Tarkov Stim Guide: Take These Stims in to Every Raid.... Tarkov 0.14

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stimulants there are so many in Escape From tarov and some of them can be really confusing about what they do you get ones that increase your stats and statistics on your character you got other ones that heal you but today I want to show you the ones that I use and that I swear by you have to have these on you every single raid in your injector case right so we're going to start from here and what I'll do is I'll go through each steem one by one telling you exactly which ones are the best ones to use the which ones I have in my container but before we get into that there will be one honorable mention this is a sometimes in my injector case sometimes not and this is the free btg stem and the reason why it is sometimes stem and sometimes in there sometimes not it's because I'm currently running some testing on it as of right now because I've been doing a lot of testing recently on contacts and the different contacts of increasing the ranges of where you can hear from and with this dim it it increases your range of hearing even more so on top of like the contact fours will give you like a 74 M range in hearing add this on top of it after I did some testing added about six extra meters in range of hearing with this obviously this would happen regardless of whereas are wearing the headset anyway so if I was just wearing no headset i' would still get extra 6 M but it increased it even more with something really overpowered like the contact fors just makes them even stronger now it doesn't just do that as well it also increases your strength by 10 points as well and also your attention skill so your perception skill is the one where increases the range but your perception also increases your range of being able to see things on the floor like the little perception dot coming up so you'd be to uh loot stuff on the floor but like I said I am currently running testing on this now so it's sometimes sometimes not STM but moving on to the actual allrounder this is the skim that I use the absolute most this will be quite an obvious one for a lot of you guys but for some new people who don't know is the propol regenerative steem it is stem is insane it's kind of the do everything stem so not only does it increase your metabolism your health Your vitality skill but it also gives you a slight Health regeneration it's one point per second now that isn't a lot has been changed so it has been nerfed I'm pretty sure cuz I remember it being stronger than one that was before but we also uh removes pain so this kind of replaces morphins Morphin are really useless now you realistically just want to be using this all the time because it only gives you 60 seconds less pain remover effect than the morphing does but as the Regeneration and all the skills effective on that on top of that and you can pick these up on the flea market for around 22,000 rues I'm pretty sure that's what they're listing for right now 26,000 r 27 but there's a really good craft for them using ibuprofen and golden stars if you just like use all the ibuprofen golden star down to one use go into your hideout and you can craft seven from it it's a really really cheap way of doing it also a good way of making money if you have a a surplus of them too next to my second most used steem and this one is going to be the obber doers 2 cocktail this steem has replaced the mule for me I still don't understand what the mule is selling for so much in the flea market where you get this di for about 45,000 rues and then the mule is on the flea market for around 100,000 rues but the mule got nerfed uh now you get the health regeneration so you get you actually lose health over time with taking this dim and it was the same with the obod doblas as well you both lose this so if you couple this up with the propol so that it kind of counteracts the effectiveness that you lose he from so you'll be gaining and losing at the same time you still get the added benefit of having the weight reduction it's only 45% on the double doublist and 50% on the mule but for 5% for double the price it just isn't worth it plus the oobas also increases your endurance strength and attention skill where the mule does not the mule actually only does nothing apart from just increasing your weight limit so this is just a far superior stim to the mule for half the price so it's a no-brainer you always need to have one of these on you cuz if you're ever overweight you pretty much just smack this Senor and just good to go now the next s can also be coupled up with the oblas at the same time as well but I usually only use this when I have like one particular item on me was really worth of value like a a quest item or I found a ladex or something like that that I just need to get out of the raid instantly and that's going to be the sj6 now the sj6 gives you 240 seconds of stamina recovery plus two and also stamina increased by 30 as well so this just allows you to pretty much run infinitely you'll be able to cross like a good portion of the map before you stamina Buzz runs a zero and then you're recovery time on top of that will be up to with this so it just means that you'll be able to get out the map pretty quickly with Whatever item you need to get out with there's nothing really much to say about this STM is literally just gives you increased running distance but again a very useful Sim to have on you and for if you're wondering the stim is actually quite expensive at the moment is selling for about 72,000 rues on the flea market but it's always good just to have one of these on you next up is going to be the steem