in two bay leaves she'll fit in three and then a splash of apple cider vinegar I'm sorry this recipes not super specific but it's really just about kind of eyeballing and putting in what you have so I just put a generous splash of that and now comes the fun part so I'm going to open up these chicken feet now you can totally use frozen chicken in the instant pot which is amazing and you can use frozen chicken feet so these are partially frozen and I just bought these right in there I've got a trashcan right next to me now you can just use the chicken feet if you want but if you have any roasted bones I always always save my bones from any kind of a roast chicken that I do so I made a rice chicken two nights ago and I just stuck it right in the freezer I went to this done so I'm gonna whole carcass and I have some other bones as well so I'm gonna stick in these legs and I think I'll save the spine I don't know what you call it the body of the chicken for another batch of bone broth because I always like to put in a little something extra and the flavors from the roasted chicken bring out a nice flavor in the bone broth as well okay so that's literally all you have to do that probably took what like a minute or two just to cut everything up and stick it in there all we have to do is add water and set our timer and we are ready to go okay so as you can see I'm pouring my water and it's very important to use filtered water and I'm gonna fill it all the way up to that two-thirds max this is the 8 quart instant pot if you have a 6 quart you may need to use a little bit less vegetables and you'll get a little bit less yield but either way it doesn't have to be precise at all which is awesome okay so I added the water and it forgot to add salt and pepper so I'm just gonna grab that and for this just do I don't know maybe a teaspoon of salt and then a few good drawings of and the pepper is actually really good because it makes the turmeric more bioavailable to your body so that you can absorb it more and they obviously bring a great player okay so that's all I have to do I'm going to grab the top and put it on front and turn this on so all I have to do is literally press pressure cook this is on low pressure so I'm going to change it to high and it's already on two hours now if this was on a different time set it to two hours make sure it is set to ceiling and then you wait so you're extracting all the nutrients from this tube so it's really going to work against you if you're getting conventional chicken or conventional vegetables because basically all those pesticides and any impurities are just going to come out into the bone broth so I personally go to the farmers market I talked to my farmers and I get the best chicken available just to make my bone broth I wouldn't even consider the chicken that used for your Brock more important than the chicken that you eat although I try to get that pastured as well and 100% organic vegetables if at all possible and filtered water so I'm going to check back in with you in about two hours alright guys the bone broth is done it's been about three hours I just let the pressure out for the last 30 minutes my instant pot it's like faulty or something and it feels like it takes forever to let the pressure out but I just wanted to show you what I do after this is finished and how I strain everything and what I do afterwards so I'm just going to open this up it's already pressurized ooh and just be obviously really careful so there are a couple of different options of ways to strain this so the first option well in all cases you want to get a big giant bowl that you're gonna put all this bone broth in you can use a fine mesh strainer to just kind of lay over top of that bowl and then scoop in or pour in your bone broth and this will catch all the pieces this isn't quite large enough for me so I'm gonna use this giant colander set it inside of the bowl and then my husband when he does if he likes him just pour it in there but I am like terrified of the heat so what I'm gonna do is take a slotted spoon or you can use tongs and I'm going to scoop out the bigger chunks right into this bowl so let me get out some of these bigger pieces like I said okay so this is the kind of gross part we've got lots of feet coming out and this is where you really do feel like you should be you know with a pointy hat on and saying spells over somebody or something and yeah this would just take a minute and then once I'm done then I'm just gonna pour all of this liquid right on top of here and it should catch any of the remaining little pieces and that's pretty much it I'm gonna do one final step that is to add the parsley once this is straight okay you know like this is all the biggest pieces and then when I'm finished by the way I just let these pieces cool and then I put them in the trash can because if you throw them in your trash it will melt your trash bag also a side note you can actually use bones twice I almost never do because I am just lazy and I don't want to pick them out and freeze them and all that but you can definitely use them twice and if you're trying to be frugal all right cool now this is a little scary because this is very very hot see if I can do this without burning myself you can see this has a nice golden color and that's from the tumeric all right okay so this goes on the sink well and then all you have to do actually I'm going to keep using is this is missing a handle which actually lets it sit inside the bowl but it's a little hard to pick up so I'm just going to let this drain a little bit more and then I'm going to set this off to the side to let it cool and you can put it in another Bowl if you don't want it to drip everywhere I'm just kind of set it in the sink okay so if you see here I don't know if you can see this but it got us a lot of liquid this is probably nearly four quarts worth and I'm just gonna add the parsley which I've got to grab out of the fridge okay I've got my parsley and this is kind of an optional step if you have the time if you don't have extra time just pour it straight into freezer-safe mason jars and let it cool down and then stick it in your freezer make sure to leave room you can also leave it in your fridge for I'd say up to a week otherwise you could put it let it cool first and then put it in a ziplock bags and put that in your freezer so what I'm going to do is take this parsley and I'm just gonna stick it in here now if you were making this on your stovetop you can just put the parsley in for like the last hour that you were cooking it but obviously with the instant pot that's not really possible so I'm just gonna let it sit in here until this is cooled down and that should infuse all the great vitamins and minerals from the parsley okay so I'm finished with my bone broth it's cooling on the counter and you might be wondering what the heck do you do with bone broth besides just drink it out of a mug which is a great idea but I actually eat chicken soup every single more for breakfast that I make and I use my bone broth to make that so I'm thinking about posting a video with that recipe so let me know in the comments below if that's something that you want to see also let me know what types of videos you want to see in the comments as well because I all be posting a video every single Friday and if you want to make sure not to miss those make sure to hit the subscribe button below and I will see you guys next time bye
Channel: Madeline Lemon
Views: 638,435
Rating: 4.8551488 out of 5
Keywords: bone broth, gut healing, gut health, keto, AIP, Autoimmune protocol, chicken broth, clean keto, keto recipes, glowing skin, how to get glowing skin, l-glutamine, glutamine, collagen, benefits of bone broth
Id: z0lpwuPf6Wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 25 2019
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