that has saved my life more times than I can count as that is the EtG steem now you've been playing the game for a long time this has been like that for a while it essentially is just like the propol but on steroids so you get health regeneration but instead of one point it's 6.5 points so for instance if you get absolutely smashed your body's rinsed to Pieces you've got like loads of different limbs missing loads of health and you just need to get health very very quickly boom Jack this into here you pretty much back up from like no Health all the way to full health within about 5 seconds so if you're fighting somebody and you can get away from them for a couple of seconds this will get you back into a fighting stance pretty much immediately it also does increase your metabolism skill and your immunity skill um as well as energy recovery too but the main thing people use this for is definitely going to be the Regeneration now it does have some side effects energy recovery and endurance and health after the 60 seconds we out of it so it does have some negative effects afterwards but they're they're by The Bu now moving on to the last two sims that I have so one is the peror and the other one is the zustin they kind of do a similar things but they're a little bit different so let me just explain so the perur I would say is the better version of The zagustin Sim because not only does it stop and prevent bleed for 60 seconds not as long as what the Augustin does but it also has Health regeneration and actually it's better than the propol so that's good but it just doesn't have the removed pain effect the propol has this would be like the go-to stem for everything if it removed pain and it had health regeneration and stop bleeds you essentially would never use a propile you would never use as a gusta but because it's missing that pain effect you could run Morphin with this and couple those two together to have that but realistically I still prefer just to have a propile and then having as auston if I have a load of bleeds now this does also increase your metabolism and it also removes toxins at the moment from you as well and radiation exposure but those aren't actually in the game yet so radiation exposure is coming in the future we've had a little bit of the toxic stuff coming in with one of the events we had last patch but uh nothing major yet but we are expecting to get some form of radiation sickness or some kind of radiation pain in the future there's been a market in game for ages for it but there's like never been anything in the game to actually give it to as yet so that's just something to come in the future and then like I said moving on to the last one there's Augustin so again this is similar to what the prer T does but it just does it better so it stops light and heavy bleeds uh but it's 180 seconds this time so you know need to stop all of your head bleeds you got on at one time but like I said it will last longer before you get another one so if you're in a really long engagement with somebody and you're constantly getting bleeds over and over again it will do that uh but it does give some bonuses to skills so you get Vitality plus 20 seconds but not really that great to be fair and then your metabolism goes down on this one was a little bit different but it does also as well give you hand tremors and you get terrible hydration recovery with this too so like I said it kind of give and take between these two stims whether you want to use the perorin or use the disgustin I personally just keep the austing on me because it is cheaper CU obviously youve got different prices because with the perat obviously it does more it's going to be more expensive it's about 42,000 R but with as Augustin because doesn't Des Dove as much it's going to be 25,000 rues so it's not as expensive to replace and there we have it they are all the Sims that I use in raid these Sims have saved my life so many times I still see so many new players who don't go for the injector case early and don't use it honestly like the these these Sims will literally make or break your raid depending on certain situations and there's pretty much a steim here for every situation that you're going to get into at some point so if you aren't running Sims or you've been thinking about it you just load up with these have them in your injected case and I guarantee you within a raid or two that you'll be using them and I guarantee it will save your life or help you get out of that raid but I appreciate all the support we've been having recently and like I said we're getting back to the YouTube grind again I have been just smashing out Tik toks over the Christmas time that's why the YouTube slowed down but we're now going to ramp things back up again uh but if you have enjoyed this video or has been helpful any way shape or form please remember to like comment comment and subscribe for more and if you also want more of me I do live stream on Monday Wednesday and Fridays over on Twitch Link in the bio for that and remember have a great day
Channel: offsidegunner
Views: 4,682
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Keywords: tarkov wipe, escape from tarkov wipe, tarkov, tarkov news, escape from tarkov, new tarkov, tarkov august wipe, escapefromtarkov, tarkov gameplay, offsidegunner, tarkov airdrops, tarkov.14, tarkov update, EpicLoot, tarkov loot, Tarkov PVP, eft, tarkov injectors guide, tarkov injectors, tarkov stimulant guide, tarkov stimulants, escape from tarkov injectors, sj6 stimulant, new tarkov stims, sj12, sj6, esg stim, patch 0.14 tarkov
Id: gIs81rM71fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